#  -------- gkrellmrc_4 for the GKrellM Default Theme Reference--------
# These settings override those in the base gkrellmrc when the fourth theme
# alternative is selected.
# Theme alternatives are selected in the Themes configuration page or they
# can by cycled to by hittin the keys 'n' for next or 'p' for previous
# when the mouse is in the gkrellm window.

StyleChart	*.transparency = 1

StyleChart *.textcolor #efd097 #000000 shadow
StyleChart *.alt_textcolor #e4e4e2 #000000 shadow

StylePanel *.textcolor white #000000 shadow
StylePanel *.alt_textcolor #f0f080 #000000 shadow

StyleMeter *.textcolor = #f2f4d8 #000000 shadow
StyleMeter *.alt_textcolor #e8e4b2 #000000 shadow

StyleMeter cal.textcolor #f2f4d8 #000000 shadow
StyleMeter clock.textcolor #e8e4b2 #000000 shadow
StyleMeter clock.alt_textcolor #f2f4d8 #000000 shadow

StyleMeter fs.alt_textcolor = #f2f4d8 #000000 shadow

StyleMeter host.textcolor #b8c4c2 #000000 shadow

StyleMeter mail.alt_textcolor #e0c0c0 #000000 shadow

StyleMeter mem.alt_textcolor = #f2f4d8 #000000 shadow
StyleMeter swap.alt_textcolor = #f2f4d8 #000000 shadow

StyleMeter sensors.textcolor = #f0f080 #000000 shadow
StyleMeter sensors.alt_textcolor = #f2f4d8 #000000 shadow

StyleMeter timer.textcolor #e8e4b2 #000000 shadow
StyleMeter timer.alt_textcolor #f2f4d8 #000000 shadow

StyleMeter uptime.textcolor #e8e4b2 #000000 shadow

StyleMeter gkrellmms.alt_textcolor = black #dcdccc shadow

StyleMeter timers.textcolor #d2d8c0 #000000 shadow
StyleMeter timers.alt_textcolor = #f2f4d8 #000000 shadow

#StyleMeter mem.textcolor #282828 #a0b0a0 shadow
#StyleMeter swap.textcolor #282828 #a0b0a0 shadow