This commit is contained in:
Stefan Gehn 2008-02-01 18:36:15 +00:00
commit 81d79d6568
201 changed files with 138778 additions and 0 deletions

COPYING Normal file
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@ -0,0 +1,676 @@
Version 3, 29 June 2007
Copyright (C) 2007 Free Software Foundation, Inc. <>
Everyone is permitted to copy and distribute verbatim copies
of this license document, but changing it is not allowed.
The GNU General Public License is a free, copyleft license for
software and other kinds of works.
The licenses for most software and other practical works are designed
to take away your freedom to share and change the works. By contrast,
the GNU General Public License is intended to guarantee your freedom to
share and change all versions of a program--to make sure it remains free
software for all its users. We, the Free Software Foundation, use the
GNU General Public License for most of our software; it applies also to
any other work released this way by its authors. You can apply it to
your programs, too.
When we speak of free software, we are referring to freedom, not
price. Our General Public Licenses are designed to make sure that you
have the freedom to distribute copies of free software (and charge for
them if you wish), that you receive source code or can get it if you
want it, that you can change the software or use pieces of it in new
free programs, and that you know you can do these things.
To protect your rights, we need to prevent others from denying you
these rights or asking you to surrender the rights. Therefore, you have
certain responsibilities if you distribute copies of the software, or if
you modify it: responsibilities to respect the freedom of others.
For example, if you distribute copies of such a program, whether
gratis or for a fee, you must pass on to the recipients the same
freedoms that you received. You must make sure that they, too, receive
or can get the source code. And you must show them these terms so they
know their rights.
Developers that use the GNU GPL protect your rights with two steps:
(1) assert copyright on the software, and (2) offer you this License
giving you legal permission to copy, distribute and/or modify it.
For the developers' and authors' protection, the GPL clearly explains
that there is no warranty for this free software. For both users' and
authors' sake, the GPL requires that modified versions be marked as
changed, so that their problems will not be attributed erroneously to
authors of previous versions.
Some devices are designed to deny users access to install or run
modified versions of the software inside them, although the manufacturer
can do so. This is fundamentally incompatible with the aim of
protecting users' freedom to change the software. The systematic
pattern of such abuse occurs in the area of products for individuals to
use, which is precisely where it is most unacceptable. Therefore, we
have designed this version of the GPL to prohibit the practice for those
products. If such problems arise substantially in other domains, we
stand ready to extend this provision to those domains in future versions
of the GPL, as needed to protect the freedom of users.
Finally, every program is threatened constantly by software patents.
States should not allow patents to restrict development and use of
software on general-purpose computers, but in those that do, we wish to
avoid the special danger that patents applied to a free program could
make it effectively proprietary. To prevent this, the GPL assures that
patents cannot be used to render the program non-free.
The precise terms and conditions for copying, distribution and
modification follow.
0. Definitions.
"This License" refers to version 3 of the GNU General Public License.
"Copyright" also means copyright-like laws that apply to other kinds of
works, such as semiconductor masks.
"The Program" refers to any copyrightable work licensed under this
License. Each licensee is addressed as "you". "Licensees" and
"recipients" may be individuals or organizations.
To "modify" a work means to copy from or adapt all or part of the work
in a fashion requiring copyright permission, other than the making of an
exact copy. The resulting work is called a "modified version" of the
earlier work or a work "based on" the earlier work.
A "covered work" means either the unmodified Program or a work based
on the Program.
To "propagate" a work means to do anything with it that, without
permission, would make you directly or secondarily liable for
infringement under applicable copyright law, except executing it on a
computer or modifying a private copy. Propagation includes copying,
distribution (with or without modification), making available to the
public, and in some countries other activities as well.
To "convey" a work means any kind of propagation that enables other
parties to make or receive copies. Mere interaction with a user through
a computer network, with no transfer of a copy, is not conveying.
An interactive user interface displays "Appropriate Legal Notices"
to the extent that it includes a convenient and prominently visible
feature that (1) displays an appropriate copyright notice, and (2)
tells the user that there is no warranty for the work (except to the
extent that warranties are provided), that licensees may convey the
work under this License, and how to view a copy of this License. If
the interface presents a list of user commands or options, such as a
menu, a prominent item in the list meets this criterion.
1. Source Code.
The "source code" for a work means the preferred form of the work
for making modifications to it. "Object code" means any non-source
form of a work.
A "Standard Interface" means an interface that either is an official
standard defined by a recognized standards body, or, in the case of
interfaces specified for a particular programming language, one that
is widely used among developers working in that language.
The "System Libraries" of an executable work include anything, other
than the work as a whole, that (a) is included in the normal form of
packaging a Major Component, but which is not part of that Major
Component, and (b) serves only to enable use of the work with that
Major Component, or to implement a Standard Interface for which an
implementation is available to the public in source code form. A
"Major Component", in this context, means a major essential component
(kernel, window system, and so on) of the specific operating system
(if any) on which the executable work runs, or a compiler used to
produce the work, or an object code interpreter used to run it.
The "Corresponding Source" for a work in object code form means all
the source code needed to generate, install, and (for an executable
work) run the object code and to modify the work, including scripts to
control those activities. However, it does not include the work's
System Libraries, or general-purpose tools or generally available free
programs which are used unmodified in performing those activities but
which are not part of the work. For example, Corresponding Source
includes interface definition files associated with source files for
the work, and the source code for shared libraries and dynamically
linked subprograms that the work is specifically designed to require,
such as by intimate data communication or control flow between those
subprograms and other parts of the work.
The Corresponding Source need not include anything that users
can regenerate automatically from other parts of the Corresponding
The Corresponding Source for a work in source code form is that
same work.
2. Basic Permissions.
All rights granted under this License are granted for the term of
copyright on the Program, and are irrevocable provided the stated
conditions are met. This License explicitly affirms your unlimited
permission to run the unmodified Program. The output from running a
covered work is covered by this License only if the output, given its
content, constitutes a covered work. This License acknowledges your
rights of fair use or other equivalent, as provided by copyright law.
You may make, run and propagate covered works that you do not
convey, without conditions so long as your license otherwise remains
in force. You may convey covered works to others for the sole purpose
of having them make modifications exclusively for you, or provide you
with facilities for running those works, provided that you comply with
the terms of this License in conveying all material for which you do
not control copyright. Those thus making or running the covered works
for you must do so exclusively on your behalf, under your direction
and control, on terms that prohibit them from making any copies of
your copyrighted material outside their relationship with you.
Conveying under any other circumstances is permitted solely under
the conditions stated below. Sublicensing is not allowed; section 10
makes it unnecessary.
3. Protecting Users' Legal Rights From Anti-Circumvention Law.
No covered work shall be deemed part of an effective technological
measure under any applicable law fulfilling obligations under article
11 of the WIPO copyright treaty adopted on 20 December 1996, or
similar laws prohibiting or restricting circumvention of such
When you convey a covered work, you waive any legal power to forbid
circumvention of technological measures to the extent such circumvention
is effected by exercising rights under this License with respect to
the covered work, and you disclaim any intention to limit operation or
modification of the work as a means of enforcing, against the work's
users, your or third parties' legal rights to forbid circumvention of
technological measures.
4. Conveying Verbatim Copies.
You may convey verbatim copies of the Program's source code as you
receive it, in any medium, provided that you conspicuously and
appropriately publish on each copy an appropriate copyright notice;
keep intact all notices stating that this License and any
non-permissive terms added in accord with section 7 apply to the code;
keep intact all notices of the absence of any warranty; and give all
recipients a copy of this License along with the Program.
You may charge any price or no price for each copy that you convey,
and you may offer support or warranty protection for a fee.
5. Conveying Modified Source Versions.
You may convey a work based on the Program, or the modifications to
produce it from the Program, in the form of source code under the
terms of section 4, provided that you also meet all of these conditions:
a) The work must carry prominent notices stating that you modified
it, and giving a relevant date.
b) The work must carry prominent notices stating that it is
released under this License and any conditions added under section
7. This requirement modifies the requirement in section 4 to
"keep intact all notices".
c) You must license the entire work, as a whole, under this
License to anyone who comes into possession of a copy. This
License will therefore apply, along with any applicable section 7
additional terms, to the whole of the work, and all its parts,
regardless of how they are packaged. This License gives no
permission to license the work in any other way, but it does not
invalidate such permission if you have separately received it.
d) If the work has interactive user interfaces, each must display
Appropriate Legal Notices; however, if the Program has interactive
interfaces that do not display Appropriate Legal Notices, your
work need not make them do so.
A compilation of a covered work with other separate and independent
works, which are not by their nature extensions of the covered work,
and which are not combined with it such as to form a larger program,
in or on a volume of a storage or distribution medium, is called an
"aggregate" if the compilation and its resulting copyright are not
used to limit the access or legal rights of the compilation's users
beyond what the individual works permit. Inclusion of a covered work
in an aggregate does not cause this License to apply to the other
parts of the aggregate.
6. Conveying Non-Source Forms.
You may convey a covered work in object code form under the terms
of sections 4 and 5, provided that you also convey the
machine-readable Corresponding Source under the terms of this License,
in one of these ways:
a) Convey the object code in, or embodied in, a physical product
(including a physical distribution medium), accompanied by the
Corresponding Source fixed on a durable physical medium
customarily used for software interchange.
b) Convey the object code in, or embodied in, a physical product
(including a physical distribution medium), accompanied by a
written offer, valid for at least three years and valid for as
long as you offer spare parts or customer support for that product
model, to give anyone who possesses the object code either (1) a
copy of the Corresponding Source for all the software in the
product that is covered by this License, on a durable physical
medium customarily used for software interchange, for a price no
more than your reasonable cost of physically performing this
conveying of source, or (2) access to copy the
Corresponding Source from a network server at no charge.
c) Convey individual copies of the object code with a copy of the
written offer to provide the Corresponding Source. This
alternative is allowed only occasionally and noncommercially, and
only if you received the object code with such an offer, in accord
with subsection 6b.
d) Convey the object code by offering access from a designated
place (gratis or for a charge), and offer equivalent access to the
Corresponding Source in the same way through the same place at no
further charge. You need not require recipients to copy the
Corresponding Source along with the object code. If the place to
copy the object code is a network server, the Corresponding Source
may be on a different server (operated by you or a third party)
that supports equivalent copying facilities, provided you maintain
clear directions next to the object code saying where to find the
Corresponding Source. Regardless of what server hosts the
Corresponding Source, you remain obligated to ensure that it is
available for as long as needed to satisfy these requirements.
e) Convey the object code using peer-to-peer transmission, provided
you inform other peers where the object code and Corresponding
Source of the work are being offered to the general public at no
charge under subsection 6d.
A separable portion of the object code, whose source code is excluded
from the Corresponding Source as a System Library, need not be
included in conveying the object code work.
A "User Product" is either (1) a "consumer product", which means any
tangible personal property which is normally used for personal, family,
or household purposes, or (2) anything designed or sold for incorporation
into a dwelling. In determining whether a product is a consumer product,
doubtful cases shall be resolved in favor of coverage. For a particular
product received by a particular user, "normally used" refers to a
typical or common use of that class of product, regardless of the status
of the particular user or of the way in which the particular user
actually uses, or expects or is expected to use, the product. A product
is a consumer product regardless of whether the product has substantial
commercial, industrial or non-consumer uses, unless such uses represent
the only significant mode of use of the product.
"Installation Information" for a User Product means any methods,
procedures, authorization keys, or other information required to install
and execute modified versions of a covered work in that User Product from
a modified version of its Corresponding Source. The information must
suffice to ensure that the continued functioning of the modified object
code is in no case prevented or interfered with solely because
modification has been made.
If you convey an object code work under this section in, or with, or
specifically for use in, a User Product, and the conveying occurs as
part of a transaction in which the right of possession and use of the
User Product is transferred to the recipient in perpetuity or for a
fixed term (regardless of how the transaction is characterized), the
Corresponding Source conveyed under this section must be accompanied
by the Installation Information. But this requirement does not apply
if neither you nor any third party retains the ability to install
modified object code on the User Product (for example, the work has
been installed in ROM).
The requirement to provide Installation Information does not include a
requirement to continue to provide support service, warranty, or updates
for a work that has been modified or installed by the recipient, or for
the User Product in which it has been modified or installed. Access to a
network may be denied when the modification itself materially and
adversely affects the operation of the network or violates the rules and
protocols for communication across the network.
Corresponding Source conveyed, and Installation Information provided,
in accord with this section must be in a format that is publicly
documented (and with an implementation available to the public in
source code form), and must require no special password or key for
unpacking, reading or copying.
7. Additional Terms.
"Additional permissions" are terms that supplement the terms of this
License by making exceptions from one or more of its conditions.
Additional permissions that are applicable to the entire Program shall
be treated as though they were included in this License, to the extent
that they are valid under applicable law. If additional permissions
apply only to part of the Program, that part may be used separately
under those permissions, but the entire Program remains governed by
this License without regard to the additional permissions.
When you convey a copy of a covered work, you may at your option
remove any additional permissions from that copy, or from any part of
it. (Additional permissions may be written to require their own
removal in certain cases when you modify the work.) You may place
additional permissions on material, added by you to a covered work,
for which you have or can give appropriate copyright permission.
Notwithstanding any other provision of this License, for material you
add to a covered work, you may (if authorized by the copyright holders of
that material) supplement the terms of this License with terms:
a) Disclaiming warranty or limiting liability differently from the
terms of sections 15 and 16 of this License; or
b) Requiring preservation of specified reasonable legal notices or
author attributions in that material or in the Appropriate Legal
Notices displayed by works containing it; or
c) Prohibiting misrepresentation of the origin of that material, or
requiring that modified versions of such material be marked in
reasonable ways as different from the original version; or
d) Limiting the use for publicity purposes of names of licensors or
authors of the material; or
e) Declining to grant rights under trademark law for use of some
trade names, trademarks, or service marks; or
f) Requiring indemnification of licensors and authors of that
material by anyone who conveys the material (or modified versions of
it) with contractual assumptions of liability to the recipient, for
any liability that these contractual assumptions directly impose on
those licensors and authors.
All other non-permissive additional terms are considered "further
restrictions" within the meaning of section 10. If the Program as you
received it, or any part of it, contains a notice stating that it is
governed by this License along with a term that is a further
restriction, you may remove that term. If a license document contains
a further restriction but permits relicensing or conveying under this
License, you may add to a covered work material governed by the terms
of that license document, provided that the further restriction does
not survive such relicensing or conveying.
If you add terms to a covered work in accord with this section, you
must place, in the relevant source files, a statement of the
additional terms that apply to those files, or a notice indicating
where to find the applicable terms.
Additional terms, permissive or non-permissive, may be stated in the
form of a separately written license, or stated as exceptions;
the above requirements apply either way.
8. Termination.
You may not propagate or modify a covered work except as expressly
provided under this License. Any attempt otherwise to propagate or
modify it is void, and will automatically terminate your rights under
this License (including any patent licenses granted under the third
paragraph of section 11).
However, if you cease all violation of this License, then your
license from a particular copyright holder is reinstated (a)
provisionally, unless and until the copyright holder explicitly and
finally terminates your license, and (b) permanently, if the copyright
holder fails to notify you of the violation by some reasonable means
prior to 60 days after the cessation.
Moreover, your license from a particular copyright holder is
reinstated permanently if the copyright holder notifies you of the
violation by some reasonable means, this is the first time you have
received notice of violation of this License (for any work) from that
copyright holder, and you cure the violation prior to 30 days after
your receipt of the notice.
Termination of your rights under this section does not terminate the
licenses of parties who have received copies or rights from you under
this License. If your rights have been terminated and not permanently
reinstated, you do not qualify to receive new licenses for the same
material under section 10.
9. Acceptance Not Required for Having Copies.
You are not required to accept this License in order to receive or
run a copy of the Program. Ancillary propagation of a covered work
occurring solely as a consequence of using peer-to-peer transmission
to receive a copy likewise does not require acceptance. However,
nothing other than this License grants you permission to propagate or
modify any covered work. These actions infringe copyright if you do
not accept this License. Therefore, by modifying or propagating a
covered work, you indicate your acceptance of this License to do so.
10. Automatic Licensing of Downstream Recipients.
Each time you convey a covered work, the recipient automatically
receives a license from the original licensors, to run, modify and
propagate that work, subject to this License. You are not responsible
for enforcing compliance by third parties with this License.
An "entity transaction" is a transaction transferring control of an
organization, or substantially all assets of one, or subdividing an
organization, or merging organizations. If propagation of a covered
work results from an entity transaction, each party to that
transaction who receives a copy of the work also receives whatever
licenses to the work the party's predecessor in interest had or could
give under the previous paragraph, plus a right to possession of the
Corresponding Source of the work from the predecessor in interest, if
the predecessor has it or can get it with reasonable efforts.
You may not impose any further restrictions on the exercise of the
rights granted or affirmed under this License. For example, you may
not impose a license fee, royalty, or other charge for exercise of
rights granted under this License, and you may not initiate litigation
(including a cross-claim or counterclaim in a lawsuit) alleging that
any patent claim is infringed by making, using, selling, offering for
sale, or importing the Program or any portion of it.
11. Patents.
A "contributor" is a copyright holder who authorizes use under this
License of the Program or a work on which the Program is based. The
work thus licensed is called the contributor's "contributor version".
A contributor's "essential patent claims" are all patent claims
owned or controlled by the contributor, whether already acquired or
hereafter acquired, that would be infringed by some manner, permitted
by this License, of making, using, or selling its contributor version,
but do not include claims that would be infringed only as a
consequence of further modification of the contributor version. For
purposes of this definition, "control" includes the right to grant
patent sublicenses in a manner consistent with the requirements of
this License.
Each contributor grants you a non-exclusive, worldwide, royalty-free
patent license under the contributor's essential patent claims, to
make, use, sell, offer for sale, import and otherwise run, modify and
propagate the contents of its contributor version.
In the following three paragraphs, a "patent license" is any express
agreement or commitment, however denominated, not to enforce a patent
(such as an express permission to practice a patent or covenant not to
sue for patent infringement). To "grant" such a patent license to a
party means to make such an agreement or commitment not to enforce a
patent against the party.
If you convey a covered work, knowingly relying on a patent license,
and the Corresponding Source of the work is not available for anyone
to copy, free of charge and under the terms of this License, through a
publicly available network server or other readily accessible means,
then you must either (1) cause the Corresponding Source to be so
available, or (2) arrange to deprive yourself of the benefit of the
patent license for this particular work, or (3) arrange, in a manner
consistent with the requirements of this License, to extend the patent
license to downstream recipients. "Knowingly relying" means you have
actual knowledge that, but for the patent license, your conveying the
covered work in a country, or your recipient's use of the covered work
in a country, would infringe one or more identifiable patents in that
country that you have reason to believe are valid.
If, pursuant to or in connection with a single transaction or
arrangement, you convey, or propagate by procuring conveyance of, a
covered work, and grant a patent license to some of the parties
receiving the covered work authorizing them to use, propagate, modify
or convey a specific copy of the covered work, then the patent license
you grant is automatically extended to all recipients of the covered
work and works based on it.
A patent license is "discriminatory" if it does not include within
the scope of its coverage, prohibits the exercise of, or is
conditioned on the non-exercise of one or more of the rights that are
specifically granted under this License. You may not convey a covered
work if you are a party to an arrangement with a third party that is
in the business of distributing software, under which you make payment
to the third party based on the extent of your activity of conveying
the work, and under which the third party grants, to any of the
parties who would receive the covered work from you, a discriminatory
patent license (a) in connection with copies of the covered work
conveyed by you (or copies made from those copies), or (b) primarily
for and in connection with specific products or compilations that
contain the covered work, unless you entered into that arrangement,
or that patent license was granted, prior to 28 March 2007.
Nothing in this License shall be construed as excluding or limiting
any implied license or other defenses to infringement that may
otherwise be available to you under applicable patent law.
12. No Surrender of Others' Freedom.
If conditions are imposed on you (whether by court order, agreement or
otherwise) that contradict the conditions of this License, they do not
excuse you from the conditions of this License. If you cannot convey a
covered work so as to satisfy simultaneously your obligations under this
License and any other pertinent obligations, then as a consequence you may
not convey it at all. For example, if you agree to terms that obligate you
to collect a royalty for further conveying from those to whom you convey
the Program, the only way you could satisfy both those terms and this
License would be to refrain entirely from conveying the Program.
13. Use with the GNU Affero General Public License.
Notwithstanding any other provision of this License, you have
permission to link or combine any covered work with a work licensed
under version 3 of the GNU Affero General Public License into a single
combined work, and to convey the resulting work. The terms of this
License will continue to apply to the part which is the covered work,
but the special requirements of the GNU Affero General Public License,
section 13, concerning interaction through a network will apply to the
combination as such.
14. Revised Versions of this License.
The Free Software Foundation may publish revised and/or new versions of
the GNU General Public License from time to time. Such new versions will
be similar in spirit to the present version, but may differ in detail to
address new problems or concerns.
Each version is given a distinguishing version number. If the
Program specifies that a certain numbered version of the GNU General
Public License "or any later version" applies to it, you have the
option of following the terms and conditions either of that numbered
version or of any later version published by the Free Software
Foundation. If the Program does not specify a version number of the
GNU General Public License, you may choose any version ever published
by the Free Software Foundation.
If the Program specifies that a proxy can decide which future
versions of the GNU General Public License can be used, that proxy's
public statement of acceptance of a version permanently authorizes you
to choose that version for the Program.
Later license versions may give you additional or different
permissions. However, no additional obligations are imposed on any
author or copyright holder as a result of your choosing to follow a
later version.
15. Disclaimer of Warranty.
16. Limitation of Liability.
17. Interpretation of Sections 15 and 16.
If the disclaimer of warranty and limitation of liability provided
above cannot be given local legal effect according to their terms,
reviewing courts shall apply local law that most closely approximates
an absolute waiver of all civil liability in connection with the
Program, unless a warranty or assumption of liability accompanies a
copy of the Program in return for a fee.
How to Apply These Terms to Your New Programs
If you develop a new program, and you want it to be of the greatest
possible use to the public, the best way to achieve this is to make it
free software which everyone can redistribute and change under these terms.
To do so, attach the following notices to the program. It is safest
to attach them to the start of each source file to most effectively
state the exclusion of warranty; and each file should have at least
the "copyright" line and a pointer to where the full notice is found.
<one line to give the program's name and a brief idea of what it does.>
Copyright (C) <year> <name of author>
This program is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify
it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by
the Free Software Foundation, either version 3 of the License, or
(at your option) any later version.
This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
GNU General Public License for more details.
You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License
along with this program. If not, see <>.
Also add information on how to contact you by electronic and paper mail.
If the program does terminal interaction, make it output a short
notice like this when it starts in an interactive mode:
<program> Copyright (C) <year> <name of author>
This program comes with ABSOLUTELY NO WARRANTY; for details type `show w'.
This is free software, and you are welcome to redistribute it
under certain conditions; type `show c' for details.
The hypothetical commands `show w' and `show c' should show the appropriate
parts of the General Public License. Of course, your program's commands
might be different; for a GUI interface, you would use an "about box".
You should also get your employer (if you work as a programmer) or school,
if any, to sign a "copyright disclaimer" for the program, if necessary.
For more information on this, and how to apply and follow the GNU GPL, see
The GNU General Public License does not permit incorporating your program
into proprietary programs. If your program is a subroutine library, you
may consider it more useful to permit linking proprietary applications with
the library. If this is what you want to do, use the GNU Lesser General
Public License instead of this License. But first, please read

COPYRIGHT Normal file
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@ -0,0 +1,14 @@
The code in the GKrellM distribution is Copyright (C) 1999-2007 by Bill Wilson
except for:
md5global.h, base64.c which are Copyright 1997 by Eric S. Raymond and
are under the GPL.
md5.h, md5c.c which are public domain.
smb.h, smbbyteorder.h, smbdes.c, smbdes.h, smbencrypt.c, smbencrypt.h,
smbmd4.c, smbmd4.h, smbutil.c and ntlm.h which are GPL files from
fetchmail-6.2.5 and are Copyright Andrew Tridgell as noted in the
fetchmail COPYING file.
some system dependent files which port GKrellM to architectures other
than Linux are Copyright their authors as indicated in the respective files.

CREDITS Normal file
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@ -0,0 +1,14 @@
Thanks to all who have submitted patches and translations for GKrellM.
Credits for the patches and the translations are in the Changelog under
the version for which the submissions were made.
GKrellM was originally written to run under Linux, but OS dependent code
has been contributed to allow GKrellM to run under other systems:
Darwin: Ben Hines <>
FreeBSD: Hajimu UMEMOTO <>
NetBSD/OpenBSD: Anthony Mallet <>
Solaris: Daisuke Yabuki <>
Windows: Bill Nalen <>
Stefan Gehn <>

Changelog Normal file

File diff suppressed because it is too large Load Diff

Changelog-plugins.html Normal file

File diff suppressed because it is too large Load Diff

Changelog-themes.html Normal file
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@ -0,0 +1,502 @@
<title>GKrellM Themes Changelog</title>
<body background="paper1.gif">
<h2 align=center>GKrellM Themes Changelog</h2>
Changes in 2.2.3 - 2.3.1
Changes in 2.2.2
* Added label_yoff gkrellmrc style variable to control y offset of labels
in case there's a need to control that indepedent of top margin. Not all
panels use labels, so this may be of special case usefulness.
StylePanel *.label_yoff n
StyleMeter *.label_yoff n
* Added chart_text_no_fill gkrellmrc variable.
The default is to fill chart text rectangle extents with the chart
background so the text will be more readable on top of data. Set this
to draw chart text without first filling (this will also prevent chart
text caching so there will be slightly increased CPU usage.
chart_text_no_fill true
Changes in 2.2.1
Changes in 2.2.0
* The Pango text drawing now used is slower than GdkFont and to prevent
a noticeable overall increase in gkrellm cpu usage, there's a new
scroll text decal variation for scrolling text applications where Pango
text is drawn onto a pixmap which is then scrolled across the extents
of the decal.
The limitation here is that this scroll text pixmap must have a
background (which is derived from the panel background image) and for
all themes, the pixmap background can't exactly blend with the panel
background as the decal pixmap is scrolled.
For most themes this will be at worst only slightly noticeable, but it
might be a problem for some themes with high gradient panel backgrounds.
For these problem cases a theme can turn off use of the scrolling pixmap
with a new gkrellmrc StyleMeter line. Some example lines:
StyleMeter fs.scroll_text_cache_off = yes
StyleMeter gkrellmms.scroll_text_cache_off = yes
StyleMeter *.scroll_text_cache_off = yes
The builtin monitors which use scroll text decals are: host, fs,
mem, and swap.
Plugins must be modified to use the scroll text feature, but will
probably include plugins like gkrellmms, gkrellmwho2, ...
The scroll text cache is automatically turned off for themes having
transparent panel backgrounds.
* Fonts are no longer set from a theme gkrellmrc file and users will
config their own font preferences as they would likely have to do anyway
since existing gkrellmrc font settings are tailored for GdkFont and
don't display well under Pango.
Changes in 2.1.17 - 2.1.28
Changes in 2.1.16
* Themes can be installed as /usr/share/themes/THEME_NAME/gkrellm2
and ~/.themes/THEME_NAME/gkrellm2 as an install convenience if
making a gtk2, gkrellm2, ... meta theme.
Changes in 2.1.1 - 2.1.15
Changes in 2.1.0
* bg_chart and bg_panel/bg_meter images can have left and right areas
which overlap onto the left and right frames. This allows the frames
to have structures aligned with charts and panels.
The frame_{left|right}_panel_overlap values are applied to the bg_panel
images of chart monitors, and the bg_meter images of meter monitors.
The frame_{left|right}_chart_overlap values are applied to bg_chart
images. Top/bottom borders can be set for the overlap areas.
New gkrellmrc settings for these ('x' values are ignored):
frame_left_chart_overlap = l
frame_right_chart_overlap = r
frame_left_panel_overlap = l
frame_right_panel_overlap = r
frame_left_chart_border = x,x,t,b
frame_right_chart_border = x,x,t,b
frame_left_panel_border = x,x,t,b
frame_right_panel_border = x,x,t,b
* Spacer images can now be set for all monitors, for chart styled
monitors only, or for meter styled monitors only. They may still be
set for specific monitors in monitor subdirectories.
Spacers may also have left and right overlap areas and left/right
borders can be set for them. The overlapping can be turned off at
the monitor level. The height of the spacers may be set for
all monitors, or independently for chart and meter monitor types, or
specifically for individual monitors. A spacer for a specific monitor
can be turned off by setting its spacer height to zero. The
spacer_{top|bottom}_border values are used for all spacers and can't
be set individually.
New images:
spacer_top.png # can now be in top level dir
New gkrellmrc settings for these:
frame_left_spacer_overlap = l
frame_right_spacer_overlap = r
spacer_overlap_off monitor-name
spacer_top_height = h
spacer_bottom_height = h
spacer_top_height_chart = h
spacer_bottom_height_chart = h
spacer_top_height_meter = h
spacer_bottom_height_meter = h
spacer_top_height monitor-name h
spacer_bottom_height monitor-name h
spacer_top_border = l,r,x,x
spacer_bottom_border = l,r,x,x
* Chart top and bottom margins are now used. If set, margin regions are
converted to spacers which excludes them from the active chart drawing
area. This in combination with chart frame overlaps can put bezels
around charts. Set these in the gkrellmrc with:
StyleChart *.margins x,x,t,b
* New cap images can be drawn on the left and right frames aligned to
the top and bottom of each monitor. Left cap images are left adjusted
in the left frame and right cap images are right adjusted in the right
frame. They can be turned off for specific monitors. Meter monitors
can be a single panel so it's probably difficult to design a theme with
both top and bottom meter cap images.
These images are not scaled and are:
New gkrellmrc setting:
cap_images_off monitor-name
Changes in 2.0.1 - 2.0.4
Changes for version 2.0.0
* New image decal_button.xpm for general purpose scaled buttons.
Changes in 1.3.0
* Theme changes for version 2.1.0 are backported to version 1.3.0.
Changes in 1.2.10 - 1.2.13
Changes in 1.2.9
* Better fine tuning control of object placements in a panel are possible:
1) "krell_left_margin" and "krell_right_margin" style values can be set
independently of the panel margins used for decals and labels.
2) Panel left and right margins can be set to different values with new
"left_margin" and "right_margin" style values. Or, set all panel margins
at once with new "margins" style value. The old "margin" style value
still sets left and right margins to the same value.
* A monitor can define custom styles which are themed by adding a custom
style name field to the StyleMeter and StylePanel lines. For example, there
can be things like "StyleMeter monitor.gorn.krell_yoff n" if a monitor
codes in a custom style "gorn". When I release GKrellMSS 0.4, look at its
"Themes" file for a working example of these.
* New set of krell expand modes (left-scaled, right-scaled, and
bar-mode-scaled) which scales the krell expand to fit between the
krell left and right margins instead of the full monitor width.
* bar-mode krells use multi frames just like any krell (previously they were
limited to one frame).
Search in the Themes doc for "1.2.9" for more information.
Changes in 1.2.6 - 1.2.8
Changes in 1.2.5
Added a "bar-mode" to the previously undocumented set of krell expand
modes. Krell expands are now documented.
Changes in 1.2.1 - 1.2.4
Changes in 1.2.0
New images:
or, instead of the cpu/ images, set in the gkrellmrc:
set_string cpu_nice_color color_string
set_string cpu_nice_grid_color color_string
see the Themes doc.
The theme format introduced a year ago in 0.10.0 is now the only format
recognized. There is no longer backward compatibility with themes based
on the 0.9.x format.
Changes in 1.0.8
From Anthony Mallet: "XFree > 4.0.2 introduced a new "iso-10646" encoding
which gets selected by default when using *-* for the last two fields of the
font spec, leading to strange glyphs in gkrellm..."
If you have specified fonts in the gkrellmrc this way, you might need
to change the ending of font strings from "...-*-*" to "...-iso8859-*"
Changes in 1.0.7
Theme changes in 1.0.6
Theme changes in 1.0.5
* Timer fixed to use margins, so timer_time_x and timer_button_x in gkrellmrc
are defunct. Now all builtins correctly use top_margin and bottom_margin.
Theme changes in 1.0.4
Theme changes in 1.0.3
There are new top_margin and bottom_margin values that can be specified
for panels and they are to replace the overloaded usage of the top
and bottom border values of the background image. Now you can
(and should) totally decouple margin settings from image border settings.
The previous "margin" value is unchanged and is still used for both
the left and right margins. So, now there is:
StylePanel *.top_margin = m
StylePanel *.bottom_margin = m
StyleMeter *.top_margin = m
StyleMeter *.bottom_margin = m
and so on. Count on it taking until GKrellM 1.1.0 is released for all
monitors/plugins to complete the transition to using these new margin
settings. So, do this:
a) Upgrade to at least GKrellM 1.0.3 and start using top_margin
and bottom_margin for all panels and meters in the gkrellmrc.
b) If a particular monitor/plugin does not respond to these margin
settings, it is still using the old top/bottom border settings for
margins. So, resort to the old way of adjusting the top/bottom
border, but be sure you keep a top/bottom margin setting to match
so things will work the same when the monitor/plugin is fixed.
Theme changes in 1.0.0 - 1.0.2
1.0.2 adds a voltage monitor which can be themed in a "sensors" subdirectory.
It has a custom bg_volt.png image. Search the Themes doc for bg_volt and run
"gkrellm -demo" to see it if you don't have motherboard sensors.
Theme changes in 0.10.1 - 0.10.5
Not much, 0.10.4 fixes a couple of bugs, and 0.10.5 adds set_integer
and set_string options for plugins to the gkrellmrc.
Theme changes in 0.10.0
Plugins are now themeable the same as builtins. You can put custom bg_panel
images in plugin subdirectories. See the Themes.html doc. This has
evolved a new theme format.
The change is not dramatic, just rename monitor specific images into
appropriate subdirectories.
Other new stuff: spacer images, charts and panels can have transparency.
* Added set_image_border option which gives a way to specify a border for
an image extension a monitor may add. The standard backgrounds bg_panel.png
and bg_chart.png have borders set with Style lines. But if a monitor adds
an extension background image (eg. GKrellMMS has an additional background
bg_scroll.png for its scrolling title panel) it can add a hook so the image
border can be set (GKrellMMS adds the hook 'gkrellmms_bg_scroll'). So
if you added the extension image gkrellmms/bg_scroll.png to your theme, you
could set the border for it with:
set_image_border gkrellmms_bg_scroll l,r,t,b
* Chart, panel, and meter areas can have total or partial transparency.
Just add lines to the gkrellmrc. To get total transparency:
StyleChart *.transparency 1
For partial transparency, the root pixmap will show through transparent
parts of backgrounds if you put in lines like:
StyleMeter *.transparency 2
Since this is not backwards compatible, any theme using this should
be submitted in the new 0.10.0 format (no few weeks exception - see
next item).
Also, any theme which adds plugin theming should not mix formats. The
whole thing should be in the new 0.10.0 format.
* Revised theme code to enable plugins to have monitor specific theme
images and gkrellmrc Style settings just like the builtins.
So, a new theme organization has evolved, but at least all old themes
are still handled so there should be a quiet and painless transition
to the new format over time - nothing like the changes for 0.9.x, I'm
not doing that again!!
A few weeks after this release Maher and I will probably start asking
all themes submitted to the theme site to use the new format, but I
expect the program will continue to handle 0.9.x formats for a
reasonably long time.
It's all pretty simple, monitor specific images are now in subdirectories
rather than having name qualification. Just move images to subdirs,
Eg, a simple 0.9.x theme:
Becomes in 0.10.0:
The Themes doc is updated, so take a look.
* New optional monitor specific images: spacer_top.png and spacer_bottom.png
and spacer_top_height / spacer_bottom_height lines in gkrellmrc.
0.9.8 - 0.9.10
None I can think off.
* Theme alternatives are possible. Put a line in your gkrellmrc:
theme_alternatives = N
and then you can have 1 - N different gkrellmrc and image alternatives
that can be selected in the Themes tab. For each alternative N,
you can have an optional gkrellmrc_N whose options will override any
set in the base level gkrellmrc. If any image_N.png exists, it will
be used in place of the base image.png. This can be used to give
some flexibility to your theme. You could have more than one frame
style or different font colors and sizes.
0.9.0 - 0.9.3
* Run "gkrellm -demo" to force visibility of some less frequently used
features: cpu temps, apm monitor, demo of slider in meter and panel...
* Image name changes and gkrellmrc changes makes this GKrellM version
incompatible with themes for previous versions.
* Themes now loaded without restarting. Apply button applies.
* New images: button_meter_in/out and button_panel_in/out
bg_slider_panel, bg_slider_meter, krell_slider,
* Obsolete images: bg_bordered, bg_spacer, ppp_button, frame_side, and
* Keyboard shortcut aids:
F5 Reload current theme
F6 Toggle theme image loading debugging
f7 Toggle theme gkrellmrc parsing debugging
# margin Style option for left/right justified labels and decals. These
positions are now decoupled from left/right borders. Labels are still
placed vertically within top/bottom borders.
0.8.0 Fri Jan 14, 2000
* Theme directory is changed from ~/.gkrellm to ~/.gkrellm/themes
* Use of images and are deprecated.
New themes should not use them and old themes should be converted. I
would like for them to go away.
* In the gkrellmrc:
-> Frame_side_border is replaced with frame_left_border and
frame_right_border. Frame_width is replaced with frame_left_width
and frame_right_width.
-> New options frame_top_height and frame_bottom_height to allow rendering
to dimensions different from the drawn frame_top/bottom images.
-> label, meter, time, alt1, alt2 text can have a shadow color specified.
-> Colors for individual panel labels can be specified with style lines to
override the general colors.
* Frame images can have transparency.
* Additional background panel images: bg_meter_uptime, bg_meter_cal,
bg_meter_clock, bg_meter_host.
* As originally intended, decals (net LEDs) can now really overlap.
Some ideas now possible:
1) Make a custom bg_meter_host to integrate with a transparent frame_top
for a more impressive top frame. Likewise with bg_meter_uptime
and frame_bottom.
2) You can create a single combined clock/calendar background by making
the larger image and then splitting it into bg_meter_clock and
bg_meter_cal. This could also be done with bg_meter_mem / bg_meter_swap.
3) Set a panel label_shadow_color bright and label_color dim to get
an etched in look for the label.
4) Overlap net LEDs in various ways: concentric circles, tri-color LED,
some kind of intertwined pattern.
* Added frame_side_border to gkrellmrc.
0.7.1 - 0.7.3
* None
* New gkrellmrc author line so theme authors can be credited in the Themes
configuration tab. Just add a line to your gkrellmrc like:
author = "yourname email address"
* Added optional images,,,
and If these images exist in the theme directory
they will be used to plot data. Otherwise use the colors specified in
gkrellmrc. Textured or 3D plotted data to go with your
is now possible (but is not noticeable with sparse data).
* I should have made a notice of this for release 0.6.7, but
Maher Awamy has put up a GKrellM theme site at
Check it out, there are some nice themes showing up.
* String values in gkrellmrc can have quotes around them. So, font names
can have spaces.
* New options in gkrellmrc: chart_width_ref, allow_scaling.
* Monitor label midpoint positions can now be specified as a percent
of chart_width.
The above allows label positions to be offset to the left (right) of
center to make room to put both LED's to the right (left) of the label.
And the LED's size and position can be scaled as chart sizes are changed.
* Added a large font for the clock/calendar digits. It uses time_color.
* I have warned that is subject to change. It has been
done. It no longer exists (likewise with meter_labels and digits).
I draw with X fonts so you can specify fonts and label colors now.
* Two new optional images: and
* The gkrellmrc file is no longer overloaded to handle user preferences
and theme settings. Now user prefs are done in a gui popup and the
gkrellmrc file is only for theme stuff. For this reason, the
~/.gkrellm/gkrellmrc file is no longer read. A gkrellmrc file is read
only from theme directories specified in gkrellm_theme.cfg or on the
command line.
* Some new settings in the gkrellmrc template.

