#-- copyright # ChiliProject is a project management system. # # Copyright (C) 2010-2011 the ChiliProject Team # # This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or # modify it under the terms of the GNU General Public License # as published by the Free Software Foundation; either version 2 # of the License, or (at your option) any later version. # # See doc/COPYRIGHT.rdoc for more details. #++ require File.expand_path('../../../test_helper', __FILE__) class ApplicationHelperTest < ActionView::TestCase fixtures :projects, :roles, :enabled_modules, :users, :repositories, :changesets, :trackers, :issue_statuses, :issues, :versions, :documents, :wikis, :wiki_pages, :wiki_contents, :boards, :messages, :attachments, :enumerations def setup super end context "#link_to_if_authorized" do context "authorized user" do should "be tested" end context "unauthorized user" do should "be tested" end should "allow using the :controller and :action for the target link" do User.current = User.find_by_login('admin') @project = Issue.first.project # Used by helper response = link_to_if_authorized("By controller/action", {:controller => 'issues', :action => 'edit', :id => Issue.first.id}) assert_match /href/, response end end def test_auto_links to_test = { 'http://foo.bar' => '<a class="external" href="http://foo.bar">http://foo.bar</a>', 'http://foo.bar/~user' => '<a class="external" href="http://foo.bar/~user">http://foo.bar/~user</a>', 'http://foo.bar.' => '<a class="external" href="http://foo.bar">http://foo.bar</a>.', 'https://foo.bar.' => '<a class="external" href="https://foo.bar">https://foo.bar</a>.', 'This is a link: http://foo.bar.' => 'This is a link: <a class="external" href="http://foo.bar">http://foo.bar</a>.', 'A link (eg. http://foo.bar).' => 'A link (eg. <a class="external" href="http://foo.bar">http://foo.bar</a>).', 'http://foo.bar/foo.bar#foo.bar.' => '<a class="external" href="http://foo.bar/foo.bar#foo.bar">http://foo.bar/foo.bar#foo.bar</a>.', 'http://www.foo.bar/Test_(foobar)' => '<a class="external" href="http://www.foo.bar/Test_(foobar)">http://www.foo.bar/Test_(foobar)</a>', '(see inline link : http://www.foo.bar/Test_(foobar))' => '(see inline link : <a class="external" href="http://www.foo.bar/Test_(foobar)">http://www.foo.bar/Test_(foobar)</a>)', '(see inline link : http://www.foo.bar/Test)' => '(see inline link : <a class="external" href="http://www.foo.bar/Test">http://www.foo.bar/Test</a>)', '(see inline link : http://www.foo.bar/Test).' => '(see inline link : <a class="external" href="http://www.foo.bar/Test">http://www.foo.bar/Test</a>).', '(see "inline link":http://www.foo.bar/Test_(foobar))' => '(see <a href="http://www.foo.bar/Test_(foobar)" class="external">inline link</a>)', '(see "inline link":http://www.foo.bar/Test)' => '(see <a href="http://www.foo.bar/Test" class="external">inline link</a>)', '(see "inline link":http://www.foo.bar/Test).' => '(see <a href="http://www.foo.bar/Test" class="external">inline link</a>).', 'www.foo.bar' => '<a class="external" href="http://www.foo.bar">www.foo.bar</a>', 'http://foo.bar/page?p=1&t=z&s=' => '<a class="external" href="http://foo.bar/page?p=1&t=z&s=">http://foo.bar/page?p=1&t=z&s=</a>', 'http://foo.bar/page#125' => '<a class="external" href="http://foo.bar/page#125">http://foo.bar/page#125</a>', 'http://foo@www.bar.com' => '<a class="external" href="http://foo@www.bar.com">http://foo@www.bar.com</a>', 'http://foo:bar@www.bar.com' => '<a class="external" href="http://foo:bar@www.bar.com">http://foo:bar@www.bar.com</a>', 'ftp://foo.bar' => '<a class="external" href="ftp://foo.bar">ftp://foo.bar</a>', 'ftps://foo.bar' => '<a class="external" href="ftps://foo.bar">ftps://foo.bar</a>', 'sftp://foo.bar' => '<a class="external" href="sftp://foo.bar">sftp://foo.bar</a>', # two exclamation marks 