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2023-10-03 20:54:36 +03:00
hostname "Myserver"
rcon_password ""
sv_lan 0
sv_gametypes scavenge,coop,versus,survival,realism,teamversus,teamscavenge,mutation1,mutation2,mutation3,mutation4,mutation5,mutation6,mutation7,mutation8,mutation9,mutation10,mutation11,mutation12,mutation13,mutation14,mutation15,mutation16,mutation17,mutation18,mutation19,mutation20,chargertraining,tankassault,tankbrawl,gungame,uncommonground,uncommongroundsv
//sm_cvar mp_gamemode "versus"
sv_search_key "Myserver"
sv_tags "Myserver"
sv_steamgroup_exclusive 0
sv_allow_lobby_connect_only 0
sv_alltalk 0
sv_region 255
sv_cheats 0
sm_cvar vs_max_team_switches 99
sm_cvar sb_all_bot_game 1
sm_cvar allow_all_bot_survivor_team 1
sm_cvar mp_autoteambalance 0
sm_cvar mp_limitteams 0
sm_cvar versus_tank_flow_team_variation 0
motd_enabled 0
sv_consistency 0
sv_rcon_banpenalty 5
sv_rcon_maxfailures 10
sv_rcon_minfailures 5
sv_rcon_minfailuretime 30
//Infected improvement
sm_cvar tank_stuck_time_suicide 30 //seconds before tank suicide if stuck
sm_cvar director_tank_force_offer 1
sm_cvar director_force_witch 1
sm_cvar director_force_tank 1
sm_cvar director_tank_max_interval 600
sm_cvar director_tank_min_interval 200 //default 500
sm_cvar director_threat_max_separation 5000
sm_cvar director_threat_min_separation 500 //default 5000
sm_cvar director_threat_radius 500 //default 1000
sm_cvar director_max_threat_areas 8 //default 4
sm_cvar versus_tank_flow_team_variation 0.0
//Survivors bot improvement
sm_cvar sb_friend_immobilized_reaction_time_normal 0 //bot reaction time when human get caught normal
sm_cvar sb_friend_immobilized_reaction_time_hard 0 //bot reaction time when human get caught hard
sm_cvar sb_friend_immobilized_reaction_time_expert 0 //bot reaction time when human get caught expert
sm_cvar sb_friend_immobilized_reaction_time_vs 0 //bot reaction time when human get caught vs
sm_cvar sb_max_team_melee_weapons 2 //bot take melee
sm_cvar sb_melee_approach_victim 1 //bot use melee
sm_cvar sb_sidestep_for_horde 1 //allow bot to seek better position for shooting infected
sm_cvar sb_battlestation_human_hold_time 1 //How long the nearest human must hold their place before SurvivorBots will re-evaluate their Battlestations
sm_cvar sb_normal_saccade_speed 115 //Better Aimbot
sm_cvar sb_combat_saccade_speed 350 //Better Aimbot
sm_cvar sb_toughness_buffer 30 //How much hp before a bot heal himself
sm_cvar sb_separation_range 100 //distance between each survivors
sm_cvar sb_max_scavenge_separation 750 //SurvivorBots wont scavenge items farther away from the group than this
sm_cvar z_spawn_safety_range 200
sm_cvar z_finale_spawn_safety_range 200
sv_logfile 1
sv_logbans 1
sv_logecho 1
sv_log_onefile 0
sv_minrate 20000
sv_maxrate 30000
exec banned_user.cfg
exec banned_ip.cfg