2011-10-29 14:19:11 +02:00
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2007-12-10 17:58:07 +00:00
module ActionController
# === Action Pack pagination for Active Record collections
# The Pagination module aids in the process of paging large collections of
# Active Record objects. It offers macro-style automatic fetching of your
# model for multiple views, or explicit fetching for single actions. And if
# the magic isn't flexible enough for your needs, you can create your own
# paginators with a minimal amount of code.
# The Pagination module can handle as much or as little as you wish. In the
# controller, have it automatically query your model for pagination; or,
# if you prefer, create Paginator objects yourself.
# Pagination is included automatically for all controllers.
# For help rendering pagination links, see
# ActionView::Helpers::PaginationHelper.
# ==== Automatic pagination for every action in a controller
# class PersonController < ApplicationController
# model :person
# paginate :people, :order => 'last_name, first_name',
# :per_page => 20
# # ...
# end
# Each action in this controller now has access to a <tt>@people</tt>
# instance variable, which is an ordered collection of model objects for the
# current page (at most 20, sorted by last name and first name), and a
# <tt>@person_pages</tt> Paginator instance. The current page is determined
# by the <tt>params[:page]</tt> variable.
# ==== Pagination for a single action
# def list
# @person_pages, @people =
# paginate :people, :order => 'last_name, first_name'
# end
# Like the previous example, but explicitly creates <tt>@person_pages</tt>
# and <tt>@people</tt> for a single action, and uses the default of 10 items
# per page.
# ==== Custom/"classic" pagination
# def list
# @person_pages = Paginator.new self, Person.count, 10, params[:page]
# @people = Person.find :all, :order => 'last_name, first_name',
# :limit => @person_pages.items_per_page,
# :offset => @person_pages.current.offset
# end
# Explicitly creates the paginator from the previous example and uses
# Paginator#to_sql to retrieve <tt>@people</tt> from the model.
module Pagination
unless const_defined? ( :OPTIONS )
# A hash holding options for controllers using macro-style pagination
OPTIONS = Hash . new
# The default options for pagination
:class_name = > nil ,
:singular_name = > nil ,
:per_page = > 10 ,
:conditions = > nil ,
:order_by = > nil ,
:order = > nil ,
:join = > nil ,
:joins = > nil ,
:count = > nil ,
:include = > nil ,
:select = > nil ,
:group = > nil ,
:parameter = > 'page'
DEFAULT_OPTIONS [ :group ] = nil
def self . included ( base ) #:nodoc:
base . extend ( ClassMethods )
def self . validate_options! ( collection_id , options , in_action ) #:nodoc:
options . merge! ( DEFAULT_OPTIONS ) { | key , old , new | old }
valid_options = DEFAULT_OPTIONS . keys
valid_options << :actions unless in_action
unknown_option_keys = options . keys - valid_options
raise ActionController :: ActionControllerError ,
" Unknown options: #{ unknown_option_keys . join ( ', ' ) } " unless
unknown_option_keys . empty?
2008-12-14 15:36:59 +00:00
options [ :singular_name ] || = ActiveSupport :: Inflector . singularize ( collection_id . to_s )
options [ :class_name ] || = ActiveSupport :: Inflector . camelize ( options [ :singular_name ] )
2007-12-10 17:58:07 +00:00
# Returns a paginator and a collection of Active Record model instances
# for the paginator's current page. This is designed to be used in a
# single action; to automatically paginate multiple actions, consider
# ClassMethods#paginate.
# +options+ are:
# <tt>:singular_name</tt>:: the singular name to use, if it can't be inferred by singularizing the collection name
# <tt>:class_name</tt>:: the class name to use, if it can't be inferred by
# camelizing the singular name
# <tt>:per_page</tt>:: the maximum number of items to include in a
# single page. Defaults to 10
# <tt>:conditions</tt>:: optional conditions passed to Model.find(:all, *params) and
# Model.count
# <tt>:order</tt>:: optional order parameter passed to Model.find(:all, *params)
# <tt>:order_by</tt>:: (deprecated, used :order) optional order parameter passed to Model.find(:all, *params)
# <tt>:joins</tt>:: optional joins parameter passed to Model.find(:all, *params)
# and Model.count
# <tt>:join</tt>:: (deprecated, used :joins or :include) optional join parameter passed to Model.find(:all, *params)
# and Model.count
# <tt>:include</tt>:: optional eager loading parameter passed to Model.find(:all, *params)
# and Model.count
# <tt>:select</tt>:: :select parameter passed to Model.find(:all, *params)
# <tt>:count</tt>:: parameter passed as :select option to Model.count(*params)
# <tt>:group</tt>:: :group parameter passed to Model.find(:all, *params). It forces the use of DISTINCT instead of plain COUNT to come up with the total number of records
def paginate ( collection_id , options = { } )
Pagination . validate_options! ( collection_id , options , true )
paginator_and_collection_for ( collection_id , options )
# These methods become class methods on any controller
module ClassMethods
# Creates a +before_filter+ which automatically paginates an Active
# Record model for all actions in a controller (or certain actions if
# specified with the <tt>:actions</tt> option).
# +options+ are the same as PaginationHelper#paginate, with the addition
# of:
# <tt>:actions</tt>:: an array of actions for which the pagination is
# active. Defaults to +nil+ (i.e., every action)
def paginate ( collection_id , options = { } )
Pagination . validate_options! ( collection_id , options , false )
module_eval do
before_filter :create_paginators_and_retrieve_collections
OPTIONS [ self ] || = Hash . new
OPTIONS [ self ] [ collection_id ] = options
def create_paginators_and_retrieve_collections #:nodoc:
Pagination :: OPTIONS [ self . class ] . each do | collection_id , options |
next unless options [ :actions ] . include? action_name if
options [ :actions ]
paginator , collection =
paginator_and_collection_for ( collection_id , options )
paginator_name = " @ #{ options [ :singular_name ] } _pages "
self . instance_variable_set ( paginator_name , paginator )
collection_name = " @ #{ collection_id . to_s } "
self . instance_variable_set ( collection_name , collection )
# Returns the total number of items in the collection to be paginated for
# the +model+ and given +conditions+. Override this method to implement a
# custom counter.
def count_collection_for_pagination ( model , options )
model . count ( :conditions = > options [ :conditions ] ,
:joins = > options [ :join ] || options [ :joins ] ,
:include = > options [ :include ] ,
:select = > ( options [ :group ] ? " DISTINCT #{ options [ :group ] } " : options [ :count ] ) )
# Returns a collection of items for the given +model+ and +options[conditions]+,
# ordered by +options[order]+, for the current page in the given +paginator+.
# Override this method to implement a custom finder.
def find_collection_for_pagination ( model , options , paginator )
model . find ( :all , :conditions = > options [ :conditions ] ,
:order = > options [ :order_by ] || options [ :order ] ,
:joins = > options [ :join ] || options [ :joins ] , :include = > options [ :include ] ,
:select = > options [ :select ] , :limit = > options [ :per_page ] ,
:group = > options [ :group ] , :offset = > paginator . current . offset )
protected :create_paginators_and_retrieve_collections ,
:count_collection_for_pagination ,
def paginator_and_collection_for ( collection_id , options ) #:nodoc:
klass = options [ :class_name ] . constantize
page = params [ options [ :parameter ] ]
count = count_collection_for_pagination ( klass , options )
paginator = Paginator . new ( self , count , options [ :per_page ] , page )
collection = find_collection_for_pagination ( klass , options , paginator )
