#-- encoding: UTF-8 #-- copyright # ChiliProject is a project management system. # # Copyright (C) 2010-2011 the ChiliProject Team # # This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or # modify it under the terms of the GNU General Public License # as published by the Free Software Foundation; either version 2 # of the License, or (at your option) any later version. # # See doc/COPYRIGHT.rdoc for more details. #++ require 'diff' # The WikiController follows the Rails REST controller pattern but with # a few differences # # * index - shows a list of WikiPages grouped by page or date # * new - not used # * create - not used # * show - will also show the form for creating a new wiki page # * edit - used to edit an existing or new page # * update - used to save a wiki page update to the database, including new pages # * destroy - normal # # Other member and collection methods are also used # # TODO: still being worked on class WikiController < ApplicationController default_search_scope :wiki_pages before_filter :find_wiki, :authorize before_filter :find_existing_page, :only => [:rename, :protect, :history, :diff, :annotate, :add_attachment, :destroy] verify :method => :post, :only => [:protect], :redirect_to => { :action => :show } include AttachmentsHelper # List of pages, sorted alphabetically and by parent (hierarchy) def index load_pages_for_index @pages_by_parent_id = @pages.group_by(&:parent_id) end # List of page, by last update def date_index load_pages_for_index @pages_by_date = @pages.group_by {|p| p.updated_on.to_date} end # display a page (in editing mode if it doesn't exist) def show page_title = params[:id] @page = @wiki.find_or_new_page(page_title) if @page.new_record? if User.current.allowed_to?(:edit_wiki_pages, @project) && editable? edit render :action => 'edit' else render_404 end return end if params[:version] && !User.current.allowed_to?(:view_wiki_edits, @project) # Redirects user to the current version if he's not allowed to view previous versions redirect_to :version => nil return end @content = @page.content_for_version(params[:version]) if User.current.allowed_to?(:export_wiki_pages, @project) if params[:format] == 'html' export = render_to_string :action => 'export', :layout => false send_data(export, :type => 'text/html', :filename => "#{@page.title}.html") return elsif params[:format] == 'txt' send_data(@content.text, :type => 'text/plain', :filename => "#{@page.title}.txt") return end end @editable = editable? end # edit an existing page or a new one def edit @page = @wiki.find_or_new_page(params[:id]) return render_403 unless editable? @page.content = WikiContent.new(:page => @page) if @page.new_record? @content = @page.content_for_version(params[:version]) @content.text = initial_page_content(@page) if @content.text.blank? # don't keep previous comment @content.comments = nil # To prevent StaleObjectError exception when reverting to a previous version @content.lock_version = @page.content.lock_version end verify :method => :put, :only => :update, :render => {:nothing => true, :status => :method_not_allowed } # Creates a new page or updates an existing one def update @page = @wiki.find_or_new_page(params[:id]) return render_403 unless editable? @page.content = WikiContent.new(:page => @page) if @page.new_record? @content = @page.content_for_version(params[:version]) @content.text = initial_page_content(@page) if @content.text.blank? # don't keep previous comment @content.comments = nil if !@page.new_record? && params[:content].present? && @content.text == params[:content][:text] attachments = Attachment.attach_files(@page, params[:attachments]) render_attachment_warning_if_needed(@page) # don't save if text wasn't changed redirect_to :action => 'show', :project_id => @project, :id => @page.title return end params[:content].delete(:version) # The version count is automatically increased @content.attributes = params[:content] @content.author = User.current # if page is new @page.save will also save content, but not if page isn't a new record if (@page.new_record? ? @page.save : @content.save) attachments = Attachment.attach_files(@page, params[:attachments]) render_attachment_warning_if_needed(@page) call_hook(:controller_wiki_edit_after_save, { :params => params, :page => @page}) redirect_to :action => 'show', :project_id => @project, :id => @page.title else render :action => 'edit' end rescue ActiveRecord::StaleObjectError # Optimistic locking exception flash.now[:error] = l(:notice_locking_conflict) render :action => 'edit' end # rename a page def rename return render_403 unless editable? @page.redirect_existing_links = true # used to display the *original* title if some AR validation errors occur @original_title = @page.pretty_title if request.post? && @page.update_attributes(params[:wiki_page]) flash[:notice] = l(:notice_successful_update) redirect_to :action => 'show', :project_id => @project, :id => @page.title end end def protect @page.update_attribute :protected, params[:protected] redirect_to :action => 'show', :project_id => @project, :id => @page.title end # show page history def history @version_count = @page.content.versions.count @version_pages = Paginator.new self, @version_count, per_page_option, params['p'] # don't load text @versions = @page.content.versions.find :all, :select => "id, user_id, notes, created_at, version", :order => 'version DESC', :limit => @version_pages.items_per_page + 1, :offset => @version_pages.current.offset render :layout => false if request.xhr? end def diff @diff = @page.diff(params[:version], params[:version_from]) render_404 unless @diff end def annotate @annotate = @page.annotate(params[:version]) render_404 unless @annotate @editable = editable? end verify :method => :delete, :only => [:destroy], :redirect_to => { :action => :show } # Removes a wiki page and its history # Children can be either set as root pages, removed or reassigned to another parent page def destroy return render_403 unless editable? @descendants_count = @page.descendants.size if @descendants_count > 0 case params[:todo] when 'nullify' # Nothing to do when 'destroy' # Removes all its descendants @page.descendants.each(&:destroy) when 'reassign' # Reassign children to another parent page reassign_to = @wiki.pages.find_by_id(params[:reassign_to_id].to_i) return unless reassign_to @page.children.each do |child| child.update_attribute(:parent, reassign_to) end else @reassignable_to = @wiki.pages - @page.self_and_descendants return end end @page.destroy redirect_to :action => 'index', :project_id => @project end # Export wiki to a single html file def export if User.current.allowed_to?(:export_wiki_pages, @project) @pages = @wiki.pages.find :all, :order => 'title' export = render_to_string :action => 'export_multiple', :layout => false send_data(export, :type => 'text/html', :filename => "wiki.html") else redirect_to :action => 'show', :project_id => @project, :id => nil end end def preview page = @wiki.find_page(params[:id]) # page is nil when previewing a new page return render_403 unless page.nil? || editable?(page) if page @attachements = page.attachments @previewed = page.content end @text = params[:content][:text] render :partial => 'common/preview' end def add_attachment return render_403 unless editable? attachments = Attachment.attach_files(@page, params[:attachments]) render_attachment_warning_if_needed(@page) redirect_to :action => 'show', :id => @page.title, :project_id => @project end private def find_wiki @project = Project.find(params[:project_id]) @wiki = @project.wiki render_404 unless @wiki rescue ActiveRecord::RecordNotFound render_404 end # Finds the requested page and returns a 404 error if it doesn't exist def find_existing_page @page = @wiki.find_page(params[:id]) render_404 if @page.nil? end # Returns true if the current user is allowed to edit the page, otherwise false def editable?(page = @page) page.editable_by?(User.current) end # Returns the default content of a new wiki page def initial_page_content(page) helper = Redmine::WikiFormatting.helper_for(Setting.text_formatting) extend helper unless self.instance_of?(helper) helper.instance_method(:initial_page_content).bind(self).call(page) end def load_pages_for_index @pages = @wiki.pages.with_updated_on.all(:order => 'title', :include => {:wiki => :project}) end end