INSTALL Normal file
View File

@ -0,0 +1,283 @@
Debian package installation:
GKrellM is in the Debian archives, you can install using apt-get:
apt-get update
apt-get install gkrellm
RedHat package installation:
Fresh install:
rpm -i gkrellm-X.Y.Z-1.i386.rpm
or, upgrade
rpm -U gkrellm-X.Y.Z-1.i386.rpm
Installation from source:
First untar the tarball:
tar -xvjf gkrellm-X.Y.Z.tar.bz2
cd gkrellm-X.Y.Z
Next compile and install GKrellM for your target system.
BSD systems need to use gmake (GNU make) instead of the BSD make.
See below for custom gkrellmd server installs and for installs
into specific directories.
make install
FreeBSD 2.x
make freebsd2
make install_freebsd
FreeBSD 3.x and 4.x or later
make freebsd
make install_freebsd
NetBSD 2.X, 3.X and later
make netbsd2
make install_netbsd
NetBSD 1.5 - 1.6.X
make netbsd1
make install_netbsd
make openbsd
make install_openbsd
Note: install_openbsd makes gkrellm setgid kmem so it can be run non-root, ie:
chgrp kmem /usr/local/bin/gkrellm
chmod g+sx /usr/local/bin/gkrellm
Solaris 2.x (8 tested so far)
make solaris
make install_solaris
Note: install_solaris makes gkrellm setgid sys so it can be run non-root, ie:
chgrp sys /usr/local/bin/gkrellm
chmod g+s /usr/local/bin/gkrellm
(see below for additional Solaris install notes)
Windows 2000/XP (Vista is untested)
make windows
make INSTALLROOT=C:\gkrellm install_windows
Needed software for building gkrellm on win32 systems:
- MinGW
- MSYS (gkrellm Makefiles are NOT compatible with cmd.exe)
- GTK >= 2.4 Development files (see
- OpenSSL (optional), GnuTLS is not recommended on win32
Note: Installing gkrellm on windows needs INSTALLROOT set, the default path
(/usr/local) probably won't work
BSD make Problems
On BSD systems, errors like:
"Makefile", line 21: Missing dependency operator
result from using BSD make. You need to use gmake.
If you get the error:
ld: invalid command option `-E'
re-run the make without any link flags, eg:
gmake openbsd LINK_FLAGS=
Customizing the install directory locations
The default install is under the INSTALLROOT /usr/local, and this is the
default directory install tree:
/usr/local INSTALLROOT
/bin/ both gkrellm and gkrellmd
/include/gkrellm2/ development include files
/share/locale/XX/ LC_MESSAGES/ (XX is cs, de, ...)
/man/man1/ gkrellm.1 and gkrellmd.1
/lib/pkgconfig/ gkrellm.pc
The INSTALLROOT and/or individual install directory locations may be changed.
For example, use INSTALLROOT to install everything under /usr:
make install INSTALLROOT=/usr
For package maintainers convenience, INSTALLROOT may be constructed from
DESTDIR and PREFIX. So if INSTALLROOT is not specified, you can then
set either or both of DESTDIR and PREFIX to construct your effective
INSTALLROOT. For example, a /foo/usr INSTALLROOT would result from:
make install DESTDIR=/foo PREFIX=/usr
For finer grained control of individual install directories, use INSTALLDIR
(for gkrellm), INCLUDEDIR, MANDIR (for gkrellm.1), LOCALEDIR, SINSTALLDIR
(for gkrellmd), and SMANDIR (for gkrellmd.1). When a DIR variable is given,
INSTALLROOT is ignored for that directory and the complete directory path
must be given.
For example, this command installs under /usr for all except the gkrellmd
server which is put in /opt/sbin:
make install INSTALLROOT=/usr SINSTALLDIR=/opt/sbin
The install of i18n translation files is additionally sensitive to the
environment variable LOCALEDIR if it set. A command line LOCALEDIR takes
precedence over an environment variable LOCALEDIR. See the po/README file
for examples. Also, the install of translation files may be omitted with:
make install enable_nls=0
Custom gkrellmd server installs:
1) The default top level make will compile a gkrellmd server using glib2.
However, a gkrellmd server using glib-1.2 can be compiled for systems
without the glib2 version with:
make glib12=1
2) If the target server has glib installed but no gtk or Xlibs, then gkrellmd
may be built on the target server by working in the gkrellmd server
cd gkrellm-2.x.y/server
make glib12=1
make install
If not on Linux, remember to specify a make target as for a top level
make. That is, use "make freebsd", etc and "make install_freebsd", etc.
This installs gkrellmd into /usr/local/bin and gkrellmd.1 into
/usr/local/share/man/man1, but if you want to install somewhere else,
do for example:
make SMANDIR=/usr/share/man/man1 SINSTALLDIR=/usr/bin install
make INSTALLROOT=/usr install
Other make flags:
To compile a binary with debugging symbols (-g compiler option):
make debug=1
Making a RPM package from the source tarball:
Copy the gkrellm.spec file from inside the tarball to:
where you should substitute for "RPM_DIR" something like "redhat", "RPMS", or
whatever is appropriate for your distribution.
Make this "RPM_DIR" substitution in the steps below.
Also, it's possible some distributions will require an edit of the
gkrellm.spec "Requires" line. For example, on Mandrake you may have
to change it to:
Requires: gtk+2.0 >= 2.0, glib2 >= 2.0
If your rpm can't handle tar.bz2 files, you need to convert the source tarball
gkrellm-X.Y.Z.tar.bz2 into a gkrellm-X.Y.Z.tar.gz with an untar and tar.
Copy the gkrellm source tarball to:
Then make the RPMs:
cd /usr/src/RPM_DIR/SPECS
rpm -ba --clean gkrellm.spec
Then you should have for a GKrellM version X.Y.Z the RPM packages:
Solaris install notes:
Tested to be built as 32bit application with gcc on UltraSPARC only.
It should work on both 32bit and 64bit kernel. The Solaris port currently
utilizes kvm to get a value for proc.n_forks. It imposes a few restrictions:
1) gkrellm for Solaris should be setgid sys as mentioned above.
2) On Solaris, 32bit binary of gkrellm cannot run on 64bit kernel while
maintaining its full functionality and vice versa.
a) It cannot acquire "number of forks" on a different data model of
the kernel image from its own origin (i.e. binary incompatibility
between 32bit and 64bit). This is caused by restriction of kvm just
as mentioned above. For more details, refer to kvm_open(3kvm).
b) Since a single driver called 'sd' takes control over both hard drives
and cdroms, "Disks" monitor includes not just i/o activity of hard
drives but of CDROM or CD-RW's. I don't like this, so a function
called isharddisk() is implemented in order to exclude i/o activity
of removable media. If you don't use "composite disk" for monitoring
and pick drives of your interest, this wouldn't bother you anyway.
Failure of these functions is silently ignored and it proceeds without
the failed functionalities. Separate executable should be built for each
data models (32bit and 64bit kernel) to enjoy full functionality
including ones described above.
Functionalities not supported currently are: Battery, CPU/Motherboard
sensor, Net Timer (PPP) and swap in/out chart.
libgtop install notes:
If you have libgtop (plus development libs) installed, you can make
a version that uses libgtop to read system data. A libgtop version
will not have a disk, internet, or battery monitor because libgtop does not
report these stats.
--If you have gnome (plus libgnome-dev) and either libgtop 1.1.x or 1.0.x:
make gnome-gtop
make install
--If you have libgtop 1.1.x:
make gtop
make install
--If you have libgtop 1.0.x edit the top level Makefile to uncomment GTOP lines
make gtop1.0
make install

Makefile Normal file
View File

@ -0,0 +1,310 @@
# To make GKrellM for different systems, you can simply:
# For Linux:
# make
# For FreeBSD 2.X:
# make freebsd2
# For FreeBSD 3.X or later:
# make freebsd
# For NetBSD 1.5 - 1.6.X
# make netbsd1
# For NetBSD 2.X
# make netbsd2
# For OpenBSD
# make openbsd
# For Darwin / Mac OS X
# make darwin
# For Solaris 2.x (8 tested so far):
# make solaris
# For libgtop if you have version 1.1.x installed:
# make gtop
# For libgtop if you have version 1.0.x installed in /usr/include & /usr/lib,
# uncomment GTOP lines below:
# make gtop1.0
# or, eg. if libgtop 1.0 is installed in /opt/gnome/include & /opt/gnome/lib
# make gtop1.0 GTOP_PREFIX=/opt/gnome
# Then:
# make install
# To override default install locations /usr/local/bin and /usr/local/include
# to, for example, /usr/bin and /usr/include:
# make install INSTALLDIR=/usr/bin INCLUDEDIR=/usr/include
# ------------------------------------------------------------------
# If you want to override the default behaviour for the above simple "make"
# steps, then uncomment and edit the appropriate lines below.
# Default
EXTRAOBJS = md5c.o
# FreeBSD 2.X
#SYS_LIBS = -lkvm
#BINMODE = 4111
# FreeBSD 3.X or later
#SYS_LIBS = -lkvm -ldevstat
#BINMODE = 4111
# NetBSD 1.5 - 1.6.X
# NetBSD
#SYS_LIBS=-lkvm -lpthread
# OpenBSD
#SYS_LIBS=-lkvm -lpthread
# Solaris 2.x
#SYS_LIBS = -lkstat -lkvm -ldevinfo
#EXTRAOBJS = md5c.o
#LOCALEDIR = /usr/local/share/locale
# "make gtop1.0" defaults. If you don't have gnome or libgtop 1.1.x
# installed, uncomment and edit these if necessary for a libgtop install.
# Or, see below about specifying them on the command line. These are not
# used if you "make gnome-gtop" or "make gtop".
#GTOP_LIBS = -L$(GTOP_PREFIX)/lib -lgtop -lgtop_common -lgtop_sysdeps -lXau
#GTOP_LIBS_D = -L$(GTOP_PREFIX)/lib -lgtop -lgtop_common -lgtop_sysdeps
VERSION = 2.3.0
ifeq ($(INSTALLROOT),)
INSTALLROOT = /usr/local
MANDIR ?= $(INSTALLROOT)/share/man/man1
INSTALL ?= install
LOCALEDIR ?= $(INSTALLROOT)/share/locale
OS_NAME=$(shell uname -s)
OS_RELEASE=$(shell uname -r)
export enable_nls
export debug
all gkrellm: gkrellm.pc
(cd po && ${MAKE} all)
(cd src && ${MAKE} gkrellm)
(cd server && ${MAKE} gkrellmd)
# win32 needs a Libs: line and ${prefix} for paths so we install a different
# pkg-config file than what gets used on unix
# TODO: move to src/Makefile and install a gkrellmd.pc from server/Makefile
gkrellm.pc_win: Makefile
echo "prefix=$(INSTALLROOT)" > gkrellm.pc
echo "Name: GKrellM" >> gkrellm.pc
echo "Description: Extensible GTK system monitoring application" >> gkrellm.pc
echo "Version: $(VERSION)" >> gkrellm.pc
echo "Requires: gtk+-2.0 >= 2.0.0" >> gkrellm.pc
echo 'Cflags: -I$${prefix}/include' >> gkrellm.pc
echo 'Libs: -L$${prefix}/lib -lgkrellm' >> gkrellm.pc
gkrellm.pc: Makefile
echo "prefix=$(INSTALLROOT)" > gkrellm.pc
echo "Name: GKrellM" >> gkrellm.pc
echo "Description: Extensible GTK system monitoring application" >> gkrellm.pc
echo "Version: $(VERSION)" >> gkrellm.pc
echo "Requires: gtk+-2.0 >= 2.0.0" >> gkrellm.pc
echo "Cflags: -I$(INCLUDEDIR)" >> gkrellm.pc
install: install_gkrellm.pc
(cd po && ${MAKE} install)
(cd src && ${MAKE} install)
(cd server && ${MAKE} install)
(cd po && ${MAKE} uninstall)
(cd src && ${MAKE} uninstall)
(cd server && ${MAKE} uninstall)
rm -f $(PKGCONFIGDIR)/gkrellm.pc
install_darwin: install_gkrellm.pc
(cd po && ${MAKE} install)
(cd src && ${MAKE} install STRIP="")
(cd server && ${MAKE} install STRIP="")
install_freebsd: install_gkrellm.pc
(cd po && ${MAKE} install)
(cd src && ${MAKE} install_freebsd)
(cd server && ${MAKE} install_freebsd)
install_netbsd: install_gkrellm.pc
(cd po && ${MAKE} install)
(cd src && ${MAKE} install_netbsd)
(cd server && ${MAKE} install_netbsd)
install_openbsd: install_gkrellm.pc
(cd po && ${MAKE} install)
(cd src && ${MAKE} install_openbsd)
(cd server && ${MAKE} install_openbsd)
install_solaris: install_gkrellm.pc
(cd po && ${MAKE} install)
(cd src && ${MAKE} install_solaris)
(cd server && ${MAKE} install_solaris)
(${MAKE} INSTALL=/bin/install install_gkrellm.pc)
(cd po && ${MAKE} \
(cd src && ${MAKE} \
(cd server && ${MAKE} \
(cd po && ${MAKE} clean)
(cd src && ${MAKE} clean)
(cd server && ${MAKE} clean)
rm -f gkrellm.pc
freebsd2: gkrellm.pc
(cd po && ${MAKE} all)
(cd src && ${MAKE} freebsd2)
(cd server && ${MAKE} \
EXTRAOBJS= SYS_LIBS="-lkvm -lmd" gkrellmd )
freebsd3 freebsd4 freebsd5 freebsd: gkrellm.pc
(cd po && ${MAKE} all)
(cd src && ${MAKE} freebsd)
(cd server && ${MAKE} \
EXTRAOBJS= SYS_LIBS="-lkvm -ldevstat -lmd" gkrellmd )
darwin: gkrellm.pc
(cd po && ${MAKE} all)
(cd src && ${MAKE} GTK_CONFIG=gtk-config STRIP= HAVE_GETADDRINFO=1 \
EXTRAOBJS= SYS_LIBS="-lkvm -framework IOKit" \
LINK_FLAGS="-prebind -Wl,-bind_at_load -framework CoreFoundation -lX11" \
gkrellm )
(cd server && ${MAKE} GTK_CONFIG=gtk-config STRIP= HAVE_GETADDRINFO=1 \
EXTRAOBJS= SYS_LIBS="-lkvm -framework IOKit" \
LINK_FLAGS="-prebind -Wl,-bind_at_load -framework CoreFoundation" \
gkrellmd )
netbsd1: gkrellm.pc
(cd po && ${MAKE} all)
(cd src && ${MAKE} \
SMC_LIBS="-L/usr/X11R6/lib -lSM -lICE -Wl,-R/usr/X11R6/lib" \
gkrellm )
(cd server && ${MAKE} \
EXTRAOBJS= SYS_LIBS="-lkvm" gkrellmd )
netbsd2: gkrellm.pc
(cd po && ${MAKE} all)
(cd src && ${MAKE} \
EXTRAOBJS= SYS_LIBS="-lkvm -pthread" \
SMC_LIBS="-L/usr/X11R6/lib -lSM -lICE -R/usr/X11R6/lib" \
gkrellm )
(cd server && ${MAKE} \
EXTRAOBJS= SYS_LIBS="-lkvm -pthread" gkrellmd )
openbsd: gkrellm.pc
(cd po && ${MAKE} all)
(cd src && ${MAKE} \
SYS_LIBS="-lkvm -pthread" gkrellm )
(cd server && ${MAKE} \
SYS_LIBS="-lkvm -pthread" gkrellmd )
solaris: gkrellm.pc
(cd po && ${MAKE} MSGFMT_OPT="-v -o" \
LOCALEDIR=/usr/local/share/locale all)
ifeq ($(OS_RELEASE),5.8)
(cd src && ${MAKE} CC=gcc \
CFLAGS="-Wno-implicit-int" \
SYS_LIBS="-lkstat -lkvm -ldevinfo -lresolv -lsocket -lX11 -lintl" \
LINK_FLAGS="" gkrellm )
(cd server && ${MAKE} CC=gcc \
CFLAGS="-Wno-implicit-int -DSOLARIS_8" \
SYS_LIBS="-lkstat -lkvm -ldevinfo -lsocket -lnsl -lintl" \
LINK_FLAGS="" gkrellmd )
(cd src && ${MAKE} CC=gcc \
CFLAGS="-Wno-implicit-int" \
SYS_LIBS="-lkstat -lkvm -ldevinfo -lresolv -lsocket -lX11" LINK_FLAGS="" gkrellm )
(cd server && ${MAKE} CC=gcc \
CFLAGS="-Wno-implicit-int" \
SYS_LIBS="-lkstat -lkvm -ldevinfo -lsocket -lnsl" LINK_FLAGS="" gkrellmd )
gnome-gtop: gkrellm.pc
(cd po && ${MAKE} all)
(cd src && ${MAKE} GTOP_PREFIX="\`gnome-config --prefix libgtop\`" \
GTOP_INCLUDE="\`gnome-config --cflags libgtop\`" \
GTOP_LIBS="\`gnome-config --libs libgtop\`" \
SYS_LIBS= gkrellm )
(cd server && ${MAKE} GTOP_PREFIX="\`gnome-config --prefix libgtop\`" \
GTOP_INCLUDE="\`gnome-config --cflags libgtop\`" \
GTOP_LIBS_D="\`gnome-config --libs libgtop\`" \
SYS_LIBS= gkrellmd )
gtop: gkrellm.pc
(cd po && ${MAKE} all)
(cd src && ${MAKE} GTOP_INCLUDE="\`libgtop-config --cflags\`" \
GTOP_LIBS="\`libgtop-config --libs\`" \
SYS_LIBS="-lXau" gkrellm )
(cd server && ${MAKE} GTOP_INCLUDE="\`libgtop-config --cflags\`" \
GTOP_LIBS_D="\`libgtop-config --libs\`" \
SYS_LIBS= gkrellmd )
gtop1.0: gkrellm.pc
(cd po && ${MAKE} all)
(cd src && ${MAKE} gkrellm )
(cd server && ${MAKE} gkrellmd )
windows: gkrellm.pc_win
(cd po && ${MAKE} LOCALEDIR="locale" all)
(cd src && ${MAKE} LOCALEDIR="locale" windows )
(cd server && ${MAKE} LOCALEDIR="locale" windows)
(cd po && ${MAKE} messages)
(cd po && ${MAKE} merge)

README Normal file
View File

@ -0,0 +1,810 @@
GKrellM - GNU (or Gtk) Krell Monitors (or Meters)
Author: Bill Wilson
Copyright (c) 1999-2006 by Bill Wilson. This program is free software
which I release under the GNU General Public License.
Read the COPYRIGHT file for more info.
With a single process, GKrellM manages multiple stacked monitors and supports
applying themes to match the monitors appearance to your window manager,
Gtk, or any other theme.
GKrellM Features
* SMP CPU, Disk, Proc, and active net interface monitors with LEDs.
* Internet monitor that displays current and charts historical port hits.
* Memory and swap space usage meters and a system uptime monitor.
* File system meters show capacity/free space and can mount/umount.
* A mbox/maildir/MH/POP3/IMAP mail monitor which can launch a mail reader
or remote mail fetch program.
* Clock/calendar and hostname display.
* Battery laptop battery monitor.
* CPU/motherboard temperature/fan/voltages display with warnings and
alarms. Linux requires a sensor configured sysfs, lm_sensors modules or
a running mbmon daemon. FreeBSD can also read the mbmon daemon.
Windows requires MBM or SpeedFan.
* Disk temperatures if there's a running hddtemp daemon.
* Multiple monitors managed by a single process to reduce system load.
* A timer button that can execute PPP or ISDN logon/logoff scripts.
* Charts are autoscaling with configurable grid line resolution, or
can be set to a fixed scale mode.
* Separate colors for "in" and "out" data. The in color is used for
CPU user time, disk read, forks, and net receive data. The out color
is used for CPU sys time, disk write, load, and net transmit data.
* Commands can be configured to run when monitor labels are clicked.
* GKrellM is plugin capable so special interest monitors can be created.
* Data can be collected from a gkrellmd server running on a remote machine.
* Many themes are available.
User Interface
* Top frame:
Btn 1 - Press and drag to move gkrellm window.
Btn 3 - Popup main menu.
* Side frames:
Btn 2 - Slide gkrellm window shut (Btn1 if -m2 option).
Btn 3 - Popup main menu.
* All charts
Btn 1 - Toggle draw of extra info on the chart.
Btn 3 - Brings up a chart configuration window.
* Inet charts
Btn 2 - toggle between port hits per minute and hour.
* Most panels
Btn 3 - Opens the configuration window directly to a monitor's
configuration page.
* File System meter panels:
Btn 1,2 - Toggle display of label and fs capacity scrolling display.
The mount button runs mount/umount commands. If ejectable,
left click the eject button to open tray, right click closes.
* Mem and Swap meter panels:
Btn 1,2 - Toggle display of label and memory or swap capacity
scrolling display.
* Mailbox monitor message count button:
Btn 1 - Launch a mail reader program. If options permit, also
stop animations and reset remote message counts.
Btn 2 - Toggle mail check mute mode which inhibits the sound
notify progra, and optionally inhibits all mail checking.
* Mailbox monitor envelope decal:
Btn 1 - Force a mail check regardless of mute or timeout state.
* Battery monitor panel:
Btn 1 - On the charging state decal toggles battery minutes left,
percent level, and charge rate display.
Btn 2 - Anywhere on the panel also toggles the display.
Keyboard shortcuts:
* F1 = popup the user config window.
* F2 = popup the main menu.
* Page_Up - previous theme or theme alternative.
* Page_Down - next theme or theme alternative.
* <Ctl>Page_Up - previous theme, skipping any theme alternatives.
* <Ctl>Page_Down - next theme, skipping any theme alternatives.
If a command has been configured to be launched for a monitor, then
a button will appear when the mouse enters the panel of that monitor.
Clicking the button will launch the command.
To use or compile GKrellM, you need:
* Gtk+-2.0
To compile, you additionally need the development libs.
See the INSTALL file. BSD systems will need to use GNU gmake.
Running GKrellM
To get a list of options:
gkrellm --help
Some of the options are:
-t, --theme theme_dir
GKrellM will load all theme image files it finds in theme_dir
and parse the gkrellmrc file if one exists. This option overrides
the loading of the last theme you configured to be loaded in
the Themes configuration window. Theme changes are not saved
when GKrellM is run with this option.
-g, --geometry +x+y
Or -g +x+y. Makes GKrellM move to an x y postition on the screen
at startup. Standard X window geometry position (not size) formats
are parsed, ie +x+y -x+y +x-y -x-y. Except, negative geometry
positions are not recognized (ie +-x--y )
Forces GKrellM to start up with window manager decorations. The
default is no decorations because there are themed borders.
-w, --withdrawn
GKrellM starts up in withdrawn mode so it can go into a window
manager's slit. This should work with the Blackbox, Fluxbox, Kahakai,
Waimea, and maybe other window managers with the slit feature.
-c, --config suffix
Use alternate config files generated by appending "suffix" to config
file names. This overrides any previous host config which may have
been setup with the below option.
-f, --force-host-config
If GKrellM is run once with this option and then the configuration
or theme is changed, the config files that are written will have
a -hostname appended to them. Subsequent runs will detect the
user-config-hostname and gkrellm_theme.cfg-hostname files and use
them instead of the normal configuration files (unless the --config
option is specified). This is a convenience for allowing
remote GKrellMs independent config files in a shared home directory,
and for the hostname to show up in the X title for window management.
-s, --server hostname
Run in client mode by connecting to and collecting data from a gkrellmd
server running on "hostname".
-P, --port server_port
Use "server_port" for the gkrellmd server connection.
No config mode. The config menu is blocked so no config changes
can be made. Useful in certain environments, or maybe for running
on a gdm login screen or during a screensaver mode?
Force enabling of many monitors so themers can see everything. All
config saving is inhibited.
-p, --plugin
For plugin development, load the command line specified plugin so you
can avoid repeated install steps in the development cycle.
Configuring GKrellM
A right button mouse click on the side or top frames of the GKrellM
window will pop up a user configuration window where you can configure
all the builtin and plugin monitors. Chart appearance may be configured
by right clicking on a chart, and right clicking on many panels will open
the configuration window directly to the corresponding monitor's
configuration page.
Using GKrellM - keeping an eye on your computers Id.
The default for most charts is to automatically adjust the number of
grid lines drawn and the resolution per grid so drawn data will be
nicely visible. You may change this to fixed grids of 1-5 and/or
fixed grid resolutions in the chart configuration windows. However,
some combination of the auto scaling modes may give best results.
Auto grid resolution has the following behavior.
If "Auto mode sticks at peak value" is not set:
1) If using auto number of grids, set the resolution per grid and the
number of grids to optimize the visibility of data drawn on the chart.
Try to keep the number of grids between 1 and 7.
2) If using a fixed number of grids, set the resolution per grid to the
smallest value that draws data without clipping.
If "Auto mode sticks at peak value" is set:
1) If using auto number of grids, set the resolution per grid such that
drawing the peak value encountered would require at least 5 grids.
2) If using a fixed number of grids, set the resolution per grid such
that the peak value encountered could be drawn without clipping.
This means the resolution per grid never decreases.
All resolution per grid values are constrained to a set of values in
either a 1, 2, 5 sequence or a 1, 1.5, 2, 3, 5, 7 sequence. If you set
"Auto mode sticks at peak value" a manual "Auto mode recalibrate" may
occasionally be required if the chart data has a wide dynamic range.
CPU Monitor
Data is plotted as a percentage. In auto number of grids
mode, resolution is a fixed 20% per grid. In fixed number of grids
mode, grid resolution is 100% divided by the number of grids.
Proc Monitor
The krell shows process forks with a full scale value
of 10 forks. The chart has a resolution of 10 forks/sec per grid
in auto number of grids mode and 50 forks/second maximum on the
chart in fixed number of grids mode.
The process load resolution per grid is best left at 1.0 for auto
number of grids, but can be set as high as 5 if you configure the
chart to have only 1 or 2 fixed grids.
Net Monitor
GKrellM is designed to display a chart for net interfaces which are
up, which means they are listed in the routing table (however, it is
possible in some cases to monitor unrouted interfaces).
One net interface may be linked to a timer button which can be used
to connect and disconnect from an ISP.
The timer button shows an off, standby, or on state by a distinctive
(color or shape) icon.
ppp: Standby state is while the modem phone line is locked while
ppp is connecting, and the on state is the ppp link connected.
The phone line lock is determined by the existence of the modem
lock file /var/lock/LCK..modem which assumes pppd is using
/dev/modem. However, if your pppd setup does not
use /dev/modem, then you can configure an alternative with:
ln -s /var/lock/LCK..ttySx ~/.gkrellm2/LCK..modem
where ttySx is the tty device your modem does use. The ppp on
state is detected by the existence of /var/run/ and
the time stamp of this file is the base for the on line time.
ippp: The timer button standby state is not applicable to isdn
interfaces that are always routed. The on state is isdn on line
while the ippp interface is routed. The on line timer is reset
at transitions from isdn hangup state to on line state.
For both ppp and ippp timer button links, the panel area of the
interface is always shown and the chart appears when the interface
is routed with the phone link connected or on line.
If the timer button is not linked to a net interface, then it can
be used as a push on / push off timer
Net monitors can have a label so that the interface can be
associated with the identity of the other end of the connection.
This is useful if you have several net connections or run multiple
remote gkrellms. It can be easier to keep track of who is connected
to who.
Mem and Swap Monitor
Here you are reading a ratio of total used to total available.
The amount of memory used indicated by the memory monitor is
actually a calculated "used" memory. If you enter the
"free" command, you will see that most of your memory is almost
always used because the kernel uses large amounts for buffers
and cache. Since the kernel can free a lot of this memory
as user process demand for memory goes up, a more realistic reading
of memory in use is obtained by subtracting the buffers and cached
memory from the kernel reported used. This is shown in the free
command output in the "-/+ buffers/cache" line where a calculated
used amount has buffers and cached memory subtracted from the kernel
reported used memory, and a calculated free amount has the buffers
and cached memory added in.
While the memory meter always shows the calculated "used" memory,
the raw memory values total, shared, buffered, and cached may be
optionally displayed in the memory panel by entering an appropriate
format display string in the config.
Units: All memory values have units of binary megabytes (MiB).
Memory sizes have historically been reported in these units because
memory arrays on silicon have always increased in size by multiples
of 2. Add an address line to a memory chip and you double or quadruple
(a multiplexed address) the memory size. A binary megabyte is
2^20 or 1048576. Contrast this with units for other stats such
as disk capacities or net transfer rates where the proper units
are decimal megabytes or kilobytes. Disk drive capacities do not
increase by powers of 2 and manufacturers do not use binary
units when reporting their sizes. However, some of you may prefer
to see a binary disk drive capacity reported, so it is available
as an option.
Internet Monitor
Displays TCP port connections and records historical port hits on a
minute or hourly chart. Middle button click on an inet chart to
toggle between the minute and hourly displays. There is a strip
below the minute or hour charts where marks are drawn for port
hits in second intervals. Each inet krell also shows port hits
with a full scale range of 5 hits. The left button toggle of extra
info displays current port connections.
For each internet monitor you can specify two labeled datasets with
one or two ports for each dataset. There are two ports because some
internet ports are related and you might want to group them - for
example, the standard http port is 80, but there is also a www web
caching service on port 8080. So it makes sense to have a http
monitor which combines data from both ports. A possible common
configuration would be to create one inet monitor that monitors
http hits plotted in the one color and ftp hits in another.
To do this, setup in the Internet configuration tab:
http 80 8080 ftp 21
Or you could create separate monitors for http and ftp. Other
monitors might be smtp on port 25 or nntp on port 119.
If you check the "Port0 - Port1 is a range" button, then all of the
ports between the two entries will be monitored. Clicking the
small button on the Inet panels will pop up a window listing the
currently connected port numbers and the host that is connected
to it.
GKrellM samples TCP port activity once per second, so it is possible
for port hits lasting less than a second to be missed.
File System Monitor
File system mount points can be selected to be monitored with a meter
that shows the ratio of blocks used to total blocks available. Mounting
commands can be enabled for mount points in one of two ways:
1) If a mount point is in your /etc/fstab and you have mount permission
then mount and umount commands can be enabled and executed for that
mount point simply by checking the "Enable /etc/fstab mounting" option.
Mount table entries in /etc/fstab must have the "user" or "owner" option set
to grant this permission unless GKrellM is run as root.
For example, if you run GKrellM as a normal user and you want to be
able to mount your floppy, your /etc/fstab could have either of:
/dev/fd0 /mnt/floppy ext2 user,noauto,rw,exec 0 0
/dev/fd0 /mnt/floppy ext2 user,defaults 0 0
2) If GKrellM is run as root or if you have sudo permission to run the
mount commands, then a custom mount command can be entered into the
"mount command" entry box. A umount command must also be entered if you
choose this method. Example mount and umount entries using sudo:
sudo /bin/mount -t msdos /dev/fd0 /mnt/A
sudo /bin/umount /mnt/A
Notes: the mount point specified in a custom mount command (/mnt/A in
this example) must be the same as entered in the "Mount Point" entry.
Also, you should have the NOPASSWD option set in /etc/sudoers for this.
File system monitors can be created as primary (always visible)
or secondary which can be hidden and then shown when they are of
interest. For example, you might make primary file system monitors
for root, home, or user so they will be always visible, but make
secondary monitors for less frequently used mount points such as
floppy, zip, backup partitions, foreign file system types, etc.
Secondary FS monitors can also be configured to always be visible if they
are mounted by checking the "Show if mounted" option. Using this
feature you can show the secondary group, mount a file system, and have
that FS monitor remain visible even when the secondary group is hidden.
A standard cdrom mount will show as 100% full but a monitor for it
could be created with mounting enabled just to have the
mount/umount convenience.
When the "Ejectable" option is selected for a file system, an eject
button will appear when the mouse enters the file system panel. If you
are not using /etc/fstab mounting, a device file to eject will also need
to be entered. Systems may have varying levels of support for this feature
ranging from none or basic using an ioctl() to full support using an eject
command to eject all its supported devices. Linux and NetBSD use the
"eject" command while FreeBSD uses the "cdcontrol" command, so be sure
these commands are installed.
Most eject commands will also support closing a CDROM tray. If they do,
you will be able to access this function by right clicking the eject button.
Mail Monitor
Checks your mailboxes for unread mail. A mail reading program (MUA) can be
executed with a left mouse click on the mail monitor panel button, and
a mail notify (play a sound) program such as esdplay or artsplay can be
executed whenever the new mail count increases. The mail panel envelope
decal may also be clicked to force an immediate mail check at any time.
GKrellM is capable of checking mail from local mailbox types mbox, MH, and
maildir, and from remote mailbox types POP3 and IMAP.
POP3 and IMAP checking can use non-standard port numbers and password
authentication protocols APOP (for POP3 only) or CRAM-MD5. If supported
by the mail server, emote checking may be done over an SSL connection if
the "Use SSL" option is selected.
Before internal POP3 and IMAP checking was added, an external mail
fetch/check program could be set up to be executed periodically to
download or check remote POP3 or IMAP mail. This method is still
available and must be used if you want GKrellM to be able to
download remote mail to local mailboxes because the builtin checking
functions cannot download.
Battery Monitor
This meter will be available if a battery exists and will show battery
percentage life remaining. A decal indicates if AC line is connected
or if the battery is in use. If the data is available, time remaining
may be displayed as well as the percentage battery level. If the time
remaining is not available or is inaccurate, the Estimate Time option
may be selected to display a battery time to run or time to charge which
is calculated based on the current battery percent level, user supplied
typical battery times, and a default linear extrapolation model.
For charging, an exponential charge model may be selected.
A battery low level warning and alarm alert may be set. If battery time
is not available from the OS and the estimate time mode is not set, the
alert units will be battery percent level. Otherwise the alert units will
be battery time left in minutes. If OS battery time is not available and the
estimate time mode is set when the alert is created, the alert will have
units of time left in minutes and the alert will automatically be destroyed
if the estimate time option is subsequently turned off.
If the OS reports multiple batteries, the alert will be a master alert
which is duplicated for each battery.
CPU/Motherboard Sensors - Temperature, Voltages, and Fan RPM
Sensor monitoring requires that either lm_sensors modules are
installed in your running kernel, that you run a kernel >= 2.6 with sysfs
sensors configured, or, for i386 architectures, that you have the mbmon
daemon running when gkrellm is started. If the mbmon daemon is used, it
must be started before gkrellm like so:
mbmon -r -P port-number
where the given "port-number" must be configured to match in the gkrellm
Sensors->Options config. Sensor temperatures can also be read from
/proc/acpi/thermal_zone, /proc/acpi/thermal, /proc/acpi/ibm. the
PowerMac Windfarm /sysfs interface, and PowerMac PMU /sysfs based
When using lm_sensors, libsensors will be used if available, but if
libsensors is not linked into the program, the sensor data will be
read directly from the /sysfs or /proc file systems. If running a newer
Linux kernel sensor module not yet supported by libsensors and libsensors
is linked, there will also be an automaitc fallback to using /sysfs as
long as libsensors doesn't detect any sensors. But if it does detect some
sensors which does not include the new sensors you need, you can force
getting /sysfs sensor data either by running:
gkrellm --without-libsensors
or by rebuilding with:
make without-libsensors=yes
Disk temperatures may also be monitored if you have the hddtemp daemon
running when gkrellm is started. Gkrellm uses the default hddtemp port
of 7634. Both hddtemp and mbmon are best started in a boot rc script to
guarantee they will be running when gkrellm is started.
Nvidia graphics card GPU temperatures may also be monitored if
the nvidia-settings command is installed and your Nvidia card supports
the temperature reporting. If nvidia-settings is not installed or does
not report temperatures for your card, an option for using the nvclock
program will appear in the Sensors config. Nvclock use is not
automatically enabled as is nvidia-settings because nvclock can add
seconds of gkrellm startup time when used on a NVIDIA GPU chipset it
does not support. GKrellM must be restarted to recognize changes for
the nvclock option.
Requires on of:
- MBM:
- SpeedFan:
Builtin sensor reporting is available for some sensor chips.
FreeBSD systems can also read sensor data from the mbmon daemon as described
in the Linux section above.
Builtin sensor reporting is available for some sensor chips.
NetBSD uses the envsys(4) interface and sensors reading is automatically
enabled if you have either a lm(4) or viaenv(4) chip configured in your kernel.
General Setup:
Temperature and fan sensor displays may be optionally located on the CPU or
Proc panels to save some vertical space while voltages are always displayed
on their own panel. If you set up to monitor both a temperature and a fan
on a single CPU or Proc panel, they can be displayed optionally as an
alternating single display or as separate displays. If separate, the fan
display will replace the panel label. The configuration for this is under
the CPU and Proc config pages.
If not using libsensors, in the Setup page for the Sensors config enter
any correction factors and offsets for each of the sensors you are monitoring
(see below and lm_sensor documentation). For Linux, default values are
automatically provided for many sensor chips.
But if using libsenors, it is not possible to enter correction factors and
offsets on the Sensors config page because libsensors configuration is
done in the /etc/sensors.conf file. To get sensor debug output and to find
out the sensor data source, run:
gkrellm -d 0x80
Note for NetBSD users:
The current implementation of the sensor reading under NetBSD opens
/dev/sysmon and never closes it. Since that device does not support
concurrent accesses, you won't be able to run other apps such as
envstat(8) while GKrellM is running. This might change if this happens
to be an issue.
The reasons for this choice are a) efficiency (though it might be possible
to open/close /dev/sysmon each time a reading is needed without major
performance issue) and b) as of october 2001, there's a bug in the
envsys(4) driver which sometimes causes deadlocks when processes try to
access simultaneoulsy /dev/sysmon (see NetBSD PR#14368). A (quick and
dirty) workaround for this is to monopolize the driver :)
CPU/Motherboard Temperatures
Most modern motherboards will not require setting temperature correction
factors and offsets other than the defaults. However, for lm_sensors it
is necessary to have a correct "set sensor" line in /etc/sensors.conf
if the temperature sensor type is other than the default thermistor.
If using Linux sysfs sensors, this sensor type is set by writing to
a sysfs file. For example, you might at boot set a sysfs temperature sensor
type with:
echo "2" > /sys/bus/i2c/devices/0-0290/sensor2
On the other hand, some older motherboards may need temperature calibration
by setting a correction factor and offset for each temperature sensor
because of factors such as variations in physical thermistor contact
with the CPU. Unfortunately, this calibration may not be practical or
physically possible because it requires that somehow you can get a real
CPU temperature reading. So, the calibration discussion which follows
should probably be considered an academic exercise that might give you
some good (or bad) ideas. If you have a recent motherboard, skip the
Anyway, to do this calibration, take two real CPU temperature readings
corresponding to two sensor reported readings. To get the real
readings, you can trust that your motherboard manufacturer has done
this calibration and is reporting accurate temperatures in the bios,
or you can put a temperature probe directly on your CPU case (and this
is where things get impractical).
Here is a hypothetical CPU calibration procedure. Make sure GKrellM is
configured with default factors of 1.0 and offsets of 0 and is reporting
temperatures in centigrade:
1) Power on the machine and read a real temperature T1 from the bios or
a temperature probe. If reading from the bios, proceed with booting
the OS. Now record a sensor temperature S1 as reported by GKrellM.
2) Change the room temperature environment (turn off your AC or change
computer fan exhaust speed). Now repeat step 1, this time recording
a real temperature T2 and GKrellM reported sensor temperature S2.
3) Now you can calculate the correction factor and offset you need
to enter into the Sensor configuration tab:
s - S1 t - T1
------ = ------
S2 - S1 T2 - T1
T2 - T1 S2*T1 - S1*T2
t = s * ------- + -------------
S2 - S1 S2 - S1
T2 - T1 S2*T1 - S1*T2
factor = ------- offset = -------------
S2 - S1 S2 - S1
Voltage Sensor Corrections
You need to read this section only if you think the default voltage correction
factors and offsets are incorrect. For Linux and lm_sensors and sysfs sensors
this would be if GKrellM does not know about your particular sensor chip.
For MBM/SpeedFan with Windows, the default values should be correct.
Motherboard voltage measurements are made by a variety of sensor
chips which are capable of measuring a small positive voltage.
GKrellM can display these voltage values and can apply a correction
factor, offset, and for the negative voltages of some chips (lm80), a
level shifting reference voltage to the displayed voltage. There are
four cases to consider:
1) Low valued positive voltages may be directly connected to the input
pins of the sensor chip and therefore need no correction. For these,
the correction factor should be 1.0 and the offset should be 0.
2) Higher valued positive voltages will be connected to the input pins
of the sensor chip through a 2 resistor attenuation circuit. For these,
the correction factor will be a ratio of the resistor values and the
offset will be 0.
3) Negative voltages will be connected to the input pins of the sensor
through a 2 resistor attenuation circuit with one of the resistors
connected to a positive voltage to effect a voltage level shift.
For these (lm80), the correction factor and offset will be ratios of the
resistor values, and a reference voltage must be used.
4) Some sensor chips (w83782, lm78) are designed to handle negative inputs
without requiring an input resistor connected to a voltage reference.
For these, there will be a correction factor and a possible offset.
For cases 2 and 3, the sensor chip input network looks like:
Vs o----/\/\/---o-------------o Vin
R1 |
o--/\/\--o Vref
Vs is the motherboard voltage under measurment
Vin is the voltage at the input pin of the sensor chip and therefore is
the voltage reading that will need correction.
Vref is a level shifting voltage reference. For case 2, Vref is ground
or zero. For case 3, Vref will be one of the positive motherboard
The problem then is to compute correction factors and offsets as a function
of R1 and R2 so that GKrellM can display a computed motherboard voltage Vs
as a function of a measured voltage Vin.
Since sensor chip input pins are high impedance, current into the pins may
be assumed to be zero. In that case, the current through R1 equals current
through R2, and we have:
(Vs - Vin)/R1 = (Vin - Vref)/R2
Solving for Vs as a function of Vin:
Vs = Vin * (1 + R1/R2) - (R1/R2) * Vref
So, the correction factor is: 1 + R1/R2
the correction offset is: - (R1/R2)
Vref is specified in the config separately from the offset (for
chips that need it).
Fortunately there seems to be a standard set of resistor values used
for the various sensor chips which are documented in the lm_sensor
documentation. The GKrellM sensor corrections are similar to the compute
lines you find with lm_sensors, with the difference that lm_sensors has an
expression evaluator which does not require that compute lines be simplified
to the single factor and offset required by GKrellM. But you can easily
calculate the factor and offset. For example, this lm_sensor compute line
for a case 2 voltage:
compute in3 ((6.8/10)+1)*@ , @/((6.8/10)+1)
yields a correction factor of ((6.8/10)+1) = 1.68
and an offset of zero.
Note that the second compute line expression is not relevant in GKrellM
because there is never any need to invert the voltage reading calculation.
Also, the compute line '@' symbol represents the Vin voltage.
A more complicated compute line for a case 3 voltage:
compute in5 (160/35.7)*(@ - in0) + @, ...
can be rewritten:
compute in5 (1 + 160/35.7)*@ - (160/35.7)*in0, ...
so the correction factor is (1 + 160/35.7) = 5.48
and the correction offset is -(160/35.7) = -4.48
and the voltage reference Vref is in0
Here is a table of correction factors and offsets based on some typical
compute line entries from /etc/sensors.conf:
Compute line Factor Offset Vref
lm80 in0 (24/14.7 + 1) * @ 2.633 0 -
in2 (22.1/30 + 1) * @ 1.737 0 -
in3 (2.8/1.9) * @ 1.474 0 -
in4 (160/30.1 + 1) * @ 6.316 0 -
in5 (160/35.7)*(@ - in0) + @ 5.482 -4.482 in0
in6 (36/16.2)*(@ - in0) + @ 3.222 -2.222 in0
LM78 in3 ((6.8/10)+1)*@ 1.68 0 -
in4 ((28/10)+1)*@ 3.8 0 -
in5 -(210/60.4)*@ -3.477 0 -
in6 -(90.9/60.4)*@ -1.505 0 -
w83782 in5 (5.14 * @) - 14.91 5.14 -14.91 -
in6 (3.14 * @) - 7.71 3.14 -7.71 -
Command launching
Many monitors can be set up to launch a command when you click on
the monitor label. When a command is configured for a monitor, its
label is converted into a button which becomes visible when the mouse
enters the panel or meter area of the label. If the command is a
console command (doesn't have a graphical user interface), then
the command must be run in a terminal window such as xterm, eterm,
or Gnome terminal. For example running the "top" command would take:
xterm -e top
You can use the command launching feature to run commands related to
monitoring functions, or you may use it to have a convenient launch
for any command. Since GKrellM is usually made sticky, you can have
easy access to several frequently used commands from any desktop.
This is intended to be a convenience and a way to maximize utilization
of screen real estate and not a replacement for more full featured
command launching from desktops such as Gnome or KDE or others.
Some launch ideas for some monitors could be:
calendar: gnomecal, evolution, or ical
CPU: xterm -e top or gps or gtop
inet: gftp or xterm -e ftpwho
net: mozilla, galeon, skipstone, or xterm -e slrn -C-
and so on...
Tooltips can be set up for these commands.
Most monitors can have alerts configured to give warnings and alarms
for data readings which range outside of configurable limits. Where
useful, a delay of the alert trigger can be configured. A warning or
alarm consists of an attention grabbing decal appearing and an optional
command being executed. For most monitors the command may contain the
same substitution variables which are available for display in the
chart or panel label format strings and are documented on configuration
Info pages. Additionally, the hostname may be embedded in the command
with the $H substitution variable.
If you have festival installed, either a warn or alarm command
could be configured to speak something. For example a CPU temperature
alert warn command could just speak the current temperature with:
sh -c "echo warning C P U is at $s degrees | esddsp festival --tts"
Assuming you have esd running.
Installing a Theme for GKrellM
A theme is a directory containing image files and a gkrellmrc
configuration file. The theme directory may be installed in
several locations:
For compatibility with Gtk themes, a GKrellM theme may also be installed
Finally, a theme you simply want to check out can be untarred anywhere
and used by running:
gkrellm -t path_to_theme
Read the Themes file if you want more information or are interested in
making a new theme for GKrellM.
GKrellM tries to load all plugins (shared object files ending in .so)
it finds in your plugin directory ~/.gkrellm2/plugins. The directories
/usr/local/lib/gkrellm2/plugins and /usr/lib/gkrellm2/plugins are
also searched for plugins to install.
Some plugins may be available only as source files and they will
have to be compiled before installation. There should be instructions
for doing this with each plugin that comes in source form.
If you are interested in writing a plugin, go to the Plugins page
at and there you will find a Plugin programmers
reference and Plugins-changelog.
When gkrellm connects to a gkrellmd server all builtin monitors collect
their data from the server. However, the gkrellm process is running
on the local machine, so any enabled plugins will run in the local
context (Flynn is an example exception to this since it derives its data
from the builtin CPU monitor). Also, any command launching will run
commands on the local machine.

