== redMine installation redMine - project management software Copyright (C) 2006 Jean-Philippe Lang http://redmine.org/ == Requirements * Ruby on Rails 1.1 * Iconv * Net::LDAP for Ruby (for LDAP authentication) * a database (see compatibility below) * (recommended) Apache/Lighttpd with FCGI support Supported databases: * MySQL (tested with MySQL 5) * PostgreSQL (tested with PostgreSQL 8.1) * Oracle (tested with Oracle 10g) * SQL Server (tested with SQL Server 2005) * SQLite (tested with SQLite 3) == Upgrade Due to major database changes, there is no migration support from beta 0.2.0. Next releases (0.3.0+) will be provided with upgrade support. == Installation 1. Uncompress program archive: tar zxvf 2. Create an empty database: "redmine" for example 3. Configure database parameters in config/database.yml for "production" environment (default database is MySQL) 4. Create the database structure. Under application main directory: rake migrate RAILS_ENV="production" It will create tables and default configuration data 5. Test the installation by running WEBrick web server: ruby script/server -e production Once WEBrick has started, point your browser to http://localhost:3000/ You should now see the application welcome page 6. Use default administrator account to log in: login: admin password: admin 7. Setup Apache or Lighttpd with fastcgi for best performance. == Configuration A sample configuration file is provided: "config/config_custom.example.rb" Rename it to config_custom.rb and edit parameters. Don't forget to restart the application after any change. config.action_mailer.server_settings: SMTP server configuration config.action_mailer.perform_deliveries: set to false to disable mail delivering