Eric Davis 7b0cb6aba8 Upgraded to Rails 2.3.4 (#3597)
* Ran the Rails upgrade
* Upgraded to Rails Engines 2.3.2
* Added a plugin to let Engines override application views.
* Converted tests to use the new classes:
** ActionController::TestCase for functional
** ActiveSupport::TestCase for units
* Converted ActiveRecord::Error message to a string.
* ActiveRecord grouping returns an ordered hash which doesn't have #sort!
* Updated the I18n storage_units format.
* Added some default initializers from a fresh rails app
* Changed the order of check_box_tags and hidden_field_tags.  The hidden tag
  needs to appear first in Rails 2.3, otherwise it will override any value in
  the check_box_tag.
* Removed the custom handler for when the cookie store is tampered with.
  Rails 2.3 removed the TamperedWithCookie exception and instead Rails will not
  load the data from it when it's been tampered with (e.g. no user login).
* Fixed mail layouts, 2.3 has problems with implicit multipart emails that
  use layouts.  Also removed some custom Redmine mailer code.
* Fixed a bug that occurred in tests where the "required" span tag would be
  added to the :field_status translation.  This resulted in an email string of:

    <li>Status<span class="required"> *</span><span class="required"> *</span>

  Instead of:

    <li>Status: New</li>

git-svn-id: svn+ssh:// e93f8b46-1217-0410-a6f0-8f06a7374b81
2009-09-13 17:14:35 +00:00

53 lines
2.1 KiB

# Be sure to restart your web server when you modify this file.
# Uncomment below to force Rails into production mode when
# you don't control web/app server and can't set it the proper way
# ENV['RAILS_ENV'] ||= 'production'
# Specifies gem version of Rails to use when vendor/rails is not present
RAILS_GEM_VERSION = '2.3.4' unless defined? RAILS_GEM_VERSION
# Bootstrap the Rails environment, frameworks, and default configuration
require File.join(File.dirname(__FILE__), 'boot')
# Load Engine plugin if available
require File.join(File.dirname(__FILE__), '../vendor/plugins/engines/boot')
rescue LoadError
# Not available
end do |config|
# Settings in config/environments/* take precedence those specified here
# Skip frameworks you're not going to use
# config.frameworks -= [ :action_web_service, :action_mailer ]
# Add additional load paths for sweepers
config.load_paths += %W( #{RAILS_ROOT}/app/sweepers )
# Force all environments to use the same logger level
# (by default production uses :info, the others :debug)
# config.log_level = :debug
# Enable page/fragment caching by setting a file-based store
# (remember to create the caching directory and make it readable to the application)
# config.action_controller.fragment_cache_store = :file_store, "#{RAILS_ROOT}/cache"
# Activate observers that should always be running
# config.active_record.observers = :cacher, :garbage_collector
config.active_record.observers = :message_observer, :issue_observer, :journal_observer, :news_observer, :document_observer, :wiki_content_observer
# Make Active Record use UTC-base instead of local time
# config.active_record.default_timezone = :utc
# Use Active Record's schema dumper instead of SQL when creating the test database
# (enables use of different database adapters for development and test environments)
# config.active_record.schema_format = :ruby
# Deliveries are disabled by default. Do NOT modify this section.
# Define your email configuration in email.yml instead.
# It will automatically turn deliveries on
config.action_mailer.perform_deliveries = false