Add JavaScript

This commit is contained in:
Eric Davis 2011-03-05 19:12:13 -08:00
parent a0c777ee79
commit d3392c6d0d
7 changed files with 508 additions and 0 deletions

public/javascripts/DD_belatedPNG.min.js vendored Executable file

File diff suppressed because one or more lines are too long

View File

@ -0,0 +1,347 @@
jQuery(document).ready(function($) {
// a few constants for animations speeds, etc.
var animRate = 100;
// header menu hovers
$("#account .drop-down").hover(function() {
}, function() {
// show/hide header search box
$("#account").click(function() {
var searchWidth = $("#account-nav").width();
$("#nav-search").width(searchWidth).slideToggle(animRate, function(){
return false;
// issue table info tooltips
$(".js-tooltip").wrapInner("<div class='js-tooltip-inner'></div>").append("<span class='arrow'></span>"); // give an extra div for styling
$("table.issues td.issue").hover(function(event) {
var $thisTR = $("tr");
var trPos = $thisTR.position();
var tTarget = $thisTR.attr("id");
$("div[rel="+tTarget+"]").css('top',*2, function(){
//ie cleartype uglies
if ($.browser.msie) {'filter'); };
}, function(event) {
var $thisTR = $("tr");
var tTarget = $thisTR.attr("id");
// show/hide the profile box when hover over the gravatar
$(".profile-wrap").hover(function() {
* this is currently set to deal with profiles that are already in the document
* if you wish to move to an ajax call instead, this is where it will occur
$(this).find("a").removeAttr("title"); /* tooltips always mess with hovers */
}, function() {
// set up functions for delayed profile views.
function profileShow(){
var thisTop = $(this).height() + 5;
$(this).find("a").removeAttr("title"); /* tooltips always mess with hovers */
$(this).find(".profile-box").css('top', thisTop).slideDown(animRate);
function profileHide(){
// call a delayed profile view
sensitivity: 3, // number = sensitivity threshold (must be 1 or higher)
interval: 400, // number = milliseconds for onMouseOver polling interval
over: profileShow, // function = onMouseOver callback (REQUIRED)
timeout: 50, // number = milliseconds delay before onMouseOut
out: profileHide // function = onMouseOut callback (REQUIRED)
// file table thumbnails
$("table a.has-thumb").hover(function() {
// grab the image dimensions to position it properly
var thumbImg = $(this).find("img");
var thumbImgLeft = -(thumbImg.outerWidth() );
var thumbImgTop = -(thumbImg.height() / 2 );
thumbImg.css({top: thumbImgTop, left: thumbImgLeft}).show();
}, function() {
// show/hide the files table
$(".attachments h4").click(function() {
// custom function for sliding the main-menu. IE6 & IE7 don't handle sliding very well
$.fn.mySlide = function() {
if (parseInt($.browser.version, 10) < 8 && $.browser.msie) {
// no animations, just toggle
// this forces IE to redraw the menu area, un-bollocksing things
$("#main-menu").css({paddingBottom:5}).animate({paddingBottom:0}, 10);
} else {
return this;
// open and close the main-menu sub-menus
$("#main-menu li:has(ul) > a").not("ul ul a")
.append("<span class='toggler'></span>")
.click(function() {
$(this).toggleClass("open").parent().find("ul").not("ul ul ul").mySlide();
return false;
// submenu flyouts
$("#main-menu li li:has(ul)").hover(function() {
}, function() {
// add filter dropdown menu
$(".button-large:has(ul) > a").click(function(event) {
var tgt = $(;
// is this inside the title bar?
if (tgt.parents().is(".title-bar")) {
return false;
// suckerfish-esque on those issue dropdown menus for IE6
if (parseInt($.browser.version, 10) < 7 && $.browser.msie) {
$(".issue-dropdown li").hover(function() {
}, function() {
// Connect new issue lightbox to the New Issue link but only when
// on the issues list.
$('a.issues.selected + ul').click(function() {
// Make sure the Issue form is on the page
if ($('#issue-form-wrap').size() > 0) {
tb_show("Open a new issue", "#TB_inline?inlineId=issue-form-wrap&amp;height=510&amp;width=735", false);
// Taken from the custom override code
// call the resize function after 350 milliseconds. should be enough time to have it load, but not too much so that there's lag.
return false;
/* Appended 2009-07-07 */
var tb_pathToImage="/plugin_assets/redmine_shane_and_peter_design/images/loadingAnimation.gif";
var animRate = 100;
// returns viewport height
jQuery.viewportHeight = function() {
return self.innerHeight ||
jQuery.boxModel && document.documentElement.clientHeight ||
// resizes the new issue box.
function resizeNewIssue() {
