Eric Davis 62e58f26b0 Changed Enumerations to use a Single Table Inheritance
* Added migrations to change Enumerations to an STI relationship
* Added TimeEntryActivity model (STI)
* Added DocumentCategory model (STI)
* Added IssuePriority model (STI)
* Added Enumeration#get_subclasses to get a list of the subclasses of Enumeration
* Changed Enumeration to use the STI type field instead of the opt field
* Changed Enumeration#opt to return the old opt values but with a deprecation warning.
* Removed Enumeration::OPTIONS
* Removed the dynamic named_scopes in favor of specific named_scopes.  Kept for
  compatibility reasons.
* Added Enumeration#default so each subclass can easily find it's default record.
* Fixed Enumeration#default to use the STI scoping with a fake default scope for finding Enumeration's default.
* Added a 'all' named scope for getting all records in order by position.
* Added Deprecation warnings to the old named_scopes in Enumerations.
* Moved various methods off of Enumeration and onto the concrete classes
* Changed the EnumerationsController to use types
* Updated the Enumeration list template
* Added has_many relationships to the Enumeration STI classes.
* Fixes for tests.


git-svn-id: svn+ssh:// e93f8b46-1217-0410-a6f0-8f06a7374b81
2009-05-30 23:30:36 +00:00

59 lines
2.9 KiB

<h2><%= l(:label_bulk_edit_selected_issues) %></h2>
<ul><%= @issues.collect {|i| content_tag('li', link_to(h("#{i.tracker} ##{}"), { :action => 'show', :id => i }) + h(": #{i.subject}")) }.join("\n") %></ul>
<% form_tag() do %>
<%= @issues.collect {|i| hidden_field_tag('ids[]',}.join %>
<div class="box">
<legend><%= l(:label_change_properties) %></legend>
<% if @available_statuses.any? %>
<label><%= l(:field_status) %>:
<%= select_tag('status_id', "<option value=\"\">#{l(:label_no_change_option)}</option>" + options_from_collection_for_select(@available_statuses, :id, :name)) %></label>
<% end %>
<label><%= l(:field_priority) %>:
<%= select_tag('priority_id', "<option value=\"\">#{l(:label_no_change_option)}</option>" + options_from_collection_for_select(IssuePriority.all, :id, :name)) %></label>
<label><%= l(:field_category) %>:
<%= select_tag('category_id', content_tag('option', l(:label_no_change_option), :value => '') +
content_tag('option', l(:label_none), :value => 'none') +
options_from_collection_for_select(@project.issue_categories, :id, :name)) %></label>
<label><%= l(:field_assigned_to) %>:
<%= select_tag('assigned_to_id', content_tag('option', l(:label_no_change_option), :value => '') +
content_tag('option', l(:label_nobody), :value => 'none') +
options_from_collection_for_select(@project.assignable_users, :id, :name)) %></label>
<label><%= l(:field_fixed_version) %>:
<%= select_tag('fixed_version_id', content_tag('option', l(:label_no_change_option), :value => '') +
content_tag('option', l(:label_none), :value => 'none') +
options_from_collection_for_select(@project.versions.sort, :id, :name)) %></label>
<label><%= l(:field_start_date) %>:
<%= text_field_tag 'start_date', '', :size => 10 %><%= calendar_for('start_date') %></label>
<label><%= l(:field_due_date) %>:
<%= text_field_tag 'due_date', '', :size => 10 %><%= calendar_for('due_date') %></label>
<label><%= l(:field_done_ratio) %>:
<%= select_tag 'done_ratio', options_for_select([[l(:label_no_change_option), '']] + (0..10).to_a.collect {|r| ["#{r*10} %", r*10] }) %></label>
<% @custom_fields.each do |custom_field| %>
<p><label><%= h( %></label>
<%= select_tag "custom_field_values[#{}]", options_for_select([[l(:label_no_change_option), '']] + custom_field.possible_values) %></label>
<% end %>
<%= call_hook(:view_issues_bulk_edit_details_bottom, { :issues => @issues }) %>
<fieldset><legend><%= l(:field_notes) %></legend>
<%= text_area_tag 'notes', @notes, :cols => 60, :rows => 10, :class => 'wiki-edit' %>
<%= wikitoolbar_for 'notes' %>
<p><%= submit_tag l(:button_submit) %>
<% end %>