
702 lines
28 KiB
Raw Normal View History

# redMine - project management software
# Copyright (C) 2006-2007 Jean-Philippe Lang
# This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or
# modify it under the terms of the GNU General Public License
# as published by the Free Software Foundation; either version 2
# of the License, or (at your option) any later version.
# This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
# but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
# GNU General Public License for more details.
# You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License
# along with this program; if not, write to the Free Software
# Foundation, Inc., 51 Franklin Street, Fifth Floor, Boston, MA 02110-1301, USA.
require 'coderay'
require 'coderay/helpers/file_type'
require 'forwardable'
require 'cgi'
module ApplicationHelper
include Redmine::WikiFormatting::Macros::Definitions
include GravatarHelper::PublicMethods
extend Forwardable
def_delegators :wiki_helper, :wikitoolbar_for, :heads_for_wiki_formatter
def current_role
@current_role ||= User.current.role_for_project(@project)
# Return true if user is authorized for controller/action, otherwise false
def authorize_for(controller, action)
User.current.allowed_to?({:controller => controller, :action => action}, @project)
# Display a link if user is authorized
def link_to_if_authorized(name, options = {}, html_options = nil, *parameters_for_method_reference)
link_to(name, options, html_options, *parameters_for_method_reference) if authorize_for(options[:controller] || params[:controller], options[:action])
# Display a link to remote if user is authorized
def link_to_remote_if_authorized(name, options = {}, html_options = nil)
url = options[:url] || {}
link_to_remote(name, options, html_options) if authorize_for(url[:controller] || params[:controller], url[:action])
# Display a link to user's account page
def link_to_user(user, options={})
(user && !user.anonymous?) ? link_to([:format]), :controller => 'account', :action => 'show', :id => user) : 'Anonymous'
def link_to_issue(issue, options={})
options[:class] ||= ''
options[:class] << ' issue'
options[:class] << ' closed' if issue.closed?
link_to "#{} ##{}", {:controller => "issues", :action => "show", :id => issue}, options
# Generates a link to an attachment.
# Options:
# * :text - Link text (default to attachment filename)
# * :download - Force download (default: false)
def link_to_attachment(attachment, options={})
text = options.delete(:text) || attachment.filename
action = options.delete(:download) ? 'download' : 'show'
link_to(h(text), {:controller => 'attachments', :action => action, :id => attachment, :filename => attachment.filename }, options)
def toggle_link(name, id, options={})
onclick = "Element.toggle('#{id}'); "
onclick << (options[:focus] ? "Form.Element.focus('#{options[:focus]}'); " : "this.blur(); ")
onclick << "return false;"
link_to(name, "#", :onclick => onclick)
def image_to_function(name, function, html_options = {})
tag(:input, html_options.merge({
:type => "image", :src => image_path(name),
:onclick => (html_options[:onclick] ? "#{html_options[:onclick]}; " : "") + "#{function};"
def prompt_to_remote(name, text, param, url, html_options = {})
html_options[:onclick] = "promptToRemote('#{text}', '#{param}', '#{url_for(url)}'); return false;"
link_to name, {}, html_options
def format_date(date)
return nil unless date
# "Setting.date_format.size < 2" is a temporary fix (content of date_format setting changed)
@date_format ||= (Setting.date_format.blank? || Setting.date_format.size < 2 ? l(:general_fmt_date) : Setting.date_format)
def format_time(time, include_date = true)
return nil unless time
time = time.to_time if time.is_a?(String)
zone = User.current.time_zone
local = zone ? time.in_time_zone(zone) : (time.utc? ? time.localtime : time)
@date_format ||= (Setting.date_format.blank? || Setting.date_format.size < 2 ? l(:general_fmt_date) : Setting.date_format)
@time_format ||= (Setting.time_format.blank? ? l(:general_fmt_time) : Setting.time_format)
include_date ? local.strftime("#{@date_format} #{@time_format}") : local.strftime(@time_format)
def format_activity_title(text)
h(truncate_single_line(text, 100))
def format_activity_day(date)
date == ? l(:label_today).titleize : format_date(date)
def format_activity_description(text)
h(truncate(text.to_s, 120).gsub(%r{[\r\n]*<(pre|code)>.*$}m, '...')).gsub(/[\r\n]+/, "<br />")
def distance_of_date_in_words(from_date, to_date = 0)
from_date = from_date.to_date if from_date.respond_to?(:to_date)
to_date = to_date.to_date if to_date.respond_to?(:to_date)
distance_in_days = (to_date - from_date).abs
lwr(:actionview_datehelper_time_in_words_day, distance_in_days)
def due_date_distance_in_words(date)
if date
l((date < ? :label_roadmap_overdue : :label_roadmap_due_in), distance_of_date_in_words(, date))
def render_page_hierarchy(pages, node=nil)
content = ''
if pages[node]
content << "<ul class=\"pages-hierarchy\">\n"
pages[node].each do |page|
content << "<li>"
content << link_to(h(page.pretty_title), {:controller => 'wiki', :action => 'index', :id => page.project, :page => page.title},
:title => (page.respond_to?(:updated_on) ? l(:label_updated_time, distance_of_time_in_words(, page.updated_on)) : nil))
content << "\n" + render_page_hierarchy(pages, if pages[]
content << "</li>\n"
content << "</ul>\n"
# Renders flash messages
def render_flash_messages
s = ''
flash.each do |k,v|
s << content_tag('div', v, :class => "flash #{k}")
# Renders the project quick-jump box
def render_project_jump_box
# Retrieve them now to avoid a COUNT query
projects = User.current.projects.all
if projects.any?
