/* GKrellM | Copyright (C) 1999-2008 Bill Wilson | | Author: Bill Wilson billw@gkrellm.net | Latest versions might be found at: http://gkrellm.net | | win32.c code is Copyright (C) Bill Nalen bill@nalens.com | Stefan Gehn stefan.gkrellm@srcbox.net | | | GKrellM is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify it | under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by | the Free Software Foundation, either version 3 of the License, or | (at your option) any later version. | | GKrellM is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, but WITHOUT | ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of MERCHANTABILITY | or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the GNU General Public | License for more details. | | You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License | along with this program. If not, see http://www.gnu.org/licenses/ | | | Additional permission under GNU GPL version 3 section 7 | | If you modify this program, or any covered work, by linking or | combining it with the OpenSSL project's OpenSSL library (or a | modified version of that library), containing parts covered by | the terms of the OpenSSL or SSLeay licenses, you are granted | additional permission to convey the resulting work. | Corresponding Source for a non-source form of such a combination | shall include the source code for the parts of OpenSSL used as well | as that of the covered work. */ #include "../inet.h" // For struct ActiveTCP #if defined(GKRELLM_SERVER) #include "../../server/win32-plugin.h" #else #include "../win32-plugin.h" #endif #include // For disk space calculation #include // For cdrom eject #include // For tcp connection stats // Following two are for cpu, proc, disk and network stats // which are queried via "performance data counters" #include #include // Following two are used to determine number of logged in users and // pagefile usage via NT-APIs #include #include // ---------------------------------------------------------------------------- // Needed to determine pagefile usage // // These definitions were taken from MinGW include/ddk/ntapi.h because you // cannot mix ddk includes with normal windows includes although you can call // these functions without being a driver. #define STATUS_INFO_LENGTH_MISMATCH ((NTSTATUS)0xC0000004L) #define SystemPagefileInformation 18 NTSTATUS NTAPI ZwQuerySystemInformation( /*IN*/ UINT SystemInformationClass, /*IN OUT*/ VOID *SystemInformation, /*IN*/ ULONG SystemInformationLength, /*OUT*/ ULONG *ReturnLength /*OPTIONAL*/); typedef struct _SYSTEM_PAGEFILE_INFORMATION { ULONG NextEntryOffset; ULONG CurrentSize; ULONG TotalUsed; ULONG PeakUsed; UNICODE_STRING FileName; } SYSTEM_PAGEFILE_INFORMATION; // ---------------------------------------------------------------------------- // Structs and typedefs used to determine the number of logged in users. // These should be in ntsecapi.h but are missing in MinGW currently. // Docs: http://msdn.microsoft.com/en-us/library/aa378290(VS.85).aspx typedef struct _SECURITY_LOGON_SESSION_DATA { ULONG Size; LUID LogonId; LSA_UNICODE_STRING UserName; LSA_UNICODE_STRING LogonDomain; LSA_UNICODE_STRING AuthenticationPackage; ULONG LogonType; ULONG Session; PSID Sid; LARGE_INTEGER LogonTime; LSA_UNICODE_STRING LogonServer; LSA_UNICODE_STRING DnsDomainName; LSA_UNICODE_STRING Upn; } SECURITY_LOGON_SESSION_DATA; // Definitions for function pointers (functions resolved manually at runtime) typedef NTSTATUS (NTAPI *pfLsaEnumerateLogonSessions)( ULONG *LogonSessionCount, LUID **LogonSessionList); typedef NTSTATUS (NTAPI *pfLsaGetLogonSessionData)( LUID *LogonId, SECURITY_LOGON_SESSION_DATA **ppLogonSessionData); typedef NTSTATUS (NTAPI *pfLsaFreeReturnBuffer)(VOID *Buffer); // ---------------------------------------------------------------------------- // Max len of device names returned by clean_dev_name(). // Value taken from net.c load_net_config() and disk.c load_disk_config(). #define MAX_DEV_NAME 31 #define