diff --git a/lib/redmine/menu_manager.rb b/lib/redmine/menu_manager.rb
index 51f8ed64..67b74428 100644
--- a/lib/redmine/menu_manager.rb
+++ b/lib/redmine/menu_manager.rb
@@ -104,348 +104,18 @@ unless Tree::TreeNode.included_modules.include?(TreeNodePatch)
Tree::TreeNode.send(:include, TreeNodePatch)
-module Redmine
- module MenuManager
- class MenuError < StandardError #:nodoc:
+module Redmine::MenuManager
+ def self.map(menu_name)
+ @items ||= {}
+ mapper = Mapper.new(menu_name.to_sym, @items)
+ if block_given?
+ yield mapper
+ else
+ mapper
- module MenuController
- def self.included(base)
- base.extend(ClassMethods)
- end
- module ClassMethods
- @@menu_items = Hash.new {|hash, key| hash[key] = {:default => key, :actions => {}}}
- mattr_accessor :menu_items
- # Set the menu item name for a controller or specific actions
- # Examples:
- # * menu_item :tickets # => sets the menu name to :tickets for the whole controller
- # * menu_item :tickets, :only => :list # => sets the menu name to :tickets for the 'list' action only
- # * menu_item :tickets, :only => [:list, :show] # => sets the menu name to :tickets for 2 actions only
- #
- # The default menu item name for a controller is controller_name by default
- # Eg. the default menu item name for ProjectsController is :projects
- def menu_item(id, options = {})
- if actions = options[:only]
- actions = [] << actions unless actions.is_a?(Array)
- actions.each {|a| menu_items[controller_name.to_sym][:actions][a.to_sym] = id}
- else
- menu_items[controller_name.to_sym][:default] = id
- end
- end
- end
- def menu_items
- self.class.menu_items
- end
- # Returns the menu item name according to the current action
- def current_menu_item
- @current_menu_item ||= menu_items[controller_name.to_sym][:actions][action_name.to_sym] ||
- menu_items[controller_name.to_sym][:default]
- end
- # Redirects user to the menu item of the given project
- # Returns false if user is not authorized
- def redirect_to_project_menu_item(project, name)
- item = Redmine::MenuManager.items(:project_menu).detect {|i| i.name.to_s == name.to_s}
- if item && User.current.allowed_to?(item.url, project) && (item.condition.nil? || item.condition.call(project))
- redirect_to({item.param => project}.merge(item.url))
- return true
- end
- false
- end
- end
- module MenuHelper
- # Returns the current menu item name
- def current_menu_item
- @controller.current_menu_item
- end
- # Renders the application main menu
- def render_main_menu(project)
- render_menu((project && !project.new_record?) ? :project_menu : :application_menu, project)
- end
- def display_main_menu?(project)
- menu_name = project && !project.new_record? ? :project_menu : :application_menu
- Redmine::MenuManager.items(menu_name).size > 1 # 1 element is the root
- end
- def render_menu(menu, project=nil)
- links = []
- menu_items_for(menu, project) do |node|
- links << render_menu_node(node, project)
- end
- links.empty? ? nil : content_tag('ul', links.join("\n"))
- end
- def render_menu_node(node, project=nil)
- if node.hasChildren? || !node.child_menus.nil?
- return render_menu_node_with_children(node, project)
- else
- caption, url, selected = extract_node_details(node, project)
- return content_tag('li',
- render_single_menu_node(node, caption, url, selected))
- end
- end
- def render_menu_node_with_children(node, project=nil)
- caption, url, selected = extract_node_details(node, project)
- html = [].tap do |html|
- html << '
- # Parent
- html << render_single_menu_node(node, caption, url, selected)
- # Standard children
- standard_children_list = "".tap do |child_html|
- node.children.each do |child|
- child_html << render_menu_node(child, project)
- end
- end
- html << content_tag(:ul, standard_children_list, :class => 'menu-children') unless standard_children_list.empty?
- # Unattached children
- unattached_children_list = render_unattached_children_menu(node, project)
- html << content_tag(:ul, unattached_children_list, :class => 'menu-children unattached') unless unattached_children_list.blank?
