
250 lines
9.0 KiB

<% zoom = 1
@zoom.times { zoom = zoom * 2 }
subject_width = 330
header_heigth = 18
headers_height = header_heigth
show_weeks = false
show_days = false
if @zoom >1
show_weeks = true
headers_height = 2*header_heigth
if @zoom > 2
show_days = true
headers_height = 3*header_heigth
g_width = (@date_to - @date_from + 1)*zoom
g_height = [(20 * @events.length + 6)+150, 206].max
t_height = g_height + headers_height
<div class="contextual">
<h2><%= l(:label_gantt) %></h2>
<% form_tag(params.merge(:month => nil, :year => nil, :months => nil)) do %>
<table width="100%">
<td align="left">
<input type="text" name="months" size="2" value="<%= @months %>" />
<%= l(:label_months_from) %>
<%= select_month(@month_from, :prefix => "month", :discard_type => true) %>
<%= select_year(@year_from, :prefix => "year", :discard_type => true) %>
<%= hidden_field_tag 'zoom', @zoom %>
<%= submit_tag l(:button_submit), :class => "button-small" %>
<td align="right">
<%= if @zoom < 4
link_to image_tag('zoom_in.png'), {:zoom => (@zoom+1), :year => @year_from, :month => @month_from, :months => @months, :tracker_ids => @selected_tracker_ids, :with_subprojects => params[:with_subprojects]}
image_tag 'zoom_in_g.png'
end %>
<%= if @zoom > 1
link_to image_tag('zoom_out.png'),{:zoom => (@zoom-1), :year => @year_from, :month => @month_from, :months => @months, :tracker_ids => @selected_tracker_ids, :with_subprojects => params[:with_subprojects]}
image_tag 'zoom_out_g.png'
end %>
<% end %>
<% cache(:year => @year_from, :month => @month_from, :months => @months, :zoom => @zoom, :tracker_ids => @selected_tracker_ids, :subprojects => params[:with_subprojects], :lang => current_language) do %>
<table width="100%" style="border:0; border-collapse: collapse;">
<td style="width:<%= subject_width %>px;">
<div style="position:relative;height:<%= t_height + 24 %>px;width:<%= subject_width + 1 %>px;">
<div style="right:-2px;width:<%= subject_width %>px;height:<%= headers_height %>px;background: #eee;" class="gantt_hdr"></div>
<div style="right:-2px;width:<%= subject_width %>px;height:<%= t_height %>px;border-left: 1px solid #c0c0c0;overflow:hidden;" class="gantt_hdr"></div>
# Tasks subjects
top = headers_height + 8
@events.each do |i| %>
<div style="position: absolute;line-height:1.2em;height:16px;top:<%= top %>px;left:4px;overflow:hidden;"><small>
<% if i.is_a? Issue %>
<%= h("#{i.project.name} -") unless @project && @project == i.project %>
<%= link_to_issue i %>: <%=h i.subject %>
<% else %>
<%= link_to_version i, :class => "icon icon-package" %>
<% end %>
<% top = top + 20
end %>
<div style="position:relative;height:<%= t_height + 24 %>px;overflow:auto;">
<div style="width:<%= g_width-1 %>px;height:<%= headers_height %>px;background: #eee;" class="gantt_hdr">&nbsp;</div>
# Months headers
month_f = @date_from
left = 0
height = (show_weeks ? header_heigth : header_heigth + g_height)
@months.times do
width = ((month_f >> 1) - month_f) * zoom - 1
<div style="left:<%= left %>px;width:<%= width %>px;height:<%= height %>px;" class="gantt_hdr">
<%= link_to "#{month_f.year}-#{month_f.month}", { :year => month_f.year, :month => month_f.month, :zoom => @zoom, :months => @months, :tracker_ids => @selected_tracker_ids, :with_subprojects => params[:with_subprojects] }, :title => "#{month_name(month_f.month)} #{month_f.year}"%>
left = left + width + 1
month_f = month_f >> 1
end %>
# Weeks headers
if show_weeks
left = 0
height = (show_days ? header_heigth-1 : header_heigth-1 + g_height)
if @date_from.cwday == 1
# @date_from is monday
week_f = @date_from
# find next monday after @date_from
week_f = @date_from + (7 - @date_from.cwday + 1)
width = (7 - @date_from.cwday + 1) * zoom-1
<div style="left:<%= left %>px;top:19px;width:<%= width %>px;height:<%= height %>px;" class="gantt_hdr">&nbsp;</div>
left = left + width+1
end %>
while week_f <= @date_to
width = (week_f + 6 <= @date_to) ? 7 * zoom -1 : (@date_to - week_f + 1) * zoom-1
<div style="left:<%= left %>px;top:19px;width:<%= width %>px;height:<%= height %>px;" class="gantt_hdr">
<small><%= week_f.cweek if width >= 16 %></small>
left = left + width+1
week_f = week_f+7
end %>
# Days headers
if show_days
left = 0
height = g_height + header_heigth - 1
wday = @date_from.cwday