Themes.html Normal file

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gkrellm.1 Normal file

File diff suppressed because it is too large Load Diff

gkrellm.ico Normal file

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gkrellm.spec Normal file
View File

@ -0,0 +1,97 @@
%define name gkrellm
%define version 2.3.1
%define release 1
%define prefix /usr
Summary: Multiple stacked system monitors: 1 process.
Name: %{name}
Version: %{version}
Release: %{release}
Copyright: GPL
Group: X11/Utilities
Vendor: Bill Wilson <>
Packager: Bill Wilson <>
Requires: gtk2 >= 2.0, glib2 >= 2.0
BuildRoot: %{_tmppath}/%{name}-%{version}-root
GKrellM charts SMP CPU, load, Disk, and all active net interfaces
automatically. An on/off button and online timer for the PPP interface
is provided. Monitors for memory and swap usage, file system, internet
connections, APM laptop battery, mbox style mailboxes, and cpu temps.
Also includes an uptime monitor, a hostname label, and a clock/calendar.
Additional features are:
* Autoscaling grid lines with configurable grid line resolution.
* LED indicators for the net interfaces.
* A gui popup for configuration of chart sizes and resolutions.
%setup -q
make CFLAGS="$RPM_OPT_FLAGS" LOCALEDIR="%{_datadir}/locale"
mkdir -p $RPM_BUILD_ROOT%{_bindir}
mkdir -p $RPM_BUILD_ROOT%{_mandir}/man1
mkdir -p $RPM_BUILD_ROOT%{_libdir}/pkgconfig
mkdir -p $RPM_BUILD_ROOT%{_includedir}/%{name}
make install INSTALLROOT=$RPM_BUILD_ROOT/%{_prefix} LOCALEDIR=$RPM_BUILD_ROOT%{_datadir}/locale MANDIR=$RPM_BUILD_ROOT/%{_mandir}/man1
%doc COPYRIGHT Changelog README Themes.html
* Sat Jun 7 2003 Henrik Brix Andersen <>
- changed Source from .gz to .bz2
- added prefix to install path
* Sun Jun 1 2003 Bill Wilson <>
- Use INSTALLROOT and added pkgconfig lines.
* Wed Aug 14 2002 Vladimir Kondratiev <>
- spec: include locale, server files, change 'include' subdir name
* Tue May 1 2001 Vladimir Kondratiev <>
- use macros like _bindir, _mandir, _includedir
- source 1.0.8
* Wed Mar 14 2001 Rob Lineweaver <>
- fixed new manpage inclusion for newer RPM versions
- source is 1.0.7
- compiled for PPC and i386
* Fri Jan 19 2001 Kevin Ford <>
- general cleanup of spec file
* Thu Jan 18 2001 Kevin Ford <>
- Updated spec file to work with both v3 & v4 rpm
- moved changelog to bottom of spec file
- added defines for common items
* Thu Apr 6 2000 Bill Wilson
- added INCLUDEDIR to the make install
* Fri Oct 29 1999 Gary Thomas <>
- .spec file still broken
* Thu Oct 7 1999 David Mihm <>
- fixed spec.

gkrellmd.1 Normal file
View File

@ -0,0 +1,425 @@
.TH gkrellmd 1 "Oct 24, 2006" "GNU/Linux" "User's Manual"
gkrellmd \- The GNU Krell Monitors Server
.B gkrellmd
.B \-\-help
.B \-\-verbose
.B \-u
.B \-\-update-hz
.B \-m
.B \-\-max-clients
.B \-A
.B \-\-address
.B \-P
.B \-\-port
.B \-a
.B \-\-allow-host
.B \-d
.B \-\-detach
.B \-p
.B \-\-plugin
.B \-pe
.B \-\-plugin-enable
.B \-\-plist
.B \-\-plog
.B \-U
.B \-\-user
.B \-G
.B \-\-group
.B \-\-pidfile
.B \-\-inet-interval
.B \-\-io-timeout
.B \-\-reconnect-timeout
.B \-\-mailbox
.B \-\-net-timer
.B \-\-mbmon-port
.B gkrellmd
Listens for connections from
clients. When a
.B gkrellm
client connects to a
.B gkrellmd
server all builtin monitors collect
their data from the server. However, the
.B gkrellm
process is running on the local machine, so
plugins enabled in
.B gkrellm
will collect data from the local
context unless the plugin is client/server capable and has a
.B gkrellmd
plugin counterpart which is installed
and enabled on the server. Enabling a
.B gkrellmd
plugin installed on a server requires adding a
.I plugin-enable
line to a
.I gkrellmd.conf
Any command launching from a gkrellm client will run commands
on the local machine. If you want to execute commands on the server,
the client side commands can use ssh.
There is no support for file system mounting on the machine where the
.B gkrellmd
server is running.
.B \-h \-\-help
Displays usage information and exits.
.B \-v \-\-version
.B gkrellmd
version and exits.
.B \-V \-\-verbose
Prints connection progress.
.B \-u, \-\-update-hz f
Sets the data update frequency in samples per second for the server.
This is independent of and should be less than the
client update rate. The rate can be from 1 to 10 and should be lower
to minimize network traffic. A value of not much more than 1/2 the client
update rate is best where it is not important to minimize network traffic.
.B \-m, \-\-max-clients N
Sets the maximum number of simultaneous clients allowed to connect
to the server.
.B \-A, \-\-address server_address
.I server_address
for the network connection.
.B \-P, \-\-port server_port
.I server_port
for the network connection.
.B \-a, \-\-allow-host hostname
Specify hosts which are allowed to connect. Multiple
.I allow-host
arguments may be given. If no hosts are specified on the command
line or in a gkrellmd.conf file, then all
hosts are allowed to connect. The
.I hostname
argument may be a text name or a IPv4 or IPv6
dotted notation. For IPv4, the simple subnet pattern x.y.z.* may be used.
Also, if
.I hostname
is the keyword
then all hosts are allowed. This option is additive and specified hosts
will be added to the hostnames listed in gkrellmd.conf files unless the
.I --clear-hosts
option is given first.
.B \-p, \-\-plugin name
For plugin development convenience, load and enable the command line
specified plugin
to avoid repeated install steps in the development cycle.
See the README from the gkrellm
.I demo5
for more information on gkrellmd plugin development.
Requires at least gkrellmd version 2.2.0.
.B \-pe, \-\-plugin-enable name
Specify an installed plugin to enable (this is probably more convenient
to specify in a gkrellmd.conf file).
Requires at least gkrellmd version 2.2.0.
.B \-plist
Output a list of plugins which are installed and available to enable and exit.
Requires at least gkrellmd version 2.2.0.
.B \-plog
Output a log of the plugin install process. When requesting a log, the
.I --detach
option will have no effect.
Requires at least gkrellmd version 2.2.0.
.B \-c, \-\-clear-hosts
Clears the current list of allowed hosts. Use this before any
.I --allow-host
arguments if you want command line
allowed hosts to override and not be additive to those specified in
gkrellmd.conf files.
.B -d, --detach
Runs gkrellmd in the background and detaches from the terminal.
.B -U, --user username
Changes user to
.I username
after startup. Useful if you want to run gkrellmd as root, but set
it to run with another privileges; typically as the
.I nobody
.B -G, --group groupname
Changes group to
.I groupname
after startup.
.B --pidfile path
Create a PID file for the running gkrellmd. Typically,
.I path
would be
.I /var/run/
Default is no PID file.
.B --inet-interval seconds
The Internet monitor defaults to reading TCP connections once per second.
However, for Linux SMP kernels where reading /proc/net/tcp causes high
cpu usage, the
.I inet-interval
may be set to 1-20 seconds to slow down
/proc/net/tcp reads. Or set it to 0 to totally disable the Internet monitor.
Requires at least gkrellmd version 2.1.8.
.B --io-timeout seconds
Configure gkrellm clients to disconnect from a gkrellmd server if
there is an
.I io-timeout
interval where the client receives no input
from the server. Use this for conditions where gkrellmd may be
ungracefully terminated such that socket connections are not closed.
Minimum is 2 (less than 2 for no I/O disconnecting and is the default).
Requires at least 2.1.8 versions of both gkrellmd and gkrellm.
.B --reconnect-timeout seconds
Configure gkrellm clients to attempt automatic reconnects to a
gkrellmd server every
.I reconnect-timeout
seconds after a disconnected
state is detected. Disconnected states are created by normal gkrellmd
shutdowns or by an expiring
.I io-timeout.
Minimum is 2 (less than 2 for no automatic reconnecting and is the default).
Requires at least 2.1.8 versions of both gkrellmd and gkrellm.
.B --mailbox mbox_path
Check the server side mailbox
.I mbox_path
and send mail counts to connected gkrellm clients. Mailbox types may
be mbox, Maildir, and MH mail.
Requires at least 2.1.11 versions of both gkrellmd and gkrellm.
.B --net-timer net_interface
Configure gkrellmd to send the connect time for a network interface
to all clients to be displayed in the client gkrellm timer button
monitor display. If this is done, the client gkrellm timer button can
still execute commands on the client, but the button will not affect the
timer display. If you want the client timer button to execute commands
on the server, your timer button commands can use ssh.
So set this if your server box has say a ppp0 or ippp0 connection and you
want to monitor its connect time.
Requires at least 2.2.7 versions of both gkrellmd and gkrellm.
.B --mbmon-port port_number
If the mbmon daemon is running when gkrellmd is started, gkrellmd will
connect to mbmon using the given port_number and send mbmon sensor data to
connected gkrellm clients. The mbmon daemon should have been started
using the same port number like so:
.B mbmon -r -P port_number
On the server machine where gkrellmd is installed, copy the sample
.I gkrellmd.conf
file from the
.I server
subdirectory of the
.B gkrellm
source tarball to one of the
.I gkrellmd.conf
locations listed in the
section and edit it to set your preferences or to enable plugins. Probably
don't set the
.I detached
option until you are happy with the configuration. Run:
.B gkrellmd
On a client machine, run:
.B gkrellm -s server-machine-name
Configure the client gkrellm in its graphical configuration window as
you wish, and that's all there is
to it. Of course, if you don't use the default
.B gkrellmd
.I port
number you will have to supply an appropriate
.I port
argument to the client
.B gkrellm.
Available plugins will be installed in the
.I plugins-gkrellmd
directory locations listed in the
section. You may test enable any of these plugins with the
.I -pe
option, but for permanent enabling you should add a
.I plugin-enable
line to any
.I gkrellmd.conf
file listed in the
section. Run
.B gkrellmd -plist
to see a list of all installed plugins and run
.B gkrellmd -plog
to see a log of the plugin install process.
.I /etc/gkrellmd.conf
System server config which is read first.
The config file may contain lines similar to the command line args.
For example:
allow-host localhost
allow-host 192.168.0.*
port 19150
max-clients 2
update-hz 2
.B detach
.B io-timeout 5
.B reconnect-timeout 5
.B plugin-enable gkrelltopd
With the exception of
.I --allow-host,
command line args will override options in gkrellmd.conf files.
.I /usr/local/etc/gkrellmd.conf
Local server config file which is read second.
.I ~/.gkrellmd.conf
User server config file which is read last.
.I ~/.gkrellm2/plugins-gkrellmd
User server plugin directory.
.I /usr/lib/gkrellm2/plugins-gkrellmd
System wide server plugin directory.
.I /usr/local/lib/gkrellm2/plugins-gkrellmd
Local server plugin directory.
Bill Wilson <>.

pixmaps/bg_chart.xpm Normal file
View File

@ -0,0 +1,61 @@
/* XPM */
static char * bg_chart_xpm[] = {
"60 4 54 1",
" c None",
". c #272E36",
"+ c #282F36",
"@ c #283037",
"# c #293138",
"$ c #2A3239",
"% c #2C333B",
"& c #2E353C",
"* c #30373E",
"= c #323940",
"- c #343B43",
"; c #363E45",
"> c #394048",
", c #3B434A",
"' c #3E454D",
") c #41484F",
"! c #434B52",
"~ c #464E55",
"{ c #495058",
"] c #4B535A",
"^ c #4E555D",
"/ c #50575F",
"( c #525961",
"_ c #545B63",
": c #555D64",
"< c #565E66",
"[ c #575F67",
"} c #586067",
"| c #596068",
"1 c #586068",
"2 c #575F66",
"3 c #565E65",
"4 c #555C64",
"5 c #535B62",
"6 c #515960",
"7 c #4F575E",
"8 c #4D545C",
"9 c #4A5259",
"0 c #484F57",
"a c #454D54",
"b c #434A51",
"c c #40474F",
"d c #3E454C",
"e c #373E46",
"f c #353C43",
"g c #333A41",
"h c #313840",
"i c #2F363E",
"j c #2D353C",
"k c #2B3239",
"l c #2A3138",
"m c #293037",
"n c #282F37",
"o c #272F36",

pixmaps/bg_grid.xpm Normal file
View File

@ -0,0 +1,97 @@
/* XPM */
static char * bg_grid_xpm[] = {
"60 2 92 2",
" c None",
". c #000000",
"+ c #010101",
"@ c #020202",
"# c #030303",
"$ c #040405",
"% c #050606",
"& c #060708",
"* c #080909",
"= c #0A0A0B",
"- c #0B0C0D",
"; c #0D0E0F",
"> c #0F1011",
", c #101213",
"' c #121415",
") c #141617",
"! c #161819",
"~ c #17191B",
"{ c #191B1D",
"] c #1A1D1F",
"^ c #1C1E20",
"/ c #1D1F22",
"( c #1E2023",
"_ c #1F2124",
": c #1F2225",
"< c #202325",
"[ c #202326",
"} c #202225",
"| c #1E2124",
"1 c #1D1F21",
"2 c #1B1E20",
"3 c #1A1C1E",
"4 c #181B1D",
"5 c #151719",
"6 c #131517",
"7 c #121315",
"8 c #101113",
"9 c #0E1011",
"0 c #0A0B0C",
"a c #09090A",
"b c #070809",
"c c #060707",
"d c #050506",
"e c #040404",
"f c #43505C",
"g c #44505D",
"h c #45515D",
"i c #46525E",
"j c #47535F",
"k c #485561",
"l c #4A5662",
"m c #4C5864",
"n c #4E5A66",
"o c #505C68",
"p c #535F6A",
"q c #56616D",
"r c #58646F",
"s c #5B6672",
"t c #5E6974",
"u c #606C77",
"v c #636E79",
"w c #66717C",
"x c #69737E",
"y c #6B7680",
"z c #6D7882",
"A c #6F7A84",
"B c #717C86",
"C c #737D87",
"D c #747E89",
"E c #757F89",
"F c #76808A",
"G c #76808B",
"H c #747E88",
"I c #727D87",
"J c #717B85",
"K c #6F7984",
"L c #6D7782",
"M c #6A7580",
"N c #68737D",
"O c #65707B",
"P c #626D78",
"Q c #606B76",
"R c #5D6873",
"S c #5A6671",
"T c #545F6B",
"U c #515D69",
"V c #4F5B67",
"W c #4D5965",
"X c #475360",
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"Z c #45515E",
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pixmaps/bg_meter.xpm Normal file
View File

@ -0,0 +1,174 @@
/* XPM */
static char * bg_meter_xpm[] = {
"60 14 157 2",
" c None",
". c #000000",
"+ c #313435",
"@ c #545B5C",
"# c #565C5E",
"$ c #586061",
"% c #596364",
"& c #5D6466",
"* c #5E6567",
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"< c #737D7D",
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"| c #768080",
"1 c #737C7D",
"2 c #707878",
"3 c #6F7778",
"4 c #6B7576",
"5 c #5C6265",
"6 c #5A6163",
"7 c #585F61",
"8 c #575D5F",
"9 c #555B5D",
"0 c #323437",
"a c #353739",
"b c #38393C",
"c c #3B3F40",
"d c #3D4042",
"e c #3F4244",
"f c #404447",
"g c #444648",
"h c #45484B",
"i c #484B4D",
"j c #4A4D4F",
"k c #4B5052",
"l c #4E5355",
"m c #505557",
"n c #515558",
"o c #535859",
"p c #54585A",
"q c #545A5C",
"r c #575E5F",
"s c #585F60",
"t c #596062",
"u c #5B6364",
"v c #5C6465",
"w c #5E6667",
"x c #5D6566",
"y c #5B6566",
"z c #5A6465",
"A c #596162",
"B c #55595B",
"C c #535759",
"D c #525658",
"E c #4F5456",
"F c #4D5254",
"G c #4C4F51",
"H c #494C4E",
"I c #484A4C",
"J c #454849",
"K c #414648",
"L c #404345",
"M c #3B3D40",
"N c #383B3D",
"O c #37383B",
"P c #343638",
"Q c #1D1F1F",
"R c #505758",
"S c #596B6E",
"T c #5E6F6F",
"U c #5E7073",
"V c #617374",
"W c #637474",
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"Z c #68797B",
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"2. c #7D8586",
"3. c #7E8687",
"4. c #7F8788",
"5. c #808888",
"6. c #828A8A",
"7. c #838D8D",
"8. c #848E8E",
"9. c #858F8F",
"0. c #879191",
"a. c #889393",
"b. c #899494",
"c. c #8B9696",
"d. c #8B9897",
"e. c #8D9998",
"f. c #8F9B9A",
"g. c #909C9A",
"h. c #909E9C",
"i. c #929E9D",
"j. c #93A19F",
"k. c #94A2A0",
"l. c #919D9B",
"m. c #8E9A99",
"n. c #8C9898",
"o. c #8A9796",
"p. c #8A9595",
"q. c #889292",
"r. c #869090",
"s. c #828B8C",
"t. c #818889",
"u. c #7F8688",
"v. c #7D8486",
"w. c #7C8385",
"x. c #798082",
"y. c #797F80",
"z. c #787E7F",
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pixmaps/bg_panel.xpm Normal file
View File

@ -0,0 +1,279 @@
/* XPM */
static char * bg_panel_xpm[] = {
"60 14 262 2",
" c None",
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"+ c #6E7A7C",
"@ c #6F7C7D",
"# c #717C7E",
"$ c #727E80",
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"& c #747F82",
"* c #748083",
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"1 c #869194",
"2 c #889295",
"3 c #899295",
"4 c #B3BCC0",
"5 c #A1ACB0",
"6 c #ADB6B7",
"7 c #636B6B",
"8 c #788384",
"9 c #586162",
"0 c #404748",
"a c #4F585A",
"b c #51595B",
"c c #515A5C",
"d c #515B5E",
"e c #525C5F",
"f c #535D60",
"g c #545F60",
"h c #565F61",
"i c #576061",
"j c #474F50",
"k c #8C9394",
"l c #757F80",
"m c #778081",
"n c #788182",
"o c #798182",
"p c #7B8283",
"q c #7B8384",
"r c #7B8486",
"s c #7D8687",
"t c #7E8788",
"u c #7F8789",
"v c #959C9D",
"w c #52585B",
"x c #666D70",
"y c #666F70",
"z c #676F72",
"A c #697072",
"B c #6A7073",
"C c #6A7173",
"D c #949D9D",
"E c #80888A",
"F c #8C9495",
"G c #495052",
"H c #3F4546",
"I c #667778",
"J c #67787B",
"K c #697A7D",
"L c #6A7C7F",
"M c #6B7D81",
"N c #6E8084",
"O c #708186",
"P c #728387",
"Q c #748589",
"R c #77878B",
"S c #79898C",
"T c #7B8B8D",
"U c #7D8D8F",
"V c #7F9092",
"W c #829294",
"X c #839395",
"Y c #859497",
"Z c #879699",
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".. c #8E9C9F",
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"1. c #849496",
"2. c #869698",
"3. c #88979A",
"4. c #8A9A9C",
"5. c #8D9C9E",
"6. c #8F9DA0",
"7. c #919FA1",
"8. c #95A1A6",
"9. c #97A4A9",
"0. c #647577",
"a. c #4B5353",
"b. c #565F5F",
"c. c #616D6E",
"d. c #647374",
"e. c #637475",
"f. c #647678",
"g. c #687879",
"h. c #697A7A",
"i. c #6B7E7E",
"j. c #6D7D80",
"k. c #6D7E83",
"l. c #708185",
"m. c #718287",
"n. c #738589",
"o. c #76878B",
"p. c #78898C",
"q. c #7A8B8E",
"r. c #7D8C8F",
"s. c #7F8F93",
"t. c #839396",
"u. c #869598",
"v. c #87969A",
"w. c #8A989B",
"x. c #8C999D",
"y. c #8F9CA0",
"z. c #909FA3",
"A. c #92A1A5",
"B. c #97A4A7",
"C. c #99A7A9",
"D. c #535D5C",
"E. c #485152",
"F. c #303130",
"G. c #545754",
"H. c #5D6969",
"I. c #607172",
"J. c #607275",
"K. c #647576",
"L. c #6A7B7E",
"M. c #6D7E7F",
"N. c #6E7F81",
"O. c #708283",
"P. c #728285",
"Q. c #718388",
"R. c #73858A",
"S. c #76858A",
"T. c #78888E",
"U. c #79898E",
"V. c #7D8D90",
"W. c #7F8F92",
"X. c #809093",
"Y. c #839294",
"Z. c #8B9A9E",
"`. c #8D9B9E",
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"++ c #5C6969",
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"^+ c #819194",
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"|+ c #5B6868",
"1+ c #545C5A",
"2+ c #2C2D2C",
"3+ c #505350",
"4+ c #434543",
"5+ c #3D403D",
"6+ c #292A29",
"7+ c #0F0F0F",
"8+ c #5E615E",
"9+ c #596B6E",
"0+ c #575B57",
"a+ c #3B3D3B",
"b+ c #79898D",
"c+ c #7B8B8F",
"d+ c #829295",
"e+ c #859496",
"f+ c #869699",
"g+ c #4A4E4A",
"h+ c #333533",
"i+ c #000000",
"j+ c #2F312F",
"k+ c #3D4D50",
"l+ c #4A5D5F",
"m+ c #4B5E62",
"n+ c #4D6062",
"o+ c #4E6162",
"p+ c #4F6265",
"q+ c #516466",
"r+ c #526568",
"s+ c #546768",
"t+ c #54686A",
"u+ c #556A6C",
"v+ c #576A6D",
"w+ c #576B70",
"x+ c #576C72",
"y+ c #5A6C72",
"z+ c #5B6F74",
"A+ c #5C6F75",
"B+ c #5E7175",
"C+ c #607376",
"D+ c #627477",
"E+ c #65777A",
"F+ c #66777B",
"G+ c #68797C",
"H+ c #697B7E",
"I+ c #6B7C7F",
"J+ c #6C7D81",
"K+ c #6E7E82",
"L+ c #3F5051",
"M+ c #2C2E2C",
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pixmaps/bg_separator.xpm Normal file
View File

@ -0,0 +1,80 @@
/* XPM */
static char * bg_separator_xpm[] = {
"60 2 75 1",
" c None",
". c #596365",
"+ c #6E7A7C",
"@ c #6F7C7D",
"# c #717C7E",
"$ c #727E80",
"% c #737E81",
"& c #747F82",
"* c #748083",
"= c #758183",
"- c #778283",
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"' c #9AA5A6",
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"! c #9BA7A7",
"~ c #9CA7A8",
"{ c #9EA8A9",
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"^ c #9FAAAB",
"/ c #A0ACAC",
"( c #A1ACAD",
"_ c #A1ACAF",
": c #B3BCBF",
"< c #6A7376",
"[ c #838E91",
"} c #838E92",
"| c #848F93",
"1 c #869194",
"2 c #889295",
"3 c #899295",
"4 c #B3BCC0",
"5 c #A1ACB0",
"6 c #ADB6B7",
"7 c #636B6B",
"8 c #788384",
"9 c #586162",
"0 c #3F4647",
"a c #4E5759",
"b c #50585A",
"c c #50595B",
"d c #505A5D",
"e c #515B5D",
"f c #525C5E",
"g c #535D5E",
"h c #555D5F",
"i c #565E60",
"j c #575F61",
"k c #464E4F",
"l c #8A9192",
"m c #747D7F",
"n c #767F80",
"o c #768081",
"p c #778081",
"q c #798182",
"r c #798282",
"s c #798284",
"t c #7B8485",
"u c #7C8586",
"v c #7D8587",
"w c #939A9B",
"x c #51575A",
"y c #656B6E",
"z c #656D6F",
"A c #666D71",
"B c #686E71",
"C c #696F72",
"D c #697072",
"E c #929B9B",
"F c #7F8688",
"G c #8A9293",
"H c #484F51",
"I c #576061",
"J c #3E4445",

View File

@ -0,0 +1,81 @@
/* XPM */
static char * button_meter_in_xpm[] = {
"40 14 64 1",
" c None",
". c #3E463E",
"+ c #404840",
"@ c #434B43",
"# c #454D45",
"$ c #464E46",
"% c #475047",
"& c #485148",
"* c #485248",
"= c #495449",
"- c #4A554A",
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"' c #4F594F",
") c #505B50",
"! c #515C51",
"~ c #525D52",
"{ c #535E53",
"] c #546054",
"^ c #525E52",
"/ c #515D51",
"( c #505C50",
"_ c #4F5A4F",
": c #4E594E",
"< c #4D584D",
"[ c #4C574C",
"} c #4B564B",
"| c #495349",
"1 c #485048",
"2 c #474F47",
"3 c #444C44",
"4 c #424A42",
"5 c #414941",
"6 c #849584",
"7 c #899989",
"8 c #829182",
"9 c #839183",
"0 c #849384",
"a c #859485",
"b c #879687",
"c c #889788",
"d c #8B9B8B",
"e c #8C9D8C",
"f c #8D9E8D",
"g c #8FA08F",
"h c #90A290",
"i c #91A391",
"j c #91A591",
"k c #93A793",
"l c #94A894",
"m c #95A995",
"n c #96AA96",
"o c #97AC97",
"p c #99AD99",
"q c #93A893",
"r c #92A692",
"s c #91A491",
"t c #8FA18F",
"u c #8E9F8E",
"v c #8B9C8B",
"w c #8A9A8A",
"x c #869586",
"y c #849284",
".. 77",
".. 77",
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".. 77",
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".. 77",

View File

@ -0,0 +1,81 @@
/* XPM */
static char * button_meter_out_xpm[] = {
"40 14 64 1",
" c None",
". c #899989",
"+ c #839183",
"@ c #849384",
"# c #859485",
"$ c #879687",
"% c #889788",
"& c #8B9B8B",
"* c #8C9D8C",
"= c #8D9E8D",
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"> c #91A391",
", c #91A591",
"' c #93A793",
") c #94A894",
"! c #95A995",
"~ c #96AA96",
"{ c #97AC97",
"] c #99AD99",
"^ c #93A893",
"/ c #92A692",
"( c #91A491",
"_ c #8FA18F",
": c #8E9F8E",
"< c #8B9C8B",
"[ c #8A9A8A",
"} c #869586",
"| c #849284",
"1 c #829182",
"2 c #424A42",
"3 c #414941",
"4 c #404840",
"5 c #3E463E",
"6 c #434B43",
"7 c #454D45",
"8 c #464E46",
"9 c #475047",
"0 c #485148",
"a c #485248",
"b c #495449",
"c c #4A554A",
"d c #4B574B",
"e c #4C584C",
"f c #4E584E",
"g c #4F594F",
"h c #505B50",
"i c #515C51",
"j c #525D52",
"k c #535E53",
"l c #546054",
"m c #525E52",
"n c #515D51",
"o c #505C50",
"p c #4F5A4F",
"q c #4E594E",
"r c #4D584D",
"s c #4C574C",
"t c #4B564B",
"u c #495349",
"v c #485048",
"w c #474F47",
"x c #444C44",
"y c #849584",
".. 55",
".. 55",
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".. 55",
".. 55",
".. 55",
".. 55",
".. 55",
".. 55",

View File

@ -0,0 +1,81 @@
/* XPM */
static char * button_panel_in_xpm[] = {
"40 14 64 1",
" c None",
". c #3E463E",
"+ c #404840",
"@ c #434B43",
"# c #454D45",
"$ c #464E46",
"% c #475047",
"& c #485148",
"* c #485248",
"= c #495449",
"- c #4A554A",
"; c #4B574B",
"> c #4C584C",
", c #4E584E",
"' c #4F594F",
") c #505B50",
"! c #515C51",
"~ c #525D52",
"{ c #535E53",
"] c #546054",
"^ c #525E52",
"/ c #515D51",
"( c #505C50",
"_ c #4F5A4F",
": c #4E594E",
"< c #4D584D",
"[ c #4C574C",
"} c #4B564B",
"| c #495349",
"1 c #485048",
"2 c #474F47",
"3 c #444C44",
"4 c #424A42",
"5 c #414941",
"6 c #849584",
"7 c #899989",
"8 c #829182",
"9 c #839183",
"0 c #849384",
"a c #859485",
"b c #879687",
"c c #889788",
"d c #8B9B8B",
"e c #8C9D8C",
"f c #8D9E8D",
"g c #8FA08F",
"h c #90A290",
"i c #91A391",
"j c #91A591",
"k c #93A793",
"l c #94A894",
"m c #95A995",
"n c #96AA96",
"o c #97AC97",
"p c #99AD99",
"q c #93A893",
"r c #92A692",
"s c #91A491",
"t c #8FA18F",
"u c #8E9F8E",
"v c #8B9C8B",
"w c #8A9A8A",
"x c #869586",
"y c #849284",
".. 77",
".. 77",
".. 77",
".. 77",
".. 77",
".. 77",
".. 77",
".. 77",
".. 77",
".. 77",

