<%= text_field_tag 'settings[path]', @settings['path'], :size => 80 %>
Use {PROJECT} to include the project identifier in the path

<%= text_area_tag 'settings[index]', @settings['index'], :cols => 60, :rows => 3 %>
Space separated list of index files by priority

<%= text_area_tag 'settings[extensions]', @settings['extensions'], :cols => 60, :rows => 3 %>
Space separated list of file extensions that can be viewed (case insensitive)

<%= select_tag 'settings[template]', options_for_select([''] + Redmine::Plugins::RedmineEmbedded.available_templates, @settings['template']) %>

<%= text_field_tag 'settings[encoding]', @settings['encoding'] %>
Eg. ISO-8859-1
Leave this field empty if HTML files are UTF-8 encoded

<%= text_field_tag 'settings[menu]', @settings['menu'], :size => 30 %>
Clear this field if you don't want to add a tab to the project menu