(@date_to - @date_from + 1).to_i.times do
width = zoom - 1
<div style="left:<%= left %>px;top:37px;width:<%= width %>px;height:<%= height %>px;font-size:0.7em;<%= "background:#f1f1f1;" if wday > 5 %>" class="gantt_hdr">
<%= day_name(wday).first %>
left = left + width+1
wday = wday + 1
wday = 1 if wday > 7
end %>
# Tasks
top = headers_height + 10
@events.each do |i|
if i.is_a? Issue
i_start_date = (i.start_date >= @date_from ? i.start_date : @date_from )
i_end_date = (i.due_date <= @date_to ? i.due_date : @date_to )
i_done_date = i.start_date + ((i.due_date - i.start_date+1)*i.done_ratio/100).floor
i_done_date = (i_done_date <= @date_from ? @date_from : i_done_date )
i_done_date = (i_done_date >= @date_to ? @date_to : i_done_date )
i_late_date = [i_end_date, Date.today].min if i_start_date < Date.today
i_left = ((i_start_date - @date_from)*zoom).floor
i_width = ((i_end_date - i_start_date + 1)*zoom).floor - 2 # total width of the issue (- 2 for left and right borders)
d_width = ((i_done_date - i_start_date)*zoom).floor - 2 # done width
l_width = i_late_date ? ((i_late_date - i_start_date+1)*zoom).floor - 2 : 0 # delay width
<div style="top:<%= top %>px;left:<%= i_left %>px;width:<%= i_width %>px;" class="task task_todo">&nbsp;</div>
<% if l_width > 0 %>
<div style="top:<%= top %>px;left:<%= i_left %>px;width:<%= l_width %>px;" class="task task_late">&nbsp;</div>
<% end %>
<% if d_width > 0 %>
<div style="top:<%= top %>px;left:<%= i_left %>px;width:<%= d_width %>px;" class="task task_done">&nbsp;</div>
<% end %>
<div style="top:<%= top %>px;left:<%= i_left + i_width + 5 %>px;background:#fff;" class="task">
<%= i.status.name %>
<%= (i.done_ratio).to_i %>%
<% # === tooltip === %>
<div class="tooltip" style="position: absolute;top:<%= top %>px;left:<%= i_left %>px;width:<%= i_width %>px;height:12px;">
<span class="tip">
<%= render_issue_tooltip i %>
<% else
i_left = ((i.start_date - @date_from)*zoom).floor
<div style="top:<%= top %>px;left:<%= i_left %>px;width:15px;" class="task milestone">&nbsp;</div>
<div style="top:<%= top %>px;left:<%= i_left + 12 %>px;background:#fff;" class="task">
<strong><%= i.name %></strong>
<% end %>
<% top = top + 20
end %>
<% end # cache
# Today red line (excluded from cache)
if Date.today >= @date_from and Date.today <= @date_to %>
<div style="position: absolute;height:<%= g_height %>px;top:<%= headers_height + 1 %>px;left:<%= ((Date.today-@date_from+1)*zoom).floor()-1 %>px;width:10px;border-left: 1px dashed red;">&nbsp;</div>
<% end %>
<table width="100%">
<td align="left"><%= link_to ('&#171; ' + l(:label_previous)), :year => (@date_from << @months).year, :month => (@date_from << @months).month, :zoom => @zoom, :months => @months, :tracker_ids => @selected_tracker_ids, :with_subprojects => params[:with_subprojects] %></td>
<td align="right"><%= link_to (l(:label_next) + ' &#187;'), :year => (@date_from >> @months).year, :month => (@date_from >> @months).month, :zoom => @zoom, :months => @months, :tracker_ids => @selected_tracker_ids, :with_subprojects => params[:with_subprojects] %></td>
<div class="contextual"><%= l(:label_export_to) %>
<%= link_to 'PDF', {:zoom => @zoom, :year => @year_from, :month => @month_from, :months => @months, :tracker_ids => @selected_tracker_ids, :with_subprojects => params[:with_subprojects], :format => 'pdf'}, :class => 'icon icon-pdf' %>
<%= link_to 'PNG', {:zoom => @zoom, :year => @year_from, :month => @month_from, :months => @months, :tracker_ids => @selected_tracker_ids, :with_subprojects => params[:with_subprojects], :format => 'png'}, :class => 'icon icon-image' if respond_to?('gantt_image') %>
<% content_for :sidebar do %>
<h3><%= l(:label_gantt) %></h3>
<% form_tag(params.merge(:tracker_ids => nil, :with_subprojects => nil)) do %>
<% @trackers.each do |tracker| %>
<label><%= check_box_tag "tracker_ids[]", tracker.id, (@selected_tracker_ids.include? tracker.id.to_s) %> <%= tracker.name %></label><br />
<% end %>
<% if @project.active_children.any? %>
<br /><label><%= check_box_tag "with_subprojects", 1, params[:with_subprojects] %> <%=l(:label_subproject_plural)%></label>
<% end %>
<p><%= submit_tag l(:button_apply), :class => 'button-small' %></p>
<% end %>
<% end %>
<% set_html_title l(:label_gantt) -%>