s = '<select onchange="if (this.value != \'\') { window.location = this.value; }">' +
"<option selected='selected'>#{ l(:label_jump_to_a_project) }</option>" +
'<option disabled="disabled">---</option>'
s << project_tree_options_for_select(projects) do |p|
{ :value => url_for(:controller => 'projects', :action => 'show', :id => p, :jump => current_menu_item) }
s << '</select>'
def project_tree_options_for_select(projects, options = {})
s = ''
project_tree(projects) do |project, level|
name_prefix = (level > 0 ? ('&nbsp;' * 2 * level + '&#187; ') : '')
tag_options = {:value =>, :selected => ((project == options[:selected]) ? 'selected' : nil)}
tag_options.merge!(yield(project)) if block_given?
s << content_tag('option', name_prefix + h(project), tag_options)
# Yields the given block for each project with its level in the tree
def project_tree(projects, &block)
ancestors = []
projects.sort_by(&:lft).each do |project|
while (ancestors.any? && !project.is_descendant_of?(ancestors.last))
yield project, ancestors.size
ancestors << project
def project_nested_ul(projects, &block)
s = ''
if projects.any?
ancestors = []
projects.sort_by(&:lft).each do |project|
if (ancestors.empty? || project.is_descendant_of?(ancestors.last))
s << "<ul>\n"
s << "</li>"
while (ancestors.any? && !project.is_descendant_of?(ancestors.last))
s << "</ul></li>\n"
s << "<li>"
s << yield(project).to_s
ancestors << project
s << ("</li></ul>\n" * ancestors.size)
# Truncates and returns the string as a single line
def truncate_single_line(string, *args)
truncate(string, *args).gsub(%r{[\r\n]+}m, ' ')
def html_hours(text)
text.gsub(%r{(\d+)\.(\d+)}, '<span class="hours hours-int">\1</span><span class="hours hours-dec">.\2</span>')
def authoring(created, author, options={})
time_tag = @project.nil? ? content_tag('acronym', distance_of_time_in_words(, created), :title => format_time(created)) :
link_to(distance_of_time_in_words(, created),
{:controller => 'projects', :action => 'activity', :id => @project, :from => created.to_date},
:title => format_time(created))
author_tag = (author.is_a?(User) && !author.anonymous?) ? link_to(h(author), :controller => 'account', :action => 'show', :id => author) : h(author || 'Anonymous')
l(options[:label] || :label_added_time_by, author_tag, time_tag)
def l_or_humanize(s, options={})
k = "#{options[:prefix]}#{s}".to_sym
l_has_string?(k) ? l(k) : s.to_s.humanize
def day_name(day)
def month_name(month)
def syntax_highlight(name, content)
type = CodeRay::FileType[name]
type ? CodeRay.scan(content, type).html : h(content)
def to_path_param(path)
path.to_s.split(%r{[/\\]}).select {|p| !p.blank?}
def pagination_links_full(paginator, count=nil, options={})
page_param = options.delete(:page_param) || :page
url_param = params.dup
# don't reuse query params if filters are present
url_param.merge!(:fields => nil, :values => nil, :operators => nil) if url_param.delete(:set_filter)
html = ''
Converted routing and urls to follow the Rails REST convention. Patch supplied by commits from Gerrit Kaiser on Github. Existing routes will still work (backwards compatible) but any new urls will be generated using the new routing rules. Changes listed below: * made the URLs for some project tabs and project settings follow the new rails RESTful conventions of /collection/:id/subcollection/:sub_id * prettier URL for project roadmap * more nice project URLs * use GET for filtering form * prettified URLs used on issues tab * custom route for activity atom feeds * prettier repository urls * fixed broken route definition * fixed failing tests for issuecontroller that were hardcoding the url string * more RESTful routes for boards and messages * RESTful routes for wiki pages * RESTful routes for documents * moved old routes that are retained for compatibility to the bottom and grouped them together * added RESTful URIs for issues * RESTfulness for the news section * fixed route order * changed hardcoded URLs in tests * fixed badly written tests * fixed forgotten parameter in routes * changed hardcoded URLS to new scheme * changed project add url to the standard POST to collection * create new issue by POSTing to collection * changed hardcoded URLs in integrations tests * made project add form work again * restful routes for project deletion * prettier routes for project (un)archival * made routes table more readable * fixed note quoting * user routing * fixed bug * always sort by GET * Fixed: cross-project issue list should not show issues of projects for which the issue tracking module was disabled. * prettified URLs used on issues tab * urls for time log * fixed reply routing * eliminate revision query paremeter for diff and entry actions * fixed test failures with hard-coded urls * ensure ajax links always use get * refactored ajax link generation into separate method #1901 git-svn-id: svn+ssh:// e93f8b46-1217-0410-a6f0-8f06a7374b81