jQuery("#TB_window").height(jQuery.viewportHeight() - 40).css({top: '20px', marginTop: '0' });
jQuery("#TB_ajaxContent").height(jQuery("#TB_window").height() - jQuery("#TB_title").height() );
jQuery("#TB_window #issue-form").height(jQuery("#TB_ajaxContent").height() );
jQuery("#TB_window #issue-form .box").height(jQuery("#TB_ajaxContent").height() - jQuery("#issue-form .tracker").outerHeight() - jQuery("#issue-form .submit").outerHeight() - 20 );
// hacks for thickbox not picking up the proper width from the query string
if (jQuery("#TB_ajaxContent").width() < 735 ) {
jQuery("#TB_window").css({width: 765, marginLeft: -(765/2)});
function issuesPageActions() {
// call the resize function after 350 milliseconds. should be enough time to have it load, but not too much so that there's lag.
jQuery(".new-issue a.thickbox").click(function() {
// tooltip handler
jQuery("table.issues td.issue").mouseover(function(event) {
// first check if .js-tooltip elements have been wrapped in the crucial .js-tooltip-inner div
// if not, the first hover will add everything
if (!jQuery(".js-tooltip:first > div").hasClass("js-tooltip-inner") ) {
jQuery(".js-tooltip").wrapInner("<div class='js-tooltip-inner'></div>").append("<span class='arrow'></span>"); // give an extra div for styling
var $thisTR = jQuery("tr");
var trPos = $thisTR.position();
var tTarget = $thisTR.attr("id");
jQuery("table.issues td.issue").mouseout(function(event) {
var $thisTR = jQuery("tr");
var tTarget = $thisTR.attr("id");
jQuery(document).ready(function($) {
// header animation replacement - no animation, straight appear/hide
$("#account .drop-down").unbind('mouseenter').unbind("mouseleave"); //remove the current animated handlers
// remove .drop-down class from empty dropdowns
$("#account .drop-down").each(function(index) {
if ($(this).find("li").size() < 1) {
$("#account .drop-down").hover(function() {
// wraps long dropdown menu in an overflow:auto div to keep long project lists on the page
var $projectDrop = $("#account .drop-down:has(.projects) ul");
// only do the wrapping if it's the project dropdown, and more than 15 items
if ( $projectDrop.children().size() > 15 && $(this).find("> a").hasClass("projects") ) {
var overflowHeight = 15 * $projectDrop.find("li:eq(1)").outerHeight() - 2;
.wrapInner("<div class='overflow'></div>").end()
.find(".overflow").css({overflow: 'auto', height: overflowHeight, position: 'relative'})
.find("li a").css('paddingRight', '25px');
// do hack-y stuff for IE6 & 7. don't ask why, I don't know.
if (parseInt($.browser.version, 10) < 8 && $.browser.msie) {
$projectDrop.find(".overflow").css({width: 325, zoom: '1'});
$projectDrop.find("li a").css('marginLeft', '-15px');
$("#top-menu").css('z-index', '10000');
}, function() {
// first remove current event handlers for tooltips - overrides original common.js functionality. Remove this once common.js is merged with this.
$("table.issues td.issue").unbind('mouseenter').unbind("mouseleave");
// deal with potentially problematic super-long titles
$(".title-bar h2").css({paddingRight: $(".title-bar-actions").outerWidth() + 15 });
// move email checkbox inside
$("#issue-form > p").clone().appendTo("#issue-form .box");
$("#issue-form > p").remove();
// move preview area inside
if ($("form#issue-list").size() > 0 ) { // only do this on the issue list page
$("#issue-form-wrap #preview").remove();
$("#issue-form .box").append("<div id='preview' class='wiki'></div>");
// resize after a window resize.
$(window).resize(function() {
// rejigger the main-menu sub-menu functionality.
$("#main-menu .toggler").remove(); // remove the togglers so they're inserted properly later.
$("#main-menu li:has(ul) > a").not("ul ul a")
// 1. unbind the current click functions
// 2. wrap each in a span that we'll use for the new click element
.wrapInner("<span class='toggle-follow'></span>")
// 3. reinsert the <span class="toggler"> so that it sits outside of the above
.append("<span class='toggler'></span>")
// 4. attach a new click function that will follow the link if you clicked on the span itself and toggle if not
.click(function(event) {
if (!$("toggle-follow") ) {
$(this).toggleClass("open").parent().find("ul").not("ul ul ul").mySlide();
return false;
// Sets the save_and_close field to tell Redmine to either keep the
// thickbox open or close it when a New Issue is saved successfully.
function setCloseAfterSave(on) {
var field = $('save_and_close');
if (field) {
if (on) {
field.value = '1';
} else {
field.value = '0';

