#-- copyright # ChiliProject is a project management system. # # Copyright (C) 2010-2011 the ChiliProject Team # # This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or # modify it under the terms of the GNU General Public License # as published by the Free Software Foundation; either version 2 # of the License, or (at your option) any later version. # # See doc/COPYRIGHT.rdoc for more details. #++ module Redmine module WikiFormatting @@formatters = {} class << self def map yield self end def register(name, formatter, helper) raise ArgumentError, "format name '#{name}' is already taken" if @@formatters[name.to_s] @@formatters[name.to_s] = {:formatter => formatter, :helper => helper} end def formatter_for(name) entry = @@formatters[name.to_s] (entry && entry[:formatter]) || Redmine::WikiFormatting::NullFormatter::Formatter end def helper_for(name) entry = @@formatters[name.to_s] (entry && entry[:helper]) || Redmine::WikiFormatting::NullFormatter::Helper end def format_names @@formatters.keys.map end def to_html(format, text, options = {}, &block) text = if Setting.cache_formatted_text? && text.size > 2.kilobyte && cache_store && cache_key = cache_key_for(format, options[:object], options[:attribute]) # Text retrieved from the cache store may be frozen # We need to dup it so we can do in-place substitutions with gsub! cache_store.fetch cache_key do formatter_for(format).new(text).to_html end.dup else formatter_for(format).new(text).to_html end if block_given? execute_macros(text, block) end text end # Returns a cache key for the given text +format+, +object+ and +attribute+ or nil if no caching should be done def cache_key_for(format, object, attribute) if object && attribute && !object.new_record? && object.respond_to?(:updated_on) && !format.blank? "formatted_text/#{format}/#{object.class.model_name.cache_key}/#{object.id}-#{attribute}-#{object.updated_on.to_s(:number)}" end end # Returns the cache store used to cache HTML output def cache_store ActionController::Base.cache_store end MACROS_RE = / (!)? # escaping ( \{\{ # opening tag ([\w]+) # macro name (\(([^\}]*)\))? # optional arguments \}\} # closing tag ) /x unless const_defined?(:MACROS_RE) # Macros substitution def execute_macros(text, macros_runner) text.gsub!(MACROS_RE) do esc, all, macro = $1, $2, $3.downcase args = ($5 || '').split(',').each(&:strip) if esc.nil? begin macros_runner.call(macro, args) rescue => e "
Error executing the #{macro} macro (#{e})
" end || all else all end end end end # Default formatter module module NullFormatter class Formatter include ActionView::Helpers::TagHelper include ActionView::Helpers::TextHelper include ActionView::Helpers::UrlHelper def initialize(text) @text = text end def to_html(*args) simple_format(auto_link(CGI::escapeHTML(@text))) end end module Helper def wikitoolbar_for(field_id) end def heads_for_wiki_formatter end def initial_page_content(page) page.pretty_title.to_s end end end end end