- html << ''
- end
- return html.join("\n")
- end
- # Returns a list of unattached children menu items
- def render_unattached_children_menu(node, project)
- return nil unless node.child_menus
- "".tap do |child_html|
- unattached_children = node.child_menus.call(project)
- # Tree nodes support #each so we need to do object detection
- if unattached_children.is_a? Array
- unattached_children.each do |child|
- child_html << content_tag(:li, render_unattached_menu_item(child, project))
- end
- else
- raise MenuError, ":child_menus must be an array of MenuItems"
- end
- end
- end
- def render_single_menu_node(item, caption, url, selected)
- link_to(h(caption), url, item.html_options(:selected => selected))
- end
- def render_unattached_menu_item(menu_item, project)
- raise MenuError, ":child_menus must be an array of MenuItems" unless menu_item.is_a? MenuItem
- if User.current.allowed_to?(menu_item.url, project)
- link_to(h(menu_item.caption),
- menu_item.url,
- menu_item.html_options)
- end
- end
- def menu_items_for(menu, project=nil)
- items = []
- Redmine::MenuManager.items(menu).root.children.each do |node|
- if allowed_node?(node, User.current, project)
- if block_given?
- yield node
- else
- items << node # TODO: not used?
- end
- end
- end
- return block_given? ? nil : items
- end
- def extract_node_details(node, project=nil)
- item = node
- url = case item.url
- when Hash
- project.nil? ? item.url : {item.param => project}.merge(item.url)
- when Symbol
- send(item.url)
- else
- item.url
- end
- caption = item.caption(project)
- return [caption, url, (current_menu_item == item.name)]
- end
- # Checks if a user is allowed to access the menu item by:
- #
- # * Checking the conditions of the item
- # * Checking the url target (project only)
- def allowed_node?(node, user, project)
- if node.condition && !node.condition.call(project)
- # Condition that doesn't pass
- return false
- end
- if project
- return user && user.allowed_to?(node.url, project)
- else
- # outside a project, all menu items allowed
- return true
- end
- end
- end
- class << self
- def map(menu_name)
- @items ||= {}
- mapper = Mapper.new(menu_name.to_sym, @items)
- if block_given?
- yield mapper
- else
- mapper
- end
- end
- def items(menu_name)
- @items[menu_name.to_sym] || Tree::TreeNode.new(:root, {})
- end
- end
- class Mapper
- def initialize(menu, items)
- items[menu] ||= Tree::TreeNode.new(:root, {})
- @menu = menu
- @menu_items = items[menu]
- end
- @@last_items_count = Hash.new {|h,k| h[k] = 0}
- # Adds an item at the end of the menu. Available options:
- # * param: the parameter name that is used for the project id (default is :id)
- # * if: a Proc that is called before rendering the item, the item is displayed only if it returns true
- # * caption that can be:
- # * a localized string Symbol
- # * a String
- # * a Proc that can take the project as argument
- # * before, after: specify where the menu item should be inserted (eg. :after => :activity)
- # * parent: menu item will be added as a child of another named menu (eg. :parent => :issues)
- # * children: a Proc that is called before rendering the item. The Proc should return an array of MenuItems, which will be added as children to this item.
- # eg. :children => Proc.new {|project| [Redmine::MenuManager::MenuItem.new(...)] }
- # * last: menu item will stay at the end (eg. :last => true)
- # * html_options: a hash of html options that are passed to link_to
- def push(name, url, options={})
- options = options.dup
- if options[:parent]
- subtree = self.find(options[:parent])
- if subtree
- target_root = subtree
- else
- target_root = @menu_items.root
- end
- else
- target_root = @menu_items.root
- end
- # menu item position
- if first = options.delete(:first)
- target_root.prepend(MenuItem.new(name, url, options))
- elsif before = options.delete(:before)
- if exists?(before)
- target_root.add_at(MenuItem.new(name, url, options), position_of(before))
- else
- target_root.add(MenuItem.new(name, url, options))
- end
- elsif after = options.delete(:after)
- if exists?(after)
- target_root.add_at(MenuItem.new(name, url, options), position_of(after) + 1)
- else
- target_root.add(MenuItem.new(name, url, options))
- end
- elsif options[:last] # don't delete, needs to be stored
- target_root.add_last(MenuItem.new(name, url, options))
- else
- target_root.add(MenuItem.new(name, url, options))
- end
- end
- # Removes a menu item
- def delete(name)
- if found = self.find(name)
- @menu_items.remove!(found)
- end
- end
- # Checks if a menu item exists
- def exists?(name)
- @menu_items.any? {|node| node.name == name}
- end
- def find(name)
- @menu_items.find {|node| node.name == name}
- end
- def position_of(name)
- @menu_items.each do |node|
- if node.name == name
- return node.position
- end
- end
- end
- end
- class MenuItem < Tree::TreeNode
- include Redmine::I18n
- attr_reader :name, :url, :param, :condition, :parent, :child_menus, :last
- def initialize(name, url, options)
- raise ArgumentError, "Invalid option :if for menu item '#{name}'" if options[:if] && !options[:if].respond_to?(:call)
- raise ArgumentError, "Invalid option :html for menu item '#{name}'" if options[:html] && !options[:html].is_a?(Hash)
- raise ArgumentError, "Cannot set the :parent to be the same as this item" if options[:parent] == name.to_sym
- raise ArgumentError, "Invalid option :children for menu item '#{name}'" if options[:children] && !options[:children].respond_to?(:call)
- @name = name
- @url = url
- @condition = options[:if]
- @param = options[:param] || :id
- @caption = options[:caption]
- @html_options = options[:html] || {}
- # Adds a unique class to each menu item based on its name
- @html_options[:class] = [@html_options[:class], @name.to_s.dasherize].compact.join(' ')
- @parent = options[:parent]
- @child_menus = options[:children]
- @last = options[:last] || false
- super @name.to_sym
- end
- def caption(project=nil)
- if @caption.is_a?(Proc)
- c = @caption.call(project).to_s
- c = @name.to_s.humanize if c.blank?