'http://example.net/path!602815048C7B5C20!302.html' => '<a class="external" href="http://example.net/path!602815048C7B5C20!302.html">http://example.net/path!602815048C7B5C20!302.html</a>', # escaping 'http://foo"bar' => '<a class="external" href="http://foo"bar">http://foo"bar</a>', # wrap in angle brackets '<http://foo.bar>' => '<<a class="external" href="http://foo.bar">http://foo.bar</a>>' } to_test.each { |text, result| assert_equal "<p>#{result}</p>", textilizable(text) } end def test_auto_mailto assert_equal '<p><a class="email" href="mailto:test@foo.bar">test@foo.bar</a></p>', textilizable('test@foo.bar') end def test_inline_images to_test = { '!http://foo.bar/image.jpg!' => '<img src="http://foo.bar/image.jpg" alt="" />', 'floating !>http://foo.bar/image.jpg!' => 'floating <div style="float:right"><img src="http://foo.bar/image.jpg" alt="" /></div>', 'with class !(some-class)http://foo.bar/image.jpg!' => 'with class <img src="http://foo.bar/image.jpg" class="some-class" alt="" />', # inline styles should be stripped 'with style !{width:100px;height100px}http://foo.bar/image.jpg!' => 'with style <img src="http://foo.bar/image.jpg" alt="" />', 'with title !http://foo.bar/image.jpg(This is a title)!' => 'with title <img src="http://foo.bar/image.jpg" title="This is a title" alt="This is a title" />', 'with title !http://foo.bar/image.jpg(This is a double-quoted "title")!' => 'with title <img src="http://foo.bar/image.jpg" title="This is a double-quoted "title"" alt="This is a double-quoted "title"" />', } to_test.each { |text, result| assert_equal "<p>#{result}</p>", textilizable(text) } end def test_inline_images_inside_tags raw = <<-RAW h1. !foo.png! Heading Centered image: p=. !bar.gif! RAW assert textilizable(raw).include?('<img src="foo.png" alt="" />') assert textilizable(raw).include?('<img src="bar.gif" alt="" />') end def test_attached_images to_test = { 'Inline image: !logo.gif!' => 'Inline image: <img src="/attachments/download/3" title="This is a logo" alt="This is a logo" />', 'Inline image: !logo.GIF!' => 'Inline image: <img src="/attachments/download/3" title="This is a logo" alt="This is a logo" />', 'No match: !ogo.gif!' => 'No match: <img src="ogo.gif" alt="" />', 'No match: !ogo.GIF!' => 'No match: <img src="ogo.GIF" alt="" />', # link image '!logo.gif!:http://foo.bar/' => '<a href="http://foo.bar/"><img src="/attachments/download/3" title="This is a logo" alt="This is a logo" /></a>', } attachments = Attachment.find(:all) to_test.each { |text, result| assert_equal "<p>#{result}</p>", textilizable(text, :attachments => attachments) } end def test_textile_external_links to_test = { 'This is a "link":http://foo.bar' => 'This is a <a href="http://foo.bar" class="external">link</a>', 'This is an intern "link":/foo/bar' => 'This is an intern <a href="/foo/bar">link</a>', '"link (Link title)":http://foo.bar' => '<a href="http://foo.bar" title="Link title" class="external">link</a>', '"link (Link title with "double-quotes")":http://foo.bar' => '<a href="http://foo.bar" title="Link title with "double-quotes"" class="external">link</a>', "This is not a \"Link\":\n\nAnother paragraph" => "This is not a \"Link\":</p>\n\n\n\t<p>Another paragraph", # no multiline link text "This is a double quote \"on the first line\nand another on a second line\":test" => "This is a double quote \"on the first line<br />and another on a second line\":test", # mailto link "\"system administrator\":mailto:sysadmin@example.com?subject=redmine%20permissions" => "<a href=\"mailto:sysadmin@example.com?subject=redmine%20permissions\">system administrator</a>", # two exclamation marks '"a link":http://example.net/path!602815048C7B5C20!302.html' => '<a href="http://example.net/path!602815048C7B5C20!302.html" class="external">a link</a>', # escaping '"test":http://foo"bar' => '<a