Jean-Philippe Lang e4ce95c3a1 Added a couple of new formats for the 'date format' setting.
Added a 'time format' setting.

git-svn-id: e93f8b46-1217-0410-a6f0-8f06a7374b81
2007-11-16 20:26:36 +00:00

42 lines
1.9 KiB

<h2><%=l(:label_activity)%>: <%= "#{month_name(@month).downcase} #{@year}" %></h2>
<% @events_by_day.keys.sort {|x,y| y <=> x }.each do |day| %>
<h3><%= day_name(day.cwday) %> <%= %></h3>
<% @events_by_day[day].sort {|x,y| y.event_datetime <=> x.event_datetime }.each do |e| %>
<li><p><%= format_time(e.event_datetime, false) %> <%= link_to truncate(e.event_title, 100), e.event_url %><br />
<% unless e.event_description.blank? %><em><%= truncate(e.event_description, 500) %></em><br /><% end %>
<span class="author"><%= e.event_author if e.respond_to?(:event_author) %></span></p></li>
<% end %>
<% end %>
<% if @events_by_day.empty? %><p class="nodata"><%= l(:label_no_data) %></p><% end %>
<div style="float:left;">
<% prev_params = params.clone.update :year => (@month==1 ? @year-1 : @year), :month =>(@month==1 ? 12 : @month-1) %>
<%= link_to_remote ('&#171; ' + (@month==1 ? "#{month_name(12)} #{@year-1}" : "#{month_name(@month-1)}")),
{:update => "content", :url => prev_params}, {:href => url_for(prev_params)} %>
<div style="float:right;">
<% next_params = params.clone.update :year => (@month==12 ? @year+1 : @year), :month =>(@month==12 ? 1 : @month+1) %>
<%= link_to_remote ((@month==12 ? "#{month_name(1)} #{@year+1}" : "#{month_name(@month+1)}") + ' &#187;'),
{:update => "content", :url => next_params}, {:href => url_for(next_params)} %>
<br />
<% content_for :header_tags do %>
<%= auto_discovery_link_tag(:atom, params.merge({:format => 'atom', :year => nil, :month => nil, :key => User.current.rss_key})) %>
<% end %>
<% content_for :sidebar do %>
<% form_tag do %>
<h3><%= l(:label_activity) %></h3>
<p><% @event_types.each do |t| %>
<label><%= check_box_tag "show_#{t}", 1, @scope.include?(t) %> <%= l("label_#{t.singularize}_plural")%></label><br />
<% end %></p>
<p><%= submit_tag l(:button_apply), :class => 'button-small' %></p>
<% end %>
<% end %>