return paginator , collection
private :paginator_and_collection_for
# A class representing a paginator for an Active Record collection.
class Paginator
include Enumerable
# Creates a new Paginator on the given +controller+ for a set of items
# of size +item_count+ and having +items_per_page+ items per page.
# Raises ArgumentError if items_per_page is out of bounds (i.e., less
# than or equal to zero). The page CGI parameter for links defaults to
# "page" and can be overridden with +page_parameter+.
def initialize ( controller , item_count , items_per_page , current_page = 1 )
raise ArgumentError , 'must have at least one item per page' if
items_per_page < = 0
@controller = controller
@item_count = item_count || 0
@items_per_page = items_per_page
@pages = { }
self . current_page = current_page
attr_reader :controller , :item_count , :items_per_page
# Sets the current page number of this paginator. If +page+ is a Page
# object, its +number+ attribute is used as the value; if the page does
# not belong to this Paginator, an ArgumentError is raised.
def current_page = ( page )
if page . is_a? Page
raise ArgumentError , 'Page/Paginator mismatch' unless
page . paginator == self
page = page . to_i
@current_page_number = has_page_number? ( page ) ? page : 1
# Returns a Page object representing this paginator's current page.
def current_page
@current_page || = self [ @current_page_number ]
alias current :current_page
# Returns a new Page representing the first page in this paginator.
def first_page
@first_page || = self [ 1 ]
alias first :first_page
# Returns a new Page representing the last page in this paginator.
def last_page
@last_page || = self [ page_count ]
alias last :last_page
# Returns the number of pages in this paginator.
def page_count
@page_count || = @item_count . zero? ? 1 :
( q , r = @item_count . divmod ( @items_per_page ) ; r == 0 ? q : q + 1 )
alias length :page_count
# Returns true if this paginator contains the page of index +number+.
def has_page_number? ( number )
number > = 1 and number < = page_count
# Returns a new Page representing the page with the given index
# +number+.
def [] ( number )
@pages [ number ] || = Page . new ( self , number )
# Successively yields all the paginator's pages to the given block.
def each ( & block )
page_count . times do | n |
yield self [ n + 1 ]
# A class representing a single page in a paginator.
class Page
include Comparable
# Creates a new Page for the given +paginator+ with the index
# +number+. If +number+ is not in the range of valid page numbers or
# is not a number at all, it defaults to 1.
def initialize ( paginator , number )
@paginator = paginator
@number = number . to_i
@number = 1 unless @paginator . has_page_number? @number
attr_reader :paginator , :number
alias to_i :number
# Compares two Page objects and returns true when they represent the
# same page (i.e., their paginators are the same and they have the
# same page number).
def == ( page )
return false if page . nil?
@paginator == page . paginator and
@number == page . number
# Compares two Page objects and returns -1 if the left-hand page comes
# before the right-hand page, 0 if the pages are equal, and 1 if the
# left-hand page comes after the right-hand page. Raises ArgumentError
# if the pages do not belong to the same Paginator object.
def <=> ( page )
raise ArgumentError unless @paginator == page . paginator
@number < = > page . number
# Returns the item offset for the first item in this page.
def offset
@paginator . items_per_page * ( @number - 1 )
# Returns the number of the first item displayed.
def first_item
offset + 1
# Returns the number of the last item displayed.
def last_item
[ @paginator . items_per_page * @number , @paginator . item_count ] . min
# Returns true if this page is the first page in the paginator.
def first?
self == @paginator . first
# Returns true if this page is the last page in the paginator.
def last?
self == @paginator . last
# Returns a new Page object representing the page just before this
# page, or nil if this is the first page.
def previous
if first? then nil else @paginator [ @number - 1 ] end
# Returns a new Page object representing the page just after this
# page, or nil if this is the last page.
def next
if last? then nil else @paginator [ @number + 1 ] end
# Returns a new Window object for this page with the specified
# +padding+.
def window ( padding = 2 )
Window . new ( self , padding )
# Returns the limit/offset array for this page.
def to_sql
[ @paginator . items_per_page , offset ]
def to_param #:nodoc:
@number . to_s
# A class for representing ranges around a given page.
class Window
# Creates a new Window object for the given +page+ with the specified
# +padding+.
def initialize ( page , padding = 2 )
@paginator = page . paginator
@page = page
self . padding = padding
attr_reader :paginator , :page
# Sets the window's padding (the number of pages on either side of the
# window page).
def padding = ( padding )
@padding = padding < 0 ? 0 : padding
# Find the beginning and end pages of the window
@first = @paginator . has_page_number? ( @page . number - @padding ) ?
@paginator [ @page . number - @padding ] : @paginator . first
@last = @paginator . has_page_number? ( @page . number + @padding ) ?
@paginator [ @page . number + @padding ] : @paginator . last
attr_reader :padding , :first , :last
# Returns an array of Page objects in the current window.
def pages
( @first . number .. @last . number ) . to_a . collect! { | n | @paginator [ n ] }
alias to_a :pages