href="http://foo"bar" class="external">test</a>', } to_test.each { |text, result| assert_equal "<p>#{result}</p>", textilizable(text) } end def test_redmine_links issue_link = link_to('#3', {:controller => 'issues', :action => 'show', :id => 3}, :class => 'issue status-1 priority-1 overdue', :title => 'Error 281 when updating a recipe (New)') changeset_link = link_to('r1', {:controller => 'repositories', :action => 'revision', :id => 'ecookbook', :rev => 1}, :class => 'changeset', :title => 'My very first commit') changeset_link2 = link_to('r2', {:controller => 'repositories', :action => 'revision', :id => 'ecookbook', :rev => 2}, :class => 'changeset', :title => 'This commit fixes #1, #2 and references #1 & #3') document_link = link_to('Test document', {:controller => 'documents', :action => 'show', :id => 1}, :class => 'document') version_link = link_to('1.0', {:controller => 'versions', :action => 'show', :id => 2}, :class => 'version') message_url = {:controller => 'messages', :action => 'show', :board_id => 1, :id => 4} project_url = {:controller => 'projects', :action => 'show', :id => 'subproject1'} source_url = {:controller => 'repositories', :action => 'entry', :id => 'ecookbook', :path => ['some', 'file']} source_url_with_ext = {:controller => 'repositories', :action => 'entry', :id => 'ecookbook', :path => ['some', 'file.ext']} to_test = { # tickets '#3, [#3], (#3) and #3.' => "#{issue_link}, [#{issue_link}], (#{issue_link}) and #{issue_link}.", # changesets 'r1' => changeset_link, 'r1.' => "#{changeset_link}.", 'r1, r2' => "#{changeset_link}, #{changeset_link2}", 'r1,r2' => "#{changeset_link},#{changeset_link2}", # documents 'document#1' => document_link, 'document:"Test document"' => document_link, # versions 'version#2' => version_link, 'version:1.0' => version_link, 'version:"1.0"' => version_link, # source 'source:/some/file' => link_to('source:/some/file', source_url, :class => 'source'), 'source:/some/file.' => link_to('source:/some/file', source_url, :class => 'source') + ".", 'source:/some/file.ext.' => link_to('source:/some/file.ext', source_url_with_ext, :class => 'source') + ".", 'source:/some/file. ' => link_to('source:/some/file', source_url, :class => 'source') + ".", 'source:/some/file.ext. ' => link_to('source:/some/file.ext', source_url_with_ext, :class => 'source') + ".", 'source:/some/file, ' => link_to('source:/some/file', source_url, :class => 'source') + ",", 'source:/some/file@52' => link_to('source:/some/file@52', source_url.merge(:rev => 52), :class => 'source'), 'source:/some/file.ext@52' => link_to('source:/some/file.ext@52', source_url_with_ext.merge(:rev => 52), :class => 'source'), 'source:/some/file#L110' => link_to('source:/some/file#L110', source_url.merge(:anchor => 'L110'), :class => 'source'), 'source:/some/file.ext#L110' => link_to('source:/some/file.ext#L110', source_url_with_ext.merge(:anchor => 'L110'), :class => 'source'), 'source:/some/file@52#L110' => link_to('source:/some/file@52#L110', source_url.merge(:rev => 52, :anchor => 'L110'), :class => 'source'), 'export:/some/file' => link_to('export:/some/file', source_url.merge(:format => 'raw'), :class => 'source download'), # message 'message#4' => link_to('Post 2', message_url, :class => 'message'), 'message#5' => link_to('RE: post 2', message_url.merge(:anchor => 'message-5', :r => 5), :class => 'message'), # project 'project#3' => link_to('eCookbook Subproject 1', project_url, :class => 'project'), 'project:subproject1' => link_to('eCookbook Subproject 1', project_url, :class => 'project'), 'project:"eCookbook subProject 1"' => link_to('eCookbook Subproject 1', project_url, :class => 'project'), # escaping '!