require 'rake' require 'rake/rdoctask' require 'tmpdir' task :default => :doc desc 'Generate documentation for the engines plugin.' do |doc| doc.rdoc_dir = 'doc' doc.title = 'Engines' doc.main = "README" doc.rdoc_files.include("README", "CHANGELOG", "MIT-LICENSE") doc.rdoc_files.include('lib/**/*.rb') doc.options << '--line-numbers' << '--inline-source' end desc 'Run the engine plugin tests within their test harness' task :cruise do # checkout the project into a temporary directory version = "rails_2.0" test_dir = "#{Dir.tmpdir}/engines_plugin_#{version}_test" puts "Checking out test harness for #{version} into #{test_dir}" `svn co{version} #{test_dir}` # run all the tests in this project Dir.chdir(test_dir) load 'Rakefile' puts "Running all tests in test harness" ['db:migrate', 'test', 'test:plugins'].each do |t| Rake::Task[t].invoke end end task :clean => [:clobber_doc, "test:clean"] namespace :test do # Yields a block with STDOUT and STDERR silenced. If you *really* want # to output something, the block is yielded with the original output # streams, i.e. # # silence do |o, e| # puts 'hello!' # no output produced # o.puts 'hello!' # output on STDOUT # end # # (based on silence_stream in ActiveSupport.) def silence yield(STDOUT, STDERR) if ENV['VERBOSE'] streams = [STDOUT, STDERR] actual_stdout = STDOUT.dup actual_stderr = STDERR.dup streams.each do |s| s.reopen(RUBY_PLATFORM =~ /mswin/ ? 'NUL:' : '/dev/null') s.sync = true end yield actual_stdout, actual_stderr ensure STDOUT.reopen(actual_stdout) STDERR.reopen(actual_stderr) end def test_app_dir File.join(File.dirname(__FILE__), 'test_app') end def run(cmd) cmd = cmd.join(" && ") if cmd.is_a?(Array) system(cmd) || raise("failed running '#{cmd}'") end desc 'Remove the test application' task :clean do FileUtils.rm_r(test_app_dir) if File.exist?(test_app_dir) end desc 'Build the test rails application (use RAILS=[edge,<directory>] to test against specific version)' task :generate_app do silence do |out, err| out.puts "> Creating test application at #{test_app_dir}" if ENV['RAILS'] vendor_dir = File.join(test_app_dir, 'vendor') FileUtils.mkdir_p vendor_dir if ENV['RAILS'] == 'edge' out.puts " Cloning Edge Rails from GitHub" run "cd #{vendor_dir} && git clone --depth 1 git://" elsif ENV['RAILS'] =~ /\d\.\d\.\d/ if ENV['CURL'] out.puts " Cloning Rails Tag #{ENV['RAILS']} from GitHub using curl and tar" run ["cd #{vendor_dir}", "mkdir rails", "cd rails", "curl -s -L{ENV['RAILS']} | tar xzv --strip-components 1"] else out.puts " Cloning Rails Tag #{ENV['RAILS']} from GitHub (can be slow - set CURL=true to use curl)" run ["cd #{vendor_dir}", "git clone git://", "cd rails", "git pull", "git checkout v#{ENV['RAILS']}"] end elsif File.exist?(ENV['RAILS']) out.puts " Linking rails from #{ENV['RAILS']}" run "cd #{vendor_dir} && ln -s #{ENV['RAILS']} rails" else raise "Couldn't build test application from '#{ENV['RAILS']}'" end out.puts " generating rails default directory structure" run "ruby #{File.join(vendor_dir, 'rails', 'railties', 'bin', 'rails')} #{test_app_dir}" else version = `rails --version`.chomp.split.last out.puts " building rails using the 'rails' command (rails version: #{version})" run "rails #{test_app_dir}" end # get the database config and schema in place out.puts " writing database.yml" require 'yaml', 'config', 'database.yml'), 'w') do |f| f.write(%w(development test).inject({}) do |h, env| h[env] = {"adapter" => "sqlite3", "database" => "engines_#{env}.sqlite3"} ; h end.to_yaml) end out.puts " installing exception_notification plugin" run "cd #{test_app_dir} && ./script/plugin install git://" end end # We can't link the plugin, as it needs to be present for script/generate to find # the plugin generator. # TODO: find and +1/create issue for loading generators from symlinked plugins desc 'Mirror the engines plugin into the test application' task :copy_engines_plugin do puts "> Copying engines plugin into test application" engines_plugin = File.join(test_app_dir, "vendor", "plugins", "engines") FileUtils.rm_r(engines_plugin) if File.exist?(engines_plugin) FileUtils.mkdir_p(engines_plugin) FileList["*"].exclude("test_app").each do |file| FileUtils.cp_r(file, engines_plugin) end end def insert_line(line, options) line = line + "\n" target_file = File.join(test_app_dir, options[:into]) lines = File.readlines(target_file) return if lines.include?(line) if options[:after] if options[:after].is_a?(String) after_line = options[:after] + "\n" else after_line = lines.find { |l| l =~ options[:after] } raise "couldn't find a line matching #{options[:after].inspect} in #{target_file}" unless after_line end index = lines.index(after_line) raise "couldn't find line '#{after_line}' in #{target_file}" unless index lines.insert(index + 1, line) else lines << line end, 'w') { |f| f.write lines.join } end def mirror_test_files(src, dest=nil) destination_dir = File.join(*([test_app_dir, dest].compact)) FileUtils.cp_r(File.join(File.dirname(__FILE__), 'test', src), destination_dir) end desc 'Update the plugin and tests files in the test application from the plugin' task :mirror_engine_files => [:test_app, :copy_engines_plugin] do puts "> Tweaking generated application to be suitable for testing" # Replace the Rails plugin loader with the engines one. insert_line("require File.join(File.dirname(__FILE__), '../vendor/plugins/engines/boot')", :into => 'config/environment.rb', :after => "require File.join(File.dirname(__FILE__), 'boot')") # Add the engines test helper to handle fixtures & stuff. insert_line("require 'engines_test_helper'", :into => 'test/test_helper.rb') # Run engine plugin tests when running the application insert_line("task :test => ['test:engines:all']", :into => 'Rakefile') # We want exceptions to be raised insert_line("def rescue_action(e) raise e end;", :into => "app/controllers/application_controller.rb", :after => "class ApplicationController < ActionController::Base") # We need this method to test where actions are being rendered from. insert_line("include RenderInformation", :into => "app/controllers/application_controller.rb", :after => "class ApplicationController < ActionController::Base") puts "> Mirroring test application files into #{test_app_dir}" mirror_test_files('app') mirror_test_files('lib') mirror_test_files('plugins', 'vendor') mirror_test_files('unit', 'test') mirror_test_files('functional', 'test') end desc 'Prepare the engines test environment' task :test_app do version_tag = File.join(test_app_dir, 'RAILS_VERSION') existing_version = rescue 'unknown' if existing_version == ENV['RAILS'] puts "> Reusing existing test application (#{ENV['RAILS']})" else puts "> Recreating test application" Rake::Task["test:clean"].invoke Rake::Task["test:generate_app"].invoke, "w") { |f| f.write ENV['RAILS'] } end end end task :test => "test:mirror_engine_files" do puts "> Loading the test application environment and running tests" # We use exec here to replace the current running rake process exec("cd #{test_app_dir} && rake db:migrate && rake") end