# redMine - project management software # Copyright (C) 2006-2007 Jean-Philippe Lang # # This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or # modify it under the terms of the GNU General Public License # as published by the Free Software Foundation; either version 2 # of the License, or (at your option) any later version. # # This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, # but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of # MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the # GNU General Public License for more details. # # You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License # along with this program; if not, write to the Free Software # Foundation, Inc., 51 Franklin Street, Fifth Floor, Boston, MA 02110-1301, USA. require 'active_record' require 'iconv' require 'pp' namespace :redmine do desc 'Trac migration script' task :migrate_from_trac => :environment do module TracMigrate TICKET_MAP = [] DEFAULT_STATUS = IssueStatus.default assigned_status = IssueStatus.find_by_position(2) resolved_status = IssueStatus.find_by_position(3) feedback_status = IssueStatus.find_by_position(4) closed_status = IssueStatus.find :first, :conditions => { :is_closed => true } STATUS_MAPPING = {'new' => DEFAULT_STATUS, 'reopened' => feedback_status, 'assigned' => assigned_status, 'closed' => closed_status } priorities = Enumeration.priorities DEFAULT_PRIORITY = priorities[0] PRIORITY_MAPPING = {'lowest' => priorities[0], 'low' => priorities[0], 'normal' => priorities[1], 'high' => priorities[2], 'highest' => priorities[3], # --- 'trivial' => priorities[0], 'minor' => priorities[1], 'major' => priorities[2], 'critical' => priorities[3], 'blocker' => priorities[4] } TRACKER_BUG = Tracker.find_by_position(1) TRACKER_FEATURE = Tracker.find_by_position(2) DEFAULT_TRACKER = TRACKER_BUG TRACKER_MAPPING = {'defect' => TRACKER_BUG, 'enhancement' => TRACKER_FEATURE, 'task' => TRACKER_FEATURE, 'patch' =>TRACKER_FEATURE } roles = Role.find(:all, :conditions => {:builtin => 0}, :order => 'position ASC') manager_role = roles[0] developer_role = roles[1] DEFAULT_ROLE = roles.last ROLE_MAPPING = {'admin' => manager_role, 'developer' => developer_role } class ::Time class << self alias :real_now :now def now real_now - @fake_diff.to_i end def fake(time) @fake_diff = real_now - time res = yield @fake_diff = 0 res end end end class TracComponent < ActiveRecord::Base set_table_name :component end class TracMilestone < ActiveRecord::Base set_table_name :milestone # If this attribute is set a milestone has a defined target timepoint def due if read_attribute(:due) && read_attribute(:due) > 0 Time.at(read_attribute(:due)).to_date else nil end end # This is the real timepoint at which the milestone has finished. def completed if read_attribute(:completed) && read_attribute(:completed) > 0 Time.at(read_attribute(:completed)).to_date else nil end end def description # Attribute is named descr in Trac v0.8.x has_attribute?(:descr) ? read_attribute(:descr) : read_attribute(:description) end end class TracTicketCustom < ActiveRecord::Base set_table_name :ticket_custom end class TracAttachment < ActiveRecord::Base set_table_name :attachment set_inheritance_column :none def time; Time.at(read_attribute(:time)) end def original_filename filename end def content_type Redmine::MimeType.of(filename) || '' end def exist? File.file? trac_fullpath end def open File.open("#{trac_fullpath}", 'rb') {|f| @file = f yield self } end def read(*args) @file.read(*args) end def description read_attribute(:description).to_s.slice(0,255) end private def trac_fullpath attachment_type = read_attribute(:type) trac_file = filename.gsub( /[^a-zA-Z0-9\-_\.!