View File

@ -0,0 +1,81 @@
/* XPM */
static char * button_panel_out_xpm[] = {
"40 14 64 1",
" c None",
". c #899989",
"+ c #839183",
"@ c #849384",
"# c #859485",
"$ c #879687",
"% c #889788",
"& c #8B9B8B",
"* c #8C9D8C",
"= c #8D9E8D",
"- c #8FA08F",
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"> c #91A391",
", c #91A591",
"' c #93A793",
") c #94A894",
"! c #95A995",
"~ c #96AA96",
"{ c #97AC97",
"] c #99AD99",
"^ c #93A893",
"/ c #92A692",
"( c #91A491",
"_ c #8FA18F",
": c #8E9F8E",
"< c #8B9C8B",
"[ c #8A9A8A",
"} c #869586",
"| c #849284",
"1 c #829182",
"2 c #424A42",
"3 c #414941",
"4 c #404840",
"5 c #3E463E",
"6 c #434B43",
"7 c #454D45",
"8 c #464E46",
"9 c #475047",
"0 c #485148",
"a c #485248",
"b c #495449",
"c c #4A554A",
"d c #4B574B",
"e c #4C584C",
"f c #4E584E",
"g c #4F594F",
"h c #505B50",
"i c #515C51",
"j c #525D52",
"k c #535E53",
"l c #546054",
"m c #525E52",
"n c #515D51",
"o c #505C50",
"p c #4F5A4F",
"q c #4E594E",
"r c #4D584D",
"s c #4C574C",
"t c #4B564B",
"u c #495349",
"v c #485048",
"w c #474F47",
"x c #444C44",
"y c #849584",
".. 55",
".. 55",
".. 55",
".. 55",
".. 55",
".. 55",
".. 55",
".. 55",
".. 55",
".. 55",

pixmaps/cal/bg_panel.xpm Normal file
View File

@ -0,0 +1,196 @@
/* XPM */
static char * bg_panel_cal_xpm[] = {
"60 14 179 2",
" c None",
". c #1E1E1E",
"+ c #545754",
"@ c #5E615E",
"# c #676B67",
"$ c #565C5E",
"% c #586061",
"& c #596364",
"* c #5D6466",
"= c #5E6567",
"- c #606768",
"; c #62686A",
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", c #656D6F",
"' c #686F70",
") c #687173",
"! c #697274",
"~ c #6A7375",
"{ c #6B7476",
"] c #6D7576",
"^ c #6E7677",
"/ c #6E7878",
"( c #6F7879",
"_ c #70797A",
": c #717A7B",
"< c #727B7C",
"[ c #737D7D",
"} c #737F7F",
"| c #757F7F",
"1 c #768080",
"2 c #737C7D",
"3 c #707878",
"4 c #6F7778",
"5 c #6B7576",
"6 c #5C6265",
"7 c #5A6163",
"8 c #585F61",
"9 c #575D5F",
"0 c #646864",
"a c #575B57",
"b c #494C49",
"c c #38393C",
"d c #3B3F40",
"e c #3D4042",
"f c #3F4244",
"g c #404447",
"h c #444648",
"i c #45484B",
"j c #484B4D",
"k c #4A4D4F",
"l c #4B5052",
"m c #4E5355",
"n c #505557",
"o c #515558",
"p c #535859",
"q c #54585A",
"r c #545A5C",
"s c #555B5D",
"t c #575E5F",
"u c #585F60",
"v c #596062",
"w c #5B6364",
"x c #5C6465",
"y c #5E6667",
"z c #5D6566",
"A c #5B6566",
"B c #5A6465",
"C c #596162",
"D c #55595B",
"E c #535759",
"F c #525658",
"G c #4F5456",
"H c #4D5254",
"I c #4C4F51",
"J c #494C4E",
"K c #484A4C",
"L c #454849",
"M c #414648",
"N c #404345",
"O c #3B3D40",
"P c #383B3D",
"Q c #5E6F6F",
"R c #5E7073",
"S c #617374",
"T c #637474",
"U c #647577",
"V c #667879",
"W c #68797B",
"X c #6B7C7C",
"Y c #6B7D7E",
"Z c #6D8080",
"` c #6F7F82",
" . c #6E8085",
".. c #6F8288",
"+. c #738288",
"@. c #74858B",
"#. c #75868C",
"$. c #7A8A8D",
"%. c #7B8C90",
"&. c #7D8D90",
"*. c #808F91",
"=. c #819194",
"-. c #839396",
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"'. c #8A999D",
"). c #8D9B9E",
"!. c #6A6E70",
"~. c #6A6F71",
"{. c #6C7172",
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"^. c #6D7375",
"/. c #6F7677",
"(. c #707778",
"_. c #717879",
":. c #717979",
"<. c #737A7A",
"[. c #747D7D",
"}. c #757E7E",
"|. c #767F7F",
"1. c #788181",
"2. c #798282",
"3. c #798383",
"4. c #7B8585",
"5. c #7B8786",
"6. c #7D8887",
"7. c #7F8988",
"8. c #808A88",
"9. c #808C8A",
"0. c #818C8B",
"a. c #828F8D",
"b. c #83908E",
"c. c #818B89",
"d. c #7E8888",
"e. c #7C8787",
"f. c #7A8685",
"g. c #7A8484",
"h. c #798181",
"i. c #778080",
"j. c #737B7C",
"k. c #727979",
"l. c #717779",
"m. c #6F7577",
"n. c #6E7476",
"o. c #6B7173",
"p. c #6B7171",
"q. c #6A7071",
"r. c #8C9092",
"s. c #8E9394",
"t. c #8E9596",
"u. c #919697",
"v. c #929798",
"w. c #939899",
"x. c #94999A",
"y. c #979A9B",
"z. c #979C9D",
"A. c #999D9E",
"B. c #999FA0",
"C. c #999FA1",
"D. c #9AA0A1",
"E. c #9BA1A2",
"F. c #9CA1A2",
"G. c #9DA2A3",
"H. c #9DA3A3",
"I. c #9DA3A4",
"J. c #9EA4A5",
"K. c #9FA5A5",
"L. c #9FA5A6",
"M. c #A0A7A7",
"N. c #A0A8A8",
"O. c #A1A8A8",
"P. c #A2A9A9",
"Q. c #A0A6A7",
"R. c #9EA3A3",
"S. c #909497",
"T. c #8F9495",
"U. c #8E9294",
"V. c #8D9192",
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pixmaps/clock/bg_panel.xpm Normal file
View File

@ -0,0 +1,177 @@
/* XPM */
static char * bg_panel_clock_xpm[] = {
"60 14 160 2",
" c None",
". c #1E1E1E",
"+ c #545754",
"@ c #5E615E",
"# c #676B67",
"$ c #303133",
"% c #323636",
"& c #343638",
"* c #36383A",
"= c #363A3C",
"- c #3A3C3D",
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"! c #44484A",
"~ c #45484B",
"{ c #474B4C",
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"^ c #474D4E",
"/ c #484D4F",
"( c #4A5051",
"_ c #4B5152",
": c #4B5153",
"< c #4C5253",
"[ c #4D5455",
"} c #4E5556",
"| c #4F5557",
"1 c #505658",
"2 c #505758",
"3 c #4F5657",
"4 c #4D5657",
"5 c #4D5556",
"6 c #4C5455",
"7 c #4C5353",
"8 c #4B5253",
"9 c #4A4F51",
"0 c #494E50",
"a c #484C4D",
"b c #474A4C",
"c c #46494B",
"d c #434749",
"e c #424647",
"f c #414345",
"g c #3E4142",
"h c #3D3F41",
"i c #3B3D3E",
"j c #373C3D",
"k c #36393B",
"l c #323436",
"m c #303234",
"n c #646864",
"o c #575B57",
"p c #494C49",
"q c #5E6F6F",
"r c #5E7073",
"s c #617374",
"t c #637474",
"u c #647577",
"v c #667879",
"w c #68797B",
"x c #6B7C7C",
"y c #6B7D7E",
"z c #6D8080",
"A c #6F7F82",
"B c #6E8085",
"C c #6F8288",
"D c #738288",
"E c #74858B",
"F c #75868C",
"G c #7A8A8D",
"H c #7B8C90",
"I c #7D8D90",
"J c #808F91",
"K c #819194",
"L c #839396",
"M c #869597",
"N c #87979A",
"O c #89989A",
"P c #8A999D",
"Q c #8D9B9E",
"R c #4A4C4A",
"S c #000000",
"T c #313435",
"U c #777B7D",
"V c #787C7E",
"W c #787D7F",
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"Y c #7A8183",
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"@. c #828A8A",
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"1. c #7D8486",
"2. c #7C8385",
"3. c #798082",
"4. c #797F80",
"5. c #787E7F",
"6. c #545B5C",
"7. c #565C5E",
"8. c #586061",
"9. c #596364",
"0. c #5D6466",
"a. c #5E6567",
"b. c #606768",
"c. c #62686A",
"d. c #656A6B",
"e. c #656D6F",
"f. c #686F70",
"g. c #687173",
"h. c #697274",
"i. c #6A7375",
"j. c #6B7476",
"k. c #6D7576",
"l. c #6E7677",
"m. c #6E7878",
"n. c #6F7879",
"o. c #70797A",
"p. c #717A7B",
"q. c #727B7C",
"r. c #737D7D",
"s. c #737F7F",
"t. c #757F7F",
"u. c #768080",
"v. c #737C7D",
"w. c #707878",
"x. c #6F7778",
"y. c #6B7576",
"z. c #5C6265",
"A. c #5A6163",
"B. c #585F61",
"C. c #575D5F",
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". + @ # q r s t u v w x y z A B C D E F G H I J K L M N O P Q P O N M L K J I H G F E D C B A z y x w v u t s r n o p . ",
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". + @ # q r s t u v w x y z A B C D E F G H I J K L M N O P Q P O N M L K J I H G F E D C B A z y x w v u t s r n o p . ",
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". + @ # q r s t u v w x y z A B C D E F G H I J K L M N O P Q P O N M L K J I H G F E D C B A z y x w v u t s r n o p . ",
". R @ # q r s t u v w x y z A B C D E F G H I J K L M N O P Q P O N M L K J I H G F E D C B A z y x w v u t s r n o o . ",
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"S S T T S S "};

pixmaps/cpu/nice.xpm Normal file
View File

@ -0,0 +1,59 @@
/* XPM */
static char * nice_xpm[] = {
"60 4 52 1",
" c None",
". c #387938",
"+ c #377B37",
"@ c #357F35",
"# c #338233",
"$ c #318531",
"% c #308730",
"& c #2D8B2D",
"* c #2C8D2C",
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"! c #1DA51D",
"~ c #1BA91B",
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"^ c #13B313",
"/ c #12B612",
"( c #0FB90F",
"_ c #0EBC0E",
": c #0CC00C",
"< c #0AC30A",
"[ c #07C607",
"} c #06C906",
"| c #04CC04",
"1 c #02CF02",
"2 c #00D300",
"3 c #05CB05",
"4 c #06C806",
"5 c #08C508",
"6 c #0BC10B",
"7 c #0DBE0D",
"8 c #0FBB0F",
"9 c #13B413",
"0 c #15B115",
"a c #1AAA1A",
"b c #1CA61C",
"c c #1DA41D",
"d c #1FA01F",
"e c #219F21",
"f c #289428",
"g c #299229",
"h c #2B902B",
"i c #2D8C2D",
"j c #2F882F",
"k c #338433",
"l c #358035",
"m c #357D35",

pixmaps/cpu/nice_grid.xpm Normal file
View File

@ -0,0 +1,86 @@
/* XPM */
static char * nice_grid_xpm[] = {
"60 2 81 1",
" c None",
". c #007B00",
"+ c #007C00",
"@ c #007D00",
"# c #007F00",
"$ c #008200",
"% c #008400",
"& c #008600",
"* c #008800",
"= c #008A00",
"- c #008B00",
"; c #008C00",
"> c #008F00",
", c #009100",
"' c #009200",
") c #009300",
"! c #009500",
"~ c #009700",
"{ c #009800",
"] c #009A00",
"^ c #009D00",
"/ c #009E00",
"( c #009F00",
"_ c #00A000",
": c #00A300",
"< c #00B300",
"[ c #05B405",
"} c #09B609",
"| c #0EB60E",
"1 c #13B613",
"2 c #17B717",
"3 c #1DB91D",
"4 c #22BA22",
"5 c #26BB26",
"6 c #2BBD2B",
"7 c #2FBE2F",
"8 c #35BF35",
"9 c #3AC03A",
"0 c #3FC13F",
"a c #44C244",
"b c #49C349",
"c c #4DC44D",
"d c #52C652",
"e c #58C758",
"f c #5CC75C",
"g c #63C963",
"h c #67CA67",
"i c #6CCC6C",
"j c #72CD72",
"k c #76CE76",
"l c #7BCF7B",
"m c #81CF81",
"n c #86D186",
"o c #8CD28C",
"p c #8AD28A",
"q c #85D085",
"r c #7FCF7F",
"s c #7BCE7B",
"t c #74CE74",
"u c #70CC70",
"v c #6ACB6A",
"w c #65CA65",
"x c #61C861",
"y c #5AC75A",
"z c #56C656",
"A c #50C550",
"B c #4BC34B",
"C c #45C245",
"D c #41C241",
"E c #3DC13D",
"F c #38C038",
"G c #31BE31",
"H c #2DBD2D",
"I c #29BC29",
"J c #25BB25",
"K c #20BA20",
"L c #18B818",
"M c #10B610",
"N c #0CB50C",
"O c #07B407",
"P c #04B304",

pixmaps/data_in.xpm Normal file
View File

@ -0,0 +1,66 @@
/* XPM */
static char * data_in_xpm[] = {
"60 4 59 1",
" c None",
". c #459292",
"+ c #439696",
"@ c #419A9A",
"# c #3E9D9D",
"$ c #3CA1A1",
"% c #3AA4A4",
"& c #37A8A8",
"* c #35ACAC",
"= c #33AFAF",
"- c #30B3B3",
"; c #2EB6B6",
"> c #2CBABA",
", c #29BEBE",
"' c #27C1C1",
") c #25C5C5",
"! c #22C8C8",
"~ c #20CCCC",
"{ c #1DD0D0",
"] c #1BD4D4",
"^ c #18D8D8",
"/ c #16DCDC",
"( c #13E0E0",
"_ c #11E4E4",
": c #0EE8E8",
"< c #0CECEC",
"[ c #09EFEF",
"} c #07F3F3",
"| c #04F7F7",
"1 c #02FBFB",
"2 c #00FEFE",
"3 c #02FAFA",
"4 c #05F6F6",
"5 c #08F2F2",
"6 c #0AEEEE",
"7 c #0DEAEA",
"8 c #0FE6E6",
"9 c #12E2E2",
"0 c #15DEDE",
"a c #17DADA",
"b c #1AD6D6",
"c c #1CD2D2",
"d c #1FCECE",
"e c #22C9C9",
"f c #24C6C6",
"g c #26C3C3",
"h c #28C0C0",
"i c #2ABDBD",
"j c #2EB7B7",
"k c #30B4B4",
"l c #32B1B1",
"m c #34AEAE",
"n c #36ABAB",
"o c #39A5A5",
"p c #3BA2A2",
"q c #3D9F9F",
"r c #3F9B9B",
"s c #419898",
"t c #439595",

pixmaps/data_in_grid.xpm Normal file
View File

@ -0,0 +1,112 @@
/* XPM */
static char * data_in_grid_xpm[] = {
"60 2 107 2",
" c None",
". c #009494",
"+ c #009696",
"@ c #009898",
"# c #009999",
"$ c #009B9B",
"% c #009C9C",
"& c #009E9E",
"* c #00A0A0",
"= c #00A1A1",
"- c #00A3A3",
"; c #00A5A5",
"> c #00A6A6",
", c #00A8A8",
"' c #00AAAA",
") c #00ABAB",
"! c #00ADAD",
"~ c #00AFAF",
"{ c #00B1B1",
"] c #00B2B2",
"^ c #00B4B4",
"/ c #00B6B6",
"( c #00B8B8",
"_ c #00B9B9",
": c #00BBBB",
"< c #00BDBD",
"[ c #00BFBF",
"} c #00C1C1",
"| c #00C2C2",
"1 c #00C4C4",
"2 c #00C3C3",
"3 c #00C0C0",
"4 c #00BEBE",
"5 c #00BCBC",
"6 c #00BABA",
"7 c #00B7B7",
"8 c #00B5B5",
"9 c #00B3B3",
"0 c #00B0B0",
"a c #00AEAE",
"b c #00ACAC",
"c c #00A9A9",
"d c #00A7A7",
"e c #00A4A4",
"f c #00A2A2",
"g c #009D9D",
"h c #009A9A",
"i c #009797",
"j c #00D8D8",
"k c #05D9D9",
"l c #0BDBDB",
"m c #11DCDC",
"n c #17DDDD",
"o c #1DDEDE",
"p c #23E0E0",
"q c #29E1E1",
"r c #2EE2E2",
"s c #34E4E4",
"t c #3AE5E5",
"u c #40E6E6",
"v c #46E8E8",
"w c #4CE9E9",
"x c #52EAEA",
"y c #58ECEC",
"z c #5EEDED",
"A c #64EFEF",
"B c #6AF0F0",
"C c #70F1F1",
"D c #77F3F3",
"E c #7DF4F4",
"F c #83F6F6",
"G c #89F7F7",
"H c #8FF8F8",
"I c #95FAFA",
"J c #9CFBFB",
"K c #A2FDFD",
"L c #A8FEFE",
"M c #A6FEFE",
"N c #A0FCFC",
"O c #9AFBFB",
"P c #93F9F9",
"Q c #8DF8F8",
"R c #87F6F6",
"S c #80F5F5",
"T c #7AF4F4",
"U c #74F2F2",
"V c #6DF1F1",
"W c #67EFEF",
"X c #61EEEE",
"Y c #5AECEC",
"Z c #54EBEB",
"` c #4FEAEA",
" . c #4AE9E9",
".. c #45E8E8",
"+. c #40E7E7",
"@. c #3BE5E5",
"#. c #36E4E4",
"$. c #31E3E3",
"%. c #2CE2E2",
"&. c #27E1E1",
"*. c #22E0E0",
"=. c #1DDFDF",
"-. c #18DDDD",
";. c #13DCDC",
">. c #0EDBDB",
",. c #09DADA",
"'. c #04D9D9",
". + @ # $ % & * = - ; > , ' ) ! ~ { ] ^ / ( _ : < [ } | 1 2 } 3 4 5 6 _ 7 8 9 { 0 a b ) c , d ; e f = * & g $ h @ i + . ",
"j k l m n o p q r s t u v w x y z A B C D E F G H I J K L M N O P Q R S T U V W X Y Z ` ...+.@.#.$.%.&.*.=.-.;.>.,.'.j "};

pixmaps/data_out.xpm Normal file
View File

@ -0,0 +1,66 @@
/* XPM */
static char * data_out_xpm[] = {
"60 4 59 1",
" c None",
". c #AF7B35",
"+ c #B27E37",
"@ c #B48139",
"# c #B7833B",
"$ c #BA863D",
"% c #BC8840",
"& c #BF8B42",
"* c #C18E44",
"= c #C49046",
"- c #C79348",
"; c #C9964A",
"> c #CC984C",
", c #CE9B4E",
"' c #D19E50",
") c #D4A052",
"! c #D6A355",
"~ c #D9A657",
"{ c #DCA859",
"] c #DEAB5B",
"^ c #E1AE5E",
"/ c #E4B160",
"( c #E7B462",
"_ c #EAB764",
": c #ECB967",
"< c #EFBC69",
"[ c #F2BF6B",
"} c #F5C26D",
"| c #F7C570",
"1 c #FAC872",
"2 c #FCCA74",
"3 c #F9C771",
"4 c #F6C46F",
"5 c #F4C16D",
"6 c #F1BE6A",
"7 c #EEBB68",
"8 c #EBB866",
"9 c #E8B563",
"0 c #E5B261",
"a c #E2AF5F",
"b c #E0AC5C",
"c c #DDAA5A",
"d c #DAA758",
"e c #D7A455",
"f c #D5A153",
"g c #D29F52",
"h c #D09D50",
"i c #CA964A",
"j c #C79449",
"k c #C59247",
"l c #C38F45",
"m c #C18D43",
"n c #BF8B41",
"o c #BC8940",
"p c #BA863E",
"q c #B8843C",
"r c #B6823A",
"s c #B48039",
"t c #B17E37",

pixmaps/data_out_grid.xpm Normal file
View File

@ -0,0 +1,115 @@
/* XPM */
static char * data_out_grid_xpm[] = {
"60 2 110 2",
" c None",
". c #986B2E",
"+ c #9A6D30",
"@ c #9B6F31",
"# c #9D7033",
"$ c #9F7234",
"% c #A07436",
"& c #A27637",
"* c #A47839",
"= c #A57A3B",
"- c #A77B3C",
"; c #A97D3E",
"> c #AA7F3F",
", c #AC8141",
"' c #AE8342",
") c #AF8544",
"! c #B18646",
"~ c #B38847",
"{ c #B48A49",
"] c #B68C4B",
"^ c #B88E4C",
"/ c #BA904E",
"( c #BB9250",
"_ c #BD9451",
": c #BF9653",
"< c #C19855",
"[ c #C29A56",
"} c #C49B58",
"| c #C69D59",
"1 c #C89F5B",
"2 c #C79F5B",
"3 c #C49B57",
"4 c #C29956",
"5 c #C09754",
"6 c #BE9552",
"7 c #BC9350",
"8 c #BA914F",
"9 c #B98F4D",
"0 c #B78D4B",
"a c #B58B49",
"b c #B38948",
"c c #B18746",
"d c #B08544",
"e c #AE8343",
"f c #AD8242",
"g c #AB8040",
"h c #A77C3C",
"i c #A67A3B",
"j c #A5793A",
"k c #A37738",
"l c #9F7334",
"m c #9E7133",
"n c #9C7032",
"o c #9B6E31",
"p c #996C2F",
"q c #E3A045",
"r c #E4A247",
"s c #E5A449",
"t c #E6A64C",
"u c #E7A84E",
"v c #E8AA50",
"w c #E9AC52",
"x c #EAAE55",
"y c #EBB057",
"z c #ECB259",
"A c #ECB45C",
"B c #EDB65E",
"C c #EEB760",
"D c #EFB962",
"E c #F0BB65",
"F c #F1BD67",
"G c #F2BF69",
"H c #F3C26C",
"I c #F4C46E",
"J c #F5C671",
"K c #F6C873",
"L c #F7CA76",
"M c #F8CC78",
"N c #F9CE7B",
"O c #FAD07D",
"P c #FBD380",
"Q c #FCD582",
"R c #FDD785",
"S c #FED987",
"T c #FEDA89",
"U c #FDD886",
"V c #FCD684",
"W c #FBD481",
"X c #FAD27F",
"Y c #F9D07C",
"Z c #F8CE7A",
"` c #F7CB77",
" . c #F6C975",
".. c #F5C772",
"+. c #F4C570",
"@. c #F3C36D",
"#. c #F2C16B",
"$. c #F1BE68",
"%. c #F1BD66",
"&. c #F0BB64",
"*. c #EDB45C",
"=. c #ECB25A",
"-. c #EBB158",
";. c #EAAF56",
">. c #EAAD54",
",. c #E8AA51",
"'. c #E7A84F",
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"!. c #E6A54B",
"~. c #E5A349",
". + @ # $ % & * = - ; > , ' ) ! ~ { ] ^ / ( _ : < [ } | 1 2 | 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 0 a b c d e f g > ; h i j k & % l m n o p . ",
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pixmaps/decal_alarm.xpm Normal file

File diff suppressed because it is too large Load Diff

pixmaps/decal_button.xpm Normal file
View File

@ -0,0 +1,143 @@
/* XPM */
static char * decal_button_xpm[] = {
"12 14 126 2",
" c None",
". c #E4EAED",
"+ c #DBE1E4",
"@ c #D0D6DB",
"# c #CBD0D6",
"$ c #C9CDD4",
"% c #CACFD5",
"& c #CAD0D5",
"* c #C9CED4",
"= c #C5CAD2",
"- c #BBC0C8",
"; c #606A79",
"> c #D5DCE2",
", c #C6CED5",
"' c #BAC0C9",
") c #B3BAC2",
"! c #B1B7C0",
"~ c #B1B8C2",
"{ c #B2B9C1",
"] c #B2B8C1",
"^ c #AAB1BB",
"/ c #979EA8",
"( c #424D57",
"_ c #C5CDD4",
": c #B2BAC3",
"< c #9BA5B2",
"[ c #959EAA",
"} c #929CA7",
"| c #919AA6",
"1 c #9399A4",
"2 c #77808C",
"3 c #293840",
"4 c #B9C0CA",
"5 c #A4ACB5",
"6 c #8D96A2",
"7 c #858E9A",
"8 c #818B98",
"9 c #808997",
"0 c #7E8693",
"a c #626A77",
"b c #1A2A31",
"c c #AFB7C2",
"d c #979FAA",
"e c #868E9B",
"f c #7D8592",
"g c #79828E",
"h c #78808D",
"i c #707987",
"j c #555E6A",
"k c #13242A",
"l c #A6AFBB",
"m c #8C95A3",
"n c #7A8391",
"o c #717988",
"p c #6E7785",
"q c #6F7886",
"r c #707985",
"s c #6D7684",
"t c #646D7B",
"u c #4A5461",
"v c #0F2228",
"w c #55616E",
"x c #45515E",
"y c #3B4752",
"z c #36424D",
"A c #35404C",
"B c #35414C",
"C c #34404B",
"D c #2F3B44",
"E c #213038",
"F c #0D2026",
"G c #0B1E24",
"H c #0C1F25",
"I c #112229",
"J c #212F38",
"K c #3E4B57",
"L c #687281",
"M c #2D3A44",
"N c #404A55",
"O c #47515C",
"P c #495360",
"Q c #49535E",
"R c #4C5661",
"S c #56606D",
"T c #848F9D",
"U c #3A454F",
"V c #545E6B",
"W c #606A77",
"X c #656E7C",
"Y c #666F7D",
"Z c #6B7582",
"` c #7A8593",
" . c #929CA9",
".. c #444E5B",
"+. c #646C7B",
"@. c #717986",
"#. c #747D8B",
"$. c #7E8793",
"%. c #8B94A0",
"&. c #9FA8B5",
"*. c #4E5763",
"=. c #727A87",
"-. c #7F8794",
";. c #828995",
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",. c #858D9A",
"'. c #8D94A0",
"). c #99A1AC",
"!. c #A9B2BE",
"~. c #293742",
"{. c #666F7B",
"]. c #89909C",
"^. c #979DA8",
"/. c #999FAA",
"(. c #999EA8",
"_. c #9BA0AC",
":. c #9FA6B2",
"<. c #A9B1BC",
"[. c #B9C2CA",
"}. c #777E8C",
"|. c #9DA3B0",
"1. c #BABFC7",
"2. c #BDC2CA",
"3. c #C2C9CF",
"4. c #CBD2D8",
"5. c #D9E0E4",
". + @ # $ % % & * = - ; ",
"> , ' ) ! ~ ~ { ] ^ / ( ",
"_ : < [ } } } } | 1 2 3 ",
"4 5 6 7 8 8 8 8 9 0 a b ",
"c d e f g g g g h i j k ",
"l m n o p q r q s t u v ",
"w x y z A B B B C D E F ",
"G G G G G G G H I J K L ",
"G M N O P P P Q R S L T ",
"G U V W X Y X t X Z ` .",
"G ..+.@.#.#.#.#.2 $.%.&.",
"G *.=.-.;.;.;.>.,.'.).!.",
"}.|.] 1.- - - -"};

pixmaps/decal_misc.xpm Normal file
View File

@ -0,0 +1,418 @@
/* XPM */
static char * decal_misc_xpm[] = {
"14 108 307 2",
" c None",
". c #8B9AA8",
"+ c #9FB3C7",
"@ c #62717F",
"# c #9CADBC",
"$ c #B6C9DB",
"% c #000000",
"& c #F7FBFF",
"* c #ABBECE",
"= c #C6D8EA",
"- c #BED3E5",
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"> c #9EE8FF",
", c #CBDCEE",
"' c #BFD2E4",
") c #AEC1D4",
"! c #97ABC0",
"~ c #5A6B7A",
"{ c #798FA6",
"] c #B75C2E",
"^ c #84472D",
"/ c #9AAEC3",
"( c #D46F3E",
"_ c #AF5C38",
": c #C2D4E6",
"< c #EA7C4A",
"[ c #C1643C",
"} c #E2E2E2",
"| c #BABABA",
"1 c #CDDFF1",
"2 c #FC8853",
"3 c #D3D3D3",
"4 c #93A7BC",
"5 c #BACCDF",
"6 c #E27745",
"7 c #C76637",
"8 c #AB5528",
"9 c #A60058",
"0 c #7F163F",
"a c #C0134D",
"b c #BE114E",
"c c #DB2643",
"d c #D62245",
"e c #F63938",
"f c #EE343B",
"g c #931948",
"h c #AD87CE",
"i c #F9EAFF",
"j c #C8B1DE",
"k c #9FE633",
"l c #FFFFFF",
"m c #C8F83D",
"n c #E5E9EC",
"o c #DADDE1",
"p c #CED2D9",
"q c #CBCDD4",
"r c #CBCED4",
"s c #C9CAD2",
"t c #C0C2CB",
"u c #737888",
"v c #D9DDE2",
"w c #C8CCD3",
"x c #BBBEC8",
"y c #B6B9C3",
"z c #B7BAC2",
"A c #B4B6BF",
"B c #A4A7B1",
"C c #575E6A",
"D c #CBCFD6",
"E c #B1B3C0",
"F c #9D8D95",
"G c #98878F",
"H c #998790",
"I c #99878F",
"J c #9F9194",
"K c #8A8E9B",
"L c #414854",
"M c #BFC3CC",
"N c #A6A9B7",
"O c #A6949F",
"P c #A18D98",
"Q c #A08C98",
"R c #A18D99",
"S c #A08D98",
"T c #9C8D92",
"U c #777B88",
"V c #313942",
"W c #B5B9C4",
"X c #9DA1AE",
"Y c #A3969A",
"Z c #9C8F93",
"` c #9A8E92",
" . c #9B8E93",
".. c #9A8F92",
"+. c #92888A",
"@. c #686D79",
"#. c #273038",
"$. c #ADB2BE",
"%. c #9096A3",
"&. c #7F8392",
"*. c #777C8A",
"=. c #767B89",
"-. c #727685",
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",. c #9399A6",
"'. c #787D8D",
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"!. c #626875",
"~. c #646975",
"{. c #626775",
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"^. c #4B515E",
"/. c #1B272E",
"(. c #565E6D",
"_. c #454D5A",
":. c #3B434E",
"<. c #373F4A",
"[. c #343C47",
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"|. c #141F27",
"1. c #626977",
"2. c #D9DCE2",
"3. c #4D5460",
"4. c #A7B4B2",
"5. c #64A141",
"6. c #6AAC43",
"7. c #71B847",
"8. c #72B948",
"9. c #68AA42",
"0. c #7D9863",
"a. c #39414C",
"b. c #9FB0AB",
"c. c #83D156",
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"f. c #98EA62",
"g. c #89DB57",
"h. c #7DAC5C",
"i. c #2B343E",
"j. c #B6BAC5",
"k. c #9BA7AA",
"l. c #A4C586",
"m. c #A3C883",
"n. c #A7CE86",
"o. c #A7CF86",
"p. c #A0C680",
"q. c #8CA173",
"r. c #232C34",
"s. c #858694",
"t. c #7A7C89",
"u. c #787B89",
"v. c #787B87",
"w. c #737482",
"x. c #1D272E",
"y. c #8F95A4",
"z. c #757B8A",
"A. c #666B79",
"B. c #606573",
"C. c #5F6572",
"D. c #606673",
"E. c #5B616E",
"F. c #494F5C",
"G. c #17222A",
"H. c #474E5C",
"I. c #37404C",
"J. c #2F3842",
"K. c #2C363F",
"L. c #29333C",
"M. c #212B32",
"N. c #101C21",
"O. c #0E1B21",
"P. c #101C23",
"Q. c #1A252D",
"R. c #353D48",
"S. c #616876",
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"9+ c #BCBEC7",
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"b+ c #E4EAED",
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"d+ c #C9CED4",
"e+ c #CACED3",
"f+ c #CACFD5",
"g+ c #CAD0D5",
"h+ c #C7CCD2",
"i+ c #ABB1BC",
"j+ c #C6CED5",
"k+ c #ABB3BC",
"l+ c #9BA1AC",
"m+ c #9DA3AC",
"n+ c #9EA2AD",
"o+ c #969CA7",
"p+ c #4B5660",
"q+ c #B2BBC5",
"r+ c #9299A5",
"s+ c #838A96",
"t+ c #798390",
"u+ c #7E8491",
"v+ c #2A3841",
"w+ c #A7B1BA",
"x+ c #838C98",
"y+ c #737C88",
"z+ c #717A86",
"A+ c #757E8A",
"B+ c #6A717D",
"C+ c #26343B",
"D+ c #9DA6B2",
"E+ c #727B89",
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pixmaps/frame_bottom.xpm Normal file
View File

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View File

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View File

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View File

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"& c #656E6C",
"* c #4F5C5A",

pixmaps/fs/bg_panel.xpm Normal file
View File

@ -0,0 +1,96 @@
/* XPM */
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"1 c #768595",
"2 c #575B57",
"3 c #494C49",
"4 c #657888",
"5 c #718194",
"6 c #768697",
"7 c #7B8998",
"8 c #7C8A99",
"9 c #7E8D9D",
"0 c #8190A0",
"a c #8492A1",
"b c #8594A4",
"c c #8997A6",
"d c #8C99A7",
"e c #8E9CAB",
"f c #909FAF",
"g c #94A0AF",
"h c #97A4B2",
"i c #98A5B3",
"j c #98A6B5",
"k c #9AA9B7",
"l c #9DAAB8",
"m c #9EABB9",
"n c #A1ACBC",
"o c #A3AEBC",
"p c #6B7D90",
"q c #788797",
"r c #7D8C9C",
"s c #8896A5",
"t c #8A96A7",
"u c #8D99AA",
"v c #8E9DAD",
"w c #96A1B1",
"x c #536676",
"y c #586A77",
"z c #627383",
"A c #6F7F92",
"B c #758494",
"C c #7C8B9B",
"D c #818F9E",
"E c #8291A1",
"F c #808E9D",
"G c #213644",
"H c #223745",
"I c #233846",
"J c #243947",
"K c #243B49",
"L c #253C4A",
"M c #263D4B",
"N c #273E4C",
"O c #283F4D",
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"R c #2B4050",
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View File

@ -0,0 +1,96 @@
/* XPM */
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"# c #536164",
"$ c #566365",
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"& c #59666A",
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"1 c #7E888B",
"2 c #575B57",
"3 c #494C49",
"4 c #6E7A7D",
"5 c #79848A",
"6 c #7E898D",
"7 c #838C8E",
"8 c #848D8F",
"9 c #878F92",
"0 c #8A9295",
"a c #8C9597",
"b c #8D969A",
"c c #91999C",
"d c #949B9D",
"e c #969EA1",
"f c #98A1A5",
"g c #9CA2A5",
"h c #9FA6A8",
"i c #A0A7A9",
"j c #A0A8AB",
"k c #A2AAAD",
"l c #A5ABAF",
"m c #A6ACAF",
"n c #A9ADB2",
"o c #ABAFB2",
"p c #738086",
"q c #808A8D",
"r c #868E91",
"s c #90989B",
"t c #92989D",
"u c #959BA0",
"v c #969FA3",
"w c #9EA3A7",
"x c #5B686C",
"y c #616B6C",
"z c #6B7678",
"A c #778288",
"B c #7D878A",
"C c #848E91",
"D c #8A9193",
"E c #8A9497",
"F c #899092",
"G c #26383D",
"H c #273A3E",
"I c #283B3F",
"J c #293C40",
"K c #293E42",
"L c #2A3F43",
"M c #2B3F44",
"N c #2C4045",
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"S c #334348",

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View File

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/* XPM */
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"# c #535664",
"$ c #565865",
"% c #585B67",
"& c #595B6A",
"* c #5C5D6B",
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"1 c #807C8D",
"2 c #575B57",
"3 c #494C49",
"4 c #6E6E7D",
"5 c #7A788B",
"6 c #7F7C8F",
"7 c #868190",
"8 c #878291",
"9 c #898495",
"0 c #8C8798",
"a c #8F8A99",
"b c #8F8B9C",
"c c #948F9E",
"d c #9791A0",
"e c #9994A3",
"f c #9A96A7",
"g c #A099A8",
"h c #A29CAB",
"i c #A39DAC",
"j c #A39DAE",
"k c #A4A0AF",
"l c #A7A2B1",
"m c #A8A3B2",
"n c #ACA5B6",
"o c #AEA7B6",
"p c #747386",
"q c #827E8F",
"r c #888394",
"s c #938E9D",
"t c #968FA0",
"u c #9991A4",
"v c #9894A5",
"w c #A29AAB",
"x c #5B5D6C",
"y c #61616C",
"z c #6B6A79",
"A c #787689",
"B c #7F7B8C",
"C c #868293",
"D c #8D8796",
"E c #8C8899",
"F c #8C8695",
"G c #26313D",
"H c #27323E",
"I c #28333F",
"J c #293440",
"K c #293642",
"L c #2A3743",
"M c #2B3744",
"N c #2C3845",
"O c #2D3946",
"P c #2E3A47",
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"S c #333A48",

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"% c #6A6E6C",
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"1 c #838885",
"2 c #858987",
"3 c #878A88",
"4 c #7B807D",
"5 c #7B7F7C",
"6 c #787C7A",
"7 c #777B78",
"8 c #757A77",
"9 c #747976",
"0 c #737875",
"a c #717774",
"b c #707673",
"c c #6F7572",
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"i c #000000",
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"o c #4B4C4C",
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"q c #4C504E",
"r c #4E504F",
"s c #4F5250",
"t c #515352",
"u c #525452",
"v c #535554",
"w c #555755",
"x c #565957",
"y c #575958",
"z c #595A59",
"A c #595B5A",
"B c #5A5B5A",
"C c #5B5D5B",
"D c #5B5E5C",
"E c #5D5F5E",
"F c #5E605E",
"G c #5F6160",
"H c #606261",
"I c #606461",
"J c #626563",
"K c #626664",
"L c #5E6260",
"M c #5E615F",
"N c #5C605E",
"O c #5B5F5D",
"P c #5A5C5B",
"Q c #585B59",
"R c #575A59",
"S c #555957",
"T c #555956",
"U c #535755",
"V c #525553",
"W c #505452",
"X c #4F5351",
"Y c #4E524F",
"Z c #484C49",
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pixmaps/fs/spacer_top.xpm Normal file
View File

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"% c #454646",
"& c #464846",
"* c #464948",
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"| c #575A58",
"1 c #575957",
"2 c #555857",
"3 c #545756",
"4 c #545755",
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"6 c #515452",
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"8 c #505251",
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"0 c #4E5150",
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"c c #494D4B",
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"o c #717573",
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"q c #757775",
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"s c #767877",
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"w c #7B7D7B",
"x c #7C7F7D",
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"z c #7E8380",
"A c #7F8381",
"B c #808482",
"C c #818583",
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"E c #838885",
"F c #858987",
"G c #878A88",
"H c #7B807D",
"I c #7B7F7C",
"J c #787C7A",
"K c #777B78",
"L c #757A77",
"M c #747976",
"N c #737875",
"O c #717774",
"P c #707673",
"Q c #6F7572",
"R c #6D726F",
"S c #6D716E",
"T c #696D6B",
"U c #585B59",
"V c #667171",
"W c #677274",
"X c #697576",
"Y c #6D7678",
"Z c #6E7979",
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View File

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/* XPM */
static char * bg_panel_gkrellmms_xpm[] = {
"60 14 127 2",
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"$ c #272827",
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"1 c #4C504C",
"2 c #4D514D",
"3 c #4D534D",
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"5 c #4A504A",
"6 c #494F49",
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"8 c #474D47",
"9 c #464A46",
"0 c #454945",
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"c c #3C403C",
"d c #3B3D3B",
"e c #383B38",
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"h c #313331",
"i c #2F312F",
"j c #2C2F2C",
"k c #2A2C2A",
"l c #272A27",
"m c #262726",
"n c #575B57",
"o c #494C49",
"p c #4C4D51",
"q c #4B4C50",
"r c #4E4F53",
"s c #515256",
"t c #55565A",
"u c #535458",
"v c #505155",
"w c #4F5054",
"x c #4D4E52",
"y c #494A4E",
"z c #47484C",
"A c #4A4B4F",
"B c #545559",
"C c #525357",
"D c #57585C",
"E c #58595D",
"F c #56575B",
"G c #71808E",
"H c #75848E",
"I c #758592",
"J c #778793",
"K c #798893",
"L c #7A8895",
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"N c #7D8B98",
"O c #808E99",
"P c #808F9B",
"Q c #81919D",
"R c #83909E",
"S c #8391A0",
"T c #8493A2",
"U c #8693A3",
"V c #8895A5",
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"6. c #8896A5",
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View File

