[#988] Improving Swedish translation
This commit is contained in:
@ -1,65 +1,42 @@
# Swedish translation for Ruby on Rails
# Swedish translation for Ruby on Rails and ChiliProject
# by Johan Lundström (johanlunds@gmail.com),
# with parts taken from http://github.com/daniel/swe_rails
# contributor: Björn Blissing
# Used in number_with_delimiter()
# These are also the defaults for 'currency', 'percentage', 'precision', and 'human'
# Sets the separator between the units, for more precision (e.g. 1.0 / 2.0 == 0.5)
separator: ","
# Delimets thousands (e.g. 1,000,000 is a million) (always in groups of three)
delimiter: "."
# Number of decimals, behind the separator (the number 1 with a precision of 2 gives: 1.00)
precision: 2
# Text direction: Left-to-Right (ltr) or Right-to-Left (rtl)
direction: ltr
# Use the strftime parameters for formats.
# When no format has been given, it uses default.
# You can provide other formats here if you like!
default: "%Y-%m-%d"
short: "%e %b"
long: "%e %B, %Y"
# Used in number_to_currency()
# Where is the currency sign? %u is the currency unit, %n the number (default: $5.00)
format: "%n %u"
unit: "kr"
# These three are to override number.format and are optional
# separator: "."
# delimiter: ","
# precision: 2
day_names: [söndag, måndag, tisdag, onsdag, torsdag, fredag, lördag]
abbr_day_names: [sön, mån, tis, ons, tor, fre, lör]
# Used in number_to_percentage()
# These three are to override number.format and are optional
# separator:
delimiter: ""
# precision:
# Don't forget the nil at the beginning; there's no such thing as a 0th month
month_names: [~, januari, februari, mars, april, maj, juni, juli, augusti, september, oktober, november, december]
abbr_month_names: [~, jan, feb, mar, apr, maj, jun, jul, aug, sep, okt, nov, dec]
# Used in date_select and datime_select.
- :day
- :month
- :year
# Used in number_to_precision()
# These three are to override number.format and are optional
# separator:
delimiter: ""
# precision:
default: "%Y-%m-%d %H:%M"
time: "%H:%M"
short: "%d %b %H:%M"
long: "%d %B, %Y %H:%M"
am: ""
pm: ""
# Used in number_to_human_size()
# These three are to override number.format and are optional
# separator:
delimiter: ""
# precision: 1
format: "%n %u"
one: "Byte"
other: "Bytes"
kb: "kB"
mb: "MB"
gb: "GB"
tb: "TB"
# Used in distance_of_time_in_words(), distance_of_time_in_words_to_now(), time_ago_in_words()
half_a_minute: "en halv minut"
@ -97,16 +74,67 @@ sv:
one: "nästan 1 år"
other: "nästan %{count} år"
separator: ","
delimiter: "."
precision: 2
# Used in number_to_currency()
# Where is the currency sign? %u is the currency unit, %n the number (default: $5.00)
format: "%n %u"
unit: "SEK"
# These three are to override number.format and are optional
# separator: "."
# delimiter: ","
# precision: 2
# Used in number_to_percentage()
# These three are to override number.format and are optional
# separator:
delimiter: ""
# precision:
# Used in number_to_precision()
# These three are to override number.format and are optional
# separator:
delimiter: ""
# precision:
delimiter: ""
precision: 1
format: "%n %u"
one: "Byte"
other: "Bytes"
kb: "kB"
mb: "MB"
gb: "GB"
tb: "TB"
# Used in array.to_sentence.
sentence_connector: "och"
skip_last_comma: true
one: "Ett fel förhindrade denna %{model} från att sparas"
other: "%{count} fel förhindrade denna %{model} från att sparas"
# The variable :count is also available
body: "Det var problem med följande fält:"