2009-01-26 04:47:51 +03:00
if paginator.current.previous
html << link_to_remote_content_update('&#171; ' + l(:label_previous), url_param.merge(page_param => paginator.current.previous)) + ' '
html << (pagination_links_each(paginator, options) do |n|
Converted routing and urls to follow the Rails REST convention. Patch supplied by commits from Gerrit Kaiser on Github. Existing routes will still work (backwards compatible) but any new urls will be generated using the new routing rules. Changes listed below: * made the URLs for some project tabs and project settings follow the new rails RESTful conventions of /collection/:id/subcollection/:sub_id * prettier URL for project roadmap * more nice project URLs * use GET for filtering form * prettified URLs used on issues tab * custom route for activity atom feeds * prettier repository urls * fixed broken route definition * fixed failing tests for issuecontroller that were hardcoding the url string * more RESTful routes for boards and messages * RESTful routes for wiki pages * RESTful routes for documents * moved old routes that are retained for compatibility to the bottom and grouped them together * added RESTful URIs for issues * RESTfulness for the news section * fixed route order * changed hardcoded URLs in tests * fixed badly written tests * fixed forgotten parameter in routes * changed hardcoded URLS to new scheme * changed project add url to the standard POST to collection * create new issue by POSTing to collection * changed hardcoded URLs in integrations tests * made project add form work again * restful routes for project deletion * prettier routes for project (un)archival * made routes table more readable * fixed note quoting * user routing * fixed bug * always sort by GET * Fixed: cross-project issue list should not show issues of projects for which the issue tracking module was disabled. * prettified URLs used on issues tab * urls for time log * fixed reply routing * eliminate revision query paremeter for diff and entry actions * fixed test failures with hard-coded urls * ensure ajax links always use get * refactored ajax link generation into separate method #1901 git-svn-id: svn+ssh:// e93f8b46-1217-0410-a6f0-8f06a7374b81
2009-01-26 04:47:51 +03:00
link_to_remote_content_update(n.to_s, url_param.merge(page_param => n))
end || '')
Converted routing and urls to follow the Rails REST convention. Patch supplied by commits from Gerrit Kaiser on Github. Existing routes will still work (backwards compatible) but any new urls will be generated using the new routing rules. Changes listed below: * made the URLs for some project tabs and project settings follow the new rails RESTful conventions of /collection/:id/subcollection/:sub_id * prettier URL for project roadmap * more nice project URLs * use GET for filtering form * prettified URLs used on issues tab * custom route for activity atom feeds * prettier repository urls * fixed broken route definition * fixed failing tests for issuecontroller that were hardcoding the url string * more RESTful routes for boards and messages * RESTful routes for wiki pages * RESTful routes for documents * moved old routes that are retained for compatibility to the bottom and grouped them together * added RESTful URIs for issues * RESTfulness for the news section * fixed route order * changed hardcoded URLs in tests * fixed badly written tests * fixed forgotten parameter in routes * changed hardcoded URLS to new scheme * changed project add url to the standard POST to collection * create new issue by POSTing to collection * changed hardcoded URLs in integrations tests * made project add form work again * restful routes for project deletion * prettier routes for project (un)archival * made routes table more readable * fixed note quoting * user routing * fixed bug * always sort by GET * Fixed: cross-project issue list should not show issues of projects for which the issue tracking module was disabled. * prettified URLs used on issues tab * urls for time log * fixed reply routing * eliminate revision query paremeter for diff and entry actions * fixed test failures with hard-coded urls * ensure ajax links always use get * refactored ajax link generation into separate method #1901 git-svn-id: svn+ssh:// e93f8b46-1217-0410-a6f0-8f06a7374b81
2009-01-26 04:47:51 +03:00
html << ' ' + link_to_remote_content_update((l(:label_next) + ' &#187;'), url_param.merge(page_param =>
unless count.nil?
