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2013-03-12 00:32:44 +04:00
function HTML_ToText (text)
-- Declare variables, load the file. Make tags lowercase.
text = string.gsub (text,"(%b<>)",
function (tag)
return tag:lower()
First we kill the developer formatting (tabs, CR, LF)
and produce a long string with no newlines and tabs.
We also kill repeated spaces as browsers ignore them anyway.
local devkill=
["("..string.char(10)..")"] = " ",
["("..string.char(13)..")"] = " ",
["("..string.char(15)..")"] = "",
["(%s%s+)"]=" ",
for pat, res in pairs (devkill) do
text = string.gsub (text, pat, res)
-- Then we remove the header. We do this by stripping it first.
text = string.gsub (text, "(<%s*head[^>]*>)", "<head>")
text = string.gsub (text, "(<%s*%/%s*head%s*>)", "</head>")
text = string.gsub (text, "(<head>,*<%/head>)", "")
-- Kill all scripts. First we nuke their attribs.
text = string.gsub (text, "(<%s*script[^>]*>)", "<script>")
text = string.gsub (text, "(<%s*%/%s*script%s*>)", "</script>")
text = string.gsub (text, "(<script>,*<%/script>)", "")
-- Ok, same for styles.
text = string.gsub (text, "(<%s*style[^>]*>)", "<style>")
text = string.gsub (text, "(<%s*%/%s*style%s*>)", "</style>")
text = string.gsub (text, "(<style>.*<%/style>)", "")
-- Replace <td> with tabulators.
text = string.gsub (text, "(<%s*td[^>]*>)","\t")
-- Replace <br> with linebreaks.
text = string.gsub (text, "(<%s*br%s*%/%s*>)","\n")
-- Replace <li> with an asterisk surrounded by 2 spaces.
-- Replace </li> with a newline.
text = string.gsub (text, "(<%s*li%s*%s*>)"," * ")
text = string.gsub (text, "(<%s*/%s*li%s*%s*>)","\n")
-- <p>, <div>, <tr>, <ul> will be replaced to a double newline.
text = string.gsub (text, "(<%s*div[^>]*>)", "\n\n")
text = string.gsub (text, "(<%s*p[^>]*>)", "\n\n")
text = string.gsub (text, "(<%s*tr[^>]*>)", "\n\n")
text = string.gsub (text, "(<%s*%/*%s*ul[^>]*>)", "\n\n")
-- Nuke all other tags now.
text = string.gsub (text, "(%b<>)","")
-- Replace entities to their correspondant stuff where applicable.
-- C# is owned badly here by using a table. :-P
-- A metatable secures entities, so you can add them natively as keys.
-- Enclosing brackets also get added automatically (capture!)
local entities = {}
setmetatable (entities,
__newindex = function (tbl, key, value)
key = string.gsub (key, "(%#)" , "%%#")
key = string.gsub (key, "(%&)" , "%%&")
key = string.gsub (key, "(%;)" , "%%;")
key = string.gsub (key, "(.+)" , "("..key..")")
rawset (tbl, key, value)
entities =
["&nbsp;"] = " ",
["&bull;"] = " * ",
[""] = "<",
[""] = ">",
["&trade;"] = "(tm)",
["&frasl;"] = "/",
["<"] = "<",
[">"] = ">",
["&copy;"] = "(c)",
["&reg;"] = "(r)",
-- Then kill all others.
-- You can customize this table if you would like to,
-- I just got bored of copypasting. :-)
-- http://hotwired.lycos.com/webmonkey/reference/special_characters/
["%&.+%;"] = "",
for entity, repl in pairs (entities) do
text = string.gsub (text, entity, repl)
return text