Teach KWIML_test to use part of the C++ runtime library. Otherwise the
linker complains:
warning LNK4089: all references to 'MSVCP71.dll' discarded by /OPT:REF
The PGI compiler appears to define "long long" as size 8 but does not
provide a feature macro for it. It does provide options for the
signedness of char (-Mschar, -Muchar) but does not define a feature
macro indicating the choice. The default is signed, at least on Linux.
The VS 7.0 header <yvals.h> included by most C++ system headers defines
the macro _LONGLONG as __int64. Teach ABI.h to ignore the definition in
this case because "long long" does not exist.
Some system headers may define macros that interfere with preprocessor
tests in KWIML headers. Test this case to be sure that the verification
checks at the bottom of the headers do not fail.
Xcode 2.x forgets to create the target output directory before linking
the individual architecture pieces of a universal binary for the target
KWIML_test. Then it passes the directory to -L and -F options when
linking the and warns that the directory does not exist. We work around
the problem by using a pre-build rule on the target to create the output
The Sun compiler does not document support for SCN*8 format (%hh*).
It works only on platforms that happen to provide a runtime library
that supports the format.
KWIML defines format string macros matching the fixed-sized types. This
test checks that they behave as expected and that the arguments match
the *sizes* expected by the format strings.
Provides header files that use preprocessor tests to detect and provide
information about the compiler and its target architecture. The headers
contain no configuration-time test results and thus may be installed
into an architecture-independent include directory. This makes them
suitable for use in the public interface of any package.