Converted routing and urls to follow the Rails REST convention. Patch supplied by commits from Gerrit Kaiser on Github. Existing routes will still work (backwards compatible) but any new urls will be generated using the new routing rules. Changes listed below: * made the URLs for some project tabs and project settings follow the new rails RESTful conventions of /collection/:id/subcollection/:sub_id * prettier URL for project roadmap * more nice project URLs * use GET for filtering form * prettified URLs used on issues tab * custom route for activity atom feeds * prettier repository urls * fixed broken route definition * fixed failing tests for issuecontroller that were hardcoding the url string * more RESTful routes for boards and messages * RESTful routes for wiki pages * RESTful routes for documents * moved old routes that are retained for compatibility to the bottom and grouped them together * added RESTful URIs for issues * RESTfulness for the news section * fixed route order * changed hardcoded URLs in tests * fixed badly written tests * fixed forgotten parameter in routes * changed hardcoded URLS to new scheme * changed project add url to the standard POST to collection * create new issue by POSTing to collection * changed hardcoded URLs in integrations tests * made project add form work again * restful routes for project deletion * prettier routes for project (un)archival * made routes table more readable * fixed note quoting * user routing * fixed bug * always sort by GET * Fixed: cross-project issue list should not show issues of projects for which the issue tracking module was disabled. * prettified URLs used on issues tab * urls for time log * fixed reply routing * eliminate revision query paremeter for diff and entry actions * fixed test failures with hard-coded urls * ensure ajax links always use get * refactored ajax link generation into separate method #1901 git-svn-id: svn+ssh:// e93f8b46-1217-0410-a6f0-8f06a7374b81
2009-01-26 04:47:51 +03:00
html << [
" (#{paginator.current.first_item}-#{paginator.current.last_item}/#{count})",
].compact.join(' | ')
Converted routing and urls to follow the Rails REST convention. Patch supplied by commits from Gerrit Kaiser on Github. Existing routes will still work (backwards compatible) but any new urls will be generated using the new routing rules. Changes listed below: * made the URLs for some project tabs and project settings follow the new rails RESTful conventions of /collection/:id/subcollection/:sub_id * prettier URL for project roadmap * more nice project URLs * use GET for filtering form * prettified URLs used on issues tab * custom route for activity atom feeds * prettier repository urls * fixed broken route definition * fixed failing tests for issuecontroller that were hardcoding the url string * more RESTful routes for boards and messages * RESTful routes for wiki pages * RESTful routes for documents * moved old routes that are retained for compatibility to the bottom and grouped them together * added RESTful URIs for issues * RESTfulness for the news section * fixed route order * changed hardcoded URLs in tests * fixed badly written tests * fixed forgotten parameter in routes * changed hardcoded URLS to new scheme * changed project add url to the standard POST to collection * create new issue by POSTing to collection * changed hardcoded URLs in integrations tests * made project add form work again * restful routes for project deletion * prettier routes for project (un)archival * made routes table more readable * fixed note quoting * user routing * fixed bug * always sort by GET * Fixed: cross-project issue list should not show issues of projects for which the issue tracking module was disabled. * prettified URLs used on issues tab * urls for time log * fixed reply routing * eliminate revision query paremeter for diff and entry actions * fixed test failures with hard-coded urls * ensure ajax links always use get * refactored ajax link generation into separate method #1901 git-svn-id: svn+ssh:// e93f8b46-1217-0410-a6f0-8f06a7374b81
2009-01-26 04:47:51 +03:00
def per_page_links(selected=nil)
url_param = params.dup
url_param.clear if url_param.has_key?(:set_filter)
links = Setting.per_page_options_array.collect do |n|
