<%= select_month(@month, :prefix => "month", :discard_type => true) %> <%= select_year(@year, :prefix => "year", :discard_type => true) %>
<%= check_box_tag 'show_issues', 1, @show_issues %><%= hidden_field_tag 'show_issues', 0 %> <%=l(:label_issue_plural)%>
<% if e.is_a? Issue %>
<%= e.created_on.strftime("%H:%M") %> <%= link_to "#{e.tracker.name} ##{e.id}", :controller => 'issues', :action => 'show', :id => e %> (<%= e.status.name %>): <%= e.subject %>
<%= e.author.name %>
<% elsif e.is_a? News %>
<%= e.created_on.strftime("%H:%M") %> <%=l(:label_news)%>: <%= link_to e.title, :controller => 'news', :action => 'show', :id => e %>
<% unless e.summary.empty? %><%= e.summary %>
<% end %>
<%= e.author.name %>
<% elsif (e.is_a? Attachment) and (e.container.is_a? Version) %>
<%= e.created_on.strftime("%H:%M") %> <%=l(:label_attachment)%> (Version <%= e.container.name %>): <%= link_to e.filename, :controller => 'projects', :action => 'list_files', :id => @project %>
<%= e.author.name %>
<% elsif (e.is_a? Attachment) and (e.container.is_a? Document) %>
<%= e.created_on.strftime("%H:%M") %> <%=l(:label_document)%>: <%= link_to e.container.title, :controller => 'documents', :action => 'show', :id => e %>
<%= e.author.name %>
<% end %>
<%= l(:label_no_data) %>
<% end %>