Description: The plugin migration generator assists in working with schema additions required by plugins. Instead of running migrations from plugins directly, the generator creates a regular Rails migration which will be responsible for migrating the plugins from their current version to the latest version installed. This is important because the set of application migrations remains an accurate record of the state of the database, even as plugins are installed and removed during the development process. Example: ./script/generate plugin_migration [ ...] This will generate: RAILS_ROOT |- db |-migrate |- xxx_plugin_migrations.rb which contains the migrations for the given plugin(s). Advanced Usage: There may be situations where you need *complete* control over the migrations of plugins in your application, migrating a certainly plugin down to X, and another plugin up to Y, where neither X or Y are the latest migrations for those plugins. For those unfortunate few, I have two pieces of advice: 1. Why? This is a code smell []. 2. Well, OK. Don't panic. You can completely control plugin migrations by creating your own migrations. To manually migrate a plugin to a specific version, simply use Engines.plugins[:your_plugin_name].migrate(version) where version is the integer of the migration this plugin should end up at. With great power comes great responsibility. Use this wisely.