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= CodeRay
[- Tired of blue'n'gray? Try the original version of this documentation on
coderay.rubychan.de[http://coderay.rubychan.de/doc/] (use Ctrl+Click to open it in its own frame.) -]
== About
CodeRay is a Ruby library for syntax highlighting.
Syntax highlighting means: You put your code in, and you get it back colored;
Keywords, strings, floats, comments - all in different colors.
And with line numbers.
*Syntax* *Highlighting*...
* makes code easier to read and maintain
* lets you detect syntax errors faster
* helps you to understand the syntax of a language
* looks nice
* is what everybody should have on their website
* solves all your problems and makes the girls run after you
Version: 0.9.0
Author:: murphy (Kornelius Kalnbach)
Contact:: murphy rubychan de
Website:: coderay.rubychan.de[http://coderay.rubychan.de]
License:: GNU LGPL; see LICENSE file in the main directory.
== Installation
You need RubyGems[http://rubyforge.org/frs/?group_id=126].
% gem install coderay
=== Dependencies
CodeRay needs Ruby 1.8.6 or later. It also runs with Ruby 1.9.1+ and JRuby 1.1+.
== Example Usage
(Forgive me, but this is not highlighted.)
require 'coderay'
tokens = CodeRay.scan "puts 'Hello, world!'", :ruby
page = tokens.html :line_numbers => :inline, :wrap => :page
puts page
== Documentation
See CodeRay.
Please report errors in this documentation to <murphy rubychan de>.
== Credits
=== Special Thanks to
* licenser (Heinz N. Gies) for ending my QBasic career, inventing the Coder
project and the input/output plugin system.
CodeRay would not exist without him.
* bovi (Daniel Bovensiepen) for helping me out on various occasions.
=== Thanks to
* Caleb Clausen for writing RubyLexer (see
http://rubyforge.org/projects/rubylexer) and lots of very interesting mail
* birkenfeld (Georg Brandl) and mitsuhiku (Arnim Ronacher) for PyKleur, now pygments.
You guys rock!
* Jamis Buck for writing Syntax (see http://rubyforge.org/projects/syntax)
I got some useful ideas from it.
* Doug Kearns and everyone else who worked on ruby.vim - it not only helped me
coding CodeRay, but also gave me a wonderful target to reach for the Ruby
* everyone who uses CodeBB on http://www.rubyforen.de and http://www.python-forum.de
* iGEL, magichisoka, manveru, WoNáDo and everyone I forgot from rubyforen.de
* Dethix from ruby-mine.de
* zickzackw
* Dookie (who is no longer with us...) and Leonidas from http://www.python-forum.de
* Andreas Schwarz for finding out that CaseIgnoringWordList was not case
ignoring! Such things really make you write tests.
* closure for the first version of the Scheme scanner.
* Stefan Walk for the first version of the JavaScript scanner.
* Josh Goebel for another version of the JavaScript scanner and a Diff scanner.
* Jonathan Younger for pointing out the licence confusion caused by wrong LICENSE file.
* Jeremy Hinegardner for finding the shebang-on-empty-file bug in FileType.
* Charles Oliver Nutter and Yehuda Katz for helping me benchmark CodeRay on JRuby.
* Andreas Neuhaus for pointing out a markup bug in coderay/for_redcloth.
* 0xf30fc7 for the FileType patch concerning Delphi file extensions.
* The folks at redmine.org - thank you for using and fixing CodeRay!
* matz and all Ruby gods and gurus
* The inventors of: the computer, the internet, the true color display, HTML &
CSS, VIM, Ruby, pizza, microwaves, guitars, scouting, programming, anime,
manga, coke and green ice tea.
Where would we be without all those people?
=== Created using
* Ruby[http://ruby-lang.org/]
* Chihiro (my Sony VAIO laptop); Henrietta (my old MacBook);
Triella, born Rico (my new MacBook); as well as
Seras and Hikari (my PCs)
* RDE[http://homepage2.nifty.com/sakazuki/rde_e.html],
VIM[http://vim.org] and TextMate[http://macromates.com]
* Subversion[http://subversion.tigris.org/]
* Redmine[http://redmine.org/]
* Firefox[http://www.mozilla.org/products/firefox/],
Firebug[http://getfirebug.com/], Safari[http://www.apple.com/safari/], and
* RubyGems[http://docs.rubygems.org/] and Rake[http://rake.rubyforge.org/]
* TortoiseSVN[http://tortoisesvn.tigris.org/] using Apache via
* RDoc (though I'm quite unsatisfied with it)
* Microsoft Windows (yes, I confess!) and MacOS X
* GNUWin32, MinGW and some other tools to make the shell under windows a bit
less useless
* Term::ANSIColor[http://term-ansicolor.rubyforge.org/]
* PLEAC[http://pleac.sourceforge.net/] code examples
=== Free
* As you can see, CodeRay was created under heavy use of *free* software.
* So CodeRay is also *free*.
* If you use CodeRay to create software, think about making this software
*free*, too.
* Thanks :)