Requirements ------------ Build-Time Dependencies Vala: GTK+ 3.0: CMake: NSIS (W32): Run-Time Dependencies GTK+ 3.0: Operation Systems * GNU/Linux (Gentoo, Debian, etc.) * MS Windows (Windows 5.1 aka XP) * BSD-based (FreeBSD, OpenBSD, NetBSD, Mac OS X) If you need support of one more OS, be free in writing of patches and sending pull-requests to the mainstream. Compilation ----------- Compilation under GNU/Linux $ mkdir build-gcc && cd build-gcc $ cmake .. -DCMAKE_BUILD_TYPE=Release -DCMAKE_INSTALL_PREFIX=/usr $ make -j$((`getconf _NPROCESSORS_ONLN`+1)) Compilation under MS Windows $ mkdir build-mingw && cd build-mingw $ cmake -G "MSYS Makefiles" .. -DCMAKE_BUILD_TYPE=Release $ make -j$((NUMBER_OF_PROCESSORS + 1)) Compilation under BSD-based Systems. TODO: add description here. Packing/Installation -------------------- Packing/Installation under GNU/Linux $ cpack Install using System Package Manager. Packing/Installation under MS Windows $ cpack Install using generated by NSIS executable. Packing/Installation under BSD-based $ cpack Install using System Package Manager. Testing ------- Testing under GNU/Linux $ ctest -j$((`getconf _NPROCESSORS_ONLN`+1)) Automated tests for memory leaks: $ ctest -j$((NUMBER_OF_PROCESSORS + 1)) -D NightlyMemCheck && grep definitely Testing/Temporary/LastDynamicAnalysis_*.log Testing under MS Windows $ ctest -j$((NUMBER_OF_PROCESSORS + 1)) Automated tests for memory leaks are not available as far as Valgrind not present on this platform. Testing under BSD-based $ ctest Automated tests for memory leaks are not available as far as Valgrind not present on this platform.