- c
- else
- if @caption.nil?
- l_or_humanize(name, :prefix => 'label_')
- else
- @caption.is_a?(Symbol) ? l(@caption) : @caption
- end
- end
- end
- def html_options(options={})
- if options[:selected]
- o = @html_options.dup
- o[:class] += ' selected'
- o
- else
- @html_options
- end
- end
- end
+ end
+ def self.items(menu_name)
+ @items[menu_name.to_sym] || Tree::TreeNode.new(:root, {})
diff --git a/lib/redmine/menu_manager/mapper.rb b/lib/redmine/menu_manager/mapper.rb
new file mode 100644
index 00000000..bdb01c15
--- /dev/null
+++ b/lib/redmine/menu_manager/mapper.rb
@@ -0,0 +1,87 @@
+class Redmine::MenuManager::Mapper
+ def initialize(menu, items)
+ items[menu] ||= Tree::TreeNode.new(:root, {})
+ @menu = menu
+ @menu_items = items[menu]
+ end
+ @@last_items_count = Hash.new {|h,k| h[k] = 0}
+ # Adds an item at the end of the menu. Available options:
+ # * param: the parameter name that is used for the project id (default is :id)
+ # * if: a Proc that is called before rendering the item, the item is displayed only if it returns true
+ # * caption that can be:
+ # * a localized string Symbol
+ # * a String
+ # * a Proc that can take the project as argument
+ # * before, after: specify where the menu item should be inserted (eg. :after => :activity)
+ # * parent: menu item will be added as a child of another named menu (eg. :parent => :issues)
+ # * children: a Proc that is called before rendering the item. The Proc should return an array of MenuItems, which will be added as children to this item.
+ # eg. :children => Proc.new {|project| [Redmine::MenuManager::MenuItem.new(...)] }
+ # * last: menu item will stay at the end (eg. :last => true)
+ # * html_options: a hash of html options that are passed to link_to
+ def push(name, url, options={})
+ options = options.dup
+ if options[:parent]
+ subtree = self.find(options[:parent])
+ if subtree
+ target_root = subtree
+ else
+ target_root = @menu_items.root
+ end
+ else
+ target_root = @menu_items.root
+ end
+ # menu item position
+ if first = options.delete(:first)
+ target_root.prepend(Redmine::MenuManager::MenuItem.new(name, url, options))
+ elsif before = options.delete(:before)
+ if exists?(before)
+ target_root.add_at(Redmine::MenuManager::MenuItem.new(name, url, options), position_of(before))
+ else
+ target_root.add(Redmine::MenuManager::MenuItem.new(name, url, options))
+ end
+ elsif after = options.delete(:after)
+ if exists?(after)
+ target_root.add_at(Redmine::MenuManager::MenuItem.new(name, url, options), position_of(after) + 1)
+ else
+ target_root.add(Redmine::MenuManager::MenuItem.new(name, url, options))
+ end
+ elsif options[:last] # don't delete, needs to be stored
+ target_root.add_last(Redmine::MenuManager::MenuItem.new(name, url, options))
+ else
+ target_root.add(Redmine::MenuManager::MenuItem.new(name, url, options))
+ end
+ end
+ # Removes a menu item
+ def delete(name)
+ if found = self.find(name)
+ @menu_items.remove!(found)
+ end
+ end
+ # Checks if a menu item exists
+ def exists?(name)
+ @menu_items.any? {|node| node.name == name}
+ end
+ def find(name)
+ @menu_items.find {|node| node.name == name}
+ end
+ def position_of(name)
+ @menu_items.each do |node|
+ if node.name == name
+ return node.position
+ end
+ end
+ end
diff --git a/lib/redmine/menu_manager/menu_controller.rb b/lib/redmine/menu_manager/menu_controller.rb
new file mode 100644
index 00000000..7d5923bc
--- /dev/null
+++ b/lib/redmine/menu_manager/menu_controller.rb
@@ -0,0 +1,48 @@
+module Redmine::MenuManager::MenuController
+ def self.included(base)
+ base.extend(ClassMethods)
+ end
+ module ClassMethods
