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8. Settings

8.1. Project features

  • Public : if it’s a public project, it can be viewed (request consultation, documents consultation, ...) for all the users, including those who are not project members. If it’s not a public project, only the project members have access to it, according to their role.

  • Customized fields : Select the customized fields that you want to use. Only the administrator can define new customized fields.

8.2. Members

This screen allows you to define the project members as well as their corresponding roles. A user can have only one role in a given project. The role of a member determines the permissions they have in a project.

8.3. Versions

Versions allow you to follow the changes made during all the project. For instance, at the close of an Issue, you can indicate which version takes it into account. You can display the various versions of the application (see Files).

8.4. Request categories

Issue categories allow you to organize Issues. Categories can correspond to different project modules.