# ActsAsWatchable module Redmine module Acts module Watchable def self.included(base) base.extend ClassMethods end module ClassMethods def acts_as_watchable(options = {}) return if self.included_modules.include?(Redmine::Acts::Watchable::InstanceMethods) send :include, Redmine::Acts::Watchable::InstanceMethods class_eval do has_many :watchers, :as => :watchable, :dependent => :delete_all has_many :watcher_users, :through => :watchers, :source => :user end end end module InstanceMethods def self.included(base) base.extend ClassMethods end # Returns an array of users that are proposed as watchers def addable_watcher_users self.project.users.sort - self.watcher_users end # Adds user as a watcher def add_watcher(user) self.watchers << Watcher.new(:user => user) end # Removes user from the watchers list def remove_watcher(user) return nil unless user && user.is_a?(User) Watcher.delete_all "watchable_type = '#{self.class}' AND watchable_id = #{self.id} AND user_id = #{user.id}" end # Adds/removes watcher def set_watcher(user, watching=true) watching ? add_watcher(user) : remove_watcher(user) end # Returns if object is watched by user def watched_by?(user) !self.watchers.find(:first, :conditions => ["#{Watcher.table_name}.user_id = ?", user.id]).nil? end # Returns an array of watchers' email addresses def watcher_recipients self.watchers.collect { |w| w.user.mail if w.user.active? }.compact end module ClassMethods # Returns the objects that are watched by user def watched_by(user) find(:all, :include => :watchers, :conditions => ["#{Watcher.table_name}.user_id = ?", user.id]) end end end end end end