SVN-fs-dump-format-version: 2 UUID: 54439772-bf7c-654d-b6c6-528e40cb36d2 Revision-number: 0 Prop-content-length: 56 Content-length: 56 K 8 svn:date V 27 2007-09-10T16:46:04.453125Z PROPS-END Revision-number: 1 Prop-content-length: 112 Content-length: 112 K 7 svn:log V 15 Initial import. K 10 svn:author V 2 jp K 8 svn:date V 27 2007-09-10T16:54:38.484000Z PROPS-END Node-path: subversion_test Node-kind: dir Node-action: add Prop-content-length: 10 Content-length: 10 PROPS-END Revision-number: 2 Prop-content-length: 112 Content-length: 112 K 7 svn:log V 15 Initial import. K 10 svn:author V 2 jp K 8 svn:date V 27 2007-09-10T16:54:52.203000Z PROPS-END Node-path: subversion_test/.project Node-kind: file Node-action: add Prop-content-length: 10 Text-content-length: 219 Text-content-md5: 6ca948b340b02ac5ee54c647cc964d9d Content-length: 229 PROPS-END subversion_test Node-path: subversion_test/folder Node-kind: dir Node-action: add Prop-content-length: 10 Content-length: 10 PROPS-END Node-path: subversion_test/folder/greeter.rb Node-kind: file Node-action: add Prop-content-length: 40 Text-content-length: 227 Text-content-md5: f6e7a960573db1f6274e48c0a42b520a Content-length: 267 K 13 svn:eol-style V 6 native PROPS-END # The Greeter class class Greeter def initialize(name) @name = name.capitalize end def salute puts "Hello #{@name}!" end end # Create a new object g ="world") # Output "Hello World!" g.salute Node-path: subversion_test/folder/subfolder Node-kind: dir Node-action: add Prop-content-length: 10 Content-length: 10 PROPS-END Node-path: subversion_test/folder/subfolder/rubylogo.gif Node-kind: file Node-action: add Prop-content-length: 59 Text-content-length: 8576 Text-content-md5: bf864bc5278fd4f4facdf39673bb6d37 Content-length: 8635 K 13 svn:mime-type V 24 application/octet-stream PROPS-END GIF89aKw¿罽𵵿絵賬ﮮ箮߮童襥椝ݥ杜皖ߚ敔ݕ̙ה捌ߏ指֏ߊύzъ惃{{ރ݄z}z||Ձss{xssyv|zur}{srup||lmffslqqljjdkfjjmedembjjnnb_dadaffaZll\YZSWPYY``RKXNSRYWTIKQZZJCKKfffGDC;JJB:@=DDBB;34<==99GG1111/*::3360**OOO5+77')!))//$,!!'#-" ")& )) $ ???**"))!  333   z    } q |s|tf!1,KwcH*\ȰÇ#JHŋ3jȱǏ CIɓ(S\ɲ˗0cʜI͛8sɳϟ@ JѣH*]ʴӧPJJիXjʵׯ`ÊKٳhӪ]˶-<`‡#NM;nh VHQDK;]U*U+[̀3.^> /Īz뗹!}fZc)69ܜC9"R:OLKN k;lk*7`i!ua. tE S1DJfm M<L86ӕV ( h` &D<D# u'^ra!\&'SG8Wj b&j"B+xp=q{~A5J˅.9ECػFa.P2TQ:ȣeZQ [< G+0 "B0$ sv03JXQqZ>˖7uH^%IgFabt`gJ'>1 hV̦6ρo\J1%@B.`"UX97bIrk%Odz, X)~ӘC$uh!s9h _A _t8[~my`z8c03nh-$A֙zիꨩ=[4Hv9Bu 3jگ&k`@H~c#2G@pd9=qjG%ZCA`fhxP\"N} \8ApTD shBb9ymlBzn)U1:ҽ,ضRX³,Y].] [JT!k\c NC@p R6hP!΂rģ`.s- 3ghGv-2 ja*-H WDLh孷JC=|nY5G7 l@g%<0 €G ? `.&MȈ׳d-m9}s.nji 6"ձݖnx`Ml#Q=ю9T_Hm`{- RX O,LǑˑvY )Ϻ1eK :Z{KfTFr9hq ~F E}< Ju|;թ^<@_i m%#[^5Zf*6<=%E[V/U`s}tG%`4! `Ͷ>Z."t;b#}@]Awijaj>28`f;۝q( X@ì9RuA- 9 InW7 BP}CjRhGxf8xh T@r`]j>'Yo :e }I)k _xyEj&ϑ=0jj1>`CpE5ғ^ޖ1}xCZ^Hm,Ooӟל8"z.@A `3bF3^joT A~wpQܱѶn#|Q$`  7`h`0kwG{2 p{luXVGo "Q{U"eP yGt2`nj @Q>wp>>{&~d ot*T-{!Fxvebb1WX\ㅬ ` f6Fn&Y @i Ed@qg"D "boWW%xQ^!iG-P P vdenU` t TAA4  @n'Ew@ ~Ea$&^f,,7u,g6& ぃgeGjHPDET 0 ŀw-˖oƖ |uq"P טNƍd@ p DaGu 0+C![W,&fwų# `V} y1gUP ?ĎYG yG0n zV-¸W8teW)eTP[9&r ɐ'78vGg p z JVs(E@tlch Tiy]XWe1PR^[95QXp*"ex) z b 2em* 9A I J΄ wk}) qCMp_w/ 9t.`Kp<[B 9rН4DX ?iP)pjd@krbGT H"ι+>5qU8aX nuul%PBe:9<CBRm ̀H7 O`k1 L*MԤO "0t6x9D*nК\[ Q6H3P8RPy0 {0oPxV MJMАOO.