Converted routing and urls to follow the Rails REST convention. Patch supplied by commits from Gerrit Kaiser on Github. Existing routes will still work (backwards compatible) but any new urls will be generated using the new routing rules. Changes listed below: * made the URLs for some project tabs and project settings follow the new rails RESTful conventions of /collection/:id/subcollection/:sub_id * prettier URL for project roadmap * more nice project URLs * use GET for filtering form * prettified URLs used on issues tab * custom route for activity atom feeds * prettier repository urls * fixed broken route definition * fixed failing tests for issuecontroller that were hardcoding the url string * more RESTful routes for boards and messages * RESTful routes for wiki pages * RESTful routes for documents * moved old routes that are retained for compatibility to the bottom and grouped them together * added RESTful URIs for issues * RESTfulness for the news section * fixed route order * changed hardcoded URLs in tests * fixed badly written tests * fixed forgotten parameter in routes * changed hardcoded URLS to new scheme * changed project add url to the standard POST to collection * create new issue by POSTing to collection * changed hardcoded URLs in integrations tests * made project add form work again * restful routes for project deletion * prettier routes for project (un)archival * made routes table more readable * fixed note quoting * user routing * fixed bug * always sort by GET * Fixed: cross-project issue list should not show issues of projects for which the issue tracking module was disabled. * prettified URLs used on issues tab * urls for time log * fixed reply routing * eliminate revision query paremeter for diff and entry actions * fixed test failures with hard-coded urls * ensure ajax links always use get * refactored ajax link generation into separate method #1901 git-svn-id: svn+ssh:// e93f8b46-1217-0410-a6f0-8f06a7374b81
2009-01-26 04:47:51 +03:00
n == selected ? n : link_to_remote(n, {:update => "content",
:url => params.dup.merge(:per_page => n),
:method => :get},
{:href => url_for(url_param.merge(:per_page => n))})
links.size > 1 ? l(:label_display_per_page, links.join(', ')) : nil
def breadcrumb(*args)
elements = args.flatten
elements.any? ? content_tag('p', args.join(' &#187; ') + ' &#187; ', :class => 'breadcrumb') : nil
def other_formats_links(&block)
concat('<p class="other-formats">' + l(:label_export_to), block.binding)
concat('</p>', block.binding)
def html_title(*args)
if args.empty?
title = []
title << if @project
title += @html_title if @html_title
title << Setting.app_title
title.compact.join(' - ')
@html_title ||= []
@html_title += args
def accesskey(s)
Redmine::AccessKeys.key_for s
# Formats text according to system settings.
# 2 ways to call this method:
# * with a String: textilizable(text, options)
# * with an object and one of its attribute: textilizable(issue, :description, options)
def textilizable(*args)
options = args.last.is_a?(Hash) ? args.pop : {}
case args.size
when 1
obj = options[:object]
text = args.shift
when 2
obj = args.shift
text = obj.send(args.shift).to_s
raise ArgumentError, 'invalid arguments to textilizable'
return '' if text.blank?
only_path = options.delete(:only_path) == false ? false : true
# when using an image link, try to use an attachment, if possible
attachments = options[:attachments] || (obj && obj.respond_to?(:attachments) ? obj.attachments : nil)
if attachments
attachments = attachments.sort_by(&:created_on).reverse
text = text.gsub(/!((\<|\=|\>)?(\([^\)]+\))?(\[[^\]]+\])?(\{[^\}]+\})?)(\S+\.(bmp|gif|jpg|jpeg|png))!/i) do |m|
style = $1
filename = $6.downcase
# search for the picture in attachments
if found = attachments.detect { |att| att.filename.downcase == filename }
image_url = url_for :only_path => only_path, :controller => 'attachments', :action => 'download', :id => found
desc = found.description.to_s.gsub(/^([^\(\)]*).*$/, "\\1")
alt = desc.blank? ? nil : "(#{desc})"
text = Redmine::WikiFormatting.to_html(Setting.text_formatting, text) { |macro, args| exec_macro(macro, obj, args) }
# different methods for formatting wiki links
case options[:wiki_links]
when :local
# used for local links to html files
format_wiki_link = {|project, title, anchor| "#{title}.html" }
when :anchor
# used for single-file wiki export
format_wiki_link = {|project, title, anchor| "##{title}" }
format_wiki_link = {|project, title, anchor| url_for(:only_path => only_path, :controller => 'wiki', :action => 'index', :id => project, :page => title, :anchor => anchor) }
project = options[:project] || @project || (obj && obj.respond_to?(:project) ? obj.project : nil)
# Wiki links
# Examples:
# [[mypage]]
# [[mypage|mytext]]
# wiki links can refer other project wikis, using project name or identifier:
# [[project:]] -> wiki starting page
# [[project:|mytext]]
# [[project:mypage]]
# [[project:mypage|mytext]]
text = text.gsub(/(!)?(\[\[([^\]\n\|]+)(\|([^\]\n\|]+))?\]\])/) do |m|
link_project = project
esc, all, page, title = $1, $2, $3, $5
if esc.nil?