@ -0,0 +1,149 @@
/* XPM */
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"60 14 132 2",
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"1 c #4C504C",
"2 c #4D514D",
"3 c #4D534D",
"4 c #4B514B",
"5 c #4A504A",
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"7 c #484E48",
"8 c #474D47",
"9 c #464A46",
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"a c #404440",
"b c #3D423D",
"c c #3C403C",
"d c #3B3D3B",
"e c #383B38",
"f c #363836",
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"i c #2F312F",
"j c #2C2F2C",
"k c #2A2C2A",
"l c #272A27",
"m c #262726",
"n c #575B57",
"o c #494C49",
"p c #4C4D51",
"q c #4B4C50",
"r c #4E4F53",
"s c #515256",
"t c #55565A",
"u c #535458",
"v c #505155",
"w c #4F5054",
"x c #4D4E52",
"y c #494A4E",
"z c #47484C",
"A c #4A4B4F",
"B c #545559",
"C c #525357",
"D c #57585C",
"E c #58595D",
"F c #56575B",
"G c #211E1A",
"H c #5C5A4D",
"I c #676456",
"J c #758083",
"K c #7A8283",
"L c #7A8486",
"M c #7C8687",
"N c #7E8787",
"O c #7F888A",
"P c #818B8B",
"Q c #828B8D",
"R c #858E8E",
"S c #858F90",
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"2. c #7E898D",
"3. c #808A8D",
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"5. c #848E91",
"6. c #878F92",
"7. c #8A9193",
"8. c #8A9497",
"9. c #8C9597",
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"a. c #90989B",
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". + @ r r C D E D t u s s s s s s s r r r w C F E E E F u s s s s w r v r r p x v s u t t t u r r w B F t s w r r n o . ",
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View File

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/* XPM */
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"60 14 127 2",
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"1 c #4C504C",
"2 c #4D514D",
"3 c #4D534D",
"4 c #4B514B",
"5 c #4A504A",
"6 c #494F49",
"7 c #484E48",
"8 c #474D47",
"9 c #464A46",
"0 c #454945",
"a c #404440",
"b c #3D423D",
"c c #3C403C",
"d c #3B3D3B",
"e c #383B38",
"f c #363836",
"g c #333633",
"h c #313331",
"i c #2F312F",
"j c #2C2F2C",
"k c #2A2C2A",
"l c #272A27",
"m c #262726",
"n c #615450",
"o c #514542",
"p c #4C4D51",
"q c #4B4C50",
"r c #4E4F53",
"s c #515256",
"t c #55565A",
"u c #535458",
"v c #505155",
"w c #4F5054",
"x c #4D4E52",
"y c #494A4E",
"z c #47484C",
"A c #4A4B4F",
"B c #545559",
"C c #525357",
"D c #57585C",
"E c #58595D",
"F c #56575B",
"G c #757784",
"H c #7A7A84",
"I c #7A7B87",
"J c #7D7E88",
"K c #7F7F88",
"L c #7F7F8B",
"M c #81828C",
"N c #83828F",
"O c #85858F",
"P c #858590",
"Q c #878792",
"R c #8A8795",
"S c #8A8896",
"T c #8A8999",
"U c #8C8A9A",
"V c #8E8C9C",
"W c #8F8D9D",
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"[. c #827E8F",
"}. c #868190",
"|. c #868293",
"1. c #898495",
"2. c #8D8796",
"3. c #8C8899",
"4. c #8F8A99",
"5. c #8F8B9C",
"6. c #938E9D",
". + @ # $ % & * = - ; > , ' ) ! ~ { ] ^ / ( _ : < [ } | 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 8 9 0 ( / ^ { a ~ b c d e f g h i j k l m n o . ",
". + @ p q r s t u s s v w r p x r r p y z A r s t B s v r r r r x q q p x x p q q x r v s s w p q q w s C s r x q n o . ",
". + @ r r C D E D t u s s s s s s s r r r w C F E E E F u s s s s w r v r r p x v s u t t t u r r w B F t s w r r n o . ",
". + @ G H I J K L M N O P Q R S T U V W X Y Z ` ...+.@.#.$.%.$.#.@.+... .` Z Y X W V U T S R Q P O N M L K J I H n o . ",
". + @ &.*.=.-.;.>.,.'.).!.~.{.].^./.(._.:.<.[.}.|.|.}.[.<.:._.(./.^.].{.~.!.).'.,.>.;.-.=.*.n o . ",
". + @ &.*.=.-.;.>.,.'.).!.~.{.].^./.(._.:.<.[.}.|.|.}.[.<.:._.(./.^.].{.~.!.).'.,.>.;.-.=.*.n o . ",
". + @ &.*.=.-.;.>.,.'.).!.~.{.].^./.(._.:.<.[.}.|.|.}.[.<.:._.(./.^.].{.~.!.).'.,.>.;.-.=.*.n o . ",
". + @ &.*.=.-.;.>.,.'.).!.~.{.].^./.(._.:.<.[.}.|.|.}.[.<.:._.(./.^.].{.~.!.).'.,.>.;.-.=.*.n o . ",
". + @ &.*.=.-.;.>.,.'.).!.~.{.].^./.(._.:.<.[.}.|.|.}.[.<.:._.(./.^.].{.~.!.).'.,.>.;.-.=.*.n o . ",
". + @ &.*.=.-.;.>.,.'.).!.~.{.].^./.(._.:.<.[.}.|.|.}.[.<.:._.(./.^.].{.~.!.).'.,.>.;.-.=.*.n o . ",
". + @ &.*.=.-.;.>.,.'.).!.~.{.].^./.(._.:.<.[.}.|.|.}.[.<.:._.(./.^.].{.~.!.).'.,.>.;.-.=.*.n o . ",
". + @ &.*.=.-.;.>.,.'.).!.~.{.].^./.(._.:.<.[.}.|.|.}.[.<.:._.(./.^.].{.~.!.).'.,.>.;.-.=.*.n o . ",
". + @ &.*.=.-.;.>.,.'.).!.~.{.].^./.(._.:.<.[.}.|.|.}.[.<.:._.(./.^.].{.~.!.).'.,.>.;.-.=.*.n o . ",
". + @ &.*.=.-.;.>.,.'.).!.~.{.].^./.(._.:.<.[.}.|.|.}.[.<.:._.(./.^.].{.~.!.).'.,.>.;.-.=.*.n o . "};

View File

@ -0,0 +1,164 @@
/* XPM */
static char * bg_scroll_gkrellmms_xpm[] = {
"60 8 153 2",
" c None",
". c #1E1E1E",
"+ c #545754",
"@ c #5E615E",
"# c #3B3D3B",
"$ c #3C3E3D",
"% c #3D3F3E",
"& c #3E413F",
"* c #404141",
"= c #414341",
"- c #414442",
"; c #424443",
"> c #434644",
", c #454646",
"' c #464746",
") c #464947",
"! c #484A49",
"~ c #494C4A",
"{ c #4A4C4B",
"] c #4C4C4C",
"^ c #4C4D4C",
"/ c #4C4E4C",
"( c #4D4F4E",
"_ c #4D504E",
": c #4F5150",
"< c #505150",
"[ c #515351",
"} c #515452",
"| c #515553",
"1 c #545654",
"2 c #545755",
"3 c #505451",
"4 c #505351",
"5 c #4E5150",
"6 c #4E514F",
"7 c #4E504E",
"8 c #4C4E4D",
"9 c #4B4D4C",
"0 c #4A4C4C",
"a c #484C49",
"b c #464A48",
"c c #464946",
"d c #444746",
"e c #434645",
"f c #424643",
"g c #3D413E",
"h c #3B3E3C",
"i c #575B57",
"j c #494C49",
"k c #AEB0AE",
"l c #AFB2B0",
"m c #B0B3B1",
"n c #B2B4B3",
"o c #B3B4B4",
"p c #B4B7B4",
"q c #B4B8B6",
"r c #B6B8B7",
"s c #B8B9B8",
"t c #B8BAB9",
"u c #B9BBB9",
"v c #BABDBB",
"w c #BCBEBD",
"x c #BDC0BE",
"y c #BEC0BF",
"z c #C0C1C0",
"A c #C0C1C1",
"B c #C1C2C1",
"C c #C1C3C2",
"D c #C1C4C2",
"E c #C3C5C4",
"F c #C4C6C4",
"G c #C5C7C6",
"H c #C6C7C7",
"I c #C6C9C7",
"J c #C7CAC8",
"K c #C7CBC9",
"L c #C4C7C6",
"M c #C4C7C5",
"N c #C2C6C4",
"O c #C2C5C3",
"P c #C2C4C2",
"Q c #C0C2C1",
"R c #BFC1C0",
"S c #BEC1C0",
"T c #BCC0BD",
"U c #BABEBC",
"V c #B9BDBA",
"W c #B8BBB9",
"X c #B8BAB8",
"Y c #B6B9B8",
"Z c #B0B4B2",
"` c #AEB1AF",
" . c #869386",
".. c #879487",
"+. c #899689",
"@. c #8A978A",
"#. c #8A998A",
"$. c #8C998C",
"%. c #8D9A8D",
"&. c #8D9C8D",
"*. c #909D90",
"=. c #919E91",
"-. c #929F92",
";. c #92A192",
">. c #93A293",
",. c #94A394",
"'. c #97A497",
"). c #98A598",
"!. c #98A798",
"~. c #99A899",
"{. c #99AA99",
"]. c #9CA99C",
"^. c #9DAA9D",
"/. c #9DAC9D",
"(. c #9DAE9D",
"_. c #9FAE9F",
":. c #A0AFA0",
"<. c #A1B0A1",
"[. c #A2B1A2",
"}. c #A3B2A3",
"|. c #A1AEA1",
"1. c #9AA99A",
"2. c #96A396",
"3. c #8E9D8E",
"4. c #8B988B",
"5. c #5C655C",
"6. c #5D665D",
"7. c #5F685F",
"8. c #5F6A5F",
"9. c #616A61",
"0. c #616C61",
"a. c #636C63",
"b. c #646D64",
"c. c #656E65",
"d. c #656F65",
"e. c #657065",
"f. c #667166",
"g. c #687168",
"h. c #697269",
"i. c #697369",
"j. c #6A746A",
"k. c #6A756A",
"l. c #6C756C",
"m. c #6C776C",
"n. c #6C786C",
"o. c #6E786E",
"p. c #6E796E",
"q. c #6F796F",
"r. c #707A70",
"s. c #717B71",
"t. c #6F786F",
"u. c #626C62",
"v. c #606960",
". + @ # $ % & * = - ; > , ' ) ! ~ { ] ^ / ( ( _ : < [ } | 1 2 1 | 3 4 5 6 7 ( 8 / 9 0 ~ a b c d e f - = * & g $ h i j . ",
". + @ k l m n o p q r s t u v w x y z A B C C D E F G H I J K J I L M N O P C B Q R S x T U V W X Y q p o n Z l ` i j . ",
". + @ ...+.@.#.$.%.&.*.=.-.;.>.,.'.).!.~.{.].^./.(._.:.<.[.}.[.<.|._.(./.^.1.~.!.!.'.2.,.;.;.-.=.3.&.%.$.4.@.+...i j . ",
". + @ ...+.@.#.$.%.&.*.=.-.;.>.,.'.).!.~.{.].^./.(._.:.<.[.}.[.<.|._.(./.^.1.~.!.!.'.2.,.;.;.-.=.3.&.%.$.4.@.+...i j . ",
". + @ ...+.@.#.$.%.&.*.=.-.;.>.,.'.).!.~.{.].^./.(._.:.<.[.}.[.<.|._.(./.^.1.~.!.!.'.2.,.;.;.-.=.3.&.%.$.4.@.+...i j . ",
". + @ ...+.@.#.$.%.&.*.=.-.;.>.,.'.).!.~.{.].^./.(._.:.<.[.}.[.<.|._.(./.^.1.~.!.!.'.2.,.;.;.-.=.3.&.%.$.4.@.+...i j . ",
". + @ ...+.@.#.$.%.&.*.=.-.;.>.,.'.).!.~.{.].^./.(._.:.<.[.}.[.<.|._.(./.^.1.~.!.!.'.2.,.;.;.-.=.3.&.%.$.4.@.+...i j . ",
". + @ j . "};

View File

@ -0,0 +1,101 @@
/* XPM */
static char * gkrellmms_eject_button_xpm[] = {
"10 30 68 1",
" c None",
". c #C4D7D8",
"+ c #849596",
"@ c #525D5E",
"# c #93A8B0",
"$ c #7B8B8F",
"% c #889EA7",
"& c #78878C",
"* c #8399A3",
"= c #869CA5",
"- c #78868C",
"; c #535E5E",
"> c #7B8F9C",
", c #000000",
"' c #8196A1",
") c #7A888E",
"! c #555F5F",
"~ c #778E97",
"{ c #7D8B90",
"] c #566060",
"^ c #758B93",
"/ c #586162",
"( c #6E848E",
"_ c #70868F",
": c #718991",
"< c #748894",
"[ c #758A93",
"} c #758B95",
"| c #839195",
"1 c #596263",
"2 c #3D5059",
"3 c #6D848D",
"4 c #5A6364",
"5 c #6C868E",
"6 c #869598",
"7 c #5C6465",
"8 c #5D6565",
"9 c #859396",
"0 c #5E6666",
"a c #829094",
"b c #545E61",
"c c #4B5455",
"d c #212526",
"e c #2B3234",
"f c #273336",
"g c #5D686B",
"h c #4F5859",
"i c #819094",
"j c #859497",
"k c #879699",
"l c #5E6565",
"m c #5C6464",
"n c #5A6464",
"o c #849296",
"p c #596363",
"q c #576161",
"r c #7B8E98",
"s c #7B8E9A",
"t c #788E9C",
"u c #7D8C90",
"v c #7C929E",
"w c #7A898D",
"x c #545F5F",
"y c #77878B",
"z c #77868B",
"A c #7C8C8F",
"B c #91A3A4",
"C c #6F7D7D",
" .+@",
" .#$@",
" .#%&@",
" .#*=-;",
" .#>,')!",
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" .#%z@",
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" .BC"};

View File

@ -0,0 +1,85 @@
/* XPM */
static char * krell_gkrellmms_xpm[] = {
"60 4 78 1",
" c None",
". c #87AFB0",
"+ c #88B3B4",
"@ c #8AB6B7",
"# c #8BBBBC",
"$ c #8CBFC0",
"% c #8EC3C4",
"& c #8FC7C8",
"* c #90CACB",
"= c #92CECF",
"- c #92D0D1",
"; c #91D1D1",
"> c #92D2D1",
", c #93D3D2",
"' c #93D4D2",
") c #93D5D2",
"! c #93D6D2",
"~ c #9FB897",
"{ c #E59692",
"] c #E99A96",
"^ c #88885F",
"/ c #5C898A",
"( c #608D8E",
"_ c #669293",
": c #6B9798",
"< c #709B9C",
"[ c #759FA0",
"} c #7BA4A5",
"| c #80A9AA",
"1 c #85ADAE",
"2 c #88AFB0",
"3 c #89B0B1",
"4 c #88B1B1",
"5 c #87B2B1",
"6 c #88B3B2",
"7 c #8B9C85",
"8 c #CA918F",
"9 c #CD8380",
"0 c #888862",
"a c #547E80",
"b c #588284",
"c c #5B8587",
"d c #5F898B",
"e c #638D8F",
"f c #679193",
"g c #6B9597",
"h c #6F999A",
"i c #739D9E",
"j c #749E9F",
"k c #76A0A1",
"l c #76A1A2",
"m c #76A2A2",
"n c #75A2A3",
"o c #75A3A3",
"p c #7D8F78",
"q c #BB817C",
"r c #C07A77",
"s c #80815C",
"t c #365152",
"u c #385455",
"v c #3A5758",
"w c #3C5A5B",
"x c #3D5D5E",
"y c #3F6061",
"z c #416364",
"A c #436667",
"B c #45696A",
"C c #466A6B",
"D c #466B6C",
"E c #466C6C",
"F c #456C6C",
"G c #466D6D",
"H c #466E6E",
"I c #466F6F",
"J c #51624C",
"K c #884F4D",
"L c #955B58",
"M c #74754B",
"..+@#$%&*=----;;;;;;;;>>>>>>>>>,,,,,,''''))))))!!!!!!!! ~{]^",
"//(_:<[}|1....22222222333333333444444445555555566666666 7890",
"aabcdefghijjjj[[[[[[[[[[[[[[[[[kkkkkkkkllllllmmnnnooooo pqrs",

View File

@ -0,0 +1,68 @@
/* XPM */
static char * gkrellmms_led_indicator_xpm[] = {
"9 36 29 1",
" c None",
". c #AD87CE",
"+ c #E0C9EF",
"@ c #D2BBE5",
"# c #BB9DD6",
"$ c #D0BAE3",
"% c #BDA0D8",
"& c #B999D5",
"* c #32E5DA",
"= c #BBF6F3",
"- c #79F6E3",
"; c #37EED6",
"> c #5BF8D8",
", c #39F0D4",
"' c #36EDD5",
") c #FF5918",
"! c #FFC8B2",
"~ c #FF8B70",
"{ c #FF5427",
"] c #FF6C54",
"^ c #FF522B",
"/ c #FF5325",
"( c #8BDF14",
"_ c #EAFFCA",
": c #D5FF70",
"< c #A0E718",
"[ c #D4FF54",
"} c #A7E71C",
"| c #9FE617",
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" (:[}( ",
" (<}| ",
" (( ",
" ",
" "};

View File

@ -0,0 +1,71 @@
/* XPM */
static char * gkrellmms_next_button_xpm[] = {
"10 22 46 1",
" c None",
". c #B2C9CA",
"+ c #C1D5D5",
"@ c #C2D5D6",
"# c #C4D7D8",
"$ c #A2B7BE",
"% c #99AEB6",
"& c #98ABB5",
"* c #93A8B0",
"= c #B3CACB",
"- c #889FA9",
"; c #89A0A8",
"> c #889EA7",
", c #B9CFCF",
"' c #879CA8",
") c #000000",
"! c #869CA5",
"~ c #778E97",
"{ c #BBD1D2",
"] c #849AA4",
"^ c #8699A3",
"/ c #758A95",
"( c #758B93",
"_ c #C0D4D5",
": c #8095A0",
"< c #7E929E",
"[ c #788E9C",
"} c #70868F",
"| c #6E848E",
"1 c #6E8691",
"2 c #6C868E",
"3 c #6D848D",
"4 c #3D5059",
"5 c #C9DADB",
"6 c #6B888F",
"7 c #CBDCDC",
"8 c #80959A",
"9 c #556D74",
"0 c #CADBDB",
"a c #C5D8D9",
"b c #7C8F9B",
"c c #799199",
"d c #BCD2D3",
"e c #B9D0D0",
"f c #B4CACC",
"g c #ADC3C6",
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".g+@# "};

View File

@ -0,0 +1,176 @@
/* XPM */
static char * gkrellmms_play_button_xpm[] = {
"47 30 143 2",
" c None",
". c #AFC4C1",
"+ c #AFC4C0",
"@ c #B2C5C2",
"# c #B2C7C4",
"$ c #B3CAC6",
"% c #B5CAC6",
"& c #B6CBC7",
"* c #B6CBC8",
"= c #B6CDCA",
"- c #B9CCCA",
"; c #BACDCA",
"> c #BBCECB",
", c #BDCECC",
"' c #BCCFCC",
") c #BDD0CD",
"! c #BED1CF",
"~ c #C1D2D0",
"{ c #4D5657",
"] c #4C5455",
"^ c #4C5555",
"/ c #4B5455",
"( c #4C5655",
"_ c #4C5656",
": c #4D5656",
"< c #4E5656",
"[ c #4D5556",
"} c #4C5657",
"| c #4C5556",
"1 c #4B5454",
"2 c #4A5354",
"3 c #495353",
"4 c #495253",
"5 c #9BAEB0",
"6 c #9AACAF",
"7 c #99ABAE",
"8 c #93A7AA",
"9 c #495252",
"0 c #667172",
"a c #697476",
"b c #6C7778",
"c c #6E7A7A",
"d c #707C7D",
"e c #727C80",
"f c #737F84",
"g c #768187",
"h c #788389",
"i c #7D878A",
"j c #7F8A8D",
"k c #838C8E",
"l c #858E91",
"m c #899193",
"n c #8A9497",
"o c #8D9699",
"p c #90989B",
"q c #A1B1B4",
"r c #899EA4",
"s c #8B9FA2",
"t c #8A9EA1",
"u c #9EAFB3",
"v c #899CA2",
"w c #889CA1",
"x c #889C9F",
"y c #869A9D",
"z c #9EADB0",
"A c #879A9E",
"B c #84969B",
"C c #7F9298",
"D c #7D9098",
"E c #B7CCC9",
"F c #99A7AB",
"G c #83959A",
"H c #819298",
"I c #7C9097",
"J c #7E9095",
"K c #7D9094",
"L c #7B8F92",
"M c #95A6A9",
"N c #7F9196",
"O c #7C9195",
"P c #7B8E92",
"Q c #7A8D91",
"R c #798B90",
"S c #788D8F",
"T c #93A2A6",
"U c #798C90",
"V c #788C8F",
"W c #778A90",
"X c #748A8D",
"Y c #74888B",
"Z c #73878A",
"` c #C0D1CF",
" . c #91A2A5",
".. c #778C90",
"+. c #75898E",
"@. c #74898D",
"#. c #73888C",
"$. c #71888A",
"%. c #728789",
"&. c #43575A",
"*. c #000000",
"=. c #C2D5D2",
"-. c #8D9EA2",
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",. c #C5D6D4",
"'. c #8B9EA1",
"). c #70888B",
"!. c #C6D7D5",
"~. c #8C9FA0",
"{. c #708A8B",
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"^. c #B2C2C4",
"/. c #B1C0C4",
"(. c #AFBFC1",
"_. c #AEBEC0",
":. c #ADBDBF",
"<. c #AAB9BD",
"[. c #A9B8BB",
"}. c #A8B8BA",
"|. c #A7B8B9",
"1. c #A5B7B8",
"2. c #A4B5B8",
"3. c #A2B3B6",
"4. c #A1B2B4",
"5. c #9FB0B2",
"6. c #9CAEB2",
"7. c #9BACAF",
"8. c #9AAAAD",
"9. c #98A7AC",
"0. c #95A6AB",
"a. c #93A3A8",
"b. c #92A1A6",
"c. c #909FA5",
"d. c #8F9FA4",
"e. c #8E9FA3",
"f. c #8D9DA1",
"g. c #8D9CA1",
"h. c #8A9BA0",
"i. c #8A9B9F",
"j. c #899B9E",
"k. c #889A9D",
"l. c #5A7273",
". . . . . . . . . . . . . . + @ # # $ % % & & & * = = - - - ; ; ; > , ' ) ) ! ~ ",
". { ] ] ^ / / ^ ^ ^ ^ ( _ : : : { { < { { : [ [ : : } | | ^ / 1 2 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 ~ ",
". 9 0 a b c d e f g h i j k l m n o p o n m l l k j i h g f e d c b a 0 q r s t 8 ~ ",
"@ 9 0 a b c d e f g h i j k l m n o p o n m l l k j i h g f e d c b a 0 u v w x y 8 ~ ",
"% 9 0 a b c d e f g h i j k l m n o p o n m l l k j i h g f e d c b a 0 z A A B C D 8 ~ ",
"E 9 0 a b c d e f g h i j k l m n o p o n m l l k j i h g f e d c b a 0 F G H I J K L 8 ~ ",
"; 9 0 a b c d e f g h i j k l m n o p o n m l l k j i h g f e d c b a 0 M N O P L Q R S 8 ~ ",
") 9 0 a b c d e f g h i j k l m n o p o n m l l k j i h g f e d c b a 0 T L Q U V W X Y Z 8 ~ ",
"` 9 0 a b c d e f g h i j k l m n o p o n m l l k j i h g f e d c b a 0 .U ..+.@.#.$.%.&.*. ",
"=.9 0 a b c d e f g h i j k l m n o p o n m l l k j i h g f e d c b a 0 -.;.#.Z $.>.>.&.*. ",
",.9 0 a b c d e f g h i j k l m n o p o n m l l k j i h g f e d c b a 0 '.#.).>.>.>.&.*. ",
"!.9 0 a b c d e f g h i j k l m n o p o n m l l k j i h g f e d c b a 0 ~.{.>.>.>.&.*. ",
"!.9 0 a b c d e f g h i j k l m n o p o n m l l k j i h g f e d c b a 0 -.{.>.>.&.*. ",
"!.].^./.(._.:.<.[.}.|.{.>.>.*. ",
"l.*.*.*.*.*.*.*.*.*.*.*.*.*.*.*.*.*.*.*.*.*.*.*.*.*.*.*.*.*.*.*.*.*.*.*.*.*.*.*. ",
"l.*.*.*.*.*.*.*.*.*.*.*.*.*.*.*.*.*.*.*.*.*.*.*.*.*.*.*.*.*.*.*.*.*.*.*.*.*.*.*. ",
"!.{ ] ] ^ / / ^ ^ ^ ^ ( _ : : : { { < { { : [ [ : : } | | ^ / 1 2 2 3 4 5 {.>.>.*. ",
"!.9 0 a b c d e f g h i j k l m n o p o n m l l k j i h g f e d c b a 0 q {.>.>.&.*. ",
"!.9 0 a b c d e f g h i j k l m n o p o n m l l k j i h g f e d c b a 0 u {.>.>.>.&.*. ",
",.9 0 a b c d e f g h i j k l m n o p o n m l l k j i h g f e d c b a 0 z #.).>.>.>.&.*. ",
"=.9 0 a b c d e f g h i j k l m n o p o n m l l k j i h g f e d c b a 0 F ;.#.Z $.>.>.&.*. ",
"` 9 0 a b c d e f g h i j k l m n o p o n m l l k j i h g f e d c b a 0 M U ..+.@.#.$.%.&.*. ",
") 9 0 a b c d e f g h i j k l m n o p o n m l l k j i h g f e d c b a 0 T L Q U V W X Y Z 8 ~ ",
"; 9 0 a b c d e f g h i j k l m n o p o n m l l k j i h g f e d c b a 0 .N O P L Q R S 8 ~ ",
"E 9 0 a b c d e f g h i j k l m n o p o n m l l k j i h g f e d c b a 0 -.G H I J K L 8 ~ ",
"% 9 0 a b c d e f g h i j k l m n o p o n m l l k j i h g f e d c b a 0 '.A A B C D 8 ~ ",
"@ 9 0 a b c d e f g h i j k l m n o p o n m l l k j i h g f e d c b a 0 ~.v w x y 8 ~ ",
". 9 0 a b c d e f g h i j k l m n o p o n m l l k j i h g f e d c b a 0 -.r s t 8 ~ ",
". ].^./.(._.:.<.[.}.|. 7 8 ~ ",
". . . . . . . . . . . . . . + @ # # $ % % & & & * = = - - - ; ; ; > , ' ) ) ! ~ "};

View File

@ -0,0 +1,67 @@
/* XPM */
static char * gkrellmms_prev_button_xpm[] = {
"10 22 42 1",
" c None",
". c #C4D7D8",
"+ c #C2D5D6",
"@ c #C1D5D5",
"# c #525D5E",
"$ c #93A8B0",
"% c #98ABB5",
"& c #99AEB6",
"* c #889EA7",
"= c #89A0A8",
"- c #889FA9",
"; c #535E5E",
"> c #778E97",
", c #869CA5",
"' c #000000",
") c #879CA8",
"! c #555F5F",
"~ c #758B93",
"{ c #758A95",
"] c #8699A3",
"^ c #849AA4",
"/ c #576161",
"( c #6E848E",
"_ c #70868F",
": c #788E9C",
"< c #7E929E",
"[ c #8095A0",
"} c #596263",
"| c #3D5059",
"1 c #6D848D",
"2 c #6C868E",
"3 c #6E8691",
"4 c #5A6364",
"5 c #6B888F",
"6 c #5D6565",
"7 c #5E6666",
"8 c #5E6565",
"9 c #799199",
"0 c #7C8F9B",
"a c #5B6464",
"b c #596363",
"c c #556060",
" .+@@#",
" .$%&&#",
" .$*=--;",
" .$>,'))!",
" .$~{']^^/",
" '|12'2334",
" '|22'556",
" '|22557",
" '|||||",
" '''''",
" '''''",
" '||||7",
" '|22557",
" '|22'558",
" '|12'900a",
" .$~{']^^/",
" .$>,'))c",
" .$*=--;",
" .$%&&#",
" .+@@#"};

View File

@ -0,0 +1,129 @@
/* XPM */
static char * spacer_bottom_gkrellmms_xpm[] = {
"60 3 123 2",
" c None",
". c #232323",
"+ c #545754",
"@ c #5E615E",
"# c #696C6A",
"$ c #6A6D6B",
"% c #6A6E6C",
"& c #6B6F6D",
"* c #6C706D",
"= c #6E716F",
"- c #6E7370",
"; c #6F7471",
"> c #707572",
", c #717573",
"' c #727674",
") c #757775",
"! c #757876",
"~ c #767877",
"{ c #767A78",
"] c #787B79",
"^ c #797D7B",
"/ c #7B7D7B",
"( c #7C7F7D",
"_ c #7E817F",
": c #7E8380",
"< c #7F8381",
"[ c #808482",
"} c #818583",
"| c #838784",
"1 c #838885",
"2 c #858987",
"3 c #878A88",
"4 c #7B807D",
"5 c #7B7F7C",
"6 c #787C7A",
"7 c #777B78",
"8 c #757A77",
"9 c #747976",
"0 c #737875",
"a c #717774",
"b c #707673",
"c c #6F7572",
"d c #6D726F",
"e c #6D716E",
"f c #696D6B",
"g c #575B57",
"h c #494C49",
"i c #000000",
"j c #4E514F",
"k c #464846",
"l c #474948",
"m c #484A48",
"n c #494C4A",
"o c #4B4C4C",
"p c #4C4F4C",
"q c #4C504E",
"r c #4E504F",
"s c #4F5250",
"t c #515352",
"u c #525452",
"v c #535554",
"w c #555755",
"x c #565957",
"y c #575958",
"z c #595A59",
"A c #595B5A",
"B c #5A5B5A",
"C c #5B5D5B",
"D c #5B5E5C",
"E c #5D5F5E",
"F c #5E605E",
"G c #5F6160",
"H c #606261",
"I c #606461",
"J c #626563",
"K c #626664",
"L c #5E6260",
"M c #5E615F",
"N c #5C605E",
"O c #5B5F5D",
"P c #5A5C5B",
"Q c #585B59",
"R c #575A59",
"S c #555957",
"T c #555956",
"U c #535755",
"V c #525553",
"W c #505452",
"X c #4F5351",
"Y c #4E524F",
"Z c #484C49",
"` c #464847",
" . c #505251",
".. c #2F302F",
"+. c #303030",
"@. c #303130",
"#. c #303231",
"$. c #313231",
"%. c #313332",
"&. c #323332",
"*. c #323333",
"=. c #333433",
"-. c #333533",
";. c #343635",
">. c #363836",
",. c #363837",
"'. c #383938",
"). c #383A39",
"!. c #393B39",
"~. c #393C3A",
"{. c #3B3D3C",
"]. c #3D3D3D",
"^. c #3D403D",
"/. c #3D403E",
"(. c #3E4140",
"_. c #404140",
":. c #404241",
"<. c #414342",
"[. c #3D3E3D",
"}. c #3A3D3B",
"|. c #393D3A",
"1. c #343836",
"2. c #333634",
". + @ # $ % & * = - ; > , ' ) ! ~ { ] ^ / ( _ : < [ } | 1 2 3 2 1 | } [ < _ 4 5 ^ 6 7 8 9 0 a b c ; - d e * % f $ g h . ",
"i . j k l m n o p q r s t u v w x y z A B C C D E F G H I J K J I L M N O D C P A Q R S T U V W X Y q p o n Z l ` .. i ",
"i i . . . ..+.@.#.$.%.&.*.=.-.;.>.,.'.).!.~.{.].].^./.(._.:.<.:._.(./.[.].{.}.|.!.'.'.,. . i i "};

View File

@ -0,0 +1,120 @@
/* XPM */
static char * spacer_top_gkrellmms_xpm[] = {
"60 3 114 2",
" c None",
". c #000000",
"+ c #232323",
"@ c #424643",
"# c #424442",
"$ c #434644",
"% c #454646",
"& c #464846",
"* c #464948",
"= c #484948",
"- c #494B49",
"; c #4A4C4B",
"> c #4B4D4B",
", c #4C4F4D",
"' c #4E504F",
") c #505150",
"! c #515251",
"~ c #515352",
"{ c #525452",
"] c #535654",
"^ c #535755",
"/ c #565757",
"( c #575857",
"_ c #575958",
": c #585A59",
"< c #585C59",
"[ c #5A5D5B",
"} c #5A5E5C",
"| c #575A58",
"1 c #575957",
"2 c #555857",
"3 c #545756",
"4 c #545755",
"5 c #525553",
"6 c #515452",
"7 c #505351",
"8 c #505251",
"9 c #4F5150",
"0 c #4E5150",
"a c #4C504E",
"b c #4B4F4C",
"c c #494D4B",
"d c #494C4A",
"e c #484B49",
"f c #696C6A",
"g c #6A6D6B",
"h c #6A6E6C",
"i c #6B6F6D",
"j c #6C706D",
"k c #6E716F",
"l c #6E7370",
"m c #6F7471",
"n c #707572",
"o c #717573",
"p c #727674",
"q c #757775",
"r c #757876",
"s c #767877",
"t c #767A78",
"u c #787B79",
"v c #797D7B",
"w c #7B7D7B",
"x c #7C7F7D",
"y c #7E817F",
"z c #7E8380",
"A c #7F8381",
"B c #808482",
"C c #818583",
"D c #838784",
"E c #838885",
"F c #858987",
"G c #878A88",
"H c #7B807D",
"I c #7B7F7C",
"J c #787C7A",
"K c #777B78",
"L c #757A77",
"M c #747976",
"N c #737875",
"O c #717774",
"P c #707673",
"Q c #6F7572",
"R c #6D726F",
"S c #6D716E",
"T c #696D6B",
"U c #585B59",
"V c #667171",
"W c #677274",
"X c #697576",
"Y c #6D7678",
"Z c #6E7979",
"` c #707C7D",
" . c #727C7F",
".. c #727D81",
"+. c #738086",
"@. c #768187",
"#. c #788389",
"$. c #7B868A",
"%. c #7E888B",
"&. c #808A8D",
"*. c #838C8E",
"=. c #868E91",
"-. c #878F92",
";. c #8A9295",
">. c #8C9597",
",. c #8D969A",
"'. c #90989B",
"). c #92989D",
"!. c #959BA0",
"~. c #969FA3",
"{. c #98A1A5",
"]. c #9CA2A5",
"^. c #9EA3A7",
"/. c #A0A7A9",
". . . + @ # $ % & * = - ; > , ' ) ) ! ~ { ] ] ^ / ( _ : < [ } [ < | 1 2 3 4 ] 5 6 7 8 9 0 a b c d e * & % $ @ @ + . . . ",
". . + f g h i j k l m n o p q r s t u v w x y z A B C D E F G F E D C B A y H I v J K L M N O P Q m l R S j h T g + . . ",
". + U V W X Y Z ` ...+.@.#.$.%.&.*.=.-.;.>.,.'.).!.~.{.].^./.^.].{.~.!.).'.,.>.;.-.=.*.&.%.$.#.@.+... .` Z Y X W 8 + . "};

