# redMine - project management software # Copyright (C) 2006-2007 Jean-Philippe Lang # # This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or # modify it under the terms of the GNU General Public License # as published by the Free Software Foundation; either version 2 # of the License, or (at your option) any later version. # # This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, # but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of # MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the # GNU General Public License for more details. # # You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License # along with this program; if not, write to the Free Software # Foundation, Inc., 51 Franklin Street, Fifth Floor, Boston, MA 02110-1301, USA. require 'redmine/scm/adapters/abstract_adapter' require 'cgi' module Redmine module Scm module Adapters class MercurialAdapter < AbstractAdapter # Mercurial executable name HG_BIN = "hg" TEMPLATES_DIR = File.dirname(__FILE__) + "/mercurial" TEMPLATE_NAME = "hg-template" TEMPLATE_EXTENSION = "tmpl" class << self def client_version @@client_version ||= (hgversion || []) end def hgversion # The hg version is expressed either as a # release number (eg 0.9.5 or 1.0) or as a revision # id composed of 12 hexa characters. theversion = hgversion_from_command_line if m = theversion.match(%r{\A(.*?)((\d+\.)+\d+)}) m[2].scan(%r{\d+}).collect(&:to_i) end end def hgversion_from_command_line shellout("#{HG_BIN} --version") { |io| io.read }.to_s end def template_path @@template_path ||= template_path_for(client_version) end def template_path_for(version) if ((version <=> [0,9,5]) > 0) || version.empty? ver = "1.0" else ver = "0.9.5" end "#{TEMPLATES_DIR}/#{TEMPLATE_NAME}-#{ver}.#{TEMPLATE_EXTENSION}" end end def info cmd = "#{HG_BIN} -R #{target('')} root" root_url = nil shellout(cmd) do |io| root_url = io.read end return nil if $? && $?.exitstatus != 0 info = Info.new({:root_url => root_url.chomp, :lastrev => revisions(nil,nil,nil,{:limit => 1}).last }) info rescue CommandFailed return nil end def entries(path=nil, identifier=nil) path ||= '' entries = Entries.new cmd = "#{HG_BIN} -R #{target('')} --cwd #{target('')} locate" cmd << " -r " + shell_quote(identifier ? identifier.to_s : "tip") cmd << " " + shell_quote("path:#{path}") unless path.empty? shellout(cmd) do |io| io.each_line do |line| # HG uses antislashs as separator on Windows line = line.gsub(/\\/, "/") if path.empty? or e = line.gsub!(%r{^#{with_trailling_slash(path)}},'') e ||= line e = e.chomp.split(%r{[\/\\]}) entries << Entry.new({:name => e.first, :path => (path.nil? or path.empty? ? e.first : "#{with_trailling_slash(path)}#{e.first}"), :kind => (e.size > 1 ? 'dir' : 'file'), :lastrev => Revision.new }) unless e.empty? || entries.detect{|entry| entry.name == e.first} end end end return nil if $? && $?.exitstatus != 0 entries.sort_by_name end # Fetch the revisions by using a template file that # makes Mercurial produce a xml output. def revisions(path=nil, identifier_from=nil, identifier_to=nil, options={}) revisions = Revisions.new cmd = "#{HG_BIN} --debug --encoding utf8 -R #{target('')} log -C --style #{shell_quote self.class.template_path}" if identifier_from && identifier_to cmd << " -r #{identifier_from.to_i}:#{identifier_to.to_i}" elsif identifier_from cmd << " -r #{identifier_from.to_i}:" end cmd << " --limit #{options[:limit].to_i}" if options[:limit] cmd << " #{shell_quote path}" unless path.blank? shellout(cmd) do |io| begin # HG doesn't close the XML Document... doc = REXML::Document.new(io.read << "") doc.elements.each("log/logentry") do |logentry| paths = [] copies = logentry.get_elements('paths/path-copied') logentry.elements.each("paths/path") do |path| # Detect if the added file is a copy if path.attributes['action'] == 'A' and c = copies.find{ |e| e.text == path.text } from_path = c.attributes['copyfrom-path'] from_rev = logentry.attributes['revision'] end paths << {:action => path.attributes['action'], :path => "/#{CGI.unescape(path.text)}", :from_path => from_path ? "/#{CGI.unescape(from_path)}" : nil, :from_revision => from_rev ? from_rev : nil } end paths.sort! { |x,y| x[:path] <=> y[:path] } revisions << Revision.new({:identifier => logentry.attributes['revision'], :scmid => logentry.attributes['node'], :author => (logentry.elements['author'] ? logentry.elements['author'].text : ""), :time => Time.parse(logentry.elements['date'].text).localtime, :message => logentry.elements['msg'].text, :paths => paths }) end rescue logger.debug($!) end end return nil if $? && $?.exitstatus != 0 revisions end def diff(path, identifier_from, identifier_to=nil) path ||= '' diff_args = '' if identifier_to diff_args = "-r #{hgrev(identifier_to)} -r #{hgrev(identifier_from)}" else diff_args = "-c #{hgrev(identifier_from)}" end cmd = "#{HG_BIN} -R #{target('')} diff --nodates #{diff_args}" cmd << " -I #{target(path)}" unless path.empty? diff = [] shellout(cmd) do |io| io.each_line do |line| diff << line end end return nil if $? && $?.exitstatus != 0 diff end def cat(path, identifier=nil) cmd = "#{HG_BIN} -R #{target('')} cat" cmd << " -r " + shell_quote(identifier ? identifier.to_s : "tip") cmd << " #{target(path)}" cat = nil shellout(cmd) do |io| io.binmode cat = io.read end return nil if $? && $?.exitstatus != 0 cat end def annotate(path, identifier=nil) path ||= '' cmd = "#{HG_BIN} -R #{target('')}" cmd << " annotate -ncu" cmd << " -r #{hgrev(identifier)}" cmd << " #{target(path)}" blame = Annotate.new shellout(cmd) do |io| io.each_line do |line| next unless line =~ %r{^([^:]+)\s(\d+)\s([0-9a-f]+):\s(.*)$} r = Revision.new(:author => $1.strip, :revision => $2, :scmid => $3, :identifier => $3) blame.add_line($4.rstrip, r) end end return nil if $? && $?.exitstatus != 0 blame end class Revision < Redmine::Scm::Adapters::Revision # Returns the readable identifier def format_identifier "#{revision}:#{scmid}" end end # Returns correct revision identifier def hgrev(identifier) shell_quote(identifier.blank? ? 'tip' : identifier.to_s) end private :hgrev end end end end