if page =~ /^([^\:]+)\:(.*)$/
link_project = Project.find_by_name($1) || Project.find_by_identifier($1)
page = $2
title ||= $1 if page.blank?
if link_project &&
# extract anchor
anchor = nil
if page =~ /^(.+?)\#(.+)$/
page, anchor = $1, $2
# check if page exists
wiki_page =
link_to((title || page),, Wiki.titleize(page), anchor),
:class => ('wiki-page' + (wiki_page ? '' : ' new')))
# project or wiki doesn't exist
# Redmine links
# Examples:
# Issues:
# #52 -> Link to issue #52
# Changesets:
# r52 -> Link to revision 52
# commit:a85130f -> Link to scmid starting with a85130f
# Documents:
# document#17 -> Link to document with id 17
# document:Greetings -> Link to the document with title "Greetings"
# document:"Some document" -> Link to the document with title "Some document"
# Versions:
# version#3 -> Link to version with id 3
# version:1.0.0 -> Link to version named "1.0.0"
# version:"1.0 beta 2" -> Link to version named "1.0 beta 2"
# Attachments:
# -> Link to the attachment of the current object named
# Source files:
# source:some/file -> Link to the file located at /some/file in the project's repository
# source:some/file@52 -> Link to the file's revision 52
# source:some/file#L120 -> Link to line 120 of the file
# source:some/file@52#L120 -> Link to line 120 of the file's revision 52
# export:some/file -> Force the download of the file
# Forum messages:
# message#1218 -> Link to message with id 1218
text = text.gsub(%r{([\s\(,\-\>]|^)(!)?(attachment|document|version|commit|source|export|message)?((#|r)(\d+)|(:)([^"\s<>][^\s<>]*?|"[^"]+?"))(?=(?=[[:punct:]]\W)|\s|<|$)}) do |m|
leading, esc, prefix, sep, oid = $1, $2, $3, $5 || $7, $6 || $8
link = nil
if esc.nil?
if prefix.nil? && sep == 'r'
if project && (changeset = project.changesets.find_by_revision(oid))
link = link_to("r#{oid}", {:only_path => only_path, :controller => 'repositories', :action => 'revision', :id => project, :rev => oid},
:class => 'changeset',
:title => truncate_single_line(changeset.comments, 100))
elsif sep == '#'
oid = oid.to_i
case prefix
when nil
if issue = Issue.find_by_id(oid, :include => [:project, :status], :conditions => Project.visible_by(User.current))
link = link_to("##{oid}", {:only_path => only_path, :controller => 'issues', :action => 'show', :id => oid},
:class => (issue.closed? ? 'issue closed' : 'issue'),
:title => "#{truncate(issue.subject, 100)} (#{})")
link = content_tag('del', link) if issue.closed?
