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#-- copyright
# ChiliProject is a project management system.
# Copyright (C) 2010-2011 the ChiliProject Team
# This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or
# modify it under the terms of the GNU General Public License
# as published by the Free Software Foundation; either version 2
# of the License, or (at your option) any later version.
# See doc/COPYRIGHT.rdoc for more details.
require File.expand_path('../../test_helper', __FILE__)
require 'workflows_controller'
# Re-raise errors caught by the controller.
class WorkflowsController; def rescue_action(e) raise e end; end
class WorkflowsControllerTest < ActionController::TestCase
fixtures :roles, :trackers, :workflows, :users, :issue_statuses
def setup
@controller = WorkflowsController.new
@request = ActionController::TestRequest.new
@response = ActionController::TestResponse.new
User.current = nil
@request.session[:user_id] = 1 # admin
def test_index
get :index
assert_response :success
assert_template 'index'
count = Workflow.count(:all, :conditions => 'role_id = 1 AND tracker_id = 2')
assert_tag :tag => 'a', :content => count.to_s,
:attributes => { :href => '/workflows/edit?role_id=1&amp;tracker_id=2' }
def test_get_edit
get :edit
assert_response :success
assert_template 'edit'
assert_not_nil assigns(:roles)
assert_not_nil assigns(:trackers)
def test_get_edit_with_role_and_tracker
Workflow.create!(:role_id => 1, :tracker_id => 1, :old_status_id => 2, :new_status_id => 3)
Workflow.create!(:role_id => 2, :tracker_id => 1, :old_status_id => 3, :new_status_id => 5)
get :edit, :role_id => 2, :tracker_id => 1
assert_response :success
assert_template 'edit'
# used status only
assert_not_nil assigns(:statuses)
assert_equal [2, 3, 5], assigns(:statuses).collect(&:id)
# allowed transitions
assert_tag :tag => 'input', :attributes => { :type => 'checkbox',
:name => 'issue_status[3][5][]',
:value => 'always',
:checked => 'checked' }
# not allowed
assert_tag :tag => 'input', :attributes => { :type => 'checkbox',
:name => 'issue_status[3][2][]',
:value => 'always',
:checked => nil }
# unused
assert_no_tag :tag => 'input', :attributes => { :type => 'checkbox',
:name => 'issue_status[1][1][]' }
def test_get_edit_with_role_and_tracker_and_all_statuses
get :edit, :role_id => 2, :tracker_id => 1, :used_statuses_only => '0'
assert_response :success
assert_template 'edit'
assert_not_nil assigns(:statuses)
assert_equal IssueStatus.count, assigns(:statuses).size
assert_tag :tag => 'input', :attributes => { :type => 'checkbox',
:name => 'issue_status[1][1][]',
:value => 'always',
:checked => nil }
def test_post_edit
post :edit, :role_id => 2, :tracker_id => 1,
:issue_status => {
'4' => {'5' => ['always']},
'3' => {'1' => ['always'], '2' => ['always']}
assert_redirected_to '/workflows/edit?role_id=2&tracker_id=1'
assert_equal 3, Workflow.count(:conditions => {:tracker_id => 1, :role_id => 2})
assert_not_nil Workflow.find(:first, :conditions => {:role_id => 2, :tracker_id => 1, :old_status_id => 3, :new_status_id => 2})
assert_nil Workflow.find(:first, :conditions => {:role_id => 2, :tracker_id => 1, :old_status_id => 5, :new_status_id => 4})
def test_post_edit_with_additional_transitions
post :edit, :role_id => 2, :tracker_id => 1,
:issue_status => {
'4' => {'5' => ['always']},
'3' => {'1' => ['author'], '2' => ['assignee'], '4' => ['author', 'assignee']}
assert_redirected_to '/workflows/edit?role_id=2&tracker_id=1'
assert_equal 4, Workflow.count(:conditions => {:tracker_id => 1, :role_id => 2})
w = Workflow.find(:first, :conditions => {:role_id => 2, :tracker_id => 1, :old_status_id => 4, :new_status_id => 5})
assert ! w.author
assert ! w.assignee
w = Workflow.find(:first, :conditions => {:role_id => 2, :tracker_id => 1, :old_status_id => 3, :new_status_id => 1})
assert w.author
assert ! w.assignee
w = Workflow.find(:first, :conditions => {:role_id => 2, :tracker_id => 1, :old_status_id => 3, :new_status_id => 2})
assert ! w.author
assert w.assignee
w = Workflow.find(:first, :conditions => {:role_id => 2, :tracker_id => 1, :old_status_id => 3, :new_status_id => 4})
assert w.author
assert w.assignee
def test_clear_workflow
assert Workflow.count(:conditions => {:tracker_id => 1, :role_id => 2}) > 0
post :edit, :role_id => 2, :tracker_id => 1
assert_equal 0, Workflow.count(:conditions => {:tracker_id => 1, :role_id => 2})
def test_get_copy
get :copy
assert_response :success
assert_template 'copy'
def test_post_copy_one_to_one
source_transitions = status_transitions(:tracker_id => 1, :role_id => 2)
post :copy, :source_tracker_id => '1', :source_role_id => '2',
:target_tracker_ids => ['3'], :target_role_ids => ['1']
assert_response 302
assert_equal source_transitions, status_transitions(:tracker_id => 3, :role_id => 1)
def test_post_copy_one_to_many
source_transitions = status_transitions(:tracker_id => 1, :role_id => 2)
post :copy, :source_tracker_id => '1', :source_role_id => '2',
:target_tracker_ids => ['2', '3'], :target_role_ids => ['1', '3']
assert_response 302
assert_equal source_transitions, status_transitions(:tracker_id => 2, :role_id => 1)
assert_equal source_transitions, status_transitions(:tracker_id => 3, :role_id => 1)
assert_equal source_transitions, status_transitions(:tracker_id => 2, :role_id => 3)
assert_equal source_transitions, status_transitions(:tracker_id => 3, :role_id => 3)
def test_post_copy_many_to_many
source_t2 = status_transitions(:tracker_id => 2, :role_id => 2)
source_t3 = status_transitions(:tracker_id => 3, :role_id => 2)
post :copy, :source_tracker_id => 'any', :source_role_id => '2',
:target_tracker_ids => ['2', '3'], :target_role_ids => ['1', '3']
assert_response 302
assert_equal source_t2, status_transitions(:tracker_id => 2, :role_id => 1)
assert_equal source_t3, status_transitions(:tracker_id => 3, :role_id => 1)
assert_equal source_t2, status_transitions(:tracker_id => 2, :role_id => 3)
assert_equal source_t3, status_transitions(:tracker_id => 3, :role_id => 3)
# Returns an array of status transitions that can be compared
def status_transitions(conditions)
Workflow.find(:all, :conditions => conditions,
:order => 'tracker_id, role_id, old_status_id, new_status_id').collect {|w| [w.old_status, w.new_status_id]}