#3.' => '#3.', '!r1' => 'r1', '!document#1' => 'document#1', '!document:"Test document"' => 'document:"Test document"', '!version#2' => 'version#2', '!version:1.0' => 'version:1.0', '!version:"1.0"' => 'version:"1.0"', '!source:/some/file' => 'source:/some/file', # not found '#0123456789' => '#0123456789', # invalid expressions 'source:' => 'source:', # url hash "http://foo.bar/FAQ#3" => '<a class="external" href="http://foo.bar/FAQ#3">http://foo.bar/FAQ#3</a>', } @project = Project.find(1) to_test.each { |text, result| assert_equal "<p>#{result}</p>", textilizable(text), "#{text} failed" } end def test_cross_project_redmine_links source_link = link_to('ecookbook:source:/some/file', {:controller => 'repositories', :action => 'entry', :id => 'ecookbook', :path => ['some', 'file']}, :class => 'source') changeset_link = link_to('ecookbook:r2', {:controller => 'repositories', :action => 'revision', :id => 'ecookbook', :rev => 2}, :class => 'changeset', :title => 'This commit fixes #1, #2 and references #1 & #3') to_test = { # documents 'document:"Test document"' => 'document:"Test document"', 'ecookbook:document:"Test document"' => '<a href="/documents/1" class="document">Test document</a>', 'invalid:document:"Test document"' => 'invalid:document:"Test document"', # versions 'version:"1.0"' => 'version:"1.0"', 'ecookbook:version:"1.0"' => '<a href="/versions/show/2" class="version">1.0</a>', 'invalid:version:"1.0"' => 'invalid:version:"1.0"', # changeset 'r2' => 'r2', 'ecookbook:r2' => changeset_link, 'invalid:r2' => 'invalid:r2', # source 'source:/some/file' => 'source:/some/file', 'ecookbook:source:/some/file' => source_link, 'invalid:source:/some/file' => 'invalid:source:/some/file', } @project = Project.find(3) to_test.each { |text, result| assert_equal "<p>#{result}</p>", textilizable(text), "#{text} failed" } end def test_redmine_links_git_commit changeset_link = link_to('abcd', { :controller => 'repositories', :action => 'revision', :id => 'subproject1', :rev => 'abcd', }, :class => 'changeset', :title => 'test commit') to_test = { 'commit:abcd' => changeset_link, } @project = Project.find(3) r = Repository::Git.create!(:project => @project, :url => '/tmp/test/git') assert r c = Changeset.new(:repository => r, :committed_on => Time.now, :revision => 'abcd', :scmid => 'abcd', :comments => 'test commit') assert( c.save ) to_test.each { |text, result| assert_equal "<p>#{result}</p>", textilizable(text) } end # TODO: Bazaar commit id contains mail address, so it contains '@' and '_'. def test_redmine_links_darcs_commit changeset_link = link_to('20080308225258-98289-abcd456efg.gz', { :controller => 'repositories', :action => 'revision', :id => 'subproject1', :rev => '123', }, :class => 'changeset', :title => 'test commit') to_test = { 'commit:20080308225258-98289-abcd456efg.gz' => changeset_link, } @project = Project.find(3) r = Repository::Darcs.create!( :project => @project, :url => '/tmp/test/darcs', :log_encoding => 'UTF-8') assert r c = Changeset.new(:repository => r, :committed_on => Time.now, :revision => '123', :scmid => '20080308225258-98289-abcd456efg.gz', :comments => 'test commit') assert( c.save ) to_test.each { |text, result| assert_equal "<p>#{result}</p>", textilizable(text) } end def test_redmine_links_mercurial_commit changeset_link_rev = link_to('r123', { :controller => 'repositories', :action => 'revision', :id => 'subproject1', :rev => '123' , }, :class => 'changeset', :title => 'test commit') changeset_link_commit = link_to('abcd', { :controller => 'repositories', :action => 'revision', :id => 'subproject1', :rev => 'abcd' , }, :class => 'changeset', :title => 'test commit') to_test = { 'r123' => changeset_link_rev, 'commit:abcd' => changeset_link_commit, } @project = Project.find(3) r = Repository::Mercurial.create!