# redMine - project management software # Copyright (C) 2006-2007 Jean-Philippe Lang # # This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or # modify it under the terms of the GNU General Public License # as published by the Free Software Foundation; either version 2 # of the License, or (at your option) any later version. # # This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, # but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of # MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the # GNU General Public License for more details. # # You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License # along with this program; if not, write to the Free Software # Foundation, Inc., 51 Franklin Street, Fifth Floor, Boston, MA 02110-1301, USA. module Redmine module MenuManager module MenuController def self.included(base) base.extend(ClassMethods) end module ClassMethods @@menu_items = Hash.new {|hash, key| hash[key] = {:default => key, :actions => {}}} mattr_accessor :menu_items # Set the menu item name for a controller or specific actions # Examples: # * menu_item :tickets # => sets the menu name to :tickets for the whole controller # * menu_item :tickets, :only => :list # => sets the menu name to :tickets for the 'list' action only # * menu_item :tickets, :only => [:list, :show] # => sets the menu name to :tickets for 2 actions only # # The default menu item name for a controller is controller_name by default # Eg. the default menu item name for ProjectsController is :projects def menu_item(id, options = {}) if actions = options[:only] actions = [] << actions unless actions.is_a?(Array) actions.each {|a| menu_items[controller_name.to_sym][:actions][a.to_sym] = id} else menu_items[controller_name.to_sym][:default] = id end end end def menu_items self.class.menu_items end # Returns the menu item name according to the current action def current_menu_item @current_menu_item ||= menu_items[controller_name.to_sym][:actions][action_name.to_sym] || menu_items[controller_name.to_sym][:default] end # Redirects user to the menu item of the given project # Returns false if user is not authorized def redirect_to_project_menu_item(project, name) item = Redmine::MenuManager.items(:project_menu).detect {|i| i.name.to_s == name.to_s} if item && User.current.allowed_to?(item.url, project) && (item.condition.nil? || item.condition.call(project)) redirect_to({item.param => project}.merge(item.url)) return true end false end end module MenuHelper # Returns the current menu item name def current_menu_item @controller.current_menu_item end # Renders the application main menu def render_main_menu(project) render_menu((project && !project.new_record?) ? :project_menu : :application_menu, project) end def render_menu(menu, project=nil) links = [] menu_items_for(menu, project) do |item, caption, url, selected| links << content_tag('li', link_to(h(caption), url, item.html_options(:selected => selected))) end links.empty? ? nil : content_tag('ul', links.join("\n")) end def menu_items_for(menu, project=nil) items = [] Redmine::MenuManager.allowed_items(menu, User.current, project).each do |item| unless item.condition && !item.condition.call(project) url = case item.url when Hash project.nil? ? item.url : {item.param => project}.merge(item.url) when Symbol send(item.url) else item.url end caption = item.caption(project) caption = l_or_humanize(caption, :prefix => 'label_') if caption.is_a?(Symbol) if block_given? yield item, caption, url, (current_menu_item == item.name) else items << [item, caption, url, (current_menu_item == item.name)] end end end return block_given? ? nil : items end end class << self def map(menu_name) @items ||= {} mapper = Mapper.new(menu_name.to_sym, @items) if block_given? yield mapper else mapper end end def items(menu_name) @items[menu_name.to_sym] || [] end def allowed_items(menu_name, user, project) project ? items(menu_name).select {|item| user && user.allowed_to?(item.url, project)} : items(menu_name) end end class Mapper def initialize(menu, items) items[menu] ||= [] @menu = menu @menu_items = items[menu] end @@last_items_count = Hash.new {|h,k| h[k] = 0} # Adds an item at the end of the menu. Available options: # * param: the parameter name that is used for the project id (default is :id) # * if: a Proc that is called before rendering the item, the item is displayed only if it returns true # * caption that can be: # * a localized string Symbol # * a String # * a Proc that can take the project as argument # * before, after: specify where the menu item should be inserted (eg. :after => :activity) # * last: menu item will stay at the end (eg. :last => true) # * html_options: a hash of html options that are passed to link_to def push(name, url, options={}) options = options.dup # menu item position if before = options.delete(:before) position = @menu_items.collect(&:name).index(before) elsif after = options.delete(:after) position = @menu_items.collect(&:name).index(after) position += 1 unless position.nil? elsif options.delete(:last) position = @menu_items.size @@last_items_count[@menu] += 1 end # default position position ||= @menu_items.size - @@last_items_count[@menu] @menu_items.insert(position, MenuItem.new(name, url, options)) end # Removes a menu item def delete(name) @menu_items.delete_if {|i| i.name == name} end end class MenuItem include Redmine::I18n attr_reader :name, :url, :param, :condition def initialize(name, url, options) raise "Invalid option :if for menu item '#{name}'" if options[:if] && !options[:if].respond_to?(:call) raise "Invalid option :html for menu item '#{name}'" if options[:html] && !options[:html].is_a?(Hash) @name = name @url = url @condition = options[:if] @param = options[:param] || :id @caption = options[:caption] || @name @html_options = options[:html] || {} # Adds a unique class to each menu item based on its name @html_options[:class] = [@html_options[:class], @name.to_s.dasherize].compact.join(' ') end def caption(project=nil) if @caption.is_a?(Proc) c = @caption.call(project).to_s c = @name.to_s.humanize if c.blank? c else @caption end end def html_options(options={}) if options[:selected] o = @html_options.dup o[:class] += ' selected' o else @html_options end end end end end