View File

@ -0,0 +1,98 @@
RightClick: function(e) {
// do not show the context menu on links
if (Event.element(e).tagName == 'A') { return; }
// right-click simulated by Alt+Click with Opera
if (window.opera && !e.altKey) { return; }
var tr = Event.findElement(e, 'tr');
if (tr == document || tr == undefined || !tr.hasClassName('hascontextmenu')) { return; }
this.OpenMenuWrapper(e, tr);
// Theme: New method from RightClick
OpenMenu: function(e) {
// do not show the context menu on links
if (Event.element(e).tagName == 'A') { return; }
// right-click simulated by Alt+Click with Opera
if (window.opera && !e.altKey) { return; }
var tr = Event.findElement(e, 'tr');
if (tr == document || tr == undefined || !tr.hasClassName('hascontextmenu')) { return; }
Click: function(e) {
if (Event.element(e).tagName == 'A') { return; }
if (window.opera && e.altKey) { return; }
var tr = Event.findElement(e, 'tr');
if (tr!=null && tr!=document && tr.hasClassName('hascontextmenu')) {
if (!tr.hasClassName('no-select')) {
// a row was clicked, check if the click was on checkbox
var box = Event.findElement(e, 'input');
if (box!=document && box!=undefined) {
// a checkbox may be clicked
if (box.checked) {
} else {
} else {
// Checkbox wasn't checked so see if the menu should open.
this.OpenMenuWrapper(e, tr);
} else {
// Header clicked
this.OpenMenuWrapper(e, tr);
} else {
// click is outside the rows
var t = Event.findElement(e, 'a');
if ((t != document) && (Element.hasClassName(t, 'disabled') || Element.hasClassName(t, 'submenu'))) {
removeSingleSelectedItem: function() {
if (($$('.context-menu-selection').size() == 1)) {
var context_menu = this;
$$('.context-menu-selection').each(function(selected_item) {
// Theme: Open the context menu if the clicked column is the issue ID column and at least
// one row is checked. Or if the issue header is clicked.
OpenMenuWrapper: function(e, tr) {
if (!tr.hasClassName('no-select')) {
var issue_cell = $(Event.element(e));
var tdClicked = Event.findElement(e,'td');
if (issue_cell && issue_cell.hasClassName('issue')) {
this.lastSelected = tr;
} else {
// Menu wasn't requested on a selected item, see about removing the single item selection.
} else {
// block clicking on the All Issues toggle
if (!Event.findElement(e, 'a')) {
// Remove selected items
this.lastSelected = tr;

public/javascripts/jquery.1.3.2.min.js vendored Normal file

File diff suppressed because one or more lines are too long

View File

@ -0,0 +1,9 @@
* hoverIntent r5 // 2007.03.27 // jQuery 1.1.2+
* <>
* @param f onMouseOver function || An object with configuration options
* @param g onMouseOut function || Nothing (use configuration options object)
* @author Brian Cherne <>
(function($){$.fn.hoverIntent=function(f,g){var cfg={sensitivity:7,interval:100,timeout:0};cfg=$.extend(cfg,g?{over:f,out:g}:f);var cX,cY,pX,pY;var track=function(ev){cX=ev.pageX;cY=ev.pageY;};var compare=function(ev,ob){ob.hoverIntent_t=clearTimeout(ob.hoverIntent_t);if((Math.abs(pX-cX)+Math.abs(pY-cY))<cfg.sensitivity){$(ob).unbind("mousemove",track);ob.hoverIntent_s=1;return cfg.over.apply(ob,[ev]);}else{pX=cX;pY=cY;ob.hoverIntent_t=setTimeout(function(){compare(ev,ob);},cfg.interval);}};var delay=function(ev,ob){ob.hoverIntent_t=clearTimeout(ob.hoverIntent_t);ob.hoverIntent_s=0;return cfg.out.apply(ob,[ev]);};var handleHover=function(e){var p=(e.type=="mouseover"?e.fromElement:e.toElement)||e.relatedTarget;while(p&&p!=this){try{p=p.parentNode;}catch(e){p=this;}}if(p==this){return false;}var ev=jQuery.extend({},e);var ob=this;if(ob.hoverIntent_t){ob.hoverIntent_t=clearTimeout(ob.hoverIntent_t);}if(e.type=="mouseover"){pX=ev.pageX;pY=ev.pageY;$(ob).bind("mousemove",track);if(ob.hoverIntent_s!=1){ob.hoverIntent_t=setTimeout(function(){compare(ev,ob);},cfg.interval);}}else{$(ob).unbind("mousemove",track);if(ob.hoverIntent_s==1){ob.hoverIntent_t=setTimeout(function(){delay(ev,ob);},cfg.timeout);}}};return this.mouseover(handleHover).mouseout(handleHover);};})(jQuery);

View File

@ -0,0 +1,13 @@
* Expands Redmine's current menu
(function($) {
$.menu_expand = function(options) {
var opts = $.extend({
menu: '#main-menu',
menuItem: '.selected'
}, options);
$( +' '+ opts.menuItem).toggleClass("open").siblings("ul").show();

public/javascripts/thickbox.min.js vendored Normal file

File diff suppressed because one or more lines are too long