# This code lets us redefine existing Rake tasks, which is extremely # handy for modifying existing Rails rake tasks. # Credit for the original snippet of code goes to Jeremy Kemper # http://pastie.caboo.se/9620 unless Rake::TaskManager.methods.include?('redefine_task') module Rake module TaskManager def redefine_task(task_class, args, &block) task_name, arg_names, deps = resolve_args([args]) task_name = task_class.scope_name(@scope, task_name) deps = [deps] unless deps.respond_to?(:to_ary) deps = deps.collect {|d| d.to_s } task = @tasks[task_name.to_s] = task_class.new(task_name, self) task.application = self task.add_description(@last_description) @last_description = nil task.enhance(deps, &block) task end end class Task class << self def redefine_task(args, &block) Rake.application.redefine_task(self, [args], &block) end end end end end namespace :db do namespace :migrate do desc 'Migrate database and plugins to current status.' task :all => [ 'db:migrate', 'db:migrate:plugins' ] desc 'Migrate plugins to current status.' task :plugins => :environment do Engines.plugins.each do |plugin| next unless File.exists? plugin.migration_directory puts "Migrating plugin #{plugin.name} ..." plugin.migrate end end desc 'Migrate a specified plugin.' task({:plugin => :environment}, :name, :version) do |task, args| name = args[:name] || ENV['NAME'] if plugin = Engines.plugins[name] version = args[:version] || ENV['VERSION'] puts "Migrating #{plugin.name} to " + (version ? "version #{version}" : 'latest version') + " ..." plugin.migrate(version ? version.to_i : nil) else puts "Plugin #{name} does not exist." end end end end namespace :db do namespace :fixtures do namespace :plugins do desc "Load plugin fixtures into the current environment's database." task :load => :environment do require 'active_record/fixtures' ActiveRecord::Base.establish_connection(RAILS_ENV.to_sym) Dir.glob(File.join(RAILS_ROOT, 'vendor', 'plugins', ENV['PLUGIN'] || '**', 'test', 'fixtures', '*.yml')).each do |fixture_file| Fixtures.create_fixtures(File.dirname(fixture_file), File.basename(fixture_file, '.*')) end end end end end # this is just a modification of the original task in railties/lib/tasks/documentation.rake, # because the default task doesn't support subdirectories like /app or # /component. These tasks now include every file under a plugin's code paths (see # Plugin#code_paths). namespace :doc do plugins = FileList['vendor/plugins/**'].collect { |plugin| File.basename(plugin) } namespace :plugins do # Define doc tasks for each plugin plugins.each do |plugin| desc "Create plugin documentation for '#{plugin}'" Rake::Task.redefine_task(plugin => :environment) do plugin_base = RAILS_ROOT + "/vendor/plugins/#{plugin}" options = [] files = Rake::FileList.new options << "-o doc/plugins/#{plugin}" options << "--title '#{plugin.titlecase} Plugin Documentation'" options << '--line-numbers' << '--inline-source' options << '-T html' # Include every file in the plugin's code_paths (see Plugin#code_paths) if Engines.plugins[plugin] files.include("#{plugin_base}/{#{Engines.plugins[plugin].code_paths.join(",")}}/**/*.rb") end if File.exists?("#{plugin_base}/README") files.include("#{plugin_base}/README") options << "--main '#{plugin_base}/README'" end files.include("#{plugin_base}/CHANGELOG") if File.exists?("#{plugin_base}/CHANGELOG") if files.empty? puts "No source files found in #{plugin_base}. No documentation will be generated." else options << files.to_s sh %(rdoc #{options * ' '}) end end end end end namespace :test do task :warn_about_multiple_plugin_testing_with_engines do puts %{-~============== A Moste Polite Warninge ===========================~- You may experience issues testing multiple plugins at once when using the code-mixing features that the engines plugin provides. If you do experience any problems, please test plugins individually, i.e. $ rake test:plugins PLUGIN=my_plugin or use the per-type plugin test tasks: $ rake test:plugins:units $ rake test:plugins:functionals $ rake test:plugins:integration $ rake test:plugins:all Report any issues on http://dev.rails-engines.org. Thanks! -~===============( ... as you were ... )============================~-} end namespace :plugins do desc "Run the plugin tests in vendor/plugins/**/test (or specify with PLUGIN=name)" task :all => [:warn_about_multiple_plugin_testing_with_engines, :units, :functionals, :integration] desc "Run all plugin unit tests" Rake::TestTask.new(:units => :setup_plugin_fixtures) do |t| t.pattern = "vendor/plugins/#{ENV['PLUGIN'] || "**"}/test/unit/**/*_test.rb" t.verbose = true end desc "Run all plugin functional tests" Rake::TestTask.new(:functionals => :setup_plugin_fixtures) do |t| t.pattern = "vendor/plugins/#{ENV['PLUGIN'] || "**"}/test/functional/**/*_test.rb" t.verbose = true end desc "Integration test engines" Rake::TestTask.new(:integration => :setup_plugin_fixtures) do |t| t.pattern = "vendor/plugins/#{ENV['PLUGIN'] || "**"}/test/integration/**/*_test.rb" t.verbose = true end desc "Mirrors plugin fixtures into a single location to help plugin tests" task :setup_plugin_fixtures => :environment do Engines::Testing.setup_plugin_fixtures end # Patch the default plugin testing task to have setup_plugin_fixtures as a prerequisite Rake::Task["test:plugins"].prerequisites << "test:plugins:setup_plugin_fixtures" end end