
152 lines
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require File.dirname(__FILE__) + '/test_helper'
require File.dirname(__FILE__) + '/../lib/open_id_authentication/mem_cache_store'
# Mock MemCacheStore with MemoryStore for testing
class OpenIdAuthentication::MemCacheStore < OpenID::Store::Interface
def initialize(*addresses)
@connection = ActiveSupport::Cache::MemoryStore.new
class MemCacheStoreTest < Test::Unit::TestCase
ALLOWED_HANDLE = '0123456789abcdefghijklmnopqrstuvwxyzABCDEFGHIJKLMNOPQRSTUVWXYZ!"#$%&\'()*+,-./:;<=>?@[\\]^_`{|}~'
def setup
@store = OpenIdAuthentication::MemCacheStore.new
def test_store
server_url = "http://www.myopenid.com/openid"
assoc = gen_assoc(0)
# Make sure that a missing association returns no result
# Check that after storage, getting returns the same result
@store.store_association(server_url, assoc)
assert_retrieve(server_url, nil, assoc)
# more than once
assert_retrieve(server_url, nil, assoc)
# Storing more than once has no ill effect
@store.store_association(server_url, assoc)
assert_retrieve(server_url, nil, assoc)
# Removing an association that does not exist returns not present
assert_remove(server_url, assoc.handle + 'x', false)
# Removing an association that does not exist returns not present
assert_remove(server_url + 'x', assoc.handle, false)
# Removing an association that is present returns present
assert_remove(server_url, assoc.handle, true)
# but not present on subsequent calls
assert_remove(server_url, assoc.handle, false)
# Put assoc back in the store
@store.store_association(server_url, assoc)
# More recent and expires after assoc
assoc2 = gen_assoc(1)
@store.store_association(server_url, assoc2)
# After storing an association with a different handle, but the
# same server_url, the handle with the later expiration is returned.
assert_retrieve(server_url, nil, assoc2)
# We can still retrieve the older association
assert_retrieve(server_url, assoc.handle, assoc)
# Plus we can retrieve the association with the later expiration
# explicitly
assert_retrieve(server_url, assoc2.handle, assoc2)
# More recent, and expires earlier than assoc2 or assoc. Make sure
# that we're picking the one with the latest issued date and not
# taking into account the expiration.
assoc3 = gen_assoc(2, 100)
@store.store_association(server_url, assoc3)
assert_retrieve(server_url, nil, assoc3)
assert_retrieve(server_url, assoc.handle, assoc)
assert_retrieve(server_url, assoc2.handle, assoc2)
assert_retrieve(server_url, assoc3.handle, assoc3)
assert_remove(server_url, assoc2.handle, true)
assert_retrieve(server_url, nil, assoc3)
assert_retrieve(server_url, assoc.handle, assoc)
assert_retrieve(server_url, assoc2.handle, nil)
assert_retrieve(server_url, assoc3.handle, assoc3)
assert_remove(server_url, assoc2.handle, false)
assert_remove(server_url, assoc3.handle, true)
assert_retrieve(server_url, nil, assoc)
assert_retrieve(server_url, assoc.handle, assoc)
assert_retrieve(server_url, assoc2.handle, nil)
assert_retrieve(server_url, assoc3.handle, nil)
assert_remove(server_url, assoc2.handle, false)
assert_remove(server_url, assoc.handle, true)
assert_remove(server_url, assoc3.handle, false)
assert_retrieve(server_url, nil, nil)
assert_retrieve(server_url, assoc.handle, nil)
assert_retrieve(server_url, assoc2.handle, nil)
assert_retrieve(server_url, assoc3.handle, nil)
assert_remove(server_url, assoc2.handle, false)
assert_remove(server_url, assoc.handle, false)
assert_remove(server_url, assoc3.handle, false)
def test_nonce
server_url = "http://www.myopenid.com/openid"
[server_url, ''].each do |url|
nonce1 = OpenID::Nonce::mk_nonce
assert_nonce(nonce1, true, url, "#{url}: nonce allowed by default")
assert_nonce(nonce1, false, url, "#{url}: nonce not allowed twice")
assert_nonce(nonce1, false, url, "#{url}: nonce not allowed third time")
# old nonces shouldn't pass
old_nonce = OpenID::Nonce::mk_nonce(3600)
assert_nonce(old_nonce, false, url, "Old nonce #{old_nonce.inspect} passed")
def gen_assoc(issued, lifetime = 600)
secret = OpenID::CryptUtil.random_string(20, nil)
handle = OpenID::CryptUtil.random_string(128, ALLOWED_HANDLE)
OpenID::Association.new(handle, secret, Time.now + issued, lifetime, 'HMAC-SHA1')
def assert_retrieve(url, handle = nil, expected = nil)
assoc = @store.get_association(url, handle)
if expected.nil?
assert_equal(expected, assoc)
assert_equal(expected.handle, assoc.handle)
assert_equal(expected.secret, assoc.secret)
def assert_remove(url, handle, expected)
present = @store.remove_association(url, handle)
assert_equal(expected, present)
def assert_nonce(nonce, expected, server_url, msg = "")
stamp, salt = OpenID::Nonce::split_nonce(nonce)
actual = @store.use_nonce(server_url, stamp, salt)
assert_equal(expected, actual, msg)