
96 lines
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Raw Blame History

This file contains ambiguous Unicode characters

This file contains Unicode characters that might be confused with other characters. If you think that this is intentional, you can safely ignore this warning. Use the Escape button to reveal them.

function HTML_ToText (text)
-- Declare variables, load the file. Make tags lowercase.
text = string.gsub (text,"(%b<>)",
function (tag)
return tag:lower()
First we kill the developer formatting (tabs, CR, LF)
and produce a long string with no newlines and tabs.
We also kill repeated spaces as browsers ignore them anyway.
local devkill=
["("..string.char(10)..")"] = " ",
["("..string.char(13)..")"] = " ",
["("..string.char(15)..")"] = "",
["(%s%s+)"]=" ",
for pat, res in pairs (devkill) do
text = string.gsub (text, pat, res)
-- Then we remove the header. We do this by stripping it first.
text = string.gsub (text, "(<%s*head[^>]*>)", "<head>")
text = string.gsub (text, "(<%s*%/%s*head%s*>)", "</head>")
text = string.gsub (text, "(<head>,*<%/head>)", "")
-- Kill all scripts. First we nuke their attribs.
text = string.gsub (text, "(<%s*script[^>]*>)", "<script>")
text = string.gsub (text, "(<%s*%/%s*script%s*>)", "</script>")
text = string.gsub (text, "(<script>,*<%/script>)", "")
-- Ok, same for styles.
text = string.gsub (text, "(<%s*style[^>]*>)", "<style>")
text = string.gsub (text, "(<%s*%/%s*style%s*>)", "</style>")
text = string.gsub (text, "(<style>.*<%/style>)", "")
-- Replace <td> with tabulators.
text = string.gsub (text, "(<%s*td[^>]*>)","\t")
-- Replace <br> with linebreaks.
text = string.gsub (text, "(<%s*br%s*%/%s*>)","\n")
-- Replace <li> with an asterisk surrounded by 2 spaces.
-- Replace </li> with a newline.
text = string.gsub (text, "(<%s*li%s*%s*>)"," * ")
text = string.gsub (text, "(<%s*/%s*li%s*%s*>)","\n")
-- <p>, <div>, <tr>, <ul> will be replaced to a double newline.
text = string.gsub (text, "(<%s*div[^>]*>)", "\n\n")
text = string.gsub (text, "(<%s*p[^>]*>)", "\n\n")
text = string.gsub (text, "(<%s*tr[^>]*>)", "\n\n")
text = string.gsub (text, "(<%s*%/*%s*ul[^>]*>)", "\n\n")
-- Nuke all other tags now.
text = string.gsub (text, "(%b<>)","")
-- Replace entities to their correspondant stuff where applicable.
-- C# is owned badly here by using a table. :-P
-- A metatable secures entities, so you can add them natively as keys.
-- Enclosing brackets also get added automatically (capture!)
local entities = {}
setmetatable (entities,
__newindex = function (tbl, key, value)
key = string.gsub (key, "(%#)" , "%%#")
key = string.gsub (key, "(%&)" , "%%&")
key = string.gsub (key, "(%;)" , "%%;")
key = string.gsub (key, "(.+)" , "("..key..")")
rawset (tbl, key, value)
entities =
["&nbsp;"] = " ",
["&bull;"] = " * ",
[""] = "<",
[""] = ">",
["&trade;"] = "(tm)",
["&frasl;"] = "/",
["<"] = "<",
[">"] = ">",
["&copy;"] = "(c)",
["&reg;"] = "(r)",
-- Then kill all others.
-- You can customize this table if you would like to,
-- I just got bored of copypasting. :-)
-- http://hotwired.lycos.com/webmonkey/reference/special_characters/
["%&.+%;"] = "",
for entity, repl in pairs (entities) do
text = string.gsub (text, entity, repl)
return text