~*']/n ) {|x| sprintf('%%%02x', x[0]) } "#{TracMigrate.trac_attachments_directory}/#{attachment_type}/#{id}/#{trac_file}" end end class TracTicket < ActiveRecord::Base set_table_name :ticket set_inheritance_column :none # ticket changes: only migrate status changes and comments has_many :changes, :class_name => "TracTicketChange", :foreign_key => :ticket has_many :attachments, :class_name => "TracAttachment", :finder_sql => "SELECT DISTINCT attachment.* FROM #{TracMigrate::TracAttachment.table_name}" + " WHERE #{TracMigrate::TracAttachment.table_name}.type = 'ticket'" + ' AND #{TracMigrate::TracAttachment.table_name}.id = \'#{id}\'' has_many :customs, :class_name => "TracTicketCustom", :foreign_key => :ticket def ticket_type read_attribute(:type) end def summary read_attribute(:summary).blank? ? "(no subject)" : read_attribute(:summary) end def description read_attribute(:description).blank? ? summary : read_attribute(:description) end def time; Time.at(read_attribute(:time)) end def changetime; Time.at(read_attribute(:changetime)) end end class TracTicketChange < ActiveRecord::Base set_table_name :ticket_change def time; Time.at(read_attribute(:time)) end end TRAC_WIKI_PAGES = %w(InterMapTxt InterTrac InterWiki RecentChanges SandBox TracAccessibility TracAdmin TracBackup TracBrowser TracCgi TracChangeset \ TracEnvironment TracFastCgi TracGuide TracImport TracIni TracInstall TracInterfaceCustomization \ TracLinks TracLogging TracModPython TracNotification TracPermissions TracPlugins TracQuery \ TracReports TracRevisionLog TracRoadmap TracRss TracSearch TracStandalone TracSupport TracSyntaxColoring TracTickets \ TracTicketsCustomFields TracTimeline TracUnicode TracUpgrade TracWiki WikiDeletePage WikiFormatting \ WikiHtml WikiMacros WikiNewPage WikiPageNames WikiProcessors WikiRestructuredText WikiRestructuredTextLinks \ CamelCase TitleIndex) class TracWikiPage < ActiveRecord::Base set_table_name :wiki set_primary_key :name has_many :attachments, :class_name => "TracAttachment", :finder_sql => "SELECT DISTINCT attachment.* FROM #{TracMigrate::TracAttachment.table_name}" + " WHERE #{TracMigrate::TracAttachment.table_name}.type = 'wiki'" + ' AND #{TracMigrate::TracAttachment.table_name}.id = \'#{id}\'' def self.columns # Hides readonly Trac field to prevent clash with AR readonly? method (Rails 2.0) super.select {|column| column.name.to_s != 'readonly'} end def time; Time.at(read_attribute(:time)) end end class TracPermission < ActiveRecord::Base set_table_name :permission end class TracSessionAttribute < ActiveRecord::Base set_table_name :session_attribute end def self.find_or_create_user(username, project_member = false) return User.anonymous if username.blank? u = User.find_by_login(username) if !u # Create a new user if not found mail = username[0,limit_for(User, 'mail')] if mail_attr = TracSessionAttribute.find_by_sid_and_name(username, 'email') mail = mail_attr.value end mail = "#{mail}@foo.bar" unless mail.include?("@") name = username if name_attr = TracSessionAttribute.find_by_sid_and_name(username, 'name') name = name_attr.value end name =~ (/(.*)(\s+\w+)?/) fn = $1.strip ln = ($2 || '-').strip u = User.new :mail => mail.gsub(/[^-@a-z0-9\.]/i, '-'), :firstname => fn[0, limit_for(User, 'firstname')].gsub(/[^\w\s\'\-]/i, '-'), :lastname => ln[0, limit_for(User, 'lastname')].gsub(/[^\w\s\'\-]/i, '-') u.login = username[0,limit_for(User, 'login')].gsub(/[^a-z0-9_\-@\.]/i, '-') u.password = 'trac' u.admin = true if TracPermission.find_by_username_and_action(username, 'admin') # finally, a default user is used if the new user is not valid u = User.find(:first) unless u.save end # Make sure he is a member of the project if project_member && !u.member_of?(@target_project) role = DEFAULT_ROLE if u.admin role = ROLE_MAPPING['admin'] elsif TracPermission.find_by_username_and_action(username, 'developer') role = ROLE_MAPPING['developer'] end Member.create(:user => u, :project => @target_project, :role => role) u.reload end u end # Basic wiki syntax conversion def self.convert_wiki_text(text) # Titles text = text.gsub(/^(\=+)\s(.