ARR_SZ(x) (sizeof(x) / sizeof(x[0])) static PDH_HQUERY pdhQueryHandle = NULL; static const wchar_t* PDHDLL = L"PDH.DLL"; static const wchar_t* NTDLL = L"NTDLL.DLL"; // ---------------------------------------------------------------------------- // Own cleanup functions, called in gkrellm_sys_main_cleanup() to cleanup // resources allocated by gkrellm_sys_*_init() static void gkrellm_sys_cpu_cleanup(void); static void gkrellm_sys_disk_cleanup(void); static void gkrellm_sys_mem_cleanup(void); static void gkrellm_sys_net_cleanup(void); static void gkrellm_sys_proc_cleanup(void); // ---------------------------------------------------------------------------- //! print a warning and (if possible) decode a windows error number static void win32_warning(const wchar_t *dll_name, DWORD status, const gchar *format, ...) { va_list varargs; wchar_t *status_msg = NULL; gchar *formatted_msg = NULL; HMODULE dll_handle = NULL; DWORD flags = FORMAT_MESSAGE_ALLOCATE_BUFFER | FORMAT_MESSAGE_FROM_SYSTEM | FORMAT_MESSAGE_IGNORE_INSERTS; va_start(varargs, format); // Format passed message string formatted_msg = g_strdup_vprintf(format, varargs); va_end(varargs); // Load library for message strings if one was passed if (dll_name != NULL) { dll_handle = LoadLibraryW(dll_name); if (dll_handle != NULL) flags |= FORMAT_MESSAGE_FROM_HMODULE; } // NOTE: yes, this call takes a wchar_t **, it's a known flaw in the // WIN32 API, you can ignore any compiler warning about arg 5 if (FormatMessageW( flags // dwFlags , dll_handle // lpSource , status // dwMessageId , MAKELANGID(LANG_NEUTRAL, SUBLANG_DEFAULT) // dwLanguageId , (LPWSTR)&status_msg // lpBuffer , 0 // nSize , NULL // varargs ) > 0) { g_log(NULL, G_LOG_LEVEL_WARNING, "%s; Error 0x%lX: %ls", formatted_msg, status, status_msg); LocalFree(status_msg); } else { g_log(NULL, G_LOG_LEVEL_WARNING, "%s; Error 0x%lX\n", formatted_msg, status); } g_free(formatted_msg); if (dll_handle != NULL) FreeLibrary(dll_handle); } // ---------------------------------------------------------------------------- // Simple wrapper around PdhAddCounter with error/debug handling static gboolean add_counter(const wchar_t *counter_path, PDH_HCOUNTER *counter_handle) { PDH_STATUS st; if (pdhQueryHandle == NULL || !counter_path || !counter_handle) return FALSE; st = PdhAddCounterW(pdhQueryHandle, counter_path, 0, counter_handle); if (st != ERROR_SUCCESS) { win32_warning(PDHDLL, st, "Failed adding pdh-counter for path '%ls'", counter_path); return FALSE; } gkrellm_debug(DEBUG_SYSDEP, "Added pdh-counter for path '%ls'\n", counter_path); return TRUE; } static gboolean get_formatted_counter_value( PDH_HCOUNTER counter_handle, const gchar *counter_name, DWORD format, PDH_FMT_COUNTERVALUE *val) { PDH_STATUS st; st = PdhGetFormattedCounterValue(counter_handle, format, NULL, val); if ((st != ERROR_SUCCESS) || (val->CStatus != PDH_CSTATUS_VALID_DATA)) { win32_warning(PDHDLL, st, "Getting pdh-counter (%s) failed; CStatus %lX", counter_name, val->CStatus); return FALSE; } return TRUE; } // Simple wrapper around PdhLookupPerfNameByIndex with error handling static gboolean lookup_perfname(DWORD index, wchar_t *perfname, DWORD perfname_max_len) { PDH_STATUS st; if (!perfname || perfname_max_len == 0) return FALSE; st = PdhLookupPerfNameByIndexW(NULL, index, perfname, &perfname_max_len); if (st != ERROR_SUCCESS) { win32_warning(PDHDLL, st, "Could not lookup perfname for index %lu", index); return FALSE; } if (perfname[0] == 0) { g_warning("Got empty perfname for index %lu, performance counters " \ "appear to be broken on this system!