Running the testsuite this function is entered more than 126,000 times. Reorder
the code flow so that a conversion from char* to std::string is only done when
the cache entry is a path one, which happens only ~50 times during the
840b830b Autogen: Qrc processing: Generate single map with final input / output names
bc4c7751 Autogen: Ui processing: Generate single map with final input / output names
47e60bc5 Autogen: Split out UI file generation code to dedicated method
cf679ea8 Autogen: Split out moc file generation code to dedicated method
3ea1d090 Autogen: Rename method GenerateQrc{ => Files}
8ced8bb9 Autogen: New logCommand method. It prints commands using std::cout.
95064a6d Autogen: Rename header extension Join method to JoinExts
7a73c404 Autogen: Use SystemTools string functions instead of rolling out own
0f96ef00 Remove unused cmake::IssueMessage overload
563bf9dd cmState: Remove unused entry point fields from snapshot data
7c36d206 cmListFileBacktrace: Refactor storage to provide efficient value semantics
1f6bd8a9 cmState: Avoid accumulating snapshot storage for backtraces
18b6676b cmState: Add Snapshot method to get bottom of call stack
2faa8b36 Add call stack to unused/uninitialized variable warnings
da07c506 cmLocalGenerator: Simplify IssueMessage implementation
cc7aed77 cmLocalGenerator: Use own IssueMessage method
c50285de cmOutputConverter: Assert construction with a valid snapshot
b6ed71b1 cmMakefile: Move cmMakefileCall to .cxx file
a559f0f6 cmWhileCommand: Simplify context construction
7503deb2 cmIfCommand: Simplify execution context construction
All callers now pass a full backtrace so we do not need the alternative
that takes a cmListFileContext directly. Drop this overload to remove
the code duplication.
Since commit v3.4.0-rc1~321^2~2 (Genex: Store a backtrace, not a pointer
to one, 2015-07-08) we treat cmListFileBacktrace instances as
lightweight values. This was true at the time only because the
backtrace information was kept in the cmState snapshot hierarchy.
However, that forced us to accumulate a lot of otherwise short-lived
snapshots just to have the backtrace fields available for reference by
cmListFileBacktrace instances. Recent refactoring made backtrace
instances independent of the snapshot hierarchy to avoid accumulating
short-lived snapshots. This came at the cost of making backtrace values
heavy again, leading to lots of string coying and slower execution.
Fix this by refactoring cmListFileBacktrace to provide value semantics
with efficient shared storage underneath. Teach cmMakefile to maintain
its call stack using an instance of cmListFileBacktrace. This approach
allows the current backtrace to be efficiently saved whenever it is
Also teach cmListFileBacktrace the notion of a file-level scope. This
is useful for messages about the whole file (e.g. during parsing) that
are not specific to any line within it. Push the CMakeLists.txt scope
for each directory and never pop it. This ensures that we always have
some context information and simplifies cmMakefile::IssueMessage.
Push/pop a file-level scope as each included file is processed. This
supersedes cmParseFileScope and improves diagnostic message context
information in a few places. Fix the corresponding test cases to expect
the improved output.
Changes during post-3.3/pre-3.4 development refactored storage of most
configure-time information, including variable bindings and function
scopes. All scopes (even short-lived) were kept persistently for
possible future debugging features, causing huge accumulated memory
usage. This was mostly addressed by commit v3.4.1~4^2 (cmState: Avoid
accumulating snapshot storage for short-lived scopes, 2015-11-24).
Since then we still keep short-lived scopes when they are needed for a
backtrace. This is because since commit v3.4.0-rc1~378^2
(cmListFileBacktrace: Implement in terms of cmState::Snapshot,
2015-05-29) backtraces have been lightweight objects that simply point
into the snapshot tree. While the intention of this approach was to
avoid duplicating the call stack file path strings, the cost turned out
to be holding on to the entire call stack worth of scope snapshots,
which is much worse.
Furthermore, since commit v3.4.0-rc2~1^2 (cmIfCommand: Issue CMP0054
warning with appropriate context, 2015-10-20) all conditions used in
`if()` commands hold a backtrace for use in diagnostic messages. Even
though the backtrace is short-lived it still causes the scope snapshot
to be kept. This means that code like
foreach(i RANGE 1000000)
accumulates storage for the function call scope snapshots.
Fix this by partially reverting commit v3.4.0-rc1~378^2 and saving the
entire call stack during cmListFileBacktrace construction. This way
we can avoid keeping short-lived scope snapshot storage in all cases.
In commit v2.8.4~32^2~14 (Use cmake::IssueMessage for warnings,
2010-12-07) these warnings became formatted. It is more informative to
give the full call stack with such warnings. Also it is easier to
implement warnings with a full call stack because we do not have to
construct a custom backtrace with only the top.
This method was added by commit v3.4.0-rc1~424^2~6 (cmLocalGenerator:
Add IssueMessage method, 2015-06-13) in order to reduce callers'
dependency on cmMakefile. Currently the implementation of
cmLocalGenerator::IssueMessage is just a copy of the post-configure code
path in cmMakefile::IssueMessage. De-duplicate the implementation by
simply calling the cmMakefile copy for now. This will simplify upcoming
refactoring of backtraces. The dependency on cmMakefile can be removed
by future work once that is done.
Create a <LANG>_CLANG_TIDY target property (initialized by a
CMAKE_<LANG>_CLANG_TIDY variable) to specify a clang-tidy command line
to be run along with the compiler.
In the `try_compile` source file signature we propagate the caller's
value of `CMAKE_<LANG>_FLAGS` into the test project. Extend this to
propagate `CMAKE_<LANG>_FLAGS_<CONFIG>` too instead of always using the
default value in the test project. This will be useful, for example, to
allow the MSVC runtime library to be changed (e.g. `-MDd` => `-MTd`).