# The values :model, :attribute and :value are always available for interpolation
# The value :count is available when applicable. Can be used for pluralization.
inclusion: "finns inte i listan"
exclusion: "är reserverat"
@ -120,6 +148,7 @@ sv:
wrong_length: "har fel längd (ska vara %{count} tecken)"
taken: "har redan tagits"
not_a_number: "är inte ett nummer"
not_a_date: "är inte ett giltigt datum"
greater_than: "måste vara större än %{count}"
greater_than_or_equal_to: "måste vara större än eller lika med %{count}"
equal_to: "måste vara samma som"
@ -132,43 +161,6 @@ sv:
circular_dependency: "Denna relation skulle skapa ett cirkulärt beroende"
cant_link_an_issue_with_a_descendant: "An issue can not be linked to one of its subtasks"
direction: ltr
# Use the strftime parameters for formats.
# When no format has been given, it uses default.
# You can provide other formats here if you like!
default: "%Y-%m-%d"
short: "%e %b"
long: "%e %B, %Y"
day_names: [söndag, måndag, tisdag, onsdag, torsdag, fredag, lördag]
abbr_day_names: [sön, mån, tis, ons, tor, fre, lör]
# Don't forget the nil at the beginning; there's no such thing as a 0th month
month_names: [~, januari, februari, mars, april, maj, juni, juli, augusti, september, oktober, november, december]
abbr_month_names: [~, jan, feb, mar, apr, maj, jun, jul, aug, sep, okt, nov, dec]
# Used in date_select and datime_select.
- :day
- :month
- :year
default: "%Y-%m-%d %H:%M"
time: "%H:%M"
short: "%d %b %H:%M"
long: "%d %B, %Y %H:%M"
am: ""
pm: ""
# Used in array.to_sentence.
sentence_connector: "och"
skip_last_comma: true
actionview_instancetag_blank_option: Var god välj
general_text_No: 'Nej'
@ -198,6 +190,7 @@ sv:
notice_file_not_found: Sidan du försökte komma åt existerar inte eller är borttagen.
notice_locking_conflict: Data har uppdaterats av en annan användare.
notice_not_authorized: Du saknar behörighet att komma åt den här sidan.
notice_not_authorized_action: Du saknar behörighet att utföra denna handling.
notice_not_authorized_archived_project: Projektet du försöker komma åt har arkiverats.
notice_email_sent: "Ett mail skickades till %{value}"
notice_email_error: "Ett fel inträffade när mail skickades (%{value})"
@ -230,7 +223,6 @@ sv:
error_workflow_copy_target: 'Vänligen välj ärendetyp(er) och roll(er) för mål'
error_unable_delete_issue_status: 'Ärendestatus kunde inte tas bort'
error_unable_to_connect: "Kan inte ansluta (%{value})"
warning_attachments_not_saved: "%{count} fil(er) kunde inte sparas."
mail_subject_lost_password: "Ditt %{value} lösenord"
@ -243,8 +235,8 @@ sv:
mail_body_account_activation_request: "En ny användare (%{value}) har registrerat sig och avvaktar ditt godkännande:"
mail_subject_reminder: "%{count} ärende(n) har deadline under de kommande %{days} dagarna"
mail_body_reminder: "%{count} ärende(n) som är tilldelat dig har deadline under de %{days} dagarna:"
mail_subject_wiki_content_added: "'%{id}' wikisida has lagts till"
mail_body_wiki_content_added: "The '%{id}' wikisida has lagts till av %{author}."
mail_subject_wiki_content_added: "'%{id}' wikisida har lagts till"
mail_body_wiki_content_added: "The '%{id}' wikisida har lagts till av %{author}."
mail_subject_wiki_content_updated: "'%{id}' wikisida har uppdaterats"
mail_body_wiki_content_updated: "The '%{id}' wikisida har uppdaterats av %{author}."
