module TestHelper def self.report_location(path) [RAILS_ROOT + '/', 'vendor/plugins/'].each { |part| path.sub! part, ''} path = path.split('/') location, subject = path.first, path.last if subject.sub! '.rb', '' subject = subject.classify else subject.sub! '.html.erb', '' end "#{subject} (from #{location})" end def self.view_path_for path [RAILS_ROOT + '/', 'vendor/plugins/', '.html.erb'].each { |part| path.sub! part, ''} parts = path.split('/') parts[(parts.index('views')+1)..-1].join('/') end end class Test::Unit::TestCase # Add more helper methods to be used by all tests here... def get_action_on_controller(*args) action = args.shift with_controller *args get action end def with_controller(controller, namespace = nil) classname = controller.to_s.classify + 'Controller' classname = namespace.to_s.classify + '::' + classname unless namespace.nil? @controller = end def assert_response_body(expected) assert_equal expected, @response.body end end # Because we're testing this behaviour, we actually want these features on! Engines.disable_application_view_loading = false Engines.disable_application_code_loading = false