+ @@menu_items = Hash.new {|hash, key| hash[key] = {:default => key, :actions => {}}}
+ mattr_accessor :menu_items
+ # Set the menu item name for a controller or specific actions
+ # Examples:
+ # * menu_item :tickets # => sets the menu name to :tickets for the whole controller
+ # * menu_item :tickets, :only => :list # => sets the menu name to :tickets for the 'list' action only
+ # * menu_item :tickets, :only => [:list, :show] # => sets the menu name to :tickets for 2 actions only
+ #
+ # The default menu item name for a controller is controller_name by default
+ # Eg. the default menu item name for ProjectsController is :projects
+ def menu_item(id, options = {})
+ if actions = options[:only]
+ actions = [] << actions unless actions.is_a?(Array)
+ actions.each {|a| menu_items[controller_name.to_sym][:actions][a.to_sym] = id}
+ else
+ menu_items[controller_name.to_sym][:default] = id
+ end
+ end
+ end
+ def menu_items
+ self.class.menu_items
+ end
+ # Returns the menu item name according to the current action
+ def current_menu_item
+ @current_menu_item ||= menu_items[controller_name.to_sym][:actions][action_name.to_sym] ||
+ menu_items[controller_name.to_sym][:default]
+ end
+ # Redirects user to the menu item of the given project
+ # Returns false if user is not authorized
+ def redirect_to_project_menu_item(project, name)
+ item = Redmine::MenuManager.items(:project_menu).detect {|i| i.name.to_s == name.to_s}
+ if item && User.current.allowed_to?(item.url, project) && (item.condition.nil? || item.condition.call(project))
+ redirect_to({item.param => project}.merge(item.url))
+ return true
+ end
+ false
+ end
diff --git a/lib/redmine/menu_manager/menu_error.rb b/lib/redmine/menu_manager/menu_error.rb
new file mode 100644
index 00000000..e5301c67
--- /dev/null
+++ b/lib/redmine/menu_manager/menu_error.rb
@@ -0,0 +1,2 @@
+class Redmine::MenuManager::MenuError < StandardError #:nodoc:
diff --git a/lib/redmine/menu_manager/menu_helper.rb b/lib/redmine/menu_manager/menu_helper.rb
new file mode 100644
index 00000000..186b1335
--- /dev/null
+++ b/lib/redmine/menu_manager/menu_helper.rb
@@ -0,0 +1,137 @@
+module Redmine::MenuManager::MenuHelper
+ # Returns the current menu item name
+ def current_menu_item
+ @controller.current_menu_item
+ end
+ # Renders the application main menu
+ def render_main_menu(project)
+ render_menu((project && !project.new_record?) ? :project_menu : :application_menu, project)
+ end
+ def display_main_menu?(project)
+ menu_name = project && !project.new_record? ? :project_menu : :application_menu
+ Redmine::MenuManager.items(menu_name).size > 1 # 1 element is the root
+ end
+ def render_menu(menu, project=nil)
+ links = []
+ menu_items_for(menu, project) do |node|
+ links << render_menu_node(node, project)
+ end
+ links.empty? ? nil : content_tag('ul', links.join("\n"))
+ end
+ def render_menu_node(node, project=nil)
+ if node.hasChildren? || !node.child_menus.nil?
+ return render_menu_node_with_children(node, project)
+ else
+ caption, url, selected = extract_node_details(node, project)
+ return content_tag('li',
+ render_single_menu_node(node, caption, url, selected))
+ end
+ end
+ def render_menu_node_with_children(node, project=nil)
+ caption, url, selected = extract_node_details(node, project)
+ html = [].tap do |html|
+ html << ''
+ # Parent
+ html << render_single_menu_node(node, caption, url, selected)
+ # Standard children
+ standard_children_list = "".tap do |child_html|
+ node.children.each do |child|
+ child_html << render_menu_node(child, project)
+ end
+ end
+ html << content_tag(:ul, standard_children_list, :class => 'menu-children') unless standard_children_list.empty?