@ -286,7 +278,7 @@ sv:
field_priority: Prioritet
field_fixed_version: Versionsmål
field_user: Användare
field_principal: Principal
field_principal: Huvudsaklig
field_role: Roll
field_homepage: Hemsida
field_is_public: Publik
@ -297,6 +289,7 @@ sv:
field_admin: Administratör
field_last_login_on: Senaste inloggning
field_language: Språk
field_effective_date: Förfallodag
field_password: Lösenord
field_new_password: Nytt lösenord
field_password_confirmation: Bekräfta lösenord
@ -348,6 +341,10 @@ sv:
field_text: Textfält
field_visible: Synlig
field_warn_on_leaving_unsaved: Varna om jag lämnar en sida med osparad text
field_custom_filter: Anpassat LDAP filter
field_issue_summary: Sammanfattning av ärendet
field_new_saved_query: Skapa ny förfrågan
field_issue_view_all_open: Visa alla öppna ärenden
setting_app_title: Applikationsrubrik
setting_app_subtitle: Applikationsunderrubrik
@ -407,6 +404,9 @@ sv:
setting_commit_logtime_enabled: Aktivera tidloggning
setting_commit_logtime_activity_id: Aktivitet för loggad tid
setting_gantt_items_limit: Maximalt antal aktiviteter som visas i gantt-schemat
setting_issue_startdate_is_adddate: Använd nuvarande datum som startdatum för nya ärenden
setting_mail_handler_confirmation_on_success: "Skicka e-postbekräftelse på framgångsrika inkommande e-post"
setting_mail_handler_confirmation_on_failure: "Skicka e-postbekräftelse vid misslyckade inkommande e-post"
permission_add_project: Skapa projekt
permission_add_subprojects: Skapa underprojekt
@ -416,9 +416,9 @@ sv:
permission_manage_project_activities: Hantera projektaktiviteter
permission_manage_versions: Hantera versioner
permission_manage_categories: Hantera ärendekategorier
permission_view_issues: Visa ärenden
permission_add_issues: Lägga till ärenden
permission_edit_issues: Ändra ärenden
permission_view_issues: Visa ärenden
permission_manage_issue_relations: Hantera ärenderelationer
permission_add_issue_notes: Lägga till ärendenotering
permission_edit_issue_notes: Ändra ärendenoteringar
@ -581,6 +581,7 @@ sv:
label_news_latest: Senaste nyheterna
label_news_view_all: Visa alla nyheter
label_news_added: Nyhet tillagd
label_news_comment_added: Kommentar tillagd till en nyhet
label_settings: Inställningar
label_overview: Översikt
label_version: Version
@ -648,6 +649,7 @@ sv:
label_in_more_than: om mer än
label_greater_or_equal: '>='
label_less_or_equal: '<='
label_between: "mellan"
label_in: om
label_today: idag
label_all_time: närsom
@ -670,8 +672,8 @@ sv:
label_browse: Bläddra
label_modification: "%{count} ändring"
label_modification_plural: "%{count} ändringar"
label_branch: Branch
label_tag: Tag
label_branch: Gren
label_tag: Tagg
label_revision: Revision
label_revision_plural: Revisioner
label_revision_id: "Revision %{value}"
@ -695,6 +697,7 @@ sv:
label_roadmap_overdue: "%{value} sen"
label_roadmap_no_issues: Inga ärenden för denna version
label_search: Sök
search_input_placeholder: sök ...
label_result_plural: Resultat
label_all_words: Alla ord
label_wiki: Wiki
@ -706,7 +709,7 @@ sv:
label_index_by_date: Innehåll efter datum
label_current_version: Nuvarande version
label_preview: Förhandsgranska
label_feed_plural: Feeds
label_feed_plural: Flöde
label_changes_details: Detaljer om alla ändringar
label_issue_tracking: Ärendeuppföljning
label_spent_time: Spenderad tid
@ -718,6 +721,7 @@ sv:
label_statistics: Statistik
label_commits_per_month: Commits per månad
label_commits_per_author: Commits per författare
label_diff: Skillnad
label_view_diff: Visa skillnader
label_diff_inline: i texten
label_diff_side_by_side: sida vid sida
@ -749,7 +753,7 @@ sv:
label_board_new: Nytt forum
label_board_plural: Forum
label_board_locked: Låst
label_board_sticky: Sticky
label_board_sticky: Viktigt
label_topic_plural: Ämnen
label_message_plural: Meddelanden
label_message_last: Senaste meddelande
@ -796,7 +800,7 @@ sv:
label_change_properties: Ändra inställningar
label_general: Allmänt
label_more: Mer
label_scm: SCM
label_scm: Versionshantering
label_plugins: Tillägg
label_ldap_authentication: LDAP-autentisering
label_downloads_abbr: Nerl.