+)\s(\=+)/) {|s| "\nh#{$1.length}. #{$2}\n"} # External Links text = text.gsub(/\[(http[^\s]+)\s+([^\]]+)\]/) {|s| "\"#{$2}\":#{$1}"} # Ticket links: # [ticket:234 Text],[ticket:234 This is a test] text = text.gsub(/\[ticket\:([^\ ]+)\ (.+?)\]/, '"\2":/issues/show/\1') # ticket:1234 # #1 is working cause Redmine uses the same syntax. text = text.gsub(/ticket\:([^\ ]+)/, '#\1') # Milestone links: # [milestone:"0.1.0 Mercury" Milestone 0.1.0 (Mercury)] # The text "Milestone 0.1.0 (Mercury)" is not converted, # cause Redmine's wiki does not support this. text = text.gsub(/\[milestone\:\"([^\"]+)\"\ (.+?)\]/, 'version:"\1"') # [milestone:"0.1.0 Mercury"] text = text.gsub(/\[milestone\:\"([^\"]+)\"\]/, 'version:"\1"') text = text.gsub(/milestone\:\"([^\"]+)\"/, 'version:"\1"') # milestone:0.1.0 text = text.gsub(/\[milestone\:([^\ ]+)\]/, 'version:\1') text = text.gsub(/milestone\:([^\ ]+)/, 'version:\1') # Internal Links text = text.gsub(/\[\[BR\]\]/, "\n") # This has to go before the rules below text = text.gsub(/\[\"(.+)\".*\]/) {|s| "[[#{$1.delete(',./?;|:')}]]"} text = text.gsub(/\[wiki:\"(.+)\".*\]/) {|s| "[[#{$1.delete(',./?;|:')}]]"} text = text.gsub(/\[wiki:\"(.+)\".*\]/) {|s| "[[#{$1.delete(',./?;|:')}]]"} text = text.gsub(/\[wiki:([^\s\]]+)\]/) {|s| "[[#{$1.delete(',./?;|:')}]]"} text = text.gsub(/\[wiki:([^\s\]]+)\s(.*)\]/) {|s| "[[#{$1.delete(',./?;|:')}|#{$2.delete(',./?;|:')}]]"} # Links to pages UsingJustWikiCaps text = text.gsub(/([^!]|^)(^| )([A-Z][a-z]+[A-Z][a-zA-Z]+)/, '\\1\\2[[\3]]') # Normalize things that were supposed to not be links # like !NotALink text = text.gsub(/(^| )!([A-Z][A-Za-z]+)/, '\1\2') # Revisions links text = text.gsub(/\[(\d+)\]/, 'r\1') # Ticket number re-writing text = text.gsub(/#(\d+)/) do |s| if $1.length < 10 TICKET_MAP[$1.to_i] ||= $1 "\##{TICKET_MAP[$1.to_i] || $1}" else s end end # We would like to convert the Code highlighting too # This will go into the next line. shebang_line = false # Reguar expression for start of code pre_re = /\{\{\{/ # Code hightlighing... shebang_re = /^\#\!([a-z]+)/ # Regular expression for end of code pre_end_re = /\}\}\}/ # Go through the whole text..extract it line by line text = text.gsub(/^(.*)$/) do |line| m_pre = pre_re.match(line) if m_pre line = '
            m_sl = shebang_re.match(line)
            if m_sl
              shebang_line = true
              line = ''
            m_pre_end = pre_end_re.match(line)
            if m_pre_end
              line = '
' if shebang_line line = '' + line end end end line end # Highlighting text = text.gsub(/'''''([^\s])/, '_*\1') text = text.gsub(/([^\s])'''''/, '\1*_') text = text.gsub(/'''/, '*') text = text.gsub(/''/, '_') text = text.gsub(/__/, '+') text = text.gsub(/~~/, '-') text = text.gsub(/`/, '@') text = text.gsub(/,,/, '~') # Lists text = text.gsub(/^([ ]+)\* /) {|s| '*' * $1.length + " "} text end def self.migrate establish_connection # Quick database test TracComponent.count migrated_components = 0 migrated_milestones = 0 migrated_tickets = 0 migrated_custom_values = 0 migrated_ticket_attachments = 0 migrated_wiki_edits = 0 migrated_wiki_attachments = 0 #Wiki system initializing... @target_project.wiki.destroy if @target_project.wiki @target_project.reload wiki = Wiki.new(:project => @target_project, :start_page => 'WikiStart') wiki_edit_count = 0 # Components print "Migrating components" issues_category_map = {} TracComponent.find(:all).each do |component| print '.' STDOUT.flush c = IssueCategory.new :project => @target_project, :name => encode(component.name[0, limit_for(IssueCategory, 'name')]) next unless c.save issues_category_map[component.name] = c migrated_components += 1 end puts # Milestones print "Migrating milestones" version_map = {} TracMilestone.find(:all).each do |milestone| print '.' STDOUT.flush # First we try to find the wiki page... p = wiki.find_or_new_page(milestone.name.to_s) p.content = WikiContent.new(:page => p) if p.new_record? p.content.text = milestone.description.to_s p.content.author = find_or_create_user('trac') p.content.comments = 'Milestone' p.save v = Version.new :project => @target_project, :name => encode(milestone.name[0, limit_for(Version, 'name')]), :description => nil, :wiki_page_title => milestone.name.to_s, :effective_date => milestone.completed next unless v.save version_map[milestone.name] = v migrated_milestones += 1 end puts # Custom fields # TODO: read trac.ini instead print "Migrating custom fields" custom_field_map = {} TracTicketCustom.find_by_sql("SELECT DISTINCT name FROM #{TracTicketCustom.table_name}").each do |field| print '.' STDOUT.flush # Redmine custom field name field_name = encode(field.name[0, limit_for(IssueCustomField, 'name')]).humanize # Find if the custom already exists in Redmine f = IssueCustomField.find_by_name(field_name) # Or create a new one f ||= IssueCustomField.create(:name => encode(field.name[0, limit_for(IssueCustomField, 'name')]).humanize, :field_format => 'string') next if f.new_record? f.trackers = Tracker.find(:all) f.projects << @target_project custom_field_map[field.name] = f end puts # Trac 'resolution' field as a Redmine custom field r = IssueCustomField.find(:first, :conditions => { :name => "Resolution" }) r = IssueCustomField.new(:name => 'Resolution', :field_format => 'list', :is_filter => true) if r.nil? r.trackers = Tracker.find(:all) r.projects << @target_project r.possible_values = (r.possible_values + %w(fixed invalid wontfix duplicate worksforme)).flatten.compact.uniq r.save! custom_field_map['resolution'] = r # Tickets print "Migrating tickets" TracTicket.find(:all, :order => 'id ASC').each do |ticket| print '.' STDOUT.flush i = Issue.new :project => @target_project, :subject => encode(ticket.summary[0, limit_for(Issue, 'subject')]), :description => convert_wiki_text(encode(ticket.description)), :priority => PRIORITY_MAPPING[ticket.priority] || DEFAULT_PRIORITY, :created_on => ticket.time i.author = find_or_create_user(ticket.reporter) i.category = issues_category_map[ticket.component] unless ticket.component.blank? i.fixed_version = version_map[ticket.milestone] unless ticket.milestone.blank? i.status = STATUS_MAPPING[ticket.status] || DEFAULT_STATUS i.tracker = TRACKER_MAPPING[ticket.ticket_type] || DEFAULT_TRACKER i.id = ticket.id unless Issue.exists?(ticket.id) next unless Time.fake(ticket.changetime) { i.save } TICKET_MAP[ticket.id] = i.id migrated_tickets += 1 # Owner unless ticket.owner.blank? i.assigned_to = find_or_create_user(ticket.owner, true) Time.fake(ticket.changetime) { i.save } end # Comments and status/resolution changes ticket.changes.group_by(&:time).each do |time, changeset| status_change = changeset.select {|change| change.field == 'status'}.first resolution_change = changeset.select {|change| change.field == 'resolution'}.first comment_change = changeset.select {|change| change.field == 'comment'}.first n = Journal.new :notes => (comment_change ? convert_wiki_text(encode(comment_change.newvalue)) : ''), :created_on => time n.user = find_or_create_user(changeset.first.author) n.journalized = i if status_change && STATUS_MAPPING[status_change.oldvalue] && STATUS_MAPPING[status_change.newvalue] && (STATUS_MAPPING[status_change.oldvalue] != STATUS_MAPPING[status_change.newvalue]) n.details << JournalDetail.new(:property => 'attr', :prop_key => 'status_id', :old_value => STATUS_MAPPING[status_change.oldvalue].id, :value => STATUS_MAPPING[status_change.newvalue].id) end if resolution_change n.details << JournalDetail.new(:property => 'cf', :prop_key => custom_field_map['resolution'].id, :old_value => resolution_change.oldvalue, :value => resolution_change.newvalue) end n.save unless n.details.empty? && n.notes.blank? end # Attachments ticket.attachments.each do |attachment| next unless attachment.exist? attachment.open { a = Attachment.new :created_on => attachment.time a.file = attachment a.author = find_or_create_user(attachment.author) a.container = i a.description = attachment.description migrated_ticket_attachments += 1 if a.save } end # Custom fields custom_values = ticket.customs.inject({}) do |h, custom| if custom_field = custom_field_map[custom.name] h[custom_field.id] = custom.value migrated_custom_values += 1 end h end if custom_field_map['resolution'] && !ticket.resolution.blank? custom_values[custom_field_map['resolution'].id] = ticket.resolution end i.custom_field_values = custom_values i.save_custom_field_values end # update issue id sequence if needed (postgresql) Issue.connection.reset_pk_sequence!(Issue.table_name) if Issue.connection.respond_to?('reset_pk_sequence!') puts # Wiki print "Migrating wiki" if wiki.save TracWikiPage.find(:all, :order => 'name, version').each do |page| # Do not migrate Trac manual wiki pages next if TRAC_WIKI_PAGES.include?(page.name) wiki_edit_count += 1 print '.' STDOUT.flush p = wiki.find_or_new_page(page.name) p.content = WikiContent.new(:page => p) if p.new_record? p.content.text = page.text p.content.author = find_or_create_user(page.author) unless page.author.blank? || page.author == 'trac' p.content.comments = page.comment Time.fake(page.time) { p.new_record? ? p.save : p.content.save } next if p.content.new_record? migrated_wiki_edits += 1 # Attachments page.attachments.each do |attachment| next unless attachment.exist? next if p.attachments.find_by_filename(attachment.filename.gsub(/^.*(\\|\/)/, '').gsub(/[^\w\.\-]/,'_')) #add only once per page a = Attachment.new :created_on => attachment.time a.file = attachment a.author = find_or_create_user(attachment.author) a.description = attachment.description a.container = p migrated_wiki_attachments += 1 if a.save end end wiki.reload wiki.pages.each do |page| page.content.text = convert_wiki_text(page.content.text) Time.fake(page.content.updated_on) { page.content.save } end end puts puts puts "Components: #{migrated_components}/#{TracComponent.count}" puts "Milestones: #{migrated_milestones}/#{TracMilestone.count}" puts "Tickets: #{migrated_tickets}/#{TracTicket.count}" puts "Ticket files: #{migrated_ticket_attachments}/" + TracAttachment.count(:conditions => {:type => 'ticket'}).to_s puts "Custom values: #{migrated_custom_values}/#{TracTicketCustom.count}" puts "Wiki edits: #{migrated_wiki_edits}/#{wiki_edit_count}" puts "Wiki files: #{migrated_wiki_attachments}/" + TracAttachment.count(:conditions => {:type => 'wiki'}).to_s end def self.limit_for(klass, attribute) klass.columns_hash[attribute.to_s].limit end def self.encoding(charset) @ic = Iconv.new('UTF-8', charset) rescue Iconv::InvalidEncoding puts "Invalid encoding!" return false end def self.set_trac_directory(path) @@trac_directory = path raise "This directory doesn't exist!" unless File.directory?(path) raise "#{trac_attachments_directory} doesn't exist!" unless File.directory?(trac_attachments_directory) @@trac_directory rescue Exception => e puts e return false end def self.trac_directory @@trac_directory end def self.set_trac_adapter(adapter) return false if adapter.blank? raise "Unknown adapter: #{adapter}!" unless %w(sqlite sqlite3 mysql postgresql).include?(adapter) # If adapter is sqlite or sqlite3, make sure that trac.db exists raise "#{trac_db_path} doesn't exist!" if %w(sqlite sqlite3).include?(adapter) && !File.exist?