View File

@ -0,0 +1,74 @@
/* XPM */
static char * gkrellmms_stop_button_xpm[] = {
"19 18 53 1",
" c None",
". c #B2C9CA",
"+ c #B4CACC",
"@ c #B6CBCC",
"# c #B7CFCE",
"$ c #B9CFCE",
"% c #7F8F94",
"& c #7C8D92",
"* c #7C8C91",
"= c #7D8D91",
"- c #7C8E92",
"; c #7E8F92",
"> c #7F9093",
", c #7E9094",
"' c #7F9094",
") c #000000",
"! c #B9CFCF",
"~ c #7F8E94",
"{ c #697B87",
"] c #6A7D88",
"^ c #6B7E89",
"/ c #6D8189",
"( c #6D8089",
"_ c #6D7F89",
": c #6C7E88",
"< c #5A6A72",
"[ c #BAD1D2",
"} c #829296",
"| c #6E818A",
"1 c #6D7F8B",
"2 c #6E818C",
"3 c #6E828A",
"4 c #6B7F89",
"5 c #BDD2D3",
"6 c #87949A",
"7 c #6E818E",
"8 c #71838E",
"9 c #70828F",
"0 c #6E808E",
"a c #CADBDB",
"b c #8D9C9F",
"c c #748892",
"d c #758991",
"e c #738891",
"f c #72868F",
"g c #677B84",
"h c #667C86",
"i c #657B82",
"j c #637882",
"k c #CBDCDC",
"l c #88969B",
"m c #839297",
"n c #556D74",

pixmaps/gkrellmrc Normal file
View File

@ -0,0 +1,312 @@
# -------- gkrellmrc for the GKrellM Default Theme Reference--------
# Option settings here correspond to the default theme.
# See the Themes file for a discussion of these options.
# Change add or delete entries as required for your theme.
theme_alternatives = 5
author = "Bill Wilson - Default theme reference example"
chart_width_ref = 60
allow_scaling = true
# Frame sizes set to 0 means render frames to drawn dimension
frame_top_height = 0
frame_bottom_height = 0
frame_left_width = 0
frame_right_width = 0
# Borders for images are specified with comma separated numbers in the order:
# left border, right border, top border, bottom border
frame_top_border = 0,0,0,0
frame_bottom_border = 0,0,0,0
frame_left_border = 0,0,42,16
frame_right_border = 0,0,42,16
# Colors for drawing data on charts. These apply to all chart monitors
# so style settings for these are not possible. These do not apply
# if you have data_in/out images.
chart_in_color = #10d3d3
chart_in_color_grid = #00a3a3
chart_out_color = #f4ac4a
chart_out_color_grid = #b47c20
# Colors for nice data on the cpu chart do not apply if nice.png and
# nice_grid.png exist
#set_string cpu_nice_color "forest green"
#set_string cpu_nice_grid_color "dark green"
# height of the bg_separator.png image that separates chart data views.
bg_separator_height = 2
decal_alarm_frames = 10
decal_warn_frames = 10
# 0 (do) 1 (don't) draw the top/bottom grid lines on charts.
bg_grid_mode = 0
# Set this to "true" to draw chart text without first filling its rectangle
# extents with the chart background. The default is to fill the rectangle
# with the background so the text will be more readable on top of data colors.
# Setting this to true prevents chart text caching so there will slightly
# increased CPU usage.
#chart_text_no_fill true
# Placement of the Rx/Tx LEDs in the panel area of net Chart monitors.
rx_led_x = 2
rx_led_y = 6
tx_led_x = -2
tx_led_y = 6
# Use this if you make a custom button_panel_in.png, button_panel_out.png
button_panel_border = 2,2,2,2
# Use this if you make a custom button_meter_in.png, button_meter_out.png
button_meter_border = 2,2,2,2
# ========= Style settings for the monitors. ============
# Options can be set to apply globally to areas of all similar monitors,
# or can be set to individually apply only to an area of a specific monitor.
# This is done with Style lines which can have a global '*' scope name or a
# specific monitor name. Since these theme specifications begin at
# the monitor area level (see the Themes file), there are Style lines for
# each area. There are StyleChart and StylePanel lines for the chart and
# panel areas in the Chart monitors, and a StyleMeter line for the single
# meter area in the Meter monitors.
# It is not necessary for these lines to be in any particular order, more
# specific style settings always override a global setting.
# - textcolor arguments are color, shadow color, and drawing effect
# (shadow or none). The '#' preceding the hex color values is required.
# Enclose multiple word rgb.txt color names in quotes.
# "margins" is new in 1.2.9. Previously there was only "margin" which set
# both left and right margin to the same value. Now use "margins" to set
# left,right,top,bottom. Then for fine control at the monitor level, use
# left_margin, right_margin, top_margin, and bottom_margin to set individual
# values that differ from the default. The old "margin" may still be used.
# -------- Global settings for Chart monitor chart areas -----------
StyleChart *.border = 0,0,0,0
StyleChart *.font = normal_font
StyleChart *.alt_font = small_font
# --------- Global settings for Chart monitor panels ---------------
StylePanel *.border = 0,0,2,1
StylePanel *.font = normal_font
StylePanel *.alt_font = normal_font
StylePanel *.label_position = 50
# StylePanel *.label_yoff = 0
StylePanel *.margins = 1,1,2,1
StylePanel *.krell_yoff = 0
# Don't change these settings unless you are making custom krell images.
# StylePanel *.krell_x_hot = 3
# StylePanel *.krell_depth = 4
# StylePanel *.krell_expand = 0
# -------- Global settings for meter monitor panels ------------
StyleMeter *.border = 4,4,3,2
StyleMeter *.font = normal_font
StyleMeter *.alt_font = small_font
StyleMeter *.label_position = 50
# StyleMeter *.label_yoff = 0
StyleMeter *.margins = 2,2,2,2
StyleMeter *.krell_yoff = 1
# Don't change these settings unless you are making custom krell images.
# StyleMeter *.krell_x_hot = -1
# StyleMeter *.krell_depth = 1
# StyleMeter *.krell_expand = 0
# ------ Custom settings for builtin meter monitors ------------
# These override any general '*' settings above.
StylePanel cpu.margins = 0,0,2,1
StyleMeter apm.font = small_font
StyleMeter apm.border = 4,4,2,2
# cal.font and cal.textcolor is for day of week and month name
StyleMeter cal.font = small_font
# cal.alt_font is day of month
StyleMeter cal.alt_font = large_font
# clock.font and clock.textcolor is for hours & minutes
# clock.alt_font and clock.alt_textcolor would be used for seconds or am/pm
StyleMeter clock.font = large_font
StyleMeter fs.alt_font = normal_font
StyleMeter fs.border = 4,4,3,1
StyleMeter fs.label_position = 0
StyleMeter fs.bottom_margin = 1
StyleMeter host.top_margin = 1
StyleMeter host.bottom_margin = 1
StyleMeter mem.alt_font = normal_font
StyleMeter mem.krell_yoff = 0
StyleMeter mem.top_margin = 2
StyleMeter mem.bottom_margin = 0
StyleMeter swap.top_margin = 2
StyleMeter swap.bottom_margin = 1
set_integer mem_krell_buffers_yoff 0
set_integer mem_krell_buffers_depth 1
set_integer mem_krell_buffers_x_hot -1
set_integer mem_krell_cache_yoff 0
set_integer mem_krell_cache_depth 1
set_integer mem_krell_cache_x_hot -1
StyleMeter swap.alt_font = normal_font
# yoff of -2 bottom justifies the krell.
StyleMeter swap.krell_yoff = -2
# sensors settings affect the volt monitor.
StyleMeter sensors.top_margin = 3
StyleMeter sensors.bottom_margin = 3
# Border for the volt monitor extension image sensors/bg_volt:
set_image_border sensors_bg_volt 1,1,1,1
StyleMeter timer.margins = 1,1,1,2
# Border for the net timer monitor extension image timer/bg_timer image:
set_image_border timer_bg_timer 1,1,2,2
StyleMeter uptime.border = 3,3,2,2
StyleMeter uptime.bottom_margin = 1
# ------------------------- Plugins ----------------------------------
# Always try looking at a plugins source tarball to see if it includes
# a "Themes" file describing how the plugin can be themed. There may be
# custom images you can make or custom values you can set.
# ------- GkrellMMS ---------
spacer_top_height gkrellmms 3
spacer_bottom_height gkrellmms 3
StyleMeter gkrellmms.krell_yoff = 0
StyleMeter gkrellmms.krell_x_hot = 59
StyleMeter gkrellmms.krell_expand = left
StyleMeter gkrellmms.krell_left_margin = 3
StyleMeter gkrellmms.krell_right_margin = 2
StyleMeter gkrellmms.margins = 2,2,2,0
StyleMeter gkrellmms.border = 2,2,4,0
# GKrellMMS has a theme extension for its scrolling text panel. It can
# have a separate background image gkrellmms/bg_scroll.png. Set its border:
set_image_border gkrellmms_bg_scroll 3,3,2,2
# And to set the margins for the scroll panel (gkrellmms 0.5.5 or better):
set_integer gkrellmms_scroll_margin 3
set_integer gkrellmms_scroll_top_margin 2
set_integer gkrellmms_scroll_bottom_margin 1
set_string gkrellmms_play_button_position "-27 4 0 0 c"
set_string gkrellmms_prev_button_position "-25 20 0 0 c"
set_string gkrellmms_stop_button_position "-13 21 0 0 c"
set_string gkrellmms_next_button_position "9 20 0 0 c"
set_string gkrellmms_eject_button_position "17 12 0 0 c"
set_string gkrellmms_led_position "7 7 c"
set_string gkrellmms_label_position "-25 7 c"
# ------- GkrellMSS ---------
# Set some values for the standard krell even though it is not used. This is
# because the standard krell will be used to initialize custom krells so only
# custom values different from the standard need to be specified.
StyleMeter sound.krell_yoff = 0
StyleMeter sound.krell_depth = 1
StyleMeter sound.krell_x_hot = -1
StyleMeter sound.krell_expand = none
StyleMeter sound.krell_left_margin = 0
StyleMeter sound.krell_right_margin = 0
# Now set the custom krell values
StyleMeter sound.vu_left.krell_yoff = 3
StyleMeter sound.vu_left.krell_x_hot = 59
StyleMeter sound.vu_left.krell_expand = left
StyleMeter sound.vu_right.krell_yoff = 9
StyleMeter sound.vu_right.krell_x_hot = 59
StyleMeter sound.vu_right.krell_expand = left
StyleMeter sound.vu_left_peak.krell_yoff = 2
StyleMeter sound.vu_left_peak.krell_depth = 5
StyleMeter sound.vu_right_peak.krell_yoff = 8
StyleMeter sound.vu_right_peak.krell_depth = 5
# All above standard krell values are good for the sensitivity krell. But if
# any settings are needed, they would be like:
#StyleMeter sound.sensitivity.krell_yoff = 0
# The sensitivity krell is normally in an "up" position and is moved to a
# "down" or visible position when the mouse enters the GKrellMSS panel.
# These variables control the up and down y positions.
set_integer sound_krell_sensitivity_y_up -10
set_integer sound_krell_sensitivity_y_dn 0
# -------- GKrellM-PMU ---------
spacer_top_height pmu 3
spacer_bottom_height pmu 2
# --------- Timers (don't confuse with builtin "timer" -------------
spacer_top_height timers 3
spacer_bottom_height timers 3
StyleMeter timers.border = 6,6,2,2
StyleMeter timers.font = large_font
# --------- Volume -------------
spacer_top_height volume 3
spacer_bottom_height volume 3
StyleMeter volume.label_position = 0
StyleMeter volume.border = 26,3,0,0
StyleMeter volume.top_margin = 1
StyleMeter volume.bottom_margin = 0
# --------------------- Text Colors --------------------------
StyleChart *.textcolor = #efd097 #000000 shadow
StyleChart *.alt_textcolor = #a8e4e2 #000000 shadow
StylePanel *.textcolor = white #000000 shadow
StylePanel *.alt_textcolor = #60fff0 #000000 shadow
StyleMeter *.textcolor = #c8e4e2 #000000 shadow
StyleMeter *.alt_textcolor = #e8e4d2 #000000 shadow
StyleMeter cal.textcolor = #c8e4e2 #000000 shadow
StyleMeter clock.textcolor = #e8e4d2 #000000 shadow
StyleMeter clock.alt_textcolor = #c8e4e2 #000000 shadow
StyleMeter host.textcolor = #c8d4d2 #000000 shadow
StyleMeter mail.alt_textcolor = #ffc0c0 #000000 shadow
StyleMeter fs.alt_textcolor = #c8e4e2 #000000 shadow
StyleMeter mem.alt_textcolor = #c8e4e2 #000000 shadow
StyleMeter swap.alt_textcolor = #c8e4e2 #000000 shadow
StyleMeter sensors.textcolor = #60fff0 #000000 shadow
StyleMeter sensors.alt_textcolor = #c8e4e2 #000000 shadow
StyleMeter timer.textcolor = #e8e4d2 #000000 shadow
StyleMeter timer.alt_textcolor = #c8e4e2 #000000 shadow
StyleMeter uptime.textcolor = #e8e4d2 #000000 shadow
StyleMeter gkrellmms.alt_textcolor = black #dcdccc shadow
StyleMeter timers.textcolor = #d8e4d2 #000000 shadow
StyleMeter timers.alt_textcolor = #c8e4e2 #000000 shadow
# --------------------- Other Special Setting -----------------------------
# Don't change these settings unless you make custom mail panel animations:
# ----- If you make an animated penguin: mail/krell_penguin.png
# StyleMeter mail.krell_depth = 15
# StyleMeter mail.krell_yoff = 0
# StyleMeter mail.krell_x_hot = -1
# StyleMeter mail.label_position = 70"
# ----- If you make an animated envelope: mail/decal_mail.png
# decal_mail_frames = 18
# decal_mail_delay = 1

pixmaps/gkrellmrc_1 Normal file
View File

@ -0,0 +1,48 @@
# -------- gkrellmrc_1 for the GKrellM Default Theme Reference--------
# These settings override those in the base gkrellmrc when the first theme
# alternative is selected.
# Theme alternatives are selected in the Themes configuration page or they
# can by cycled to by hittin the keys 'n' for next or 'p' for previous
# when the mouse is in the gkrellm window.
StyleChart *.textcolor #efd097 #000000 shadow
StyleChart *.alt_textcolor #e4e4e2 #000000 shadow
StylePanel *.textcolor white #000000 shadow
StylePanel *.alt_textcolor #f0f080 #000000 shadow
StyleMeter *.textcolor = #f2f4d8 #000000 shadow
StyleMeter *.alt_textcolor #e8e4b2 #000000 shadow
StyleMeter cal.textcolor #f2f4d8 #000000 shadow
StyleMeter clock.textcolor #e8e4b2 #000000 shadow
StyleMeter clock.alt_textcolor #f2f4d8 #000000 shadow
StyleMeter fs.alt_textcolor = #f2f4d8 #000000 shadow
StyleMeter host.textcolor #b8c4c2 #000000 shadow
StyleMeter mail.alt_textcolor #e0c0c0 #000000 shadow
StyleMeter mem.alt_textcolor = #f2f4d8 #000000 shadow
StyleMeter swap.alt_textcolor = #f2f4d8 #000000 shadow
StyleMeter sensors.textcolor = #f0f080 #000000 shadow
StyleMeter sensors.alt_textcolor = #f2f4d8 #000000 shadow
StyleMeter timer.textcolor #e8e4b2 #000000 shadow
StyleMeter timer.alt_textcolor #f2f4d8 #000000 shadow
StyleMeter uptime.textcolor #e8e4b2 #000000 shadow
StyleMeter gkrellmms.alt_textcolor = black #dcdccc shadow
StyleMeter timers.textcolor #d2d8c0 #000000 shadow
StyleMeter timers.alt_textcolor = #f2f4d8 #000000 shadow
#StyleMeter mem.textcolor #282828 #a0b0a0 shadow
#StyleMeter swap.textcolor #282828 #a0b0a0 shadow

pixmaps/gkrellmrc_2 Normal file
View File

@ -0,0 +1,48 @@
# -------- gkrellmrc_2 for the GKrellM Default Theme Reference--------
# These settings override those in the base gkrellmrc when the second theme
# alternative is selected.
# Theme alternatives are selected in the Themes configuration page or they
# can by cycled to by hittin the keys 'n' for next or 'p' for previous
# when the mouse is in the gkrellm window.
StyleChart *.textcolor #f8b080 #000000 shadow
StyleChart *.alt_textcolor #f0e8f0 #000000 shadow
StylePanel *.textcolor white #000000 shadow
StylePanel *.alt_textcolor #f0d0f0 #000000 shadow
StyleMeter *.textcolor = #f0e8f0 #000000 shadow
StyleMeter *.alt_textcolor #f0c0a0 #000000 shadow
StyleMeter cal.textcolor #f0e8f0 #000000 shadow
StyleMeter clock.textcolor #f0c0a0 #000000 shadow
StyleMeter clock.alt_textcolor #f0e8f0 #000000 shadow
StyleMeter fs.alt_textcolor = #f0e8f0 #000000 shadow
StyleMeter host.textcolor #b8c4c2 #000000 shadow
StyleMeter mail.alt_textcolor #e0c0c0 #000000 shadow
StyleMeter mem.alt_textcolor = #f0e8f0 #000000 shadow
StyleMeter swap.alt_textcolor = #f0e8f0 #000000 shadow
StyleMeter sensors.textcolor = #f0d0f0 #000000 shadow
StyleMeter sensors.alt_textcolor = #f0e8f0 #000000 shadow
StyleMeter timer.textcolor #f0c0a0 #000000 shadow
StyleMeter timer.alt_textcolor #f0e8f0 #000000 shadow
StyleMeter uptime.textcolor #f0c0a0 #000000 shadow
StyleMeter gkrellmms.alt_textcolor = black #dcdccc shadow
StyleMeter timers.textcolor #f0d0b0 #000000 shadow
StyleMeter timers.alt_textcolor = #f0e8f0 #000000 shadow
#StyleMeter mem.textcolor #282828 #a0b0a0 shadow
#StyleMeter swap.textcolor #282828 #a0b0a0 shadow

pixmaps/gkrellmrc_3 Normal file
View File

@ -0,0 +1 @@
StyleChart *.transparency = 1

pixmaps/gkrellmrc_4 Normal file
View File

@ -0,0 +1,50 @@
# -------- gkrellmrc_4 for the GKrellM Default Theme Reference--------
# These settings override those in the base gkrellmrc when the fourth theme
# alternative is selected.
# Theme alternatives are selected in the Themes configuration page or they
# can by cycled to by hittin the keys 'n' for next or 'p' for previous
# when the mouse is in the gkrellm window.
StyleChart *.transparency = 1
StyleChart *.textcolor #efd097 #000000 shadow
StyleChart *.alt_textcolor #e4e4e2 #000000 shadow
StylePanel *.textcolor white #000000 shadow
StylePanel *.alt_textcolor #f0f080 #000000 shadow
StyleMeter *.textcolor = #f2f4d8 #000000 shadow
StyleMeter *.alt_textcolor #e8e4b2 #000000 shadow
StyleMeter cal.textcolor #f2f4d8 #000000 shadow
StyleMeter clock.textcolor #e8e4b2 #000000 shadow
StyleMeter clock.alt_textcolor #f2f4d8 #000000 shadow
StyleMeter fs.alt_textcolor = #f2f4d8 #000000 shadow
StyleMeter host.textcolor #b8c4c2 #000000 shadow
StyleMeter mail.alt_textcolor #e0c0c0 #000000 shadow
StyleMeter mem.alt_textcolor = #f2f4d8 #000000 shadow
StyleMeter swap.alt_textcolor = #f2f4d8 #000000 shadow
StyleMeter sensors.textcolor = #f0f080 #000000 shadow
StyleMeter sensors.alt_textcolor = #f2f4d8 #000000 shadow
StyleMeter timer.textcolor #e8e4b2 #000000 shadow
StyleMeter timer.alt_textcolor #f2f4d8 #000000 shadow
StyleMeter uptime.textcolor #e8e4b2 #000000 shadow
StyleMeter gkrellmms.alt_textcolor = black #dcdccc shadow
StyleMeter timers.textcolor #d2d8c0 #000000 shadow
StyleMeter timers.alt_textcolor = #f2f4d8 #000000 shadow
#StyleMeter mem.textcolor #282828 #a0b0a0 shadow
#StyleMeter swap.textcolor #282828 #a0b0a0 shadow

pixmaps/gkrellmrc_5 Normal file
View File

@ -0,0 +1,50 @@
# -------- gkrellmrc_5 for the GKrellM Default Theme Reference--------
# These settings override those in the base gkrellmrc when the fifth theme
# alternative is selected.
# Theme alternatives are selected in the Themes configuration page or they
# can by cycled to by hittin the keys 'n' for next or 'p' for previous
# when the mouse is in the gkrellm window.
StyleChart *.transparency = 1
StyleChart *.textcolor #f8b080 #000000 shadow
StyleChart *.alt_textcolor #f0e8f0 #000000 shadow
StylePanel *.textcolor white #000000 shadow
StylePanel *.alt_textcolor #f0d0f0 #000000 shadow
StyleMeter *.textcolor = #f0e8f0 #000000 shadow
StyleMeter *.alt_textcolor #f0c0a0 #000000 shadow
StyleMeter cal.textcolor #f0e8f0 #000000 shadow
StyleMeter clock.textcolor #f0c0a0 #000000 shadow
StyleMeter clock.alt_textcolor #f0e8f0 #000000 shadow
StyleMeter fs.alt_textcolor = #f0e8f0 #000000 shadow
StyleMeter host.textcolor #b8c4c2 #000000 shadow
StyleMeter mail.alt_textcolor #e0c0c0 #000000 shadow
StyleMeter mem.alt_textcolor = #f0e8f0 #000000 shadow
StyleMeter swap.alt_textcolor = #f0e8f0 #000000 shadow
StyleMeter sensors.textcolor = #f0d0f0 #000000 shadow
StyleMeter sensors.alt_textcolor = #f0e8f0 #000000 shadow
StyleMeter timer.textcolor #f0c0a0 #000000 shadow
StyleMeter timer.alt_textcolor #f0e8f0 #000000 shadow
StyleMeter uptime.textcolor #f0c0a0 #000000 shadow
StyleMeter gkrellmms.alt_textcolor = black #dcdccc shadow
StyleMeter timers.textcolor #f0d0b0 #000000 shadow
StyleMeter timers.alt_textcolor = #f0e8f0 #000000 shadow
#StyleMeter mem.textcolor #282828 #a0b0a0 shadow
#StyleMeter swap.textcolor #282828 #a0b0a0 shadow

pixmaps/host/bg_panel.xpm Normal file
View File

@ -0,0 +1,41 @@
/* XPM */
static char * bg_panel_host_xpm[] = {
"44 12 26 1",
" c None",
". c #646B6D",
"+ c #666D6F",
"@ c #686F71",
"# c #6B7172",
"$ c #6B7476",
"% c #6E7677",
"& c #6F787A",
"* c #70797B",
"= c #717A7C",
"- c #727B7D",
"; c #747C7D",
"> c #757D7E",
", c #757F80",
"' c #768081",
") c #778182",
"! c #788283",
"~ c #798384",
"{ c #7A8585",
"] c #7A8787",
"^ c #7C8787",
"/ c #7D8888",
"( c #7A8485",
"_ c #777F80",
": c #767E7F",
"< c #727C7D",

pixmaps/krell_meter.xpm Normal file
View File

@ -0,0 +1,26 @@
/* XPM */
static char * krell_meter_xpm[] = {
"9 11 12 1",
" c None",
". c #BCBCBC",
"+ c #D8D8D8",
"@ c #E0E0E0",
"# c #B5B5B5",
"$ c #999999",
"% c #000000",
"& c #A5A5A5",
"* c #7F7F7F",
"= c #D1D1D1",
"- c #EFEFEF",
"; c #FFFFFF",
" .++@##$%",
" &.+@#&*%",
" %=-#%% ",
" ;%% ",
" ;% ",
" ;% ",
" ;% ",
" ;% ",
" ;% ",
" ;% ",
" % "};

pixmaps/krell_mini.xpm Normal file
View File

@ -0,0 +1,17 @@
/* XPM */
static char * krell_mini_xpm[] = {
"7 7 7 1",
" c None",
". c #9AAEC3",
"+ c #C2D4E6",
"@ c #FFFFFF",
"# c #BACCDF",
"$ c #93A7BC",
"% c #000000",
" .+@#$ ",
" .+@#$%",
" @%%%",
" @% ",
" @% ",
" @% ",
" @% "};

pixmaps/krell_panel.xpm Normal file
View File

@ -0,0 +1,40 @@
/* XPM */
static char * krell_panel_xpm[] = {
"5 24 13 1",
" c None",
". c #845C8C",
"+ c #976AA0",
"@ c #DCA1EA",
"# c #CD95DB",
"$ c #000000",
"% c #9EFFFF",
"& c #FFFFFF",
"* c #89DDDC",
"= c #E54E6E",
"- c #FF5479",
"; c #DB4A69",
"> c #D14764",
"$$$$ ",
" $$$ ",
" $$$ ",
" $$$$"};

pixmaps/krell_slider.xpm Normal file
View File

@ -0,0 +1,124 @@
/* XPM */
static char * krell_slider_xpm[] = {
"8 54 67 1",
" c None",
". c #BDC5E1",
"+ c #BEC6DD",
"@ c #C1C5DF",
"# c #C3C7E1",
"$ c #B2BAD6",
"% c #A4A4C5",
"& c #9DA6C5",
"* c #C5C9E0",
"= c #A3A5C3",
"- c #A2ACCB",
"; c #8992B2",
"> c #A6AECB",
", c #9097BA",
"' c #AEB4CE",
") c #CED6EA",
"! c #ADB6D5",
"~ c #959AB9",
"{ c #7981A9",
"] c #333333",
"^ c #99A5C5",
"/ c #818FB1",
"( c #99A8CA",
"_ c #C1CAE5",
": c #9DAACC",
"< c #8C90AD",
"[ c #737B9D",
"} c #989EB8",
"| c #7D84A2",
"1 c #949DBC",
"2 c #BAC2D9",
"3 c #7F8AAB",
"4 c #6C7394",
"5 c #8C98B7",
"6 c #6E76A4",
"7 c #848CB9",
"8 c #AAB4D7",
"9 c #848FB9",
"0 c #797BA2",
"a c #6B6B8E",
"b c #888CA9",
"c c #6E6D97",
"d c #7D7CA8",
"e c #A3A3C8",
"f c #7F7FA6",
"g c #6E7296",
"h c #616885",
"i c #7C839F",
"j c #63608C",
"k c #8989AA",
"l c #63638B",
"m c #595F7A",
"n c #515573",
"o c #F1B84F",
"p c #FFD88A",
"q c #FFD37A",
"r c #FFC657",
"s c #EDB44E",
"t c #EDA82F",
"u c #E4991D",
"v c #C61A58",
"w c #DA274F",
"x c #EC3447",
"y c #FC433F",
"z c #F63D42",
"A c #E7304A",
"B c #D62451",
" .+@@# ",
"$%&*=-; ",
" nnnnn] ",
" .+@@# ",
"$%&*=-; ",
" nnnnn] ",
" .+@@# ",
"$%&*=-; ",
" nnnnn] ",
" .+@@# ",
"$%&*=-; ",
" nnnnn] ",
" .+@@# ",
"$%&o=-; ",
" nnnnn] ",
" .+@@# ",
"$%&v=-; ",
" nnnnn] "};

pixmaps/mail/decal_mail.xpm Normal file
View File

@ -0,0 +1,568 @@
/* XPM */
static char * decal_mail_xpm[] = {
"22 216 349 2",
" c None",
". c #040404",
"+ c #DDDDD9",
"@ c #FDFFF7",
"# c #555452",
"$ c #65655D",
"% c #BCBFA4",
"& c #D5D6B8",
"* c #9A9B88",
"= c #5B5B5B",
"- c #848477",
"; c #929186",
"> c #8B8A7A",
", c #D5D6CA",
"' c #7F7F6F",
") c #444444",
"! c #42403A",
"~ c #9D9C8C",
"{ c #89897B",
"] c #62605D",
"^ c #5B5A4E",
"/ c #262626",
"( c #616055",
"_ c #8D8E7D",
": c #A4A591",
"< c #8A8A79",
"[ c #4F4F4F",
"} c #383838",
"| c #6F6F66",
"1 c #787872",
"2 c #888880",
"3 c #98988D",
"4 c #A2A296",
"5 c #AEAEA2",
"6 c #BBBBB3",
"7 c #CBCBC2",
"8 c #E0DFD2",
"9 c #E5E5DA",
"0 c #F1F0E5",
"a c #F9F8EA",
"b c #FDFDED",
"c c #FEFEEE",
"d c #FEFEF3",
"e c #FFFFF3",
"f c #FFFFF0",
"g c #FFFFEF",
"h c #65675B",
"i c #FEFEEF",
"j c #FEFEF0",
"k c #FEFEF1",
"l c #868476",
"m c #DBDBCD",
"n c #C3C3B8",
"o c #FCFCED",
"p c #FFFFF1",
"q c #FEFEF2",
"r c #DBDACE",
"s c #63625D",
"t c #BEBFB1",
"u c #FCFDEC",
"v c #DBDDCE",
"w c #4D4C43",
"x c #737164",
"y c #939383",
"z c #AFAE9A",
"A c #969583",
"B c #47473E",
"C c #2D2B27",
"D c #4F5047",
"E c #77776A",
"F c #A09F8E",
"G c #AFB09A",
"H c #C3C5AD",
"I c #D5D6BC",
"J c #E9EACC",
"K c #F6F5D6",
"L c #F6F6D6",
"M c #E4E8CC",
"N c #848475",
"O c #787769",
"P c #616154",
"Q c #777769",
"R c #939382",
"S c #D1D1B8",
"T c #ECEBCF",
"U c #F5F5D8",
"V c #F5F7D9",
"W c #F6F9DB",
"X c #F5F5D5",
"Y c #F2F4D5",
"Z c #F6F5D5",
"` c #C6C7AF",
" . c #41403A",
".. c #6C6B5E",
"+. c #898878",
"@. c #6C6C5E",
"#. c #33342D",
"$. c #A4A691",
"%. c #EAEACC",
"&. c #F3F4D6",
"*. c #F2F4D6",
"=. c #F6F8DA",
"-. c #F6F8DC",
";. c #F4F6D7",
">. c #F4F5D5",
",. c #EAECD0",
"'. c #8A8979",
"). c #1D1D1B",
"!. c #898A79",
"~. c #878776",
"{. c #727363",
"]. c #64645A",
"^. c #000000",
"/. c #CDCCB4",
"(. c #F4F6D8",
"_. c #F6F9DC",
":. c #F6FADC",
"<. c #F6F6D7",
"[. c #F4F5D7",
"}. c #EEF2D5",
"|. c #CECEB4",
"1. c #55574C",
"2. c #141312",
"3. c #605F54",
"4. c #8A8B79",
"5. c #7A7A6B",
"6. c #494A40",
"7. c #78796B",
"8. c #A3A294",
"9. c #F3F2D3",
"0. c #F7FADC",
"a. c #ADAC97",
"b. c #272823",
"c. c #070706",
"d. c #59584F",
"e. c #8E8C7A",
"f. c #848473",
"g. c #807F70",
"h. c #7C7C6F",
"i. c #828374",
"j. c #55554C",
"k. c #D1D3BB",
"l. c #E2E2C6",
"m. c #67685B",
"n. c #080807",
"o. c #58584D",
"p. c #898A78",
"q. c #898B7A",
"r. c #8C8E7B",
"s. c #8A8C7A",
"t. c #868676",
"u. c #818072",
"v. c #858476",
"w. c #7C7D6E",
"x. c #9B9D8A",
"y. c #BBBCA5",
"z. c #393933",
"A. c #0A0A09",
"B. c #100F0F",
"C. c #4E4F46",
"D. c #848476",
"E. c #858475",
"F. c #898778",
"G. c #8D8D7D",
"H. c #8C8D7B",
"I. c #757466",
"J. c #36362F",
"K. c #141311",
"L. c #171714",
"M. c #0C0C0C",
"N. c #32312E",
"O. c #4B4A44",
"P. c #808072",
"Q. c #878777",
"R. c #8B8B7A",
"S. c #848474",
"T. c #858375",
"U. c #868675",
"V. c #787969",
"W. c #56574E",
"X. c #52524A",
"Y. c #353531",
"Z. c #151413",
"`. c #333533",
" + c #4C4C44",
".+ c #4F4F47",
"++ c #53534B",
"@+ c #66655A",
"#+ c #7B7C6B",
"$+ c #888877",
"%+ c #8C8C7B",
"&+ c #8D8D7C",
"*+ c #31312B",
"=+ c #33342E",
"-+ c #3B3C36",
";+ c #3F3F3A",
">+ c #33312D",
",+ c #2E2E2E",
"'+ c #4B4C43",
")+ c #4C4D44",
"!+ c #4D4D45",
"~+ c #515149",
"{+ c #4E4F45",
"]+ c #616156",
"^+ c #767668",
"/+ c #868776",
"(+ c #78776A",
"_+ c #55534A",
":+ c #545349",
"<+ c #2E2E2A",
"[+ c #5E5C54",
"}+ c #8B8B7D",
"|+ c #7B7A6D",
"1+ c #36352E",
"2+ c #626158",
"3+ c #959482",
"4+ c #595A51",
"5+ c #535148",
"6+ c #353631",
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pixmaps/mail/krell_mail.xpm Normal file
View File

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pixmaps/mem/bg_panel.xpm Normal file
View File

@ -0,0 +1,165 @@
/* XPM */
static char * bg_panel_mem_xpm[] = {
"60 14 148 2",
" c None",
". c #505757",
"+ c #525759",
"@ c #54595B",
"# c #565B5C",
"$ c #575C5E",
"% c #596060",
"& c #5A6263",
"* c #5D6365",
"= c #5E6465",
"- c #606567",
"; c #616768",
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", c #646A6C",
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"! c #676F70",
"~ c #686F71",
"{ c #697072",
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"^ c #6B7273",
"/ c #6B7474",
"( c #6C7475",
"_ c #6D7576",
": c #6E7677",
"< c #6F7777",
"[ c #6F7878",
"} c #6F7979",
"| c #717979",
"1 c #727A7A",
"2 c #6F7778",
"3 c #6D7474",
"4 c #6C7374",
"5 c #697172",
"6 c #5C6164",
"7 c #5B6062",
"8 c #595F60",
"9 c #575D5F",
"0 c #575B5D",
"a c #555B5B",
"b c #53585A",
"c c #515758",
"d c #383A3D",
"e c #3B3D3F",
"f c #3E3F42",
"g c #414445",
"h c #434547",
"i c #444747",
"j c #45474A",
"k c #47494C",
"l c #484C4E",
"m c #4C4E50",
"n c #4D5051",
"o c #4E5254",
"p c #515557",
"q c #525757",
"r c #535758",
"s c #55585A",
"t c #56595B",
"u c #575E5F",
"v c #585F60",
"w c #5A6061",
"x c #5B6263",
"y c #5C6364",
"z c #5E6565",
"A c #5D6465",
"B c #5B6465",
"C c #5B6364",
"D c #575A5B",
"E c #55575A",
"F c #545759",
"G c #515657",
"H c #505456",
"I c #4F5153",
"J c #4C4F51",
"K c #4B4D4F",
"L c #484B4C",
"M c #46494B",
"N c #454748",
"O c #414345",
"P c #3E4143",
"Q c #3D3E41",
"R c #3A3C3E",
"S c #596B6E",
"T c #5E6F6F",
"U c #5E7073",
"V c #617374",
"W c #637474",
"X c #647577",
"Y c #667879",
"Z c #68797B",
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".. c #6D8080",
"+. c #6F7F82",
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"#. c #6F8288",
"$. c #738288",
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"1. c #84898A",
"2. c #858A8A",
"3. c #868A8B",
"4. c #868C8C",
"5. c #868C8D",
"6. c #2A2E2E",
"7. c #2B2E2F",
"8. c #2B2F2F",
"9. c #2C2F2F",
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"a. c #8A9191",
"b. c #8A9090",
"c. c #899090",
"d. c #898E8F",
"e. c #888E8E",
"f. c #878D8E",
"g. c #2A2D2E",
"h. c #2A2D2D",
"i. c #292C2D",
"j. c #828889",
"k. c #828687",
"l. c #808586",
"m. c #808484",
"n. c #7E8284",
"o. c #7D8182",
"p. c #7C8081",
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pixmaps/mem/krell.xpm Normal file
View File

@ -0,0 +1,21 @@
/* XPM */
static char * krell_mem_xpm[] = {
"7 11 7 1",
" c None",
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"+ c #C2D4E6",
"@ c #FFFFFF",
"# c #BACCDF",
"$ c #93A7BC",
"% c #000000",
" .+@#$ ",
" .+@#$%",
" @%%%",
" @% ",
" @% ",
" @% ",
" @% ",
" @% ",
" @% ",
" @% ",
" @% "};

View File

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/* XPM */
static char * krell_buffers_xpm[] = {
"7 7 7 1",
" c None",
". c #9AAEC3",
"+ c #C2D4E6",
"@ c #FFFFFF",
"# c #BACCDF",
"$ c #93A7BC",
"% c #000000",
" .+@#$ ",
" .+@#$%",
" @%%%",
" @% ",
" @% ",
" @% ",
" @% "};

View File

@ -0,0 +1,17 @@
/* XPM */
static char * krell_cache_xpm[] = {
"7 7 7 1",
" c None",
". c #9AAEC3",
"+ c #C2D4E6",
"@ c #FFFFFF",
"# c #BACCDF",
"$ c #93A7BC",
"% c #000000",
" .+@#$ ",
" .+@#$%",
" @%%%",
" @% ",
" @% ",
" @% ",
" @% "};

View File

@ -0,0 +1,66 @@
/* XPM */
static char * decal_net_leds_xpm[] = {
"10 12 51 1",
" c None",
". c #222323",
"+ c #3A3A3A",
"@ c #4C4F4F",
"# c #3E3F3F",
"$ c #262727",
"% c #334735",
"& c #335E4F",
"* c #337568",
"= c #2C857C",
"- c #259790",
"; c #1EA8A4",
"> c #18B5B4",
", c #20A39E",
"' c #2A786D",
") c #314E3E",
"! c #526E55",
"~ c #48846F",
"{ c #3F9988",
"] c #36B0A2",
"^ c #2CC8BF",
"/ c #22E0DA",
"( c #1BF1EF",
"_ c #25D8D2",
": c #3AA595",
"< c #4E765F",
"[ c #141414",
"} c #272929",
"| c #3D3F3F",
"1 c #2D2E2E",
"2 c #171717",
"3 c #5D421D",
"4 c #84612F",
"5 c #AD8643",
"6 c #D0A456",
"7 c #CDA255",
"8 c #BA914B",
"9 c #A68040",
"0 c #936E37",
"a c #805F2E",
"b c #6E5125",
"c c #7F643C",
"d c #A48350",
"e c #CDA666",
"f c #F1C479",
"g c #EEC277",
"h c #DAB16D",
"i c #C6A062",
"j c #B39058",
"k c #A0814F",
"l c #8F7345",

pixmaps/pmu/bg_panel.xpm Normal file
View File

@ -0,0 +1,51 @@
/* XPM */
static char * bg_panel_pmu_xpm[] = {
"60 14 34 1",
" c None",
". c #1E1E1E",
"+ c #545754",
"@ c #5E615E",
"# c #536676",
"$ c #586A77",
"% c #586B7B",
"& c #5B6E7C",
"* c #5D6F7C",
"= c #5E6F7F",
"- c #607381",
"; c #627383",
"> c #657784",
", c #657886",
"' c #677A88",
") c #69798A",
"! c #697A8C",
"~ c #6A7C8F",
"{ c #6D7D90",
"] c #6F7F92",
"^ c #708093",
"/ c #758494",
"( c #768697",
"_ c #788797",
": c #7B8998",
"< c #7C8B9B",
"[ c #7E8D9D",
"} c #818F9E",
"| c #8291A1",
"1 c #8492A1",
"2 c #8594A4",
"3 c #8896A5",
"4 c #575B57",
"5 c #494C49",

View File

@ -0,0 +1,51 @@
/* XPM */
static char * bg_panel_pmu_1_xpm[] = {
"60 14 34 1",
" c None",
". c #211E1A",
"+ c #5C5A4D",
"@ c #676456",
"# c #5B686C",
"$ c #616B6C",
"% c #616D70",
"& c #647071",
"* c #667171",
"= c #677274",
"- c #697576",
"; c #6B7678",
"> c #6E7979",
", c #6E7A7B",
"' c #707C7D",
") c #727C7F",
"! c #727D81",
"~ c #737F84",
"{ c #758086",
"] c #778288",
"^ c #788389",
"/ c #7D878A",
"( c #7E898D",
"_ c #808A8D",
": c #838C8E",
"< c #848E91",
"[ c #878F92",
"} c #8A9193",
"| c #8A9497",
"1 c #8C9597",
"2 c #8D969A",
"3 c #90989B",
"4 c #615E50",
"5 c #514F42",

View File

@ -0,0 +1,51 @@
/* XPM */
static char * bg_panel_pmu_2_xpm[] = {
"60 14 34 1",
" c None",
". c #211A1A",
"+ c #5C4F4D",
"@ c #675956",
"# c #5B5D6C",
"$ c #61616C",
"% c #616270",
"& c #646571",
"* c #666671",
"= c #676675",
"- c #696A76",
"; c #6B6A79",
"> c #6E6E79",
", c #6E6E7B",
"' c #70707D",
") c #737081",
"! c #737182",
"~ c #737285",
"{ c #767487",
"] c #787689",
"^ c #79778A",
"/ c #7F7B8C",
"( c #7F7C8F",
"_ c #827E8F",
": c #868190",
"< c #868293",
"[ c #898495",
"} c #8D8796",
"| c #8C8899",
"1 c #8F8A99",
"2 c #8F8B9C",
"3 c #938E9D",
"4 c #615450",
"5 c #514542",

