2011-05-30 20:52:25 +02:00

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#-- copyright
# ChiliProject is a project management system.
# Copyright (C) 2010-2011 the ChiliProject Team
# This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or
# modify it under the terms of the GNU General Public License
# as published by the Free Software Foundation; either version 2
# of the License, or (at your option) any later version.
# See doc/COPYRIGHT.rdoc for more details.
module WatchersHelper
# Deprecated method. Use watcher_link instead
# This method will be removed in ChiliProject 3.0 or later
def watcher_tag(object, user, options={:replace => 'watcher'})
ActiveSupport::Deprecation.warn "The WatchersHelper#watcher_tag is deprecated and will be removed in ChiliProject 3.0. Please use WatchersHelper#watcher_link instead. Please also note the differences between the APIs.", caller
options[:id] ||= options[:replace] if options[:replace].is_a? String
options[:replace] = Array(options[:replace]).map { |id| "##{id}" }
watcher_link(object, user, options)
# Create a link to watch/unwatch object
# * :replace - a string or array of strings with css selectors that will be updated, whenever the watcher status is changed
def watcher_link(object, user, options = {:replace => '.watcher_link', :class => 'watcher_link'})
options = options.with_indifferent_access
raise ArgumentError, 'Missing :replace option in options hash' if options['replace'].blank?
return '' unless user && user.logged? && object.respond_to?('watched_by?')
watched = object.watched_by?(user)
url = {:controller => 'watchers',
:action => (watched ? 'unwatch' : 'watch'),
:object_type => object.class.to_s.underscore,
:object_id => object.id,
:replace => options.delete('replace')}
url_options = {:url => url}
html_options = options.merge(:href => url_for(url))
html_options[:class] = html_options[:class].to_s + (watched ? ' icon icon-fav' : ' icon icon-fav-off')
link_to_remote((watched ? l(:button_unwatch) : l(:button_watch)), url_options, html_options)
# Returns a comma separated list of users watching the given object
def watchers_list(object)
remove_allowed = User.current.allowed_to?("delete_#{object.class.name.underscore}_watchers".to_sym, object.project)
lis = object.watcher_users.collect do |user|
s = avatar(user, :size => "16").to_s + link_to_user(user, :class => 'user').to_s
if remove_allowed
url = {:controller => 'watchers',
:action => 'destroy',
:object_type => object.class.to_s.underscore,
:object_id => object.id,
:user_id => user}
s += ' ' + link_to_remote(image_tag('delete.png'),
{:url => url},
:href => url_for(url),
:style => "vertical-align: middle",
:class => "delete")
"<li>#{ s }</li>"
lis.empty? ? "" : "<ul>#{ lis.join("\n") }</ul>"