+ # Unattached children
+ unattached_children_list = render_unattached_children_menu(node, project)
+ html << content_tag(:ul, unattached_children_list, :class => 'menu-children unattached') unless unattached_children_list.blank?
+ html << ''
+ end
+ return html.join("\n")
+ end
+ # Returns a list of unattached children menu items
+ def render_unattached_children_menu(node, project)
+ return nil unless node.child_menus
+ "".tap do |child_html|
+ unattached_children = node.child_menus.call(project)
+ # Tree nodes support #each so we need to do object detection
+ if unattached_children.is_a? Array
+ unattached_children.each do |child|
+ child_html << content_tag(:li, render_unattached_menu_item(child, project))
+ end
+ else
+ raise Redmine::MenuManager::MenuError, ":child_menus must be an array of MenuItems"
+ end
+ end
+ end
+ def render_single_menu_node(item, caption, url, selected)
+ link_to(h(caption), url, item.html_options(:selected => selected))
+ end
+ def render_unattached_menu_item(menu_item, project)
+ raise Redmine::MenuManager::MenuError, ":child_menus must be an array of MenuItems" unless menu_item.is_a? Redmine::MenuManager::MenuItem
+ if User.current.allowed_to?(menu_item.url, project)
+ link_to(h(menu_item.caption),
+ menu_item.url,
+ menu_item.html_options)
+ end
+ end
+ def menu_items_for(menu, project=nil)
+ items = []
+ Redmine::MenuManager.items(menu).root.children.each do |node|
+ if allowed_node?(node, User.current, project)
+ if block_given?
+ yield node
+ else
+ items << node # TODO: not used?
+ end
+ end
+ end
+ return block_given? ? nil : items
+ end
+ def extract_node_details(node, project=nil)
+ item = node
+ url = case item.url
+ when Hash
+ project.nil? ? item.url : {item.param => project}.merge(item.url)
+ when Symbol
+ send(item.url)
+ else
+ item.url
+ end
+ caption = item.caption(project)
+ return [caption, url, (current_menu_item == item.name)]
+ end
+ # Checks if a user is allowed to access the menu item by:
+ #
+ # * Checking the conditions of the item
+ # * Checking the url target (project only)
+ def allowed_node?(node, user, project)
+ if node.condition && !node.condition.call(project)
+ # Condition that doesn't pass
+ return false
+ end
+ if project
+ return user && user.allowed_to?(node.url, project)
+ else
+ # outside a project, all menu items allowed
+ return true
+ end
+ end
diff --git a/lib/redmine/menu_manager/menu_item.rb b/lib/redmine/menu_manager/menu_item.rb
new file mode 100644
index 00000000..46547f95
--- /dev/null
+++ b/lib/redmine/menu_manager/menu_item.rb
@@ -0,0 +1,47 @@
+class Redmine::MenuManager::MenuItem < Tree::TreeNode
+ include Redmine::I18n
+ attr_reader :name, :url, :param, :condition, :parent, :child_menus, :last
+ def initialize(name, url, options)
+ raise ArgumentError, "Invalid option :if for menu item '#{name}'" if options[:if] && !options[:if].respond_to?(:call)
+ raise ArgumentError, "Invalid option :html for menu item '#{name}'" if options[:html] && !options[:html].is_a?(Hash)
+ raise ArgumentError, "Cannot set the :parent to be the same as this item" if options[:parent] == name.to_sym
+ raise ArgumentError, "Invalid option :children for menu item '#{name}'" if options[:children] && !options[:children].respond_to?(:call)
+ @name = name
+ @url = url
+ @condition = options[:if]
+ @param = options[:param] || :id
+ @caption = options[:caption]
+ @html_options = options[:html] || {}
+ # Adds a unique class to each menu item based on its name
+ @html_options[:class] = [@html_options[:class], @name.to_s.dasherize].compact.join(' ')
+ @parent = options[:parent]
+ @child_menus = options[:children]
+ @last = options[:last] || false
+ super @name.to_sym
+ end
+ def caption(project=nil)
+ if @caption.is_a?(Proc)
+ c = @caption.call(project).to_s
+ c = @name.to_s.humanize if c.blank?
+ c
+ else
+ if @caption.nil?
+ l_or_humanize(name, :prefix => 'label_')
+ else
+ @caption.is_a?(Symbol) ? l(@caption) : @caption
+ end
+ end
+ end
+ def html_options(options={})
+ if options[:selected]
+ o = @html_options.dup
+ o[:class] += ' selected'
+ o
+ else
+ @html_options
+ end
+ end