View File

@ -0,0 +1,129 @@
/* XPM */
static char * spacer_bottom_pmu_xpm[] = {
"60 3 123 2",
" c None",
". c #232323",
"+ c #545754",
"@ c #5E615E",
"# c #696C6A",
"$ c #6A6D6B",
"% c #6A6E6C",
"& c #6B6F6D",
"* c #6C706D",
"= c #6E716F",
"- c #6E7370",
"; c #6F7471",
"> c #707572",
", c #717573",
"' c #727674",
") c #757775",
"! c #757876",
"~ c #767877",
"{ c #767A78",
"] c #787B79",
"^ c #797D7B",
"/ c #7B7D7B",
"( c #7C7F7D",
"_ c #7E817F",
": c #7E8380",
"< c #7F8381",
"[ c #808482",
"} c #818583",
"| c #838784",
"1 c #838885",
"2 c #858987",
"3 c #878A88",
"4 c #7B807D",
"5 c #7B7F7C",
"6 c #787C7A",
"7 c #777B78",
"8 c #757A77",
"9 c #747976",
"0 c #737875",
"a c #717774",
"b c #707673",
"c c #6F7572",
"d c #6D726F",
"e c #6D716E",
"f c #696D6B",
"g c #575B57",
"h c #494C49",
"i c #000000",
"j c #4E514F",
"k c #464846",
"l c #474948",
"m c #484A48",
"n c #494C4A",
"o c #4B4C4C",
"p c #4C4F4C",
"q c #4C504E",
"r c #4E504F",
"s c #4F5250",
"t c #515352",
"u c #525452",
"v c #535554",
"w c #555755",
"x c #565957",
"y c #575958",
"z c #595A59",
"A c #595B5A",
"B c #5A5B5A",
"C c #5B5D5B",
"D c #5B5E5C",
"E c #5D5F5E",
"F c #5E605E",
"G c #5F6160",
"H c #606261",
"I c #606461",
"J c #626563",
"K c #626664",
"L c #5E6260",
"M c #5E615F",
"N c #5C605E",
"O c #5B5F5D",
"P c #5A5C5B",
"Q c #585B59",
"R c #575A59",
"S c #555957",
"T c #555956",
"U c #535755",
"V c #525553",
"W c #505452",
"X c #4F5351",
"Y c #4E524F",
"Z c #484C49",
"` c #464847",
" . c #505251",
".. c #2F302F",
"+. c #303030",
"@. c #303130",
"#. c #303231",
"$. c #313231",
"%. c #313332",
"&. c #323332",
"*. c #323333",
"=. c #333433",
"-. c #333533",
";. c #343635",
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",. c #363837",
"'. c #383938",
"). c #383A39",
"!. c #393B39",
"~. c #393C3A",
"{. c #3B3D3C",
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"^. c #3D403D",
"/. c #3D403E",
"(. c #3E4140",
"_. c #404140",
":. c #404241",
"<. c #414342",
"[. c #3D3E3D",
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"1. c #343836",
"2. c #333634",
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pixmaps/pmu/spacer_top.xpm Normal file
View File

@ -0,0 +1,120 @@
/* XPM */
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"60 3 114 2",
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"@ c #424643",
"# c #424442",
"$ c #434644",
"% c #454646",
"& c #464846",
"* c #464948",
"= c #484948",
"- c #494B49",
"; c #4A4C4B",
"> c #4B4D4B",
", c #4C4F4D",
"' c #4E504F",
") c #505150",
"! c #515251",
"~ c #515352",
"{ c #525452",
"] c #535654",
"^ c #535755",
"/ c #565757",
"( c #575857",
"_ c #575958",
": c #585A59",
"< c #585C59",
"[ c #5A5D5B",
"} c #5A5E5C",
"| c #575A58",
"1 c #575957",
"2 c #555857",
"3 c #545756",
"4 c #545755",
"5 c #525553",
"6 c #515452",
"7 c #505351",
"8 c #505251",
"9 c #4F5150",
"0 c #4E5150",
"a c #4C504E",
"b c #4B4F4C",
"c c #494D4B",
"d c #494C4A",
"e c #484B49",
"f c #696C6A",
"g c #6A6D6B",
"h c #6A6E6C",
"i c #6B6F6D",
"j c #6C706D",
"k c #6E716F",
"l c #6E7370",
"m c #6F7471",
"n c #707572",
"o c #717573",
"p c #727674",
"q c #757775",
"r c #757876",
"s c #767877",
"t c #767A78",
"u c #787B79",
"v c #797D7B",
"w c #7B7D7B",
"x c #7C7F7D",
"y c #7E817F",
"z c #7E8380",
"A c #7F8381",
"B c #808482",
"C c #818583",
"D c #838784",
"E c #838885",
"F c #858987",
"G c #878A88",
"H c #7B807D",
"I c #7B7F7C",
"J c #787C7A",
"K c #777B78",
"L c #757A77",
"M c #747976",
"N c #737875",
"O c #717774",
"P c #707673",
"Q c #6F7572",
"R c #6D726F",
"S c #6D716E",
"T c #696D6B",
"U c #585B59",
"V c #667171",
"W c #677274",
"X c #697576",
"Y c #6D7678",
"Z c #6E7979",
"` c #707C7D",
" . c #727C7F",
".. c #727D81",
"+. c #738086",
"@. c #768187",
"#. c #788389",
"$. c #7B868A",
"%. c #7E888B",
"&. c #808A8D",
"*. c #838C8E",
"=. c #868E91",
"-. c #878F92",
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"'. c #90989B",
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"!. c #959BA0",
"~. c #969FA3",
"{. c #98A1A5",
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View File

@ -0,0 +1,174 @@
/* XPM */
static char * bg_panel_sensors_xpm[] = {
"60 14 157 2",
" c None",
". c #000000",
"+ c #313435",
"@ c #545B5C",
"# c #565C5E",
"$ c #586061",
"% c #596364",
"& c #5D6466",
"* c #5E6567",
"= c #606768",
"- c #62686A",
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"> c #656D6F",
", c #686F70",
"' c #687173",
") c #697274",
"! c #6A7375",
"~ c #6B7476",
"{ c #6D7576",
"] c #6E7677",
"^ c #6E7878",
"/ c #6F7879",
"( c #70797A",
"_ c #717A7B",
": c #727B7C",
"< c #737D7D",
"[ c #737F7F",
"} c #757F7F",
"| c #768080",
"1 c #737C7D",
"2 c #707878",
"3 c #6F7778",
"4 c #6B7576",
"5 c #5C6265",
"6 c #5A6163",
"7 c #585F61",
"8 c #575D5F",
"9 c #555B5D",
"0 c #323437",
"a c #353739",
"b c #38393C",
"c c #3B3F40",
"d c #3D4042",
"e c #3F4244",
"f c #404447",
"g c #444648",
"h c #45484B",
"i c #484B4D",
"j c #4A4D4F",
"k c #4B5052",
"l c #4E5355",
"m c #505557",
"n c #515558",
"o c #535859",
"p c #54585A",
"q c #545A5C",
"r c #575E5F",
"s c #585F60",
"t c #596062",
"u c #5B6364",
"v c #5C6465",
"w c #5E6667",
"x c #5D6566",
"y c #5B6566",
"z c #5A6465",
"A c #596162",
"B c #55595B",
"C c #535759",
"D c #525658",
"E c #4F5456",
"F c #4D5254",
"G c #4C4F51",
"H c #494C4E",
"I c #484A4C",
"J c #454849",
"K c #414648",
"L c #404345",
"M c #3B3D40",
"N c #383B3D",
"O c #37383B",
"P c #343638",
"Q c #1D1F1F",
"R c #505758",
"S c #536676",
"T c #586A77",
"U c #586B7B",
"V c #5B6E7C",
"W c #5D6F7C",
"X c #5E6F7F",
"Y c #607381",
"Z c #627383",
"` c #657784",
" . c #657886",
".. c #677A88",
"+. c #69798A",
"@. c #697A8C",
"#. c #6A7C8F",
"$. c #6D7D90",
"%. c #6F7F92",
"&. c #708093",
"*. c #758494",
"=. c #768697",
"-. c #788797",
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"'. c #818F9E",
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"!. c #8492A1",
"~. c #8594A4",
"{. c #8896A5",
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"/. c #2E3233",
"(. c #2F3334",
"_. c #77797B",
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"|. c #7A8183",
"1. c #7B8284",
"2. c #7D8586",
"3. c #7E8687",
"4. c #7F8788",
"5. c #808888",
"6. c #828A8A",
"7. c #838D8D",
"8. c #848E8E",
"9. c #858F8F",
"0. c #879191",
"a. c #889393",
"b. c #899494",
"c. c #8B9696",
"d. c #8B9897",
"e. c #8D9998",
"f. c #8F9B9A",
"g. c #909C9A",
"h. c #909E9C",
"i. c #929E9D",
"j. c #93A19F",
"k. c #94A2A0",
"l. c #919D9B",
"m. c #8E9A99",
"n. c #8C9898",
"o. c #8A9796",
"p. c #8A9595",
"q. c #889292",
"r. c #869090",
"s. c #828B8C",
"t. c #818889",
"u. c #7F8688",
"v. c #7D8486",
"w. c #7C8385",
"x. c #798082",
"y. c #797F80",
"z. c #787E7F",
". . + @ # $ % & * = - ; > , ' ) ! ~ { ] ^ / ( _ : < [ } } } | } } [ 1 : _ ( 2 3 ] { 4 ) ) ' , > ; - = * 5 6 7 8 9 + . . ",
". + 0 a b c d e f g h i j k l m n o p p q 9 r s 7 t u v & * w x y z % A $ 8 # 9 B p C D n E F G H I J K L d M N O P + . ",
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"/.R 0 S T U V W X Y Z ` ...+.@.#.$.%.&.*.=.-.;.>.,.'.).!.~.{.~.!.).'.,.>.;.-.=.*.&.%.$.#.@.+... .` Z Y X W V U T ].^.(.",
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". . + @ # $ % & * = - ; > , ' ) ! ~ { ] ^ / ( _ : < [ } } } | } } [ 1 : _ ( 2 3 ] { 4 ) ) ' , > ; - = * 5 6 7 8 9 + . . "};

View File

@ -0,0 +1,174 @@
/* XPM */
static char * bg_panel_sensors_1_xpm[] = {
"60 14 157 2",
" c None",
". c #000000",
"+ c #313435",
"@ c #545B5C",
"# c #565C5E",
"$ c #586061",
"% c #596364",
"& c #5D6466",
"* c #5E6567",
"= c #606768",
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"> c #656D6F",
", c #686F70",
"' c #687173",
") c #697274",
"! c #6A7375",
"~ c #6B7476",
"{ c #6D7576",
"] c #6E7677",
"^ c #6E7878",
"/ c #6F7879",
"( c #70797A",
"_ c #717A7B",
": c #727B7C",
"< c #737D7D",
"[ c #737F7F",
"} c #757F7F",
"| c #768080",
"1 c #737C7D",
"2 c #707878",
"3 c #6F7778",
"4 c #6B7576",
"5 c #5C6265",
"6 c #5A6163",
"7 c #585F61",
"8 c #575D5F",
"9 c #555B5D",
"0 c #323437",
"a c #353739",
"b c #38393C",
"c c #3B3F40",
"d c #3D4042",
"e c #3F4244",
"f c #404447",
"g c #444648",
"h c #45484B",
"i c #484B4D",
"j c #4A4D4F",
"k c #4B5052",
"l c #4E5355",
"m c #505557",
"n c #515558",
"o c #535859",
"p c #54585A",
"q c #545A5C",
"r c #575E5F",
"s c #585F60",
"t c #596062",
"u c #5B6364",
"v c #5C6465",
"w c #5E6667",
"x c #5D6566",
"y c #5B6566",
"z c #5A6465",
"A c #596162",
"B c #55595B",
"C c #535759",
"D c #525658",
"E c #4F5456",
"F c #4D5254",
"G c #4C4F51",
"H c #494C4E",
"I c #484A4C",
"J c #454849",
"K c #414648",
"L c #404345",
"M c #3B3D40",
"N c #383B3D",
"O c #37383B",
"P c #343638",
"Q c #1D1F1F",
"R c #505758",
"S c #5B686C",
"T c #616B6C",
"U c #616D70",
"V c #647071",
"W c #667171",
"X c #677274",
"Y c #697576",
"Z c #6B7678",
"` c #6E7979",
" . c #6E7A7B",
".. c #707C7D",
"+. c #727C7F",
"@. c #727D81",
"#. c #737F84",
"$. c #758086",
"%. c #778288",
"&. c #788389",
"*. c #7D878A",
"=. c #7E898D",
"-. c #808A8D",
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"'. c #8A9193",
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"!. c #8C9597",
"~. c #8D969A",
"{. c #90989B",
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"^. c #515859",
"/. c #2E3233",
"(. c #2F3334",
"_. c #77797B",
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"<. c #787C7E",
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"}. c #7A8081",
"|. c #7A8183",
"1. c #7B8284",
"2. c #7D8586",
"3. c #7E8687",
"4. c #7F8788",
"5. c #808888",
"6. c #828A8A",
"7. c #838D8D",
"8. c #848E8E",
"9. c #858F8F",
"0. c #879191",
"a. c #889393",
"b. c #899494",
"c. c #8B9696",
"d. c #8B9897",
"e. c #8D9998",
"f. c #8F9B9A",
"g. c #909C9A",
"h. c #909E9C",
"i. c #929E9D",
"j. c #93A19F",
"k. c #94A2A0",
"l. c #919D9B",
"m. c #8E9A99",
"n. c #8C9898",
"o. c #8A9796",
"p. c #8A9595",
"q. c #889292",
"r. c #869090",
"s. c #828B8C",
"t. c #818889",
"u. c #7F8688",
"v. c #7D8486",
"w. c #7C8385",
"x. c #798082",
"y. c #797F80",
"z. c #787E7F",
". . + @ # $ % & * = - ; > , ' ) ! ~ { ] ^ / ( _ : < [ } } } | } } [ 1 : _ ( 2 3 ] { 4 ) ) ' , > ; - = * 5 6 7 8 9 + . . ",
". + 0 a b c d e f g h i j k l m n o p p q 9 r s 7 t u v & * w x y z % A $ 8 # 9 B p C D n E F G H I J K L d M N O P + . ",
"Q R 0 S T U V W X Y Z ` ...+.@.#.$.%.&.*.=.-.;.>.,.'.).!.~.{.~.!.).'.,.>.;.-.=.*.&.%.$.#.@.+... .` Z Y X W V U T ].^.Q ",
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"/.R 0 S T U V W X Y Z ` ...+.@.#.$.%.&.*.=.-.;.>.,.'.).!.~.{.~.!.).'.,.>.;.-.=.*.&.%.$.#.@.+... .` Z Y X W V U T ].^.(.",
"/.R 0 S T U V W X Y Z ` ...+.@.#.$.%.&.*.=.-.;.>.,.'.).!.~.{.~.!.).'.,.>.;.-.=.*.&.%.$.#.@.+... .` Z Y X W V U T ].^.(.",
"/.R 0 S T U V W X Y Z ` ...+.@.#.$.%.&.*.=.-.;.>.,.'.).!.~.{.~.!.).'.,.>.;.-.=.*.&.%.$.#.@.+... .` Z Y X W V U T ].^.(.",
"/.R 0 S T U V W X Y Z ` ...+.@.#.$.%.&.*.=.-.;.>.,.'.).!.~.{.~.!.).'.,.>.;.-.=.*.&.%.$.#.@.+... .` Z Y X W V U T ].^.(.",
"/.R 0 S T U V W X Y Z ` ...+.@.#.$.%.&.*.=.-.;.>.,.'.).!.~.{.~.!.).'.,.>.;.-.=.*.&.%.$.#.@.+... .` Z Y X W V U T ].^.(.",
"/.R 0 S T U V W X Y Z ` ...+.@.#.$.%.&.*.=.-.;.>.,.'.).!.~.{.~.!.).'.,.>.;.-.=.*.&.%.$.#.@.+... .` Z Y X W V U T ].^.(.",
"/.R 0 S T U V W X Y Z ` ...+.@.#.$.%.&.*.=.-.;.>.,.'.).!.~.{.~.!.).'.,.>.;.-.=.*.&.%.$.#.@.+... .` Z Y X W V U T ].^.(.",
"Q R 0 S T U V W X Y Z ` ...+.@.#.$.%.&.*.=.-.;.>.,.'.).!.~.{.~.!.).'.,.>.;.-.=.*.&.%.$.#.@.+... .` Z Y X W V U T ].^.Q ",
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". . + @ # $ % & * = - ; > , ' ) ! ~ { ] ^ / ( _ : < [ } } } | } } [ 1 : _ ( 2 3 ] { 4 ) ) ' , > ; - = * 5 6 7 8 9 + . . "};

View File

@ -0,0 +1,174 @@
/* XPM */
static char * bg_panel_sensors_2_xpm[] = {
"60 14 157 2",
" c None",
". c #000000",
"+ c #313435",
"@ c #545B5C",
"# c #565C5E",
"$ c #586061",
"% c #596364",
"& c #5D6466",
"* c #5E6567",
"= c #606768",
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"> c #656D6F",
", c #686F70",
"' c #687173",
") c #697274",
"! c #6A7375",
"~ c #6B7476",
"{ c #6D7576",
"] c #6E7677",
"^ c #6E7878",
"/ c #6F7879",
"( c #70797A",
"_ c #717A7B",
": c #727B7C",
"< c #737D7D",
"[ c #737F7F",
"} c #757F7F",
"| c #768080",
"1 c #737C7D",
"2 c #707878",
"3 c #6F7778",
"4 c #6B7576",
"5 c #5C6265",
"6 c #5A6163",
"7 c #585F61",
"8 c #575D5F",
"9 c #555B5D",
"0 c #323437",
"a c #353739",
"b c #38393C",
"c c #3B3F40",
"d c #3D4042",
"e c #3F4244",
"f c #404447",
"g c #444648",
"h c #45484B",
"i c #484B4D",
"j c #4A4D4F",
"k c #4B5052",
"l c #4E5355",
"m c #505557",
"n c #515558",
"o c #535859",
"p c #54585A",
"q c #545A5C",
"r c #575E5F",
"s c #585F60",
"t c #596062",
"u c #5B6364",
"v c #5C6465",
"w c #5E6667",
"x c #5D6566",
"y c #5B6566",
"z c #5A6465",
"A c #596162",
"B c #55595B",
"C c #535759",
"D c #525658",
"E c #4F5456",
"F c #4D5254",
"G c #4C4F51",
"H c #494C4E",
"I c #484A4C",
"J c #454849",
"K c #414648",
"L c #404345",
"M c #3B3D40",
"N c #383B3D",
"O c #37383B",
"P c #343638",
"Q c #1D1F1F",
"R c #505758",
"S c #5B5D6C",
"T c #61616C",
"U c #616270",
"V c #646571",
"W c #666671",
"X c #676675",
"Y c #696A76",
"Z c #6B6A79",
"` c #6E6E79",
" . c #6E6E7B",
".. c #70707D",
"+. c #737081",
"@. c #737182",
"#. c #737285",
"$. c #767487",
"%. c #787689",
"&. c #79778A",
"*. c #7F7B8C",
"=. c #7F7C8F",
"-. c #827E8F",
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"'. c #8D8796",
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"!. c #8F8A99",
"~. c #8F8B9C",
"{. c #938E9D",
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"^. c #515859",
"/. c #2E3233",
"(. c #2F3334",
"_. c #77797B",
":. c #777B7D",
"<. c #787C7E",
"[. c #787D7F",
"}. c #7A8081",
"|. c #7A8183",
"1. c #7B8284",
"2. c #7D8586",
"3. c #7E8687",
"4. c #7F8788",
"5. c #808888",
"6. c #828A8A",
"7. c #838D8D",
"8. c #848E8E",
"9. c #858F8F",
"0. c #879191",
"a. c #889393",
"b. c #899494",
"c. c #8B9696",
"d. c #8B9897",
"e. c #8D9998",
"f. c #8F9B9A",
"g. c #909C9A",
"h. c #909E9C",
"i. c #929E9D",
"j. c #93A19F",
"k. c #94A2A0",
"l. c #919D9B",
"m. c #8E9A99",
"n. c #8C9898",
"o. c #8A9796",
"p. c #8A9595",
"q. c #889292",
"r. c #869090",
"s. c #828B8C",
"t. c #818889",
"u. c #7F8688",
"v. c #7D8486",
"w. c #7C8385",
"x. c #798082",
"y. c #797F80",
"z. c #787E7F",
". . + @ # $ % & * = - ; > , ' ) ! ~ { ] ^ / ( _ : < [ } } } | } } [ 1 : _ ( 2 3 ] { 4 ) ) ' , > ; - = * 5 6 7 8 9 + . . ",
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View File

@ -0,0 +1,83 @@
/* XPM */
static char * bg_volt_xpm[] = {
"30 14 66 1",
" c None",
". c #4C5354",
"+ c #4B4E51",
"@ c #4C5152",
"# c #4D5153",
"$ c #4D5355",
"% c #4E5456",
"& c #505758",
"* c #515858",
"= c #515859",
"- c #52585A",
"; c #545B5C",
"> c #555C5D",
", c #565C5E",
"' c #575D5F",
") c #575E5F",
"! c #565D5E",
"~ c #545D5E",
"{ c #535C5D",
"] c #525B5C",
"^ c #52595A",
"/ c #505658",
"( c #4F5557",
"_ c #4E5254",
": c #4C5052",
"< c #4C4F51",
"[ c #848F8F",
"} c #6A7375",
"| c #6B7476",
"1 c #6D7576",
"2 c #6E7677",
"3 c #6E7878",
"4 c #6F7879",
"5 c #70797A",
"6 c #717A7B",
"7 c #727B7C",
"8 c #737D7D",
"9 c #737F7F",
"0 c #757F7F",
"a c #768080",
"b c #737C7D",
"c c #707878",
"d c #6F7778",
"e c #6B7576",
"f c #697274",
"g c #8C9595",
"h c #8D9696",
"i c #8F9898",
"j c #8F9A9A",
"k c #909B9B",
"l c #929D9D",
"m c #929E9E",
"n c #949F9E",
"o c #96A1A0",
"p c #97A2A0",
"q c #97A4A2",
"r c #99A4A3",
"s c #9AA7A5",
"t c #9BA8A6",
"u c #98A3A1",
"v c #95A09F",
"w c #939E9E",
"x c #919E9D",
"y c #919C9C",
"z c #8F9999",
"A c #8E9797",

pixmaps/swap/bg_panel.xpm Normal file
View File

@ -0,0 +1,170 @@
/* XPM */
static char * bg_panel_swap_xpm[] = {
"60 14 153 2",
" c None",
". c #505757",
"+ c #525759",
"@ c #383A3D",
"# c #596B6E",
"$ c #5E6F6F",
"% c #5E7073",
"& c #617374",
"* c #737678",
"= c #747779",
"- c #75797A",
"; c #767A7B",
"> c #777B7B",
", c #777C7D",
"' c #797D7E",
") c #7A7E80",
"! c #CDD0D0",
"~ c #CDD0D1",
"{ c #CED1D1",
"] c #CED2D2",
"^ c #CFD2D3",
"/ c #7E8484",
"( c #7E8485",
"_ c #7F8585",
": c #808585",
"< c #808686",
"[ c #D1D5D5",
"} c #D0D5D5",
"| c #D0D4D4",
"1 c #D0D3D4",
"2 c #CFD3D3",
"3 c #7E8283",
"4 c #7D8182",
"5 c #7C8181",
"6 c #7C8081",
"7 c #7B8081",
"8 c #7B7F80",
"9 c #CCCFD0",
"0 c #CCCFCF",
"a c #CBCECF",
"b c #CBCDCD",
"c c #CACCCD",
"d c #C9CCCC",
"e c #C8CBCC",
"f c #C8CACB",
"g c #637474",
"h c #747677",
"i c #53585A",
"j c #515758",
"k c #647577",
"l c #667879",
"m c #68797B",
"n c #6B7C7C",
"o c #6B7D7E",
"p c #6D8080",
"q c #6F7F82",
"r c #6E8085",
"s c #6F8288",
"t c #738288",
"u c #74858B",
"v c #75868C",
"w c #7A8A8D",
"x c #7B8C90",
"y c #7D8D90",
"z c #808F91",
"A c #819194",
"B c #839396",
"C c #869597",
"D c #87979A",
"E c #89989A",
"F c #8A999D",
"G c #8D9B9E",
"H c #737577",
"I c #737778",
"J c #747778",
"K c #747879",
"L c #767B7D",
"M c #787E7F",
"N c #787F80",
"O c #798081",
"P c #7A8182",
"Q c #7C8383",
"R c #7D8686",
"S c #7D8787",
"T c #7E8787",
"U c #808888",
"V c #828A8A",
"W c #838B8B",
"X c #848C8C",
"Y c #848E8D",
"Z c #86908F",
"` c #879191",
" . c #879291",
".. c #879492",
"+. c #899493",
"@. c #8A9795",
"#. c #8B9796",
"$. c #889391",
"%. c #879190",
"&. c #858F8E",
"*. c #838D8C",
"=. c #838C8C",
"-. c #818989",
";. c #7F8787",
">. c #7C8485",
",. c #7B8283",
"'. c #797F81",
"). c #787D7F",
"!. c #777D7E",
"~. c #757A7C",
"{. c #232323",
"]. c #545754",
"^. c #5E615E",
"/. c #565B5C",
"(. c #575C5E",
"_. c #596060",
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"<. c #5D6365",
"[. c #5E6465",
"}. c #606567",
"|. c #616768",
"1. c #646869",
"2. c #646A6C",
"3. c #666C6D",
"4. c #676E6F",
"5. c #676F70",
"6. c #686F71",
"7. c #697072",
"8. c #6A7172",
"9. c #6B7273",
"0. c #6B7474",
"a. c #6C7475",
"b. c #6D7576",
"c. c #6E7677",
"d. c #6F7777",
"e. c #6F7878",
"f. c #6F7979",
"g. c #717979",
"h. c #727A7A",
"i. c #6F7778",
"j. c #6D7474",
"k. c #6C7374",
"l. c #697172",
"m. c #5C6164",
"n. c #5B6062",
"o. c #595F60",
"p. c #575D5F",
"q. c #575B5D",
"r. c #575B57",
"s. c #494C49",
"t. c #000000",
"u. c #4E514F",
"v. c #505251",
". + @ # $ % & * = - ; > , ' ) ! ~ ~ { { ] ^ / ( _ : < < < < [ [ [ } | 1 2 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 8 9 0 a b c d e f g & % $ h i j ",
". + @ # $ % & g k l m n o p q r s t u v w x y z A B C D E F G F E D C B A z y x w v u t s r q p o n m l k g & % $ h i j ",
". + @ # $ % & g k l m n o p q r s t u v w x y z A B C D E F G F E D C B A z y x w v u t s r q p o n m l k g & % $ h i j ",
". + @ # $ % & g k l m n o p q r s t u v w x y z A B C D E F G F E D C B A z y x w v u t s r q p o n m l k g & % $ h i j ",
". + @ # $ % & g k l m n o p q r s t u v w x y z A B C D E F G F E D C B A z y x w v u t s r q p o n m l k g & % $ h i j ",
". + @ # $ % & g k l m n o p q r s t u v w x y z A B C D E F G F E D C B A z y x w v u t s r q p o n m l k g & % $ h i j ",
". + @ # $ % & g k l m n o p q r s t u v w x y z A B C D E F G F E D C B A z y x w v u t s r q p o n m l k g & % $ h i j ",
". + @ # $ % & g k l m n o p q r s t u v w x y z A B C D E F G F E D C B A z y x w v u t s r q p o n m l k g & % $ h i j ",
". + @ # $ % & g k l m n o p q r s t u v w x y z A B C D E F G F E D C B A z y x w v u t s r q p o n m l k g & % $ h i j ",
". + @ # $ % & g k l m n o p q r s t u v w x y z A B C D E F G F E D C B A z y x w v u t s r q p o n m l k g & % $ h i j ",
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pixmaps/swap/krell.xpm Normal file
View File

@ -0,0 +1,22 @@
/* XPM */
static char * krell_swap_xpm[] = {
"7 12 7 1",
" c None",
". c #FFFFFF",
"+ c #000000",
"@ c #9AAEC3",
"# c #C2D4E6",
"$ c #BACCDF",
"% c #93A7BC",
" .+ ",
" .+ ",
" .+ ",
" .+ ",
" .+ ",
" .+ ",
" .+ ",
" .+ ",
" @#.$% ",
" @#.$%+",
" ++++",
" "};

View File

@ -0,0 +1,64 @@
/* XPM */
static char * bg_panel_timer_xpm[] = {
"60 14 47 1",
" c None",
". c #000000",
"+ c #313435",
"@ c #474B4C",
"# c #5B6264",
"$ c #5E6667",
"% c #5F696A",
"& c #636A6C",
"* c #646B6D",
"= c #666D6F",
"- c #686F71",
"; c #6B7172",
"> c #6B7476",
", c #6E7677",
"' c #6F787A",
") c #70797B",
"! c #717A7C",
"~ c #727B7D",
"{ c #747C7D",
"] c #757D7E",
"^ c #757F80",
"/ c #768081",
"( c #778182",
"_ c #788283",
": c #798384",
"< c #7A8585",
"[ c #7A8787",
"} c #7C8787",
"| c #7D8888",
"1 c #7A8485",
"2 c #777F80",
"3 c #767E7F",
"4 c #727C7D",
"5 c #62686B",
"6 c #606769",
"7 c #5E6567",
"8 c #5C6365",
"9 c #575E60",
"0 c #596162",
"a c #5A6163",
"b c #586061",
"c c #222425",
"d c #555C5E",
"e c #565D5F",
"f c #323435",
"g c #393F40",
"h c #3B4041",

View File

@ -0,0 +1,87 @@
/* XPM */
static char * bg_timer_xpm[] = {
"28 12 72 1",
" c None",
". c #313235",
"+ c #333538",
"@ c #36383B",
"# c #3A3D3E",
"$ c #3C3E40",
"% c #3D4042",
"& c #3E4245",
"* c #424447",
"= c #434749",
"- c #47494B",
"; c #484B4D",
"> c #494E50",
", c #4C5153",
"' c #4E5354",
") c #4F5355",
"! c #515557",
"~ c #525658",
"{ c #52585A",
"] c #53595B",
"^ c #545C5D",
"/ c #555D5E",
"( c #565D5F",
"_ c #575E5F",
": c #596061",
"< c #5A6162",
"[ c #A1AFAD",
"} c #667879",
"| c #68797B",
"1 c #6B7C7C",
"2 c #6B7D7E",
"3 c #6D8080",
"4 c #6F7F82",
"5 c #6E8085",
"6 c #6F8288",
"7 c #738288",
"8 c #74858B",
"9 c #75868C",
"0 c #7A8A8D",
"a c #7B8C90",
"b c #7D8D90",
"c c #808F91",
"d c #819194",
"e c #839396",
"f c #869597",
"g c #87979A",
"h c #89989A",
"i c #8A999D",
"j c #8D9B9E",
"k c #898B8D",
"l c #898D8F",
"m c #8A8E90",
"n c #8A8F91",
"o c #8C9293",
"p c #8C9395",
"q c #8D9495",
"r c #8F9697",
"s c #909798",
"t c #919899",
"u c #92999A",
"v c #949C9C",
"w c #959F9F",
"x c #95A0A0",
"y c #96A0A0",
"z c #98A2A2",
"A c #9AA4A4",
"B c #9BA5A5",
"C c #9DA7A7",
"D c #9DA9A8",
"E c #9FABAA",
"F c #A0ACAB",
"G c #A1ADAB",

View File

@ -0,0 +1,334 @@
/* XPM */
static char * decal_timer_button_xpm[] = {
"14 36 295 2",
" c None",
". c #DBE1E6",
"+ c #D6DCE2",
"@ c #CACFD5",
"# c #C5C9D0",
"$ c #C5CAD0",
"% c #C6CBD1",
"& c #C6CCD1",
"* c #C3C7CD",
"= c #B2B8C2",
"- c #CCD4DA",
"; c #B5BDC6",
"> c #989FAA",
", c #959BA8",
"' c #959CA8",
") c #959DA8",
"! c #9198A3",
"~ c #828A95",
"{ c #3A4650",
"] c #B4BCC6",
"^ c #89939F",
"/ c #696F81",
"( c #84859C",
"_ c #86869E",
": c #8987A0",
"< c #8987A1",
"[ c #87879E",
"} c #7D7E96",
"| c #767B8F",
"1 c #747F8D",
"2 c #26363E",
"3 c #ACB5BF",
"4 c #838C99",
"5 c #838299",
"6 c #BCABCE",
"7 c #BEAAD3",
"8 c #C7B0DB",
"9 c #C8B1DC",
"0 c #BFABD4",
"a c #B7A4CC",
"b c #A994C1",
"c c #A09ABC",
"d c #828C9D",
"e c #203139",
"f c #A2ACB7",
"g c #798391",
"h c #78788F",
"i c #A793BE",
"j c #A68CC0",
"k c #AF94C8",
"l c #B095C9",
"m c #A78DC1",
"n c #9E85BA",
"o c #9176B1",
"p c #9188B3",
"q c #7C8598",
"r c #1F3038",
"s c #99A3AF",
"t c #757F8E",
"u c #6A7081",
"v c #797491",
"w c #776F91",
"x c #7B7393",
"y c #7B7494",
"z c #777091",
"A c #746B8F",
"B c #6E668C",
"C c #8586A3",
"D c #788393",
"E c #1E2F37",
"F c #959FAC",
"G c #747F8C",
"H c #737E8E",
"I c #757E8F",
"J c #757F8F",
"K c #747E8F",
"L c #747E8E",
"M c #737D8E",
"N c #798394",
"O c #697684",
"P c #1C2D35",
"Q c #535C68",
"R c #303E47",
"S c #21313A",
"T c #213239",
"U c #1E2E37",
"V c #0E2127",
"W c #0C1E25",
"X c #0F2228",
"Y c #12242A",
"Z c #12242B",
"` c #28363F",
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".. c #747F8E",
"+. c #102229",
"@. c #39454F",
"#. c #59636E",
"$. c #68717C",
"%. c #67707A",
"&. c #66707D",
"*. c #667079",
"=. c #646F77",
"-. c #636E79",
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"'. c #575F6C",
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"!. c #B7BEC6",
"~. c #ADB4BD",
"{. c #ABB2BB",
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"^. c #ACB3BC",
"/. c #A7AEB7",
"(. c #808994",
"_. c #7D8796",
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"[. c #6A737E",
"}. c #A8B1BC",
"|. c #8B96A2",
"1. c #7A8793",
"2. c #727F8B",
"3. c #6E7C87",
"4. c #6F7D89",
"5. c #75838E",
"6. c #747F8A",
"7. c #4C5661",
"8. c #6F7A87",
"9. c #A1ABB6",
"0. c #15272E",
"a. c #6A737F",
"b. c #949EAB",
"c. c #778390",
"d. c #667682",
"e. c #5D6D79",
"f. c #586874",
"g. c #596975",
"h. c #60707C",
"i. c #5E6C77",
"j. c #38454F",
"k. c #707B86",
"l. c #AAB3BD",
"m. c #1F2F36",
"n. c #6C7582",
"o. c #7E8897",
"p. c #5A6572",
"q. c #4B5863",
"r. c #47545F",
"s. c #45525E",
"t. c #46535E",
"u. c #485560",
"v. c #43505A",
"w. c #2F3C46",
"x. c #78838E",
"y. c #B3BCC5",
"z. c #4D5762",
"A. c #8A919D",
"B. c #979EAA",
"C. c #878F9A",
"D. c #7F8893",
"E. c #7E8793",
"F. c #7F8793",
"G. c #7E8691",
"H. c #818A95",
"I. c #ADB5BE",
"J. c #CBD3DA",
"K. c #B4BAC4",
"L. c #C0C6CD",
"M. c #C1C7CE",
"N. c #C0C6CE",
"O. c #C1C6CD",
"P. c #C7CDD4",
"Q. c #D6DDE1",
"R. c #B5BDC5",
"S. c #989EA9",
"T. c #9699A7",
"U. c #979AA7",
"V. c #979AA8",
"W. c #969AA7",
"X. c #9296A2",
"Y. c #8A929E",
"Z. c #6E6278",
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"$+ c #886081",
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"1+ c #7D8295",
"2+ c #757E8D",
"3+ c #6C5F74",
"4+ c #815371",
"5+ c #824C6E",
"6+ c #895072",
"7+ c #8A5071",
"8+ c #834D6E",
"9+ c #7D4969",
"0+ c #744565",
"a+ c #87748E",
"b+ c #788191",
"c+ c #747E8B",
"d+ c #757C8A",
"e+ c #757C8B",
"f+ c #767C8C",
"g+ c #757B8B",
"h+ c #747A8A",
"i+ c #798292",
"j+ c #697584",
"k+ c #525C68",
"l+ c #C3C8CE",
"m+ c #98A0A9",
"n+ c #949EA6",
"o+ c #959EA6",
"p+ c #959FA7",
"q+ c #95A0A6",
"r+ c #959FA6",
"s+ c #98A0A8",
"t+ c #868F9A",
"u+ c #89949E",
"v+ c #637872",
"w+ c #779779",
"x+ c #789B79",
"y+ c #7AA07A",
"z+ c #7EA67E",
"A+ c #7DA67D",
"B+ c #7BA17C",
"C+ c #749974",
"D+ c #7E9889",
"E+ c #7D8A95",
"F+ c #26373F",
"G+ c #838E97",
"H+ c #729472",
"I+ c #92D36E",
"J+ c #90DC66",
"K+ c #97EA6B",
"L+ c #A0F870",
"M+ c #9FF76F",
"N+ c #87D35E",
"O+ c #8EBC87",
"P+ c #819199",
"Q+ c #78858F",
"R+ c #648764",
"S+ c #73B84E",
"T+ c #6ABD3D",
"U+ c #73CD42",
"V+ c #7BDC47",
"W+ c #7BDB47",
"X+ c #66B53B",
"Y+ c #7DA876",
"Z+ c #7B8A93",
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pixmaps/timers/bg_panel.xpm Normal file
View File

