module CodeRay module Scanners load :java class Groovy < Java include Streamable register_for :groovy # TODO: Check this! GROOVY_KEYWORDS = %w[ as assert def in ] KEYWORDS_EXPECTING_VALUE = %w[ case instanceof new return throw typeof while as assert in ] GROOVY_MAGIC_VARIABLES = %w[ it ] IDENT_KIND = Java::IDENT_KIND.dup. add(GROOVY_KEYWORDS, :keyword). add(GROOVY_MAGIC_VARIABLES, :local_variable) ESCAPE = / [bfnrtv$\n\\'"] | x[a-fA-F0-9]{1,2} | [0-7]{1,3} /x UNICODE_ESCAPE = / u[a-fA-F0-9]{4} /x # no 4-byte unicode chars? U[a-fA-F0-9]{8} REGEXP_ESCAPE = / [bfnrtv\n\\'"] | x[a-fA-F0-9]{1,2} | [0-7]{1,3} | \d | [bBdDsSwW\/] /x # TODO: interpretation inside ', ", / STRING_CONTENT_PATTERN = { "'" => /(?>\\[^\\'\n]+|[^\\'\n]+)+/, '"' => /[^\\$"\n]+/, "'''" => /(?>[^\\']+|'(?!''))+/, '"""' => /(?>[^\\$"]+|"(?!""))+/, '/' => /[^\\$\/\n]+/, } def scan_tokens tokens, options state = :initial inline_block_stack = [] inline_block_paren_depth = nil string_delimiter = nil import_clause = class_name_follows = last_token = after_def = false value_expected = true until eos? kind = nil match = nil case state when :initial if match = scan(/ \s+ | \\\n /x) tokens << [match, :space] if match.index ?\n import_clause = after_def = false value_expected = true unless value_expected end next elsif scan(%r! // [^\n\\]* (?: \\. [^\n\\]* )* | /\* (?: .*? \*/ | .* ) !mx) value_expected = true after_def = false kind = :comment elsif bol? && scan(/ \#!.* /x) kind = :doctype elsif import_clause && scan(/ (?!as) #{IDENT} (?: \. #{IDENT} )* (?: \.\* )? /ox) after_def = value_expected = false kind = :include elsif match = scan(/ #{IDENT} | \[\] /ox) kind = IDENT_KIND[match] value_expected = (kind == :keyword) && KEYWORDS_EXPECTING_VALUE[match] if last_token == '.' kind = :ident elsif class_name_follows kind = :class class_name_follows = false elsif after_def && check(/\s*[({]/) kind = :method after_def = false elsif kind == :ident && last_token != '?' && check(/:/) kind = :key else class_name_follows = true if match == 'class' || (import_clause && match == 'as') import_clause = match == 'import' after_def = true if match == 'def' end elsif scan(/;/) import_clause = after_def = false value_expected = true kind = :operator elsif scan(/\{/) class_name_follows = after_def = false value_expected = true kind = :operator if !inline_block_stack.empty? inline_block_paren_depth += 1 end # TODO: ~'...', ~"..." and ~/.../ style regexps elsif match = scan(/ \.\.] | \+\+ | && | \|\| | \*\*=? | ==?~ | <=?>? | [-+*%^~&|>=!]=? | <<>>?=? /x) value_expected = true value_expected = :regexp if match == '~' after_def = false kind = :operator elsif match = scan(/ [)\]}] /x) value_expected = after_def = false if !inline_block_stack.empty? && match == '}' inline_block_paren_depth -= 1 if inline_block_paren_depth == 0 # closing brace of inline block reached tokens << [match, :inline_delimiter] tokens << [:close, :inline] state, string_delimiter, inline_block_paren_depth = inline_block_stack.pop next end end kind = :operator elsif check(/[\d.]/) after_def = value_expected = false if scan(/0[xX][0-9A-Fa-f]+/) kind = :hex elsif scan(/(?>0[0-7]+)(?![89.eEfF])/) kind = :oct elsif scan(/\d+[fFdD]|\d*\.\d+(?:[eE][+-]?\d+)?[fFdD]?|\d+[eE][+-]?\d+[fFdD]?/) kind = :float elsif scan(/\d+[lLgG]?/) kind = :integer end elsif match = scan(/'''|"""/) after_def = value_expected = false state = :multiline_string tokens << [:open, :string] string_delimiter = match kind = :delimiter # TODO: record.'name' elsif match = scan(/["']/) after_def = value_expected = false state = match == '/' ? :regexp : :string tokens << [:open, state] string_delimiter = match kind = :delimiter elsif value_expected && (match = scan(/\//)) after_def = value_expected = false tokens << [:open, :regexp] state = :regexp string_delimiter = '/' kind = :delimiter elsif scan(/ @ #{IDENT} /ox) after_def = value_expected = false kind = :annotation elsif scan(/\//) after_def = false value_expected = true kind = :operator else getch kind = :error end when :string, :regexp, :multiline_string if scan(STRING_CONTENT_PATTERN[string_delimiter]) kind = :content elsif match = scan(state == :multiline_string ? /'''|"""/ : /["'\/]/) tokens << [match, :delimiter] if state == :regexp # TODO: regexp modifiers? s, m, x, i? modifiers = scan(/[ix]+/) tokens << [modifiers, :modifier] if modifiers && !modifiers.empty? end state = :string if state == :multiline_string tokens << [:close, state] string_delimiter = nil after_def = value_expected = false state = :initial next elsif (state == :string || state == :multiline_string) && (match = scan(/ \\ (?: #{ESCAPE} | #{UNICODE_ESCAPE} ) /mox)) if string_delimiter[0] == ?' && !(match == "\\\\" || match == "\\'") kind = :content else kind = :char end elsif state == :regexp && scan(/ \\ (?: #{REGEXP_ESCAPE} | #{UNICODE_ESCAPE} ) /mox) kind = :char elsif match = scan(/ \$ #{IDENT} /mox) tokens << [:open, :inline] tokens << ['$', :inline_delimiter] match = match[1..-1] tokens << [match, IDENT_KIND[match]] tokens << [:close, :inline] next elsif match = scan(/ \$ \{ /x) tokens << [:open, :inline] tokens << ['${', :inline_delimiter] inline_block_stack << [state, string_delimiter, inline_block_paren_depth] inline_block_paren_depth = 1 state = :initial next elsif scan(/ \$ /mx) kind = :content elsif scan(/ \\. /mx) kind = :content elsif scan(/ \\ | \n /x) tokens << [:close, state] kind = :error after_def = value_expected = false state = :initial else raise_inspect "else case \" reached; %p not handled." % peek(1), tokens end else raise_inspect 'Unknown state', tokens end match ||= matched if $CODERAY_DEBUG and not kind raise_inspect 'Error token %p in line %d' % [[match, kind], line], tokens end raise_inspect 'Empty token', tokens unless match last_token = match unless [:space, :comment, :doctype].include? kind tokens << [match, kind] end if [:multiline_string, :string, :regexp].include? state tokens << [:close, state] end tokens end end end end