QuakeConsole added.

This commit is contained in:
Kolan Sh 2022-01-25 16:17:46 +03:00 committed by Kolan Sh
parent a5ed9ac2e9
commit 38ad350475
1 changed files with 48 additions and 6 deletions

View File

@ -310,7 +310,35 @@ disk = wibox.widget.textbox()
vicious.register(disk, vicious.widgets.fs, '<span color="#E68347">${/ avail_gb}/${/home avail_gb}/${/mnt/1tb avail_gb}Gb </span>', 15) vicious.register(disk, vicious.widgets.fs, '<span color="#E68347">${/ avail_gb}/${/home avail_gb}/${/mnt/1tb avail_gb}Gb </span>', 15)
disk:buttons(diskicon:buttons()) disk:buttons(diskicon:buttons())
local mywibox_height = 14.5
local function update_quake_console(cli)
if cli == nil then
for c in awful.client.iterate(function (c) return c.instance == "QuakeConsole" end)
cli = c
if cli == nil then return end
if (not cli.hidden) then
cli.floating = true
if cli.maximized then
cli.border_width = 0
cli.border_width = 2
cli.width=awful.screen.focused().workarea.width * 0.96
cli.height=awful.screen.focused().workarea.height * 0.7
cli.x = awful.screen.focused().workarea.width * 0.02
cli.y = awful.screen.focused().workarea.height * 0.3 + mywibox_height
cli.ontop = true
cli:move_to_screen(awful.screen.focused ())
cli.skip_taskbar = true
client.focus = cli
----< Wibar >-------------------------------------------------- ----< Wibar >--------------------------------------------------
-- --
@ -408,7 +436,7 @@ awful.screen.connect_for_each_screen(function(s)
s.mytasklist = awful.widget.tasklist(s, awful.widget.tasklist.filter.currenttags, tasklist_buttons) s.mytasklist = awful.widget.tasklist(s, awful.widget.tasklist.filter.currenttags, tasklist_buttons)
-- Create the wibox -- Create the wibox
s.mywibox = awful.wibar({ position = "top", screen = s, height = 14.5 }) s.mywibox = awful.wibar({ position = "top", screen = s, height = mywibox_height })
-- Add widgets to the wibox -- Add widgets to the wibox
s.mywibox:setup { s.mywibox:setup {
@ -588,7 +616,18 @@ globalkeys = gears.table.join(
awful.key({ }, "Print", function () awful.util.spawn_with_shell ("DATE=`date +%Y%m%d_%H%M%S`;".. awful.key({ }, "Print", function () awful.util.spawn_with_shell ("DATE=`date +%Y%m%d_%H%M%S`;"..
"xsnap -nogui -file $HOME/screenshots/$DATE && geeqie -r $HOME/screenshots/$DATE.png") end, {description = "print screen", group = "screen"}), "xsnap -nogui -file $HOME/screenshots/$DATE && geeqie -r $HOME/screenshots/$DATE.png") end, {description = "print screen", group = "screen"}),
-- Lock Screen -- -- Lock Screen --
awful.key({ "Mod4" }, "l", function () os.execute ("xscreensaver-command --lock") end, {description = "Lock screen", group = "login"}) awful.key({ "Mod4" }, "l", function () os.execute ("xscreensaver-command --lock") end, {description = "Lock screen", group = "login"}),
-- Quake Console --
awful.key({ modkey }, "grave",
function ()
os.execute ("pgrep -O1 -f QuakeConsole || urxvt -name QuakeConsole -title QuakeConsole &")
for c in awful.client.iterate(function (c) return c.instance == "QuakeConsole" end)
do c.hidden = not c.hidden end
{description = "toggle quake console", group = "quake"}
) )
clientkeys = gears.table.join( clientkeys = gears.table.join(
@ -971,6 +1010,7 @@ client.connect_signal("manage", function (c)
-- Prevent clients from being unreachable after screen count changes. -- Prevent clients from being unreachable after screen count changes.
awful.placement.no_offscreen(c) awful.placement.no_offscreen(c)
end end
if c.name == "QuakeConsole" then update_quake_console(c) end
end) end)
-- Add a titlebar if titlebars_enabled is set to true in the rules. -- Add a titlebar if titlebars_enabled is set to true in the rules.
@ -1030,7 +1070,7 @@ client.connect_signal("unfocus", function(c) c.border_color = beautiful.border_n
client.connect_signal("property::floating", function(c) client.connect_signal("property::floating", function(c)
if c.maximized or c.fullscreen then return end if c.maximized or c.fullscreen then return end
if c.floating and not c.maximized and not c.fullscreen then if c.floating and not c.maximized and not c.fullscreen and not c.name == "QuakeConsole" then
if c.titlebar == nil then if c.titlebar == nil then
c:emit_signal("request::titlebars", "rules", {}) c:emit_signal("request::titlebars", "rules", {})
end end
@ -1048,8 +1088,10 @@ client.connect_signal("property::maximized", function(c)
c.border_width = 0 c.border_width = 0
else else
if c.floating then if c.floating then
if not c.name == "QuakeConsole" then
awful.titlebar.show(c) awful.titlebar.show(c)
c.border_width = 2 c.border_width = 2
end end
end end
end) end)