require 'redmine/scm/adapters/subversion_adapter' class Repository::Subversion < Repository attr_protected :root_url validates_presence_of :url validates_format_of :url, :with => /^(http|https|svn(\+[^\s:\/\\]+)?|file):\/\/.+/i def self.scm_adapter_class Redmine::Scm::Adapters::SubversionAdapter end def self.scm_name 'Subversion' end def supports_directory_revisions? true end def repo_log_encoding 'UTF-8' end def latest_changesets(path, rev, limit=10) revisions = scm.revisions(path, rev, nil, :limit => limit) revisions ? changesets.find_all_by_revision(revisions.collect(&:identifier), :order => "committed_on DESC", :include => :user) : [] end # Returns a path relative to the url of the repository def relative_path(path) path.gsub("^\/?#{Regexp.escape(relative_url)}"), '') end def fetch_changesets scm_info = if scm_info # latest revision found in database db_revision = latest_changeset ? latest_changeset.revision.to_i : 0 # latest revision in the repository scm_revision = scm_info.lastrev.identifier.to_i if db_revision < scm_revision logger.debug "Fetching changesets for repository #{url}" if logger && logger.debug? identifier_from = db_revision + 1 while (identifier_from <= scm_revision) # loads changesets by batches of 200 identifier_to = [identifier_from + 199, scm_revision].min revisions = scm.revisions('', identifier_to, identifier_from, :with_paths => true) revisions.reverse_each do |revision| transaction do changeset = Changeset.create(:repository => self, :revision => revision.identifier, :committer =>, :committed_on => revision.time, :comments => revision.message) revision.paths.each do |change| changeset.create_change(change) end unless changeset.new_record? end end unless revisions.nil? identifier_from = identifier_to + 1 end end end end private # Returns the relative url of the repository # Eg: root_url = file:///var/svn/foo # url = file:///var/svn/foo/bar # => returns /bar def relative_url @relative_url ||= url.gsub("^#{Regexp.escape(root_url || scm.root_url)}", Regexp::IGNORECASE), '') end end