(:project => @project, :url => '/tmp/test') assert r c = Changeset.new(:repository => r, :committed_on => Time.now, :revision => '123', :scmid => 'abcd', :comments => 'test commit') assert( c.save ) to_test.each { |text, result| assert_equal "<p>#{result}</p>", textilizable(text) } end def test_attachment_links attachment_link = link_to('error281.txt', {:controller => 'attachments', :action => 'download', :id => '1'}, :class => 'attachment') to_test = { 'attachment:error281.txt' => attachment_link } to_test.each { |text, result| assert_equal "<p>#{result}</p>", textilizable(text, :attachments => Issue.find(3).attachments), "#{text} failed" } end def test_wiki_links to_test = { '[[CookBook documentation]]' => '<a href="/projects/ecookbook/wiki/CookBook_documentation" class="wiki-page">CookBook documentation</a>', '[[Another page|Page]]' => '<a href="/projects/ecookbook/wiki/Another_page" class="wiki-page">Page</a>', # link with anchor '[[CookBook documentation#One-section]]' => '<a href="/projects/ecookbook/wiki/CookBook_documentation#One-section" class="wiki-page">CookBook documentation</a>', '[[Another page#anchor|Page]]' => '<a href="/projects/ecookbook/wiki/Another_page#anchor" class="wiki-page">Page</a>', # page that doesn't exist '[[Unknown page]]' => '<a href="/projects/ecookbook/wiki/Unknown_page" class="wiki-page new">Unknown page</a>', '[[Unknown page|404]]' => '<a href="/projects/ecookbook/wiki/Unknown_page" class="wiki-page new">404</a>', # link to another project wiki '[[onlinestore:]]' => '<a href="/projects/onlinestore/wiki" class="wiki-page">onlinestore</a>', '[[onlinestore:|Wiki]]' => '<a href="/projects/onlinestore/wiki" class="wiki-page">Wiki</a>', '[[onlinestore:Start page]]' => '<a href="/projects/onlinestore/wiki/Start_page" class="wiki-page">Start page</a>', '[[onlinestore:Start page|Text]]' => '<a href="/projects/onlinestore/wiki/Start_page" class="wiki-page">Text</a>', '[[onlinestore:Unknown page]]' => '<a href="/projects/onlinestore/wiki/Unknown_page" class="wiki-page new">Unknown page</a>', # striked through link '-[[Another page|Page]]-' => '<del><a href="/projects/ecookbook/wiki/Another_page" class="wiki-page">Page</a></del>', '-[[Another page|Page]] link-' => '<del><a href="/projects/ecookbook/wiki/Another_page" class="wiki-page">Page</a> link</del>', # escaping '![[Another page|Page]]' => '[[Another page|Page]]', # project does not exist '[[unknowproject:Start]]' => '[[unknowproject:Start]]', '[[unknowproject:Start|Page title]]' => '[[unknowproject:Start|Page title]]', } @project = Project.find(1) to_test.each { |text, result| assert_equal "<p>#{result}</p>", textilizable(text) } end def test_html_tags to_test = { "<div>content</div>" => "<p><div>content</div></p>", "<div class=\"bold\">content</div>" => "<p><div class=\"bold\">content</div></p>", "<script>some script;</script>" => "<p><script>some script;</script></p>", # do not escape pre/code tags "<pre>\nline 1\nline2</pre>" => "<pre>\nline 1\nline2</pre>", "<pre><code>\nline 1\nline2</code></pre>" => "<pre><code>\nline 1\nline2</code></pre>", "<pre><div>content</div></pre>" => "<pre><div>content</div></pre>", "HTML comment: <!-- no comments -->" => "<p>HTML comment: <!-- no comments --></p>", "<!-- opening comment" => "<p><!-- opening comment</p>", # remove attributes except class "<pre class='foo'>some text</pre>" => "<pre class='foo'>some text</pre>", '<pre class="foo">some text</pre>' => '<pre class="foo">some text</pre>', "<pre class='foo bar'>some text</pre>" => "<pre class='foo bar'>some text</pre>", '<pre class="foo bar">some text</pre>' => '<pre class="foo bar">some text</pre>', "<pre onmouseover='alert(1)'>some text</pre>" => "<pre>some text</pre>", # xss '<pre><code class=""onmouseover="alert(1)">text</code></pre>' => '<pre><code>text</code></pre>', '<pre class=""onmouseover="alert(1)">text</pre>' => '<pre>text</pre>', } to_test.each { |text, result| assert_equal result, textilizable(text) } end def test_allowed_html_tags to_test = { "<pre>preformatted text</pre>" => "<pre>preformatted