(trac_db_path) @@trac_adapter = adapter rescue Exception => e puts e return false end def self.set_trac_db_host(host) return nil if host.blank? @@trac_db_host = host end def self.set_trac_db_port(port) return nil if port.to_i == 0 @@trac_db_port = port.to_i end def self.set_trac_db_name(name) return nil if name.blank? @@trac_db_name = name end def self.set_trac_db_username(username) @@trac_db_username = username end def self.set_trac_db_password(password) @@trac_db_password = password end def self.set_trac_db_schema(schema) @@trac_db_schema = schema end mattr_reader :trac_directory, :trac_adapter, :trac_db_host, :trac_db_port, :trac_db_name, :trac_db_schema, :trac_db_username, :trac_db_password def self.trac_db_path; "#{trac_directory}/db/trac.db" end def self.trac_attachments_directory; "#{trac_directory}/attachments" end def self.target_project_identifier(identifier) project = Project.find_by_identifier(identifier) if !project # create the target project project = Project.new :name => identifier.humanize, :description => '' project.identifier = identifier puts "Unable to create a project with identifier '#{identifier}'!" unless project.save # enable issues and wiki for the created project project.enabled_module_names = ['issue_tracking', 'wiki'] else puts puts "This project already exists in your Redmine database." print "Are you sure you want to append data to this project ? [Y/n] " exit if STDIN.gets.match(/^n$/i) end project.trackers << TRACKER_BUG unless project.trackers.include?(TRACKER_BUG) project.trackers << TRACKER_FEATURE unless project.trackers.include?(TRACKER_FEATURE) @target_project = project.new_record? ? nil : project end def self.connection_params if %w(sqlite sqlite3).include?(trac_adapter) {:adapter => trac_adapter, :database => trac_db_path} else {:adapter => trac_adapter, :database => trac_db_name, :host => trac_db_host, :port => trac_db_port, :username => trac_db_username, :password => trac_db_password, :schema_search_path => trac_db_schema } end end def self.establish_connection constants.each do |const| klass = const_get(const) next unless klass.respond_to? 'establish_connection' klass.establish_connection connection_params end end private def self.encode(text) @ic.iconv text rescue text end end puts if Redmine::DefaultData::Loader.no_data? puts "Redmine configuration need to be loaded before importing data." puts "Please, run this first:" puts puts " rake redmine:load_default_data RAILS_ENV=\"#{ENV['RAILS_ENV']}\"" exit end puts "WARNING: a new project will be added to Redmine during this process." print "Are you sure you want to continue ? [y/N] " break unless STDIN.gets.match(/^y$/i) puts def prompt(text, options = {}, &block) default = options[:default] || '' while true print "#{text} [#{default}]: " value = STDIN.gets.chomp! value = default if value.blank? break if yield value end end DEFAULT_PORTS = {'mysql' => 3306, 'postgresql' => 5432} prompt('Trac directory') {|directory| TracMigrate.set_trac_directory directory.strip} prompt('Trac database adapter (sqlite, sqlite3, mysql, postgresql)', :default => 'sqlite') {|adapter| TracMigrate.set_trac_adapter adapter} unless %w(sqlite sqlite3).include?(TracMigrate.trac_adapter) prompt('Trac database host', :default => 'localhost') {|host| TracMigrate.set_trac_db_host host} prompt('Trac database port', :default => DEFAULT_PORTS[TracMigrate.trac_adapter]) {|port| TracMigrate.set_trac_db_port port} prompt('Trac database name') {|name| TracMigrate.set_trac_db_name name} prompt('Trac database schema', :default => 'public') {|schema| TracMigrate.set_trac_db_schema schema} prompt('Trac database username') {|username| TracMigrate.set_trac_db_username username} prompt('Trac database password') {|password| TracMigrate.set_trac_db_password password} end prompt('Trac database encoding', :default => 'UTF-8') {|encoding| TracMigrate.encoding encoding} prompt('Target project identifier') {|identifier| TracMigrate.target_project_identifier identifier} puts TracMigrate.migrate end end