@ -809,6 +813,7 @@ sv:
label_incoming_emails: Inkommande mail
label_generate_key: Generera en nyckel
label_issue_watchers: Bevakare
label_document_watchers: Bevakare
label_example: Exempel
label_display: Visa
label_sort: Sortera
@ -836,15 +841,35 @@ sv:
label_api_access_key_created_on: "API-nyckel skapad för %{value} sedan"
label_profile: Profil
label_subtask_plural: Underaktiviteter
label_subtask_add: Lägg till en underaktivitet
label_issue_hierarchy: Ärendehierarki
label_project_copy_notifications: Skicka mailnotifieringar när projektet kopieras
label_principal_search: "Sök efter användare eller grupp:"
label_user_search: "Sök efter användare:"
label_git_path: Sökväg till .git katalog
label_darcs_path: Rotkatalog
label_mercurial_path: Rotkatalog
label_cvs_path: CVSROOT
label_cvs_module: Modul
label_bazaar_path: Rotkatalog
label_filesystem_path: Rotkatalog
label_additional_workflow_transitions_for_assignee: Ytterligare övergångar tillåtna för tilldelad användare
label_additional_workflow_transitions_for_author: Ytterligare övergångar tillåtna när användaren är författaren
label_notify_member_plural: E-posta uppdateringar för ärende
label_path_encoding: Kodning av sökväg
label_deleted_custom_field: '(tog bort anpassat fält)'
label_toc: "Innehåll"
label_mail_handler_confirmation: "Bekräftelse inskickning via e-post: %{subject}"
label_mail_handler_failure: "Inskickning via e-post misslyckades: %{subject}"
label_mail_handler_errors_with_submission: "Det fanns fel med din inskickning via e-post:"
button_login: Logga in
button_submit: Skicka
button_save: Spara
button_check_all: Markera alla
button_uncheck_all: Avmarkera alla
button_collapse_all: Minimera alla
button_expand_all: Maximera alla
button_delete: Ta bort
button_create: Skapa
button_create_and_continue: Skapa och fortsätt
@ -953,20 +978,27 @@ sv:
text_wiki_page_destroy_children: "Ta bort alla underliggande sidor"
text_wiki_page_reassign_children: "Flytta undersidor till denna föräldersida"
text_own_membership_delete_confirmation: "Några av, eller alla, dina behörigheter kommer att tas bort och du kanske inte längre kommer kunna göra ändringar i det här projektet.\nVill du verkligen fortsätta?"
text_zoom_out: Zooma ut
text_zoom_in: Zooma in
text_zoom_out: Zooma ut
text_powered_by: "Powered by %{link}"
text_warn_on_leaving_unsaved: Nuvarande sida innehåller osparad text som kommer försvinna om du lämnar sidan.