՗MhѩְSQfJ–29`C "psZP r zkr L T.k@GQڜ}c Ge3yZ0A !p:m ? `~+OM -TVX)TSb ` 2Β"vpF+3m9(pʧw݂05+VeՠS S Q 12%Q:j)\2\t<ϊ1M PS)}K綺Ӷ- Ή Po;&)g*ΞwPba3ȧ?[-f *'\u<^[ s;yYVPg˟ 6=ϛYFFeމ|ìp3D+rP )Š ~kU'L=@ ְ  @*(s-GubLEW91豮%>-X*,ʳ'6e ~^lu B1 υc',R҄Vmʶ vp/<¢cM$H7]xMUf O%)NނL;aeI~i&emQV&Ksk\)" F wɨ"dT0$_ 7g;AZ4SԆ\?<_Ws/__@.~1؈Ԥz r<~F-D ޠ{ UP%@\]5B_>pffyF_x,@ cQ3b4>7-,EqtAHH6QL-l8t=߽# kDk4i<ƃT{U1mTռ 6XXJ^uN L}(@h>}4, Epl xe] #^BV:1}J>#EB' 3CrG{p زif{>bݻ >ꂎCI(bӦÏRNNjg,V<`Y+WxP/C 7г Xh8DMDTToOPD8|qF`EeDkF;iǸ|ǛmyܱuCR'*dJ*kAht1SN$uYǕ3OA/=4PA%4C(vIaGsr)KZJK nF`E5tO>i$tYBg%V]w<[j&|Rk+ urgI'r k1&|K>FƗ | X0k]y祷Fyҝq$EjY68Zxf`j)cdŕS:ĐJV9^?9dsIr'YK YiBfu&_nYGyAdF:i<8{qIze1eVf>8{f^ 5D0T:nNZ@y-kFlUD$KQ?C1Ƹ"(6<9bG'^h! Y[oo]_dC6` 2 3ָ#: >~⇟?x6gs̛71{D`-#d 5! f``3hЃqh 'C B- YМ6/a eBjЇs @/< K0ֆ ZlІ2_.r _B@'1 Qp)Xa oҘю `#шGԂ4|4 ,C$%/PR B@Nr2 NHB($( J@D!we,{e9(aDc.E-t Z%+YKZX/4SB4*0BnD& Dg:*ؒA pxf,OLS qjZA P`Z&A~`=v5Ё NtC'( z@A0FS7&rZ)ԧ=}! AEBxT 8AdpT;HgRv"xAlю8eZCPխn=hM%ӮGxgXT6 \ְ,`A BUr/ lpRv975͆UEQC Z" a5kjq/0l \ ֶ'@ P k_`3iH\&<tT9vo.x f[[&Azk ,o{G %n~k_J `. ` 3h Z0@@d(|E&x[Ķňl|` Wu \0 $zA E| `<qW'X Pe.w5~ llc+PAl6{o4d%[l P]|^F7#(}|b_>f3 g8D-$ wЯTzMuu=WL! " /Ё 43#0<6<XDXgv݆>k=Z.0~[ӎ@~m0x67ZF0 TJftg@(afw@0/`}ޖ@m7` X@s8pc@A& <`O7 0u WW>g^Ѐ3@ Ox{>  ܣhם^(`m8<>x@@emƏg/%#<ؾyγڭ퍷~ ի>uK0] =e_W  p7|gOuG}}?'?d<0 Wֿ~C?~) ; Node-path: subversion_test/helloworld.rb Node-kind: file Node-action: add Prop-content-length: 40 Text-content-length: 173 Text-content-md5: 43a160386b7ee483c29d539c0913b8a8 Content-length: 213 K 13 svn:eol-style V 6 native PROPS-END # The famous Hello World # program is trivial in # Ruby. You don't need: # # * a "main" method # * newline escapes # * semicolons # # Here's the code: puts "Hello World!" Node-path: subversion_test/textfile.txt Node-kind: file Node-action: add Prop-content-length: 10 Text-content-length: 858 Text-content-md5: 03ea5a32eb93a93d73f57c9d4446b8cf Content-length: 868 PROPS-END Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetuer adipiscing elit. Sed non risus. Suspendisse lectus tortor, dignissim sit amet, adipiscing nec, ultricies sed, dolor. Cras elementum ultrices diam. Maecenas ligula massa, varius a, semper congue, euismod non, mi. Proin porttitor, orci nec nonummy molestie, enim est eleifend mi, non fermentum diam nisl sit amet erat. Duis semper. Duis arcu massa, scelerisque vitae, consequat in, pretium a, enim. Pellentesque congue. Ut in risus volutpat libero pharetra tempor. Cras vestibulum bibendum augue. Praesent egestas leo in pede. Praesent blandit odio eu enim. Pellentesque sed dui ut augue blandit sodales. Vestibulum ante ipsum primis in faucibus orci luctus et ultrices posuere cubilia Curae; Aliquam nibh. Mauris ac mauris sed pede pellentesque fermentum. Maecenas adipiscing ante non diam sodales hendrerit. Revision-number: 3 Prop-content-length: 145 Content-length: 145 K 7 svn:log V 48 2 files modified: * helloworld.rb * textfile.txt K 10 svn:author V 2 jp K 8 svn:date V 27 2007-09-10T16:56:48.468000Z PROPS-END Node-path: subversion_test/helloworld.rb Node-kind: file Node-action: change Text-content-length: 152 Text-content-md5: b4d6efe024dd1fce5de9c96a212341d9 Content-length: 152 # The