\n", index); return FALSE; } gkrellm_debug(DEBUG_SYSDEP, "Looked up perfname '%ls' for index %lu\n", perfname, index); return TRUE; } typedef void (*add_counter_cb) (wchar_t *name, PDH_HCOUNTER *c1, PDH_HCOUNTER *c2); static void add_counter_list(guint object_index, guint counter_index1, guint counter_index2, add_counter_cb cb) { PDH_STATUS st; wchar_t obj_name[PDH_MAX_COUNTER_NAME]; wchar_t c1_name[PDH_MAX_COUNTER_NAME]; wchar_t c2_name[PDH_MAX_COUNTER_NAME]; wchar_t * obj_list = NULL; DWORD obj_list_size = 0; wchar_t * inst_list = NULL; DWORD inst_list_size = 0; wchar_t counter_path[PDH_MAX_COUNTER_PATH]; wchar_t * inst = NULL; PDH_HCOUNTER c1; PDH_HCOUNTER c2; gkrellm_debug(DEBUG_SYSDEP, "add_counter_list()\n"); if (pdhQueryHandle == NULL) return; // Get translated name for object_index if (!lookup_perfname(object_index, obj_name, PDH_MAX_COUNTER_NAME)) return; if (!lookup_perfname(counter_index1, c1_name, PDH_MAX_COUNTER_NAME)) return; if (!lookup_perfname(counter_index2, c2_name, PDH_MAX_COUNTER_NAME)) return; // Get number of counters/instances that can be queried st = PdhEnumObjectItemsW(NULL, NULL, obj_name, NULL, &obj_list_size, NULL, &inst_list_size, PERF_DETAIL_WIZARD, 0); if ((st != PDH_MORE_DATA) && (st != ERROR_SUCCESS)) { // Either no data at all or other error win32_warning(PDHDLL, st, "Failed to get pdh-counter count for object '%ls'", obj_name); return; } // Do nothing if there's no counters if (inst_list_size == 0) return; // Allocate buffers to hold object and instance names obj_list = (wchar_t *)g_malloc(sizeof(wchar_t) * obj_list_size); inst_list = (wchar_t *)g_malloc(sizeof(wchar_t) * inst_list_size); //gkrellm_debug(DEBUG_SYSDEP, "Max instance list size: %lu\n", inst_list_size); // Get actual information about counters st = PdhEnumObjectItemsW(NULL, NULL, obj_name, obj_list, &obj_list_size, inst_list, &inst_list_size, PERF_DETAIL_WIZARD, 0); if (st != ERROR_SUCCESS) { // Either no data at all or other error win32_warning(PDHDLL, st, "Failed to enumerate pdh-counters for object '%ls'", obj_name); } else { /*gkrellm_debug(DEBUG_SYSDEP, "Returned instance list size: %lu\n", inst_list_size);*/ for (inst = inst_list; *inst != 0; inst += wcslen(inst) + 1) { //gkrellm_debug(DEBUG_SYSDEP, "counter instance '%ls'\n", inst); // Ignore total counter, gkrellm provides that functionality if (wcsnicmp(L"_Total", inst, 6) == 0) continue; // "\Disks(DiskOne)\ReadBytes" _snwprintf(counter_path, ARR_SZ(counter_path), L"\\%ls(%ls)\\%ls", obj_name, inst, c1_name); if (!add_counter(counter_path, &c1)) continue; // "\Disks(DiskOne)\WriteBytes" _snwprintf(counter_path, ARR_SZ(counter_path), L"\\%ls(%ls)\\%ls", obj_name, inst, c2_name); if (!add_counter(counter_path, &c2)) continue; if (c1 && c2) cb(inst, &c1, &c2); } } g_free((gpointer)obj_list); g_free((gpointer)inst_list); } static gchar *clean_dev_name(const wchar_t *name) { gchar *clean_name; gchar *p; clean_name = g_utf16_to_utf8(name, -1, NULL, NULL, NULL); //FIXME: handle clean_name being NULL p = clean_name; while (*p) { p = g_utf8_next_char(p); if (*p == ' ' || *p == '\t') *p = '_'; } // limit length of device name, gkrellm can't handle longer names :( if (strlen(clean_name) > MAX_DEV_NAME) clean_name[MAX_DEV_NAME] = '\0'; return clean_name; } // ---------------------------------------------------------------------------- void gkrellm_sys_main_init(void) { PDH_STATUS st; WSADATA wsdata; int err; gkrellm_debug(DEBUG_SYSDEP, "Starting Winsock\n"); err = WSAStartup(MAKEWORD(1,1), &wsdata); if (err != 0) g_warning("Starting Winsock failed with error code %d\n", err); gkrellm_debug(DEBUG_SYSDEP, "Opening PDH query\n"); st = PdhOpenQueryW(NULL, 0, &pdhQueryHandle); if ((st != ERROR_SUCCESS) || (pdhQueryHandle == NULL)) { win32_warning(PDHDLL, st, "Opening PDH query failed"); pdhQueryHandle = 0; } // we don't have local mail on Windows (yet?) gkrellm_mail_local_unsupported(); // initialize call back structure for plugins win32_init_callbacks(); } void gkrellm_sys_main_cleanup(void) { int i; PDH_STATUS st; gkrellm_debug(DEBUG_SYSDEP, "Waiting for mail checking thread to end.\n"); i = 0; while (gkrellm_mail_get_active_thread() != NULL && (i++ < 120)) { // wait here till it finishes // in case we are trying to get mail info g_usleep(G_USEC_PER_SEC); // 1 second wait } // Close PDH query-handle gkrellm_debug(DEBUG_SYSDEP, "Closing PDH query\n"); st = PdhCloseQuery(pdhