2011-12-18 21:19:01 +01:00
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2011-12-17 15:50:52 -08:00
#-- copyright
# ChiliProject is a project management system.
# Copyright (C) 2010-2011 the ChiliProject Team
# This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or
# modify it under the terms of the GNU General Public License
# as published by the Free Software Foundation; either version 2
# of the License, or (at your option) any later version.
# See doc/COPYRIGHT.rdoc for more details.
2011-05-11 10:11:24 -07:00
module ChiliProject
module Liquid
# Legacy is used to support older Redmine style macros by converting
# them to Liquid objects (tags, filters) on the fly by doing basic
# string substitution. This is done before the Liquid processing
# so the converted macros work like normal
module Legacy
# Holds the list of legacy macros
# @param [Regexp] :match The regex to match on the legacy macro
# @param [String] :replace The string to replace with. E.g. "%" converts
# "{{ }}" to "{% %}"
# @param [String] :new_name The new name of the Liquid object
def self.macros
@macros ||= {}
# "Runs" legacy macros by doing a gsub of their values to the new Liquid ones
# @param [String] content The pre-Liquid content
def self.run_macros(content)
macros.each do |macro_name, macro|
next unless macro[:match].present? && macro[:replace].present?
2011-11-26 16:10:24 +01:00
content = content.gsub(macro[:match]) do |match|
2011-05-11 10:11:24 -07:00
# Use block form so $1 and $2 are set properly
2011-12-17 22:10:53 +01:00
args = " '#{$2}'" if $2
"{#{macro[:replace]} #{macro[:new_name]}#{args} #{macro[:replace]}}"
2011-05-11 10:11:24 -07:00
2011-11-26 16:10:24 +01:00
2011-05-11 10:11:24 -07:00
# Add support for a legacy macro syntax that was converted to liquid
# @param [String] name The legacy macro name
# @param [Symbol] liquid_type The type of Liquid object to use. Supported: :tag
# @param [optional, String] new_name The new name of the liquid object, used
# to rename a macro
def self.add(name, liquid_type, new_name=nil)
new_name = name unless new_name.present?
case liquid_type
when :tag
macros[name.to_s] = {
# Example values the regex matches
# {{name}}
# {{ name }}
# {{ name 'arg' }}
# {{ name('arg') }}
:match => Regexp.new(/\{\{(#{name})(?:\(([^\}]*)\))?\}\}/),
:replace => "%",
:new_name => new_name
2011-12-17 22:01:20 +01:00
# FIXME: remove the deprecated syntax for 4.0, provide a way to migrate
# existing pages to the new syntax.
# See ChiliProject::Liquid::Tags for the registration of the tags.
Legacy.add('child_pages', :tag)
Legacy.add('hello_world', :tag)
Legacy.add('include', :tag)
2011-12-17 22:07:52 +01:00
# Transform the old textile TOC tags to syntax suported by liquid
Legacy.add('toc', :tag)
Legacy.add('>toc', :tag, "toc_right")
Legacy.add('<toc', :tag, "toc_left")
2011-05-11 10:11:24 -07:00