#-- encoding: UTF-8 #-- copyright # ChiliProject is a project management system. # # Copyright (C) 2010-2012 the ChiliProject Team # # This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or # modify it under the terms of the GNU General Public License # as published by the Free Software Foundation; either version 2 # of the License, or (at your option) any later version. # # See doc/COPYRIGHT.rdoc for more details. #++ require "digest/md5" class Attachment < ActiveRecord::Base belongs_to :container, :polymorphic => true # FIXME: Remove these once the Versions, Documents and Projects themselves can provide file events belongs_to :version, :foreign_key => "container_id" belongs_to :document, :foreign_key => "container_id" belongs_to :author, :class_name => "User", :foreign_key => "author_id" validates_presence_of :container, :filename, :author validates_length_of :filename, :maximum => 255 validates_length_of :disk_filename, :maximum => 255 acts_as_journalized :event_title => :filename, :event_url => (Proc.new do |o| { :controller => 'attachments', :action => 'download', :id => o.journaled_id, :filename => o.filename } end), :activity_type => 'files', :activity_permission => :view_files, :activity_find_options => { :include => { :version => :project } } acts_as_activity :type => 'documents', :permission => :view_documents, :find_options => { :include => { :document => :project } } # This method is called on save by the AttachmentJournal in order to # decide which kind of activity we are dealing with. When that activity # is retrieved later, we don't need to check the container_type in # SQL anymore as that will be just the one we have specified here. def activity_type case container_type when "Document" "documents" when "Version" "files" else super end end cattr_accessor :storage_path @@storage_path = Redmine::Configuration['attachments_storage_path'] || "#{RAILS_ROOT}/files" def validate if self.filesize > Setting.attachment_max_size.to_i.kilobytes errors.add(:base, :too_long, :count => Setting.attachment_max_size.to_i.kilobytes) end end def file=(incoming_file) unless incoming_file.nil? @temp_file = incoming_file if @temp_file.size > 0 self.filename = sanitize_filename(@temp_file.original_filename) self.disk_filename = Attachment.disk_filename(filename) self.content_type = @temp_file.content_type.to_s.chomp if content_type.blank? self.content_type = Redmine::MimeType.of(filename) end self.filesize = @temp_file.size end end end def file nil end # Copies the temporary file to its final location # and computes its MD5 hash def before_save if @temp_file && (@temp_file.size > 0) logger.debug("saving '#{self.diskfile}'") md5 = Digest::MD5.new File.open(diskfile, "wb") do |f| buffer = "" while (buffer = @temp_file.read(8192)) f.write(buffer) md5.update(buffer) end end self.digest = md5.hexdigest end # Don't save the content type if it's longer than the authorized length if self.content_type && self.content_type.length > 255 self.content_type = nil end end # Deletes file on the disk def after_destroy File.delete(diskfile) if !filename.blank? && File.exist?(diskfile) end # Returns file's location on disk def diskfile "#{@@storage_path}/#{self.disk_filename}" end def increment_download increment!(:downloads) end def project container.project end def visible?(user=User.current) container.attachments_visible?(user) end def deletable?(user=User.current) container.attachments_deletable?(user) end def image? self.filename =~ /\.(jpe?g|gif|png)$/i end def is_text? Redmine::MimeType.is_type?('text', filename) end def is_diff? self.filename =~ /\.(patch|diff)$/i end # Returns true if the file is readable def readable? File.readable?(diskfile) end # Bulk attaches a set of files to an object # # Returns a Hash of the results: # :files => array of the attached files # :unsaved => array of the files that could not be attached def self.attach_files(obj, attachments) attached = [] if attachments && attachments.is_a?(Hash) attachments.each_value do |attachment| file = attachment['file'] next unless file && file.size > 0 a = Attachment.create(:container => obj, :file => file, :description => attachment['description'].to_s.strip, :author => User.current) if a.new_record? obj.unsaved_attachments ||= [] obj.unsaved_attachments << a else attached << a end end end {:files => attached, :unsaved => obj.unsaved_attachments} end private def sanitize_filename(value) # get only the filename, not the whole path just_filename = value.gsub(/^.*(\\|\/)/, '') # NOTE: File.basename doesn't work right with Windows paths on Unix # INCORRECT: just_filename = File.basename(value.gsub('\\\\', '/')) # Finally, replace all non alphanumeric, hyphens or periods with underscore @filename = just_filename.gsub(/[^\w\.\-]/,'_') end # Returns an ASCII or hashed filename def self.disk_filename(filename) timestamp = DateTime.now.strftime("%y%m%d%H%M%S") ascii = '' if filename =~ %r{^[a-zA-Z0-9_\.\-]*$} ascii = filename else ascii = Digest::MD5.hexdigest(filename) # keep the extension if any ascii << $1 if filename =~ %r{(\.[a-zA-Z0-9]+)$} end while File.exist?(File.join(@@storage_path, "#{timestamp}_#{ascii}")) timestamp.succ! end "#{timestamp}_#{ascii}" end end