when 'document'
if document = Document.find_by_id(oid, :include => [:project], :conditions => Project.visible_by(User.current))
link = link_to h(document.title), {:only_path => only_path, :controller => 'documents', :action => 'show', :id => document},
:class => 'document'
when 'version'
if version = Version.find_by_id(oid, :include => [:project], :conditions => Project.visible_by(User.current))
link = link_to h(, {:only_path => only_path, :controller => 'versions', :action => 'show', :id => version},
:class => 'version'
when 'message'
if message = Message.find_by_id(oid, :include => [:parent, {:board => :project}], :conditions => Project.visible_by(User.current))
link = link_to h(truncate(message.subject, 60)), {:only_path => only_path,
:controller => 'messages',
:action => 'show',
:board_id => message.board,
:id => message.root,
:anchor => (message.parent ? "message-#{}" : nil)},
:class => 'message'
elsif sep == ':'
# removes the double quotes if any
name = oid.gsub(%r{^"(.*)"$}, "\\1")
case prefix
when 'document'
if project && document = project.documents.find_by_title(name)
link = link_to h(document.title), {:only_path => only_path, :controller => 'documents', :action => 'show', :id => document},
:class => 'document'
when 'version'
if project && version = project.versions.find_by_name(name)
link = link_to h(, {:only_path => only_path, :controller => 'versions', :action => 'show', :id => version},
:class => 'version'
when 'commit'
if project && (changeset = project.changesets.find(:first, :conditions => ["scmid LIKE ?", "#{name}%"]))
link = link_to h("#{name}"), {:only_path => only_path, :controller => 'repositories', :action => 'revision', :id => project, :rev => changeset.revision},
:class => 'changeset',
:title => truncate_single_line(changeset.comments, 100)
when 'source', 'export'
if project && project.repository
name =~ %r{^[/\\]*(.*?)(@([0-9a-f]+))?(#(L\d+))?$}
path, rev, anchor = $1, $3, $5
link = link_to h("#{prefix}:#{name}"), {:controller => 'repositories', :action => 'entry', :id => project,
:path => to_path_param(path),
:rev => rev,
:anchor => anchor,
:format => (prefix == 'export' ? 'raw' : nil)},
:class => (prefix == 'export' ? 'source download' : 'source')
when 'attachment'
if attachments && attachment = attachments.detect {|a| a.filename == name }
link = link_to h(attachment.filename), {:only_path => only_path, :controller => 'attachments', :action => 'download', :id => attachment},
:class => 'attachment'
leading + (link || "#{prefix}#{sep}#{oid}")
# Same as Rails' simple_format helper without using paragraphs
def simple_format_without_paragraph(text)
gsub(/\r\n?/, "\n"). # \r\n and \r -> \n
gsub(/\n\n+/, "<br /><br />"). # 2+ newline -> 2 br
gsub(/([^\n]\n)(?=[^\n])/, '\1<br />') # 1 newline -> br
def error_messages_for(object_name, options = {})
options = options.symbolize_keys
object = instance_variable_get("@#{object_name}")
if object && !object.errors.empty?
# build full_messages here with controller current language
full_messages = []
object.errors.each do |attr, msg|
next if msg.nil?
msg = msg.first if msg.is_a? Array
if attr == "base"
full_messages << l(msg)
full_messages << "&#171; " + (l_has_string?("field_" + attr) ? l("field_" + attr) : object.class.human_attribute_name(attr)) + " &#187; " + l(msg) unless attr == "custom_values"
# retrieve custom values error messages
if object.errors[:custom_values]
object.custom_values.each do |v|
v.errors.each do |attr, msg|
next if msg.nil?
msg = msg.first if msg.is_a? Array
full_messages << "&#171; " + + " &#187; " + l(msg)
options[:header_tag] || "span", lwr(:gui_validation_error, full_messages.length) + ":"
) +
content_tag("ul", full_messages.collect { |msg| content_tag("li", msg) }),
"id" => options[:id] || "errorExplanation", "class" => options[:class] || "errorExplanation"
def lang_options_for_select(blank=true)
(blank ? [["(auto)", ""]] : []) +
GLoc.valid_languages.collect{|lang| [ ll(lang.to_s, :general_lang_name), lang.to_s]}.sort{|x,y| x.last <=> y.last }
def label_tag_for(name, option_tags = nil, options = {})
label_text = l(("field_"+field.to_s.gsub(/\_id$/, "")).to_sym) + (options.delete(:required) ? @template.content_tag("span", " *", :class => "required"): "")
content_tag("label", label_text)
def labelled_tabular_form_for(name, object, options, &proc)
options[:html] ||= {}
options[:html][:class] = 'tabular' unless options[:html].has_key?(:class)
form_for(name, object, options.merge({ :builder => TabularFormBuilder, :lang => current_language}), &proc)
def back_url_hidden_field_tag
back_url = params[:back_url] || request.env['HTTP_REFERER']
back_url = CGI.unescape(back_url.to_s)
hidden_field_tag('back_url', CGI.escape(back_url)) unless back_url.blank?
