Fix tpyo in the example

This commit is contained in:
Eric Davis 2011-05-27 09:28:45 -07:00
parent b8904ce7a2
commit e9676954be

View File

@ -169,7 +169,7 @@ END_DESC
desc "Send a test email to the user with the provided login name"
task :test, [:login] => :environment do |task, args|
include Redmine::I18n
abort l(:notice_email_error, "Please include the user login to test with. Example: login=examle-login") if args[:login].blank?
abort l(:notice_email_error, "Please include the user login to test with. Example: login=example-login") if args[:login].blank?
user = User.find_by_login(args[:login])
abort l(:notice_email_error, "User #{args[:login]} not found") unless user && user.logged?