famous Hello World # program is trivial in # Ruby. You don't need: # # * a "main" method # * newline escapes # * semicolons puts "Hello World!" Node-path: subversion_test/textfile.txt Node-kind: file Node-action: change Text-content-length: 756 Text-content-md5: 167df05d8f87cc2e04bb20aa3abe731d Content-length: 756 Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetuer adipiscing elit. Sed non risus. Suspendisse lectus tortor, dignissim sit amet, adipiscing nec, ultricies sed, dolor. Cras elementum ultrices diam. Maecenas ligula massa, varius a, semper congue, euismod non, mi. Proin porttitor, orci nec nonummy molestie, enim est eleifend mi, non fermentum diam nisl sit amet erat. Ut in risus volutpat libero pharetra tempor. Cras vestibulum bibendum augue. Praesent egestas leo in pede. Praesent blandit odio eu enim. Pellentesque sed dui ut augue blandit sodales. Vestibulum ante ipsum primis in faucibus orci luctus et ultrices posuere cubilia Curae; Aliquam nibh. Mauris ac mauris sed pede pellentesque fermentum. Maecenas adipiscing ante non diam sodales hendrerit. Revision-number: 4 Prop-content-length: 110 Content-length: 110 K 7 svn:log V 13 C file added. K 10 svn:author V 2 jp K 8 svn:date V 27 2007-09-10T16:58:29.875000Z PROPS-END Node-path: subversion_test/helloworld.c Node-kind: file Node-action: add Prop-content-length: 10 Text-content-length: 92 Text-content-md5: a0ae86da4c00baeb9546e7addef7723d Content-length: 102 PROPS-END #include int main(void) { printf("hello, world\n"); return 0; } Revision-number: 5 Prop-content-length: 129 Content-length: 129 K 7 svn:log V 32 Modified one file in the folder. K 10 svn:author V 2 jp K 8 svn:date V 27 2007-09-10T17:01:08.078000Z PROPS-END Node-path: subversion_test/folder/greeter.rb Node-kind: file Node-action: change Text-content-length: 229 Text-content-md5: 8cb28f1b0d87596118ccaf87a06b44ed Content-length: 229 # The Greeter class class Greeter def initialize(name) @name = name.capitalize end def salute puts "Bonjour #{@name}!" end end # Create a new object g ="world") # Output "Hello World!" g.salute Revision-number: 6 Prop-content-length: 135 Content-length: 135 K 7 svn:log V 38 Moved helloworld.rb from / to /folder. K 10 svn:author V 2 jp K 8 svn:date V 27 2007-09-10T17:01:47.687000Z PROPS-END Node-path: subversion_test/folder/helloworld.rb Node-kind: file Node-action: add Node-copyfrom-rev: 3 Node-copyfrom-path: subversion_test/helloworld.rb Node-path: subversion_test/helloworld.rb Node-action: delete Revision-number: 7 Prop-content-length: 114 Content-length: 114 K 7 svn:log V 17 Removed one file. K 10 svn:author V 2 jp K 8 svn:date V 27 2007-09-10T17:02:16.609000Z PROPS-END Node-path: subversion_test/folder/greeter.rb Node-action: delete Revision-number: 8 Prop-content-length: 138 Content-length: 138 K 7 svn:log V 41 This commits references an issue. Refs #2 K 10 svn:author V 2 jp K 8 svn:date V 27 2007-09-10T17:04:35.859000Z PROPS-END Node-path: subversion_test/helloworld.c Node-kind: file Node-action: change Text-content-length: 90 Text-content-md5: 8757c8cdd0c061db15ec78fba6a2653c Content-length: 90 #include int main(void) { printf("hello, world\n"); return 0; }