def check_all_links(form_name)
link_to_function(l(:button_check_all), "checkAll('#{form_name}', true)") +
" | " +
link_to_function(l(:button_uncheck_all), "checkAll('#{form_name}', false)")
def progress_bar(pcts, options={})
pcts = [pcts, pcts] unless pcts.is_a?(Array)
pcts[1] = pcts[1] - pcts[0]
pcts << (100 - pcts[1] - pcts[0])
width = options[:width] || '100px;'
legend = options[:legend] || ''
(pcts[0] > 0 ? content_tag('td', '', :style => "width: #{pcts[0].floor}%;", :class => 'closed') : '') +
(pcts[1] > 0 ? content_tag('td', '', :style => "width: #{pcts[1].floor}%;", :class => 'done') : '') +
(pcts[2] > 0 ? content_tag('td', '', :style => "width: #{pcts[2].floor}%;", :class => 'todo') : '')
), :class => 'progress', :style => "width: #{width};") +
content_tag('p', legend, :class => 'pourcent')
def context_menu_link(name, url, options={})
options[:class] ||= ''
if options.delete(:selected)
options[:class] << ' icon-checked disabled'
options[:disabled] = true
if options.delete(:disabled)
options[:class] << ' disabled'
url = '#'
link_to name, url, options
def calendar_for(field_id)
image_tag("calendar.png", {:id => "#{field_id}_trigger",:class => "calendar-trigger"}) +
javascript_tag("Calendar.setup({inputField : '#{field_id}', ifFormat : '%Y-%m-%d', button : '#{field_id}_trigger' });")
def include_calendar_headers_tags
unless @calendar_headers_tags_included
@calendar_headers_tags_included = true
content_for :header_tags do
javascript_include_tag('calendar/calendar') +
javascript_include_tag("calendar/lang/calendar-#{current_language}.js") +
javascript_include_tag('calendar/calendar-setup') +
def content_for(name, content = nil, &block)
@has_content ||= {}
@has_content[name] = true
super(name, content, &block)
def has_content?(name)
(@has_content && @has_content[name]) || false
# Returns the avatar image tag for the given +user+ if avatars are enabled
# +user+ can be a User or a string that will be scanned for an email address (eg. 'joe <>')
def avatar(user, options = { })
if Setting.gravatar_enabled?
email = nil
if user.respond_to?(:mail)
email = user.mail
elsif user.to_s =~ %r{<(.+?)>}
email = $1
return gravatar(email.to_s.downcase, options) unless email.blank? rescue nil
def wiki_helper
helper = Redmine::WikiFormatting.helper_for(Setting.text_formatting)
extend helper
return self
Converted routing and urls to follow the Rails REST convention. Patch supplied by commits from Gerrit Kaiser on Github. Existing routes will still work (backwards compatible) but any new urls will be generated using the new routing rules. Changes listed below: * made the URLs for some project tabs and project settings follow the new rails RESTful conventions of /collection/:id/subcollection/:sub_id * prettier URL for project roadmap * more nice project URLs * use GET for filtering form * prettified URLs used on issues tab * custom route for activity atom feeds * prettier repository urls * fixed broken route definition * fixed failing tests for issuecontroller that were hardcoding the url string * more RESTful routes for boards and messages * RESTful routes for wiki pages * RESTful routes for documents * moved old routes that are retained for compatibility to the bottom and grouped them together * added RESTful URIs for issues * RESTfulness for the news section * fixed route order * changed hardcoded URLs in tests * fixed badly written tests * fixed forgotten parameter in routes * changed hardcoded URLS to new scheme * changed project add url to the standard POST to collection * create new issue by POSTing to collection * changed hardcoded URLs in integrations tests * made project add form work again * restful routes for project deletion * prettier routes for project (un)archival * made routes table more readable * fixed note quoting * user routing * fixed bug * always sort by GET * Fixed: cross-project issue list should not show issues of projects for which the issue tracking module was disabled. * prettified URLs used on issues tab * urls for time log * fixed reply routing * eliminate revision query paremeter for diff and entry actions * fixed test failures with hard-coded urls * ensure ajax links always use get * refactored ajax link generation into separate method #1901 git-svn-id: svn+ssh:// e93f8b46-1217-0410-a6f0-8f06a7374b81
2009-01-26 04:47:51 +03:00
def link_to_remote_content_update(text, url_params)
{:url => url_params, :method => :get, :update => 'content', :complete => 'window.scrollTo(0,0)'},
{:href => url_for(:params => url_params)}