text_default_encoding: "Standard: UTF-8"
text_mercurial_repo_example: "Lokalt arkiv (t.ex. /hgrepo, c:\\hgrepo)"
text_git_repo_example: "Ett lokalt bare git arkiv (t.ex. /gitrepo, c:\\gitrepo)"
text_display_subprojects: Visa underprojekt
text_current_project: Nuvarande project
text_mail_handler_confirmation_successful: "Din e-post har framgångsrikt lagts till på följande webbadress"
default_role_manager: Projektledare
default_role_developer: Utvecklare
default_role_reporter: Rapportör
default_role_non_member: Non member
default_role_anonymous: Anonymous
default_role_non_member: Icke-medlem
default_role_anonymous: Anonym
default_tracker_bug: Bugg
default_tracker_feature: Funktionalitet
default_tracker_support: Support
default_issue_status_new: Ny
default_issue_status_in_progress: Pågår
default_issue_status_in_progress: Pågående
default_issue_status_resolved: Löst
default_issue_status_feedback: Återkoppling
default_issue_status_closed: Stängd
@ -985,62 +1017,20 @@ sv:
enumeration_doc_categories: Dokumentkategorier
enumeration_activities: Aktiviteter (tidsuppföljning)
enumeration_system_activity: Systemaktivitet
text_powered_by: Powered by %{link}
label_cvs_module: Module
label_filesystem_path: Root directory
label_darcs_path: Root directory
label_bazaar_path: Root directory
label_cvs_path: CVSROOT
label_git_path: Path to .git directory
label_mercurial_path: Root directory
label_additional_workflow_transitions_for_assignee: Additional transitions allowed when the user is the assignee
button_expand_all: Expand all
button_collapse_all: Collapse all
label_additional_workflow_transitions_for_author: Additional transitions allowed when the user is the author
field_effective_date: Due date
label_news_comment_added: Comment added to a news
text_default_encoding: "Default: UTF-8"
text_git_repo_example: a bare and local repository (e.g. /gitrepo, c:\gitrepo)
label_notify_member_plural: Email issue updates
label_path_encoding: Path encoding
text_mercurial_repo_example: local repository (e.g. /hgrepo, c:\hgrepo)
label_diff: diff
setting_issue_startdate_is_adddate: Use current date as start date for new issues
description_search: Searchfield
description_user_mail_notification: Mail notification settings
description_date_range_list: Choose range from list
description_date_to: Enter end date
description_query_sort_criteria_attribute: Sort attribute
description_message_content: Message content
description_wiki_subpages_reassign: Choose new parent page
description_available_columns: Available Columns
description_selected_columns: Selected Columns
description_date_range_interval: Choose range by selecting start and end date
description_project_scope: Search scope
description_issue_category_reassign: Choose issue category
description_query_sort_criteria_direction: Sort direction
description_notes: Notes
description_filter: Filter
description_choose_project: Projects
description_date_from: Enter start date
label_deleted_custom_field: (deleted custom field)
field_custom_filter: Custom LDAP filter
text_display_subprojects: Display subprojects
text_current_project: Current project
label_toc: Contents
search_input_placeholder: search ...
setting_mail_handler_confirmation_on_success: Send confirmation email on successful incoming email
label_mail_handler_confirmation: "Confirmation of email submission: %{subject}"
label_mail_handler_errors_with_submission: "There were errors with your email submission:"
label_document_watchers: Watchers
setting_mail_handler_confirmation_on_failure: Send confirmation email on failed incoming email
label_between: between
label_mail_handler_failure: "Failed email submission: %{subject}"
notice_not_authorized_action: You are not authorized to perform this action.
text_mail_handler_confirmation_successful: Your email has been successful added at the following url
field_issue_summary: Issue summary
field_new_saved_query: New saved query
field_issue_view_all_open: View all open issues
label_subtask_add: Add a subtask
label_issue_hierarchy: Issue hierarchy
description_search: Sökfält
description_choose_project: Projekt
description_project_scope: Sökomfång
description_notes: Noteringar
description_message_content: Meddelandeinnehåll
description_query_sort_criteria_attribute: Sorteringsattribut
description_query_sort_criteria_direction: Sorteringsordning
description_user_mail_notification: E-post notifieringsinställningar
description_available_columns: Tillängliga kolumner
description_selected_columns: Valda kolumner
description_issue_category_reassign: Välj ärendekategori
description_wiki_subpages_reassign: Välj ny huvudsida
description_date_range_list: Välj omfång ifrån lista
description_date_range_interval: Välj omfång genom att ange start- och slutdatum
description_date_from: Ange startdatum
description_date_to: Ange slutdatum
Reference in New Issue
Block a user