text</pre>", "<notextile>no *textile* formatting</notextile>" => "no *textile* formatting", "<notextile>this is <tag>a tag</tag></notextile>" => "this is <tag>a tag</tag>" } to_test.each { |text, result| assert_equal result, textilizable(text) } end def test_pre_tags raw = <<-RAW Before <pre> <prepared-statement-cache-size>32</prepared-statement-cache-size> </pre> After RAW expected = <<-EXPECTED <p>Before</p> <pre> <prepared-statement-cache-size>32</prepared-statement-cache-size> </pre> <p>After</p> EXPECTED assert_equal expected.gsub(%r{[\r\n\t]}, ''), textilizable(raw).gsub(%r{[\r\n\t]}, '') end def test_pre_content_should_not_parse_wiki_and_redmine_links raw = <<-RAW [[CookBook documentation]] #1 <pre> [[CookBook documentation]] #1 </pre> RAW expected = <<-EXPECTED <p><a href="/projects/ecookbook/wiki/CookBook_documentation" class="wiki-page">CookBook documentation</a></p> <p><a href="/issues/1" class="issue status-1 priority-1" title="Can't print recipes (New)">#1</a></p> <pre> [[CookBook documentation]] #1 </pre> EXPECTED @project = Project.find(1) assert_equal expected.gsub(%r{[\r\n\t]}, ''), textilizable(raw).gsub(%r{[\r\n\t]}, '') end def test_non_closing_pre_blocks_should_be_closed raw = <<-RAW <pre><code> RAW expected = <<-EXPECTED <pre><code> </code></pre> EXPECTED @project = Project.find(1) assert_equal expected.gsub(%r{[\r\n\t]}, ''), textilizable(raw).gsub(%r{[\r\n\t]}, '') end def test_syntax_highlight raw = <<-RAW <pre><code class="ruby"> # Some ruby code here </code></pre> RAW expected = <<-EXPECTED <pre><code class="ruby syntaxhl"><span class=\"CodeRay\"><span class="no">1</span> <span class="c"># Some ruby code here</span></span> </code></pre> EXPECTED assert_equal expected.gsub(%r{[\r\n\t]}, ''), textilizable(raw).gsub(%r{[\r\n\t]}, '') end def test_wiki_links_in_tables to_test = {"|[[Page|Link title]]|[[Other Page|Other title]]|\n|Cell 21|[[Last page]]|" => '<tr><td><a href="/projects/ecookbook/wiki/Page" class="wiki-page new">Link title</a></td>' + '<td><a href="/projects/ecookbook/wiki/Other_Page" class="wiki-page new">Other title</a></td>' + '</tr><tr><td>Cell 21</td><td><a href="/projects/ecookbook/wiki/Last_page" class="wiki-page new">Last page</a></td></tr>' } @project = Project.find(1) to_test.each { |text, result| assert_equal "<table>#{result}</table>", textilizable(text).gsub(/[\t\n]/, '') } end def test_text_formatting to_test = {'*_+bold, italic and underline+_*' => '<strong><em><ins>bold, italic and underline</ins></em></strong>', '(_text within parentheses_)' => '(<em>text within parentheses</em>)', 'a *Humane Web* Text Generator' => 'a <strong>Humane Web</strong> Text Generator', 'a H *umane* W *eb* T *ext* G *enerator*' => 'a H <strong>umane</strong> W <strong>eb</strong> T <strong>ext</strong> G <strong>enerator</strong>', 'a *H* umane *W* eb *T* ext *G* enerator' => 'a <strong>H</strong> umane <strong>W</strong> eb <strong>T</strong> ext <strong>G</strong> enerator', } to_test.each { |text, result| assert_equal "<p>#{result}</p>", textilizable(text) } end def test_wiki_horizontal_rule assert_equal '<hr />', textilizable('---') assert_equal '<p>Dashes: ---</p>', textilizable('Dashes: ---') end def test_footnotes raw = <<-RAW This is some text[1]. fn1. This is the foot note RAW expected = <<-EXPECTED <p>This is some text<sup><a href=\"#fn1\">1</a></sup>.</p> <p id="fn1" class="footnote"><sup>1</sup> This is the foot note</p> EXPECTED assert_equal expected.gsub(%r{[\r\n\t]}, ''), textilizable(raw).gsub(%r{[\r\n\t]}, '') end def test_headings raw = 'h1. Some heading' expected = %|<a name="Some-heading"></a>\n<h1 >Some heading<a href="#Some-heading" class="wiki-anchor">¶</a></h1>| assert_equal expected, textilizable(raw) end def test_table_of_content raw = <<-RAW {{toc}} h1. Title Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetuer adipiscing elit. Maecenas sed libero. h2. Subtitle with a [[Wiki]] link Nullam commodo metus accumsan nulla. Curabitur lobortis dui id dolor. h2. Subtitle with [[Wiki|another Wiki]] link h2. Subtitle with %{color:red}red text% <pre> some code </pre> h3. Subtitle with *some* _modifiers_ h1. Another title h3. An "Internet link":http://www.redmine.org/ inside subtitle h2. "Project Name !