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/* XPM */
static char * bg_panel_timers_xpm[] = {
"60 11 225 2",
" c None",
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"$ c #707370",
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"1 c #959796",
"2 c #959896",
"3 c #919593",
"4 c #919492",
"5 c #909391",
"6 c #8F9290",
"7 c #8F9190",
"8 c #8D908E",
"9 c #8C8E8D",
"0 c #8B8D8D",
"a c #898D8A",
"b c #878B89",
"c c #878A87",
"d c #858887",
"e c #848786",
"f c #838784",
"g c #7D817F",
"h c #646864",
"i c #575B57",
"j c #494C49",
"k c #394955",
"l c #526575",
"m c #4D606F",
"n c #4B5E6E",
"o c #4F6372",
"p c #526474",
"q c #546676",
"r c #556877",
"s c #586A79",
"t c #586B7B",
"u c #5B6E7C",
"v c #5D6F7D",
"w c #5F7180",
"x c #627281",
"y c #647483",
"z c #657784",
"A c #667987",
"B c #687989",
"C c #697A8C",
"D c #6A7C8F",
"E c #6B7C8F",
"F c #6D7D90",
"G c #6F7F92",
"H c #728294",
"I c #768595",
"J c #4A5D6C",
"K c #293A46",
"L c #485561",
"M c #637684",
"N c #637582",
"O c #627584",
"P c #667687",
"Q c #667889",
"R c #687A8D",
"S c #6C7D8F",
"T c #6F8091",
"U c #728393",
"V c #778695",
"W c #798897",
"X c #7C8B9B",
"Y c #7F8E9D",
"Z c #8190A0",
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"2. c #8D99A9",
"3. c #8F9CAD",
"4. c #91A0B0",
"5. c #95A2B1",
"6. c #98A3B3",
"7. c #9AA7B5",
"8. c #5D6E7C",
"9. c #32424E",
"0. c #3C4C58",
"a. c #596B79",
"b. c #5A6D7C",
"c. c #5E707E",
"d. c #60727F",
"e. c #627382",
"f. c #647585",
"g. c #667887",
"h. c #687A89",
"i. c #6A7C8C",
"j. c #6C7D8E",
"k. c #6E7E90",
"l. c #758596",
"m. c #798899",
"n. c #7B8A9B",
"o. c #7E8C9C",
"p. c #808E9F",
"q. c #8391A1",
"r. c #8594A4",
"s. c #8896A5",
"t. c #8D9AA9",
"u. c #617382",
"v. c #556777",
"w. c #2A3A47",
"x. c #3B4B56",
"y. c #586A77",
"z. c #566878",
"A. c #566877",
"B. c #586B7A",
"C. c #647684",
"D. c #657886",
"E. c #677A88",
"F. c #69798B",
"G. c #6A7B8E",
"H. c #6C7D90",
"I. c #718193",
"J. c #758595",
"K. c #778797",
"L. c #7A8998",
"M. c #7F8D9D",
"N. c #81909F",
"O. c #8392A1",
"P. c #8594A3",
"Q. c #293946",
"R. c #758495",
"S. c #778697",
"T. c #7E8D9D",
"U. c #818F9F",
"V. c #364651",
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"2+ c #253A48",
"3+ c #263A49",
"4+ c #273B4A",
"5+ c #283C4B",
"6+ c #293D4C",
"7+ c #2A3E4D",
"8+ c #2B3E4E",
"9+ c #2C3F4F",
"0+ c #2E3F4F",
"a+ c #213442",
"b+ c #13252F",
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View File

@ -0,0 +1,222 @@
/* XPM */
static char * bg_panel_timers_1_xpm[] = {
"60 11 208 2",
" c None",
". c #1E1E1E",
"+ c #545754",
"@ c #5E615E",
"# c #676B67",
"$ c #707370",
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"| c #939694",
"1 c #959796",
"2 c #959896",
"3 c #919593",
"4 c #919492",
"5 c #909391",
"6 c #8F9290",
"7 c #8F9190",
"8 c #8D908E",
"9 c #8C8E8D",
"0 c #8B8D8D",
"a c #898D8A",
"b c #878B89",
"c c #878A87",
"d c #858887",
"e c #848786",
"f c #838784",
"g c #7D817F",
"h c #646864",
"i c #575B57",
"j c #494C49",
"k c #404B4D",
"l c #5A676B",
"m c #556366",
"n c #536164",
"o c #586567",
"p c #5B676A",
"q c #5D696C",
"r c #5E6A6D",
"s c #616B6E",
"t c #616D70",
"u c #647071",
"v c #667273",
"w c #687375",
"x c #6B7476",
"y c #6D7678",
"z c #6E7979",
"A c #6F7B7C",
"B c #717B7E",
"C c #727D81",
"D c #737F84",
"E c #747F85",
"F c #758086",
"G c #778288",
"H c #7B858A",
"I c #7E888B",
"J c #526063",
"K c #2E3C3F",
"L c #505757",
"M c #6C7879",
"N c #6C7777",
"O c #6B787A",
"P c #6F787C",
"Q c #6F7A7E",
"R c #717D82",
"S c #758084",
"T c #788487",
"U c #7A8689",
"V c #80898B",
"W c #828B8D",
"X c #848E91",
"Y c #889193",
"Z c #8A9295",
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"2. c #989EA3",
"3. c #99A2A6",
"4. c #9EA4A7",
"5. c #A0A5A9",
"6. c #A2A9AB",
"7. c #667171",
"8. c #384547",
"9. c #434F50",
"0. c #626E6F",
"a. c #637072",
"b. c #677374",
"c. c #697474",
"d. c #6B7678",
"e. c #6D777A",
"f. c #6F7A7C",
"g. c #717C7E",
"h. c #737F82",
"i. c #778186",
"j. c #7D888C",
"k. c #828B8F",
"l. c #848D91",
"m. c #878F92",
"n. c #899094",
"o. c #8C9497",
"p. c #8D969A",
"q. c #969C9F",
"r. c #6A7577",
"s. c #2F3C40",
"t. c #424D4D",
"u. c #616B6C",
"v. c #5F6B6E",
"w. c #6E7A7B",
"x. c #707C7D",
"y. c #727C81",
"z. c #737E84",
"A. c #7A8489",
"B. c #808A8D",
"C. c #838C8E",
"D. c #8A9395",
"E. c #8C9597",
"F. c #7E878B",
"G. c #80898D",
"H. c #3C4849",
"I. c #5A6767",
"J. c #546265",
"K. c #536062",
"L. c #596668",
"M. c #5C6769",
"N. c #616C6E",
"O. c #626F6F",
"P. c #647073",
"Q. c #657276",
"R. c #687377",
"S. c #6A7579",
"T. c #6B767A",
"U. c #6E787B",
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View File

@ -0,0 +1,227 @@
/* XPM */
static char * bg_panel_timers_2_xpm[] = {
"60 11 213 2",
" c None",
". c #1E1E1E",
"+ c #545754",
"@ c #5E615E",
"# c #676B67",
"$ c #707370",
"% c #7D807E",
"& c #7F8180",
"* c #818181",
"= c #818481",
"- c #818583",
"; c #838584",
"> c #848785",
", c #868787",
"' c #878887",
") c #878A88",
"! c #898B8A",
"~ c #8A8D8B",
"{ c #8B8D8C",
"] c #8D8D8D",
"^ c #8D8E8D",
"/ c #8D8F8D",
"( c #8E908F",
"_ c #8E9190",
": c #909291",
"< c #919391",
"[ c #929493",
"} c #939593",
"| c #939694",
"1 c #959796",
"2 c #959896",
"3 c #919593",
"4 c #919492",
"5 c #909391",
"6 c #8F9290",
"7 c #8F9190",
"8 c #8D908E",
"9 c #8C8E8D",
"0 c #8B8D8D",
"a c #898D8A",
"b c #878B89",
"c c #878A87",
"d c #858887",
"e c #848786",
"f c #838784",
"g c #7D817F",
"h c #646864",
"i c #575B57",
"j c #494C49",
"k c #40434D",
"l c #5A5C6B",
"m c #555866",
"n c #535664",
"o c #585B67",
"p c #5B5C6A",
"q c #5D5E6C",
"r c #5E606D",
"s c #61616E",
"t c #616270",
"u c #646571",
"v c #666673",
"w c #686875",
"x c #6B6A77",
"y c #6E6C79",
"z c #6E6E79",
"A c #6F6F7C",
"B c #72707F",
"C c #737182",
"D c #737285",
"E c #757386",
"F c #767487",
"G c #787689",
"H c #7C798C",
"I c #807C8D",
"J c #525563",
"K c #2E343F",
"L c #514E59",
"M c #6C6C79",
"N c #6D6C77",
"O c #6B6C7A",
"P c #706E7D",
"Q c #6F6F7E",
"R c #717083",
"S c #757485",
"T c #797788",
"U c #7B798A",
"V c #827E8D",
"W c #84808F",
"X c #868293",
"Y c #8B8695",
"Z c #8C8798",
"` c #8F8B9A",
" . c #938E9D",
".. c #9692A1",
"+. c #9994A3",
"@. c #9E98A7",
"#. c #9E99A8",
"$. c #9F9AAB",
"%. c #A29CAD",
"&. c #A59FAE",
"*. c #A7A1B0",
"=. c #A9A3B2",
"-. c #908B9A",
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",. c #4A4954",
"'. c #666773",
"). c #686873",
"!. c #6A6B77",
"~. c #706D7C",
"{. c #737281",
"]. c #767384",
"^. c #767588",
"/. c #7B778A",
"(. c #7D7A8D",
"_. c #807D8E",
":. c #858091",
"<. c #878392",
"[. c #8A8596",
"}. c #908B9C",
"|. c #928E9D",
"1. c #95909F",
"2. c #9992A3",
"3. c #9B95A6",
"4. c #9B97A8",
"5. c #A19BAA",
"6. c #A49CAD",
"7. c #666572",
"8. c #383C47",
"9. c #434550",
"0. c #62626F",
"a. c #636472",
"b. c #676774",
"c. c #696974",
"d. c #6B6B78",
"e. c #6E6C7B",
"f. c #71707F",
"g. c #747382",
"h. c #767485",
"i. c #787588",
"j. c #7E7B8E",
"k. c #848091",
"l. c #8A8495",
"m. c #8C8697",
"n. c #8E899A",
"o. c #8F8B9C",
"p. c #9993A2",
"q. c #6A6A77",
"r. c #5E5F6D",
"s. c #2F3440",
"t. c #42444D",
"u. c #61616C",
"v. c #5F606E",
"w. c #6E6D7A",
"x. c #6E6E7B",
"y. c #70707D",
"z. c #747182",
"A. c #747285",
"B. c #757487",
"C. c #7B788B",
"D. c #7F7C8D",
"E. c #817E8F",
"F. c #858190",
"G. c #8B8596",
"H. c #8D8897",
"I. c #8E8A99",
"J. c #908C9B",
"K. c #827E8F",
"L. c #898495",
"M. c #8D8798",
"N. c #3C3F49",
"O. c #5A5C67",
"P. c #545765",
"Q. c #535662",
"R. c #585A67",
"S. c #595B68",
"T. c #5C5C69",
"U. c #62636F",
"V. c #646473",
"W. c #656676",
"X. c #686877",
"Y. c #6A697A",
"Z. c #6B6A7B",
"`. c #6F6D7C",
" + c #716F7E",
".+ c #747180",
"++ c #757382",
"@+ c #777584",
"#+ c #797685",
"$+ c #7B7887",
"%+ c #7D7A8B",
"&+ c #817D8C",
"*+ c #505361",
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"~+ c #2A333F",
"{+ c #2A3441",
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"^+ c #2C3543",
"/+ c #2D3644",
"(+ c #2E3745",
"_+ c #303845",
":+ c #313846",
"<+ c #323947",
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"|+ c #16222B",
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". + @ # $ k l m n m o p q r s t u v w x y z A B C D E F G H I H G F E D C B A z y x w v u t s r q p o m n J K $ h i j . ",
". + @ # $ L M N O P Q R S T U V W X Y Z ` ...+.@.#.$.%.&.*.=.*.&.%.$.#.@.+... .-.Z Y X W V U T S R Q P O ;.>.$ h i j . ",
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". + @ # $ t.u.v.r.0.u v w q.w.x.y.z.A.B.G C.D.E.F.X G.H.I.J. .J.I.H.G.X F.E.D.C.G B.A.z.y.x.w.q.w v u 0.r.l K $ h i j . ",
". + @ # $ t.u.v.r.0.u v w q.w.x.y.z.A.B.G C.D.E.F.X G.H.I.J. .J.I.H.G.X F.E.D.C.G B.A.z.y.x.w.q.w v u 0.r.l K $ h i j . ",
". + @ # $ t.u.v.r.0.u v w q.w.x.y.z.A.B.G C.D.E.F.X G.H.I.J. .J.I.H.G.X F.E.D.C.G B.A.z.y.x.w.q.w v u 0.r.l K $ h i j . ",
". + @ # $ t.u.v.r.0.u v w q.w.x.y.z.A.B.G C.I K.F.X L.M.n.J. .J.n.H.L.X F.K.I C.G B.A.z.y.x.w.q.w v u 0.r.l K $ h i j . ",
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View File

@ -0,0 +1,137 @@
/* XPM */
static char * spacer_bottom_timers_xpm[] = {
"60 3 131 2",
" c None",
". c #232323",
"+ c #545754",
"@ c #5E615E",
"# c #676B67",
"$ c #707370",
"% c #7D807E",
"& c #7F8180",
"* c #818181",
"= c #818481",
"- c #818583",
"; c #838584",
"> c #848785",
", c #868787",
"' c #878887",
") c #878A88",
"! c #898B8A",
"~ c #8A8D8B",
"{ c #8B8D8C",
"] c #8D8D8D",
"^ c #8D8E8D",
"/ c #8D8F8D",
"( c #8E908F",
"_ c #8E9190",
": c #909291",
"< c #919391",
"[ c #929493",
"} c #939593",
"| c #939694",
"1 c #959796",
"2 c #959896",
"3 c #919593",
"4 c #919492",
"5 c #909391",
"6 c #8F9290",
"7 c #8F9190",
"8 c #8D908E",
"9 c #8C8E8D",
"0 c #8B8D8D",
"a c #898D8A",
"b c #878B89",
"c c #878A87",
"d c #858887",
"e c #848786",
"f c #838784",
"g c #7D817F",
"h c #646864",
"i c #575B57",
"j c #494C49",
"k c #000000",
"l c #4E514F",
"m c #515351",
"n c #525553",
"o c #535654",
"p c #555856",
"q c #575858",
"r c #585B58",
"s c #585D5A",
"t c #5A5D5B",
"u c #5C5F5D",
"v c #5E605F",
"w c #5F615F",
"x c #606361",
"y c #626563",
"z c #646765",
"A c #656766",
"B c #676867",
"C c #676968",
"D c #686A68",
"E c #696C6A",
"F c #696D6B",
"G c #6C6E6D",
"H c #6D6F6D",
"I c #6E716F",
"J c #6F7270",
"K c #6F7471",
"L c #727573",
"M c #727674",
"N c #6D726F",
"O c #6D716E",
"P c #6B6F6D",
"Q c #6A6E6C",
"R c #6A6D6B",
"S c #686B69",
"T c #676A68",
"U c #666967",
"V c #656867",
"W c #636765",
"X c #626764",
"Y c #606562",
"Z c #5F6360",
"` c #5D615F",
" . c #5C605E",
".. c #5A5F5C",
"+. c #535855",
"@. c #515452",
"#. c #505251",
"$. c #333433",
"%. c #333534",
"&. c #353635",
"*. c #363636",
"=. c #363736",
"-. c #363937",
";. c #373938",
">. c #383A39",
",. c #393A39",
"'. c #393A3A",
"). c #3A3B3A",
"!. c #3A3C3A",
"~. c #3B3D3C",
"{. c #3D3F3D",
"]. c #3D403E",
"^. c #3F4140",
"/. c #404241",
"(. c #414341",
"_. c #414442",
":. c #434544",
"<. c #454545",
"[. c #454845",
"}. c #454846",
"|. c #464A48",
"1. c #484A49",
"2. c #494B4A",
"3. c #4A4C4B",
"4. c #454946",
"5. c #454645",
"6. c #424543",
"7. c #414542",
"8. c #404140",
"9. c #3B3F3D",
"0. c #3A3D3B",
". + @ # $ % & * = - ; > , ' ) ! ~ { ] ^ / ( ( _ : < [ } | 1 2 1 | 3 4 5 6 7 ( 8 / 9 0 ~ a b c d e f - = * & g $ h i j . ",
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"k k . $.%.&.*.=.-.;.>.,.'.).!.~.{.].^./.(._.:.<.<.[.}.|.|.4.5.<.:.6.7.(.8.^.]. k k "};

View File

@ -0,0 +1,128 @@
/* XPM */
static char * spacer_top_timers_xpm[] = {
"60 3 122 2",
" c None",
". c #000000",
"+ c #232323",
"@ c #3D413E",
"# c #3D3F3D",
"$ c #3E413F",
"% c #404141",
"& c #414241",
"* c #414342",
"= c #424342",
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", c #464947",
"' c #484A49",
") c #4A4B4A",
"! c #4B4C4B",
"~ c #4B4C4C",
"{ c #4C4D4C",
"] c #4C4F4D",
"^ c #4C504E",
"/ c #4F5050",
"( c #505150",
"_ c #505251",
": c #515352",
"< c #515552",
"[ c #535654",
"} c #535755",
"| c #505351",
"1 c #505250",
"2 c #4E5150",
"3 c #4D504F",
"4 c #4D504E",
"5 c #4C4E4C",
"6 c #4B4D4C",
"7 c #4A4C4B",
"8 c #494B4A",
"9 c #484B4A",
"0 c #464A48",
"a c #454946",
"b c #434745",
"c c #434644",
"d c #424543",
"e c #535553",
"f c #535655",
"g c #545756",
"h c #555856",
"i c #565957",
"j c #565B58",
"k c #575C59",
"l c #585C5A",
"m c #595C5B",
"n c #5A5D5C",
"o c #5C5E5C",
"p c #5C5F5D",
"q c #5D5F5E",
"r c #5D605F",
"s c #5F6160",
"t c #606361",
"u c #616361",
"v c #626563",
"w c #646665",
"x c #646865",
"y c #656866",
"z c #656967",
"A c #666A68",
"B c #686B69",
"C c #686C6A",
"D c #6A6D6B",
"E c #6B6E6C",
"F c #616563",
"G c #616562",
"H c #5F6260",
"I c #5E615F",
"J c #5C605E",
"K c #5C605D",
"L c #5B5F5C",
"M c #595E5C",
"N c #585D5B",
"O c #575C5A",
"P c #565A57",
"Q c #565956",
"R c #585B59",
"S c #676B67",
"T c #616462",
"U c #636464",
"V c #646764",
"W c #646966",
"X c #666967",
"Y c #686A69",
"Z c #696B6A",
"` c #6A6C6A",
" . c #6D706E",
".. c #6F7270",
"+. c #707271",
"@. c #727372",
"#. c #727473",
"$. c #737573",
"%. c #747775",
"&. c #747876",
"*. c #777978",
"=. c #787978",
"-. c #797B79",
";. c #797C7A",
">. c #797E7B",
",. c #7C7F7D",
"'. c #7C807E",
"). c #787C79",
"!. c #787B79",
"~. c #767978",
"{. c #757977",
"]. c #757876",
"^. c #737674",
"/. c #727573",
"(. c #717472",
"_. c #707372",
":. c #6E7270",
"<. c #6D726F",
"[. c #6B706D",
"}. c #6A6E6B",
"|. c #696C6A",
"1. c #5F6461",
". . . + @ # $ % & * = - ; > , ' ) ) ! ~ { ] ] ^ / ( _ : < [ } [ < | 1 2 3 4 ] 5 6 7 7 8 9 0 a b c d * & % $ @ @ + . . . ",
". . + e [ f g h i j k l m n o p q r s t u v w x y z A B C D E D C B A z y w F G t H I J K L M N O k j P Q h f [ [ + . . ",
". + R S p H T U V W X Y Z ` E ...+.@.#.$.%.%.&.*.=.-.;.>.,.'.,.>.).!.~.{.].%.^./.(._.:.<.[.}.|.B A W V U T 1.p S _ + . "};

View File

@ -0,0 +1,94 @@
/* XPM */
static char * bg_panel_uptime_xpm[] = {
"44 12 79 1",
" c None",
". c #434749",
"+ c #44494B",
"@ c #464B4C",
"# c #474C4C",
"$ c #474E4F",
"% c #4A4F50",
"& c #4B5152",
"* c #4C5253",
"= c #4C5254",
"- c #4E5354",
"; c #4F5455",
"> c #4F5656",
", c #505657",
"' c #515758",
") c #515859",
"! c #525959",
"~ c #525B5B",
"{ c #535B5B",
"] c #545B5B",
"^ c #505656",
"/ c #4F5556",
"( c #4C5354",
"_ c #596B6E",
": c #5E6F70",
"< c #5F7173",
"[ c #627474",
"} c #647577",
"| c #667879",
"1 c #697A7B",
"2 c #6B7D7D",
"3 c #6D7F80",
"4 c #6F7F82",
"5 c #6E8186",
"6 c #718288",
"7 c #74848A",
"8 c #75868C",
"9 c #7A8A8E",
"0 c #7C8C90",
"a c #7F8E91",
"b c #819194",
"c c #839396",
"d c #869698",
"e c #88989A",
"f c #8A999C",
"g c #8D9B9E",
"h c #5A6B6D",
"i c #5F6E6F",
"j c #607072",
"k c #637373",
"l c #657476",
"m c #677778",
"n c #6A797A",
"o c #6B7C7C",
"p c #6D7E7F",
"q c #6F7E81",
"r c #6F8084",
"s c #718186",
"t c #748388",
"u c #75848A",
"v c #79888B",
"w c #7B8A8D",
"x c #7D8C8E",
"y c #819093",
"z c #849394",
"A c #859496",
"B c #879598",
"C c #8A979A",
"D c #839394",
"E c #819092",
"F c #7D8B8E",
"G c #758489",
"H c #748287",
"I c #718086",
"J c #6E8084",
"K c #6F7D80",
"L c #6D7D7F",
"M c #69797A",
"N c #667778",

pixmaps/volume/bg_panel.xpm Normal file
View File

@ -0,0 +1,116 @@
/* XPM */
static char * bg_panel_volume_xpm[] = {
"60 11 102 2",
" c None",
". c #1E1E1E",
"+ c #545754",
"@ c #5E615E",
"# c #536676",
"$ c #586A77",
"% c #586B7B",
"& c #5B6E7C",
"* c #5D6F7C",
"= c #5E6F7F",
"- c #607381",
"; c #627383",
"> c #657784",
", c #657886",
"' c #677A88",
") c #69798A",
"! c #697A8C",
"~ c #6A7C8F",
"{ c #6D7D90",
"] c #6F7F92",
"^ c #708093",
"/ c #758494",
"( c #768697",
"_ c #788797",
": c #7B8998",
"< c #7C8B9B",
"[ c #7E8D9D",
"} c #818F9E",
"| c #8291A1",
"1 c #8492A1",
"2 c #8594A4",
"3 c #8896A5",
"4 c #575B57",
"5 c #494C49",
"6 c #5A615A",
"7 c #585F58",
"8 c #575E57",
"9 c #565D56",
"0 c #555C55",
"a c #545B54",
"b c #535A53",
"c c #525752",
"d c #515651",
"e c #505550",
"f c #4F544F",
"g c #4E534E",
"h c #4C514C",
"i c #4B504B",
"j c #4A4F4A",
"k c #484D48",
"l c #464B46",
"m c #454845",
"n c #424542",
"o c #3F423F",
"p c #3C3F3C",
"q c #393C39",
"r c #373A37",
"s c #343734",
"t c #313431",
"u c #2E312E",
"v c #2D2E2D",
"w c #292C29",
"x c #4E514F",
"y c #232323",
"z c #393A3D",
"A c #38393C",
"B c #37383B",
"C c #39393C",
"D c #363739",
"E c #37373A",
"F c #3B3C3E",
"G c #3C3D40",
"H c #3C3C3F",
"I c #3D3E41",
"J c #757A75",
"K c #98A398",
"L c #97A297",
"M c #95A095",
"N c #949F94",
"O c #929D92",
"P c #919C91",
"Q c #909990",
"R c #8E998E",
"S c #8C978C",
"T c #8C958C",
"U c #8B948B",
"V c #899289",
"W c #879087",
"X c #868F86",
"Y c #858E85",
"Z c #838C83",
"` c #828B82",
" . c #818881",
".. c #808780",
"+. c #7F867F",
"@. c #7D847D",
"#. c #7C837C",
"$. c #7A817A",
"%. c #798079",
"&. c #797E79",
"*. c #787D78",
"=. c #767B76",
". + @ # $ % & * = - ; > , ' ) ! ~ { ] ^ / ( _ : < [ } | 1 2 3 2 1 | } [ < : _ ( / ^ ] { ~ ! ) ' , > ; - = * & % $ 4 5 . ",
". + @ # $ % & * = - ; > , ' ) ! ~ { ] ^ / ( _ : < [ } | 1 2 3 2 1 | } [ < : _ ( / ^ ] { ~ ! ) ' , > ; - = * & % $ 4 5 . ",
". + @ # $ % & * = - ; > , ' ) ! ~ { ] ^ / ( _ : < [ } | 1 2 3 2 1 | } [ < : _ ( / ^ ] { ~ ! ) ' , > ; - = * & % $ 4 5 . ",
". + @ # $ % & * = - ; > , ' ) ! ~ { ] ^ / ( _ : < [ } | 1 2 3 2 1 | } [ < : _ ( / ^ ] { ~ ! ) ' , > ; - = * & % $ 4 5 . ",
". + @ # $ % & * = - ; > , ' ) ! ~ { ] ^ / ( _ : < [ } | 1 6 6 7 8 9 0 a b c d e f g h i j k l m n o p q r s t u v w x y ",
". + @ # $ % & * = - ; > , ' ) ! ~ { ] ^ / ( _ : < [ } | 1 6 z z z A B C B B D E C z F G G G F B B A H I G z A B B J x y ",
". + @ # $ % & * = - ; > , ' ) ! ~ { ] ^ / ( _ : < [ } | 1 6 K L M N O P Q R S T U V W X Y Z ` ...+.@.#.$.%.&.*.=.J x y ",
". + @ # $ % & * = - ; > , ' ) ! ~ { ] ^ / ( _ : < [ } | 1 2 3 2 1 | } [ < : _ ( / ^ ] { ~ ! ) ' , > ; - = * & % $ 4 5 . ",
". + @ # $ % & * = - ; > , ' ) ! ~ { ] ^ / ( _ : < [ } | 1 2 3 2 1 | } [ < : _ ( / ^ ] { ~ ! ) ' , > ; - = * & % $ 4 5 . ",
". + @ # $ % & * = - ; > , ' ) ! ~ { ] ^ / ( _ : < [ } | 1 2 3 2 1 | } [ < : _ ( / ^ ] { ~ ! ) ' , > ; - = * & % $ 4 5 . ",
". + @ # $ % & * = - ; > , ' ) ! ~ { ] ^ / ( _ : < [ } | 1 2 3 2 1 | } [ < : _ ( / ^ ] { ~ ! ) ' , > ; - = * & % $ 4 5 . "};

View File

@ -0,0 +1,116 @@
/* XPM */
static char * bg_panel_volume_1_xpm[] = {
"60 11 102 2",
" c None",
". c #1E1E1E",
"+ c #545754",
"@ c #5E615E",
"# c #5B686C",
"$ c #616B6C",
"% c #616D70",
"& c #647071",
"* c #667171",
"= c #677274",
"- c #697576",
"; c #6B7678",
"> c #6E7979",
", c #6E7A7B",
"' c #707C7D",
") c #727C7F",
"! c #727D81",
"~ c #737F84",
"{ c #758086",
"] c #778288",
"^ c #788389",
"/ c #7D878A",
"( c #7E898D",
"_ c #808A8D",
": c #838C8E",
"< c #848E91",
"[ c #878F92",
"} c #8A9193",
"| c #8A9497",
"1 c #8C9597",
"2 c #8D969A",
"3 c #90989B",
"4 c #575B57",
"5 c #494C49",
"6 c #5A615A",
"7 c #585F58",
"8 c #575E57",
"9 c #565D56",
"0 c #555C55",
"a c #545B54",
"b c #535A53",
"c c #525752",
"d c #515651",
"e c #505550",
"f c #4F544F",
"g c #4E534E",
"h c #4C514C",
"i c #4B504B",
"j c #4A4F4A",
"k c #484D48",
"l c #464B46",
"m c #454845",
"n c #424542",
"o c #3F423F",
"p c #3C3F3C",
"q c #393C39",
"r c #373A37",
"s c #343734",
"t c #313431",
"u c #2E312E",
"v c #2D2E2D",
"w c #292C29",
"x c #4E514F",
"y c #232323",
"z c #393A3D",
"A c #38393C",
"B c #37383B",
"C c #39393C",
"D c #363739",
"E c #37373A",
"F c #3B3C3E",
"G c #3C3D40",
"H c #3C3C3F",
"I c #3D3E41",
"J c #757A75",
"K c #98A398",
"L c #97A297",
"M c #95A095",
"N c #949F94",
"O c #929D92",
"P c #919C91",
"Q c #909990",
"R c #8E998E",
"S c #8C978C",
"T c #8C958C",
"U c #8B948B",
"V c #899289",
"W c #879087",
"X c #868F86",
"Y c #858E85",
"Z c #838C83",
"` c #828B82",
" . c #818881",
".. c #808780",
"+. c #7F867F",
"@. c #7D847D",
"#. c #7C837C",
"$. c #7A817A",
"%. c #798079",
"&. c #797E79",
"*. c #787D78",
"=. c #767B76",
". + @ # $ % & * = - ; > , ' ) ! ~ { ] ^ / ( _ : < [ } | 1 2 3 2 1 | } [ < : _ ( / ^ ] { ~ ! ) ' , > ; - = * & % $ 4 5 . ",
". + @ # $ % & * = - ; > , ' ) ! ~ { ] ^ / ( _ : < [ } | 1 2 3 2 1 | } [ < : _ ( / ^ ] { ~ ! ) ' , > ; - = * & % $ 4 5 . ",
". + @ # $ % & * = - ; > , ' ) ! ~ { ] ^ / ( _ : < [ } | 1 2 3 2 1 | } [ < : _ ( / ^ ] { ~ ! ) ' , > ; - = * & % $ 4 5 . ",
". + @ # $ % & * = - ; > , ' ) ! ~ { ] ^ / ( _ : < [ } | 1 2 3 2 1 | } [ < : _ ( / ^ ] { ~ ! ) ' , > ; - = * & % $ 4 5 . ",
". + @ # $ % & * = - ; > , ' ) ! ~ { ] ^ / ( _ : < [ } | 1 6 6 7 8 9 0 a b c d e f g h i j k l m n o p q r s t u v w x y ",
". + @ # $ % & * = - ; > , ' ) ! ~ { ] ^ / ( _ : < [ } | 1 6 z z z A B C B B D E C z F G G G F B B A H I G z A B B J x y ",
". + @ # $ % & * = - ; > , ' ) ! ~ { ] ^ / ( _ : < [ } | 1 6 K L M N O P Q R S T U V W X Y Z ` ...+.@.#.$.%.&.*.=.J x y ",
". + @ # $ % & * = - ; > , ' ) ! ~ { ] ^ / ( _ : < [ } | 1 2 3 2 1 | } [ < : _ ( / ^ ] { ~ ! ) ' , > ; - = * & % $ 4 5 . ",
". + @ # $ % & * = - ; > , ' ) ! ~ { ] ^ / ( _ : < [ } | 1 2 3 2 1 | } [ < : _ ( / ^ ] { ~ ! ) ' , > ; - = * & % $ 4 5 . ",
". + @ # $ % & * = - ; > , ' ) ! ~ { ] ^ / ( _ : < [ } | 1 2 3 2 1 | } [ < : _ ( / ^ ] { ~ ! ) ' , > ; - = * & % $ 4 5 . ",
". + @ # $ % & * = - ; > , ' ) ! ~ { ] ^ / ( _ : < [ } | 1 2 3 2 1 | } [ < : _ ( / ^ ] { ~ ! ) ' , > ; - = * & % $ 4 5 . "};

View File

@ -0,0 +1,116 @@
/* XPM */
static char * bg_panel_volume_2_xpm[] = {
"60 11 102 2",
" c None",
". c #1E1E1E",
"+ c #545754",
"@ c #5E615E",
"# c #5B5D6C",
"$ c #61616C",
"% c #616270",
"& c #646571",
"* c #666671",
"= c #676675",
"- c #696A76",
"; c #6B6A79",
"> c #6E6E79",
", c #6E6E7B",
"' c #70707D",
") c #737081",
"! c #737182",
"~ c #737285",
"{ c #767487",
"] c #787689",
"^ c #79778A",
"/ c #7F7B8C",
"( c #7F7C8F",
"_ c #827E8F",
": c #868190",
"< c #868293",
"[ c #898495",
"} c #8D8796",
"| c #8C8899",
"1 c #8F8A99",
"2 c #8F8B9C",
"3 c #938E9D",
"4 c #575B57",
"5 c #494C49",
"6 c #5A615A",
"7 c #585F58",
"8 c #575E57",
"9 c #565D56",
"0 c #555C55",
"a c #545B54",
"b c #535A53",
"c c #525752",
"d c #515651",
"e c #505550",
"f c #4F544F",
"g c #4E534E",
"h c #4C514C",
"i c #4B504B",
"j c #4A4F4A",
"k c #484D48",
"l c #464B46",
"m c #454845",
"n c #424542",
"o c #3F423F",
"p c #3C3F3C",
"q c #393C39",
"r c #373A37",
"s c #343734",
"t c #313431",
"u c #2E312E",
"v c #2D2E2D",
"w c #292C29",
"x c #4E514F",
"y c #232323",
"z c #393A3D",
"A c #38393C",
"B c #37383B",
"C c #39393C",
"D c #363739",
"E c #37373A",
"F c #3B3C3E",
"G c #3C3D40",
"H c #3C3C3F",
"I c #3D3E41",
"J c #757A75",
"K c #98A398",
"L c #97A297",
"M c #95A095",
"N c #949F94",
"O c #929D92",
"P c #919C91",
"Q c #909990",
"R c #8E998E",
"S c #8C978C",
"T c #8C958C",
"U c #8B948B",
"V c #899289",
"W c #879087",
"X c #868F86",
"Y c #858E85",
"Z c #838C83",
"` c #828B82",
" . c #818881",
".. c #808780",
"+. c #7F867F",
"@. c #7D847D",
"#. c #7C837C",
"$. c #7A817A",
"%. c #798079",
"&. c #797E79",
"*. c #787D78",
"=. c #767B76",
". + @ # $ % & * = - ; > , ' ) ! ~ { ] ^ / ( _ : < [ } | 1 2 3 2 1 | } [ < : _ ( / ^ ] { ~ ! ) ' , > ; - = * & % $ 4 5 . ",
". + @ # $ % & * = - ; > , ' ) ! ~ { ] ^ / ( _ : < [ } | 1 2 3 2 1 | } [ < : _ ( / ^ ] { ~ ! ) ' , > ; - = * & % $ 4 5 . ",
". + @ # $ % & * = - ; > , ' ) ! ~ { ] ^ / ( _ : < [ } | 1 2 3 2 1 | } [ < : _ ( / ^ ] { ~ ! ) ' , > ; - = * & % $ 4 5 . ",
". + @ # $ % & * = - ; > , ' ) ! ~ { ] ^ / ( _ : < [ } | 1 2 3 2 1 | } [ < : _ ( / ^ ] { ~ ! ) ' , > ; - = * & % $ 4 5 . ",
". + @ # $ % & * = - ; > , ' ) ! ~ { ] ^ / ( _ : < [ } | 1 6 6 7 8 9 0 a b c d e f g h i j k l m n o p q r s t u v w x y ",
". + @ # $ % & * = - ; > , ' ) ! ~ { ] ^ / ( _ : < [ } | 1 6 z z z A B C B B D E C z F G G G F B B A H I G z A B B J x y ",
". + @ # $ % & * = - ; > , ' ) ! ~ { ] ^ / ( _ : < [ } | 1 6 K L M N O P Q R S T U V W X Y Z ` ...+.@.#.$.%.&.*.=.J x y ",
". + @ # $ % & * = - ; > , ' ) ! ~ { ] ^ / ( _ : < [ } | 1 2 3 2 1 | } [ < : _ ( / ^ ] { ~ ! ) ' , > ; - = * & % $ 4 5 . ",
". + @ # $ % & * = - ; > , ' ) ! ~ { ] ^ / ( _ : < [ } | 1 2 3 2 1 | } [ < : _ ( / ^ ] { ~ ! ) ' , > ; - = * & % $ 4 5 . ",
". + @ # $ % & * = - ; > , ' ) ! ~ { ] ^ / ( _ : < [ } | 1 2 3 2 1 | } [ < : _ ( / ^ ] { ~ ! ) ' , > ; - = * & % $ 4 5 . ",
". + @ # $ % & * = - ; > , ' ) ! ~ { ] ^ / ( _ : < [ } | 1 2 3 2 1 | } [ < : _ ( / ^ ] { ~ ! ) ' , > ; - = * & % $ 4 5 . "};

View File

@ -0,0 +1,129 @@
/* XPM */
static char * spacer_bottom_volume_xpm[] = {
"60 3 123 2",
" c None",
". c #232323",
"+ c #545754",
"@ c #5E615E",
"# c #696C6A",
"$ c #6A6D6B",
"% c #6A6E6C",
"& c #6B6F6D",
"* c #6C706D",
"= c #6E716F",
"- c #6E7370",
"; c #6F7471",
"> c #707572",
", c #717573",
"' c #727674",
") c #757775",
"! c #757876",
"~ c #767877",
"{ c #767A78",
"] c #787B79",
"^ c #797D7B",
"/ c #7B7D7B",
"( c #7C7F7D",
"_ c #7E817F",
": c #7E8380",
"< c #7F8381",
"[ c #808482",
"} c #818583",
"| c #838784",
"1 c #838885",
"2 c #858987",
"3 c #878A88",
"4 c #7B807D",
"5 c #7B7F7C",
"6 c #787C7A",
"7 c #777B78",
"8 c #757A77",
"9 c #747976",
"0 c #737875",
"a c #717774",
"b c #707673",
"c c #6F7572",
"d c #6D726F",
"e c #6D716E",
"f c #696D6B",
"g c #575B57",
"h c #494C49",
"i c #000000",
"j c #4E514F",
"k c #464846",
"l c #474948",
"m c #484A48",
"n c #494C4A",
"o c #4B4C4C",
"p c #4C4F4C",
"q c #4C504E",
"r c #4E504F",
"s c #4F5250",
"t c #515352",
"u c #525452",
"v c #535554",
"w c #555755",
"x c #565957",
"y c #575958",
"z c #595A59",
"A c #595B5A",
"B c #5A5B5A",
"C c #5B5D5B",
"D c #5B5E5C",
"E c #5D5F5E",
"F c #5E605E",
"G c #5F6160",
"H c #606261",
"I c #606461",
"J c #626563",
"K c #626664",
"L c #5E6260",
"M c #5E615F",
"N c #5C605E",
"O c #5B5F5D",
"P c #5A5C5B",
"Q c #585B59",
"R c #575A59",
"S c #555957",
"T c #555956",
"U c #535755",
"V c #525553",
"W c #505452",
"X c #4F5351",
"Y c #4E524F",
"Z c #484C49",
"` c #464847",
" . c #505251",
".. c #2F302F",
"+. c #303030",
"@. c #303130",
"#. c #303231",
"$. c #313231",
"%. c #313332",
"&. c #323332",
"*. c #323333",
"=. c #333433",
"-. c #333533",
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",. c #363837",
"'. c #383938",
"). c #383A39",
"!. c #393B39",
"~. c #393C3A",
"{. c #3B3D3C",
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"^. c #3D403D",
"/. c #3D403E",
"(. c #3E4140",
"_. c #404140",
":. c #404241",
"<. c #414342",
"[. c #3D3E3D",
"}. c #3A3D3B",
"|. c #393D3A",
"1. c #343836",
"2. c #333634",
". + @ # $ % & * = - ; > , ' ) ! ~ { ] ^ / ( _ : < [ } | 1 2 3 2 1 | } [ < _ 4 5 ^ 6 7 8 9 0 a b c ; - d e * % f $ g h . ",
"i . j k l m n o p q r s t u v w x y z A B C C D E F G H I J K J I L M N O D C P A Q R S T U V W X Y q p o n Z l ` .. i ",
"i i . . . ..+.@.#.$.%.&.*.=.-.;.>.,.'.).!.~.{.].].^./.(._.:.<.:._.(./.[.].{.}.|.!.'.'.,. . i i "};

Some files were not shown because too many files have changed in this diff Show More