/attachments/1234/logo_small.gif! !/attachments/5678/logo_2.png!":/projects/projectname/issues RAW expected = '<ul class="toc">' + '<li><a href="#Title">Title</a>' + '<ul>' + '<li><a href="#Subtitle-with-a-Wiki-link">Subtitle with a Wiki link</a></li>' + '<li><a href="#Subtitle-with-another-Wiki-link">Subtitle with another Wiki link</a></li>' + '<li><a href="#Subtitle-with-red-text">Subtitle with red text</a>' + '<ul>' + '<li><a href="#Subtitle-with-some-modifiers">Subtitle with some modifiers</a></li>' + '</ul>' + '</li>' + '</ul>' + '</li>' + '<li><a href="#Another-title">Another title</a>' + '<ul>' + '<li>' + '<ul>' + '<li><a href="#An-Internet-link-inside-subtitle">An Internet link inside subtitle</a></li>' + '</ul>' + '</li>' + '<li><a href="#Project-Name">Project Name</a></li>' + '</ul>' + '</li>' + '</ul>' @project = Project.find(1) assert textilizable(raw).gsub("\n", "").include?(expected), textilizable(raw) end def test_table_of_content_should_contain_included_page_headings raw = <<-RAW {{toc}} h1. Included {{include(Child_1)}} RAW expected = '<ul class="toc">' + '<li><a href="#Included">Included</a></li>' + '<li><a href="#Child-page-1">Child page 1</a></li>' + '</ul>' @project = Project.find(1) assert textilizable(raw).gsub("\n", "").include?(expected) end def test_default_formatter Setting.text_formatting = 'unknown' text = 'a *link*: http://www.example.net/' assert_equal '<p>a *link*: <a href="http://www.example.net/">http://www.example.net/</a></p>', textilizable(text) Setting.text_formatting = 'textile' end def test_due_date_distance_in_words to_test = { Date.today => 'Due in 0 days', Date.today + 1 => 'Due in 1 day', Date.today + 100 => 'Due in about 3 months', Date.today + 20000 => 'Due in over 54 years', Date.today - 1 => '1 day late', Date.today - 100 => 'about 3 months late', Date.today - 20000 => 'over 54 years late', } ::I18n.locale = :en to_test.each do |date, expected| assert_equal expected, due_date_distance_in_words(date) end end def test_avatar # turn on avatars Setting.gravatar_enabled = '1' assert avatar(User.find_by_mail('jsmith@somenet.foo')).include?(Digest::MD5.hexdigest('jsmith@somenet.foo')) assert avatar('jsmith <jsmith@somenet.foo>').include?(Digest::MD5.hexdigest('jsmith@somenet.foo')) assert_nil avatar('jsmith') assert_nil avatar(nil) # turn off avatars Setting.gravatar_enabled = '0' assert_equal '', avatar(User.find_by_mail('jsmith@somenet.foo')) end def test_link_to_user user = User.find(2) t = link_to_user(user) assert_equal "<a href=\"/users/2\">#{ user.name }</a>", t end def test_link_to_user_should_not_link_to_locked_user user = User.find(5) assert user.locked? t = link_to_user(user) assert_equal user.name, t end def test_link_to_user_should_not_link_to_anonymous user = User.anonymous assert user.anonymous? t = link_to_user(user) assert_equal ::I18n.t(:label_user_anonymous), t end def test_link_to_project project = Project.find(1) assert_equal %(<a href="/projects/ecookbook">eCookbook</a>), link_to_project(project) assert_equal %(<a href="/projects/ecookbook/settings">eCookbook</a>), link_to_project(project, :action => 'settings') assert_equal %(<a href="http://test.host/projects/ecookbook?jump=blah">eCookbook</a>), link_to_project(project, {:only_path => false, :jump => 'blah'}) assert_equal %(<a href="/projects/ecookbook/settings" class="project">eCookbook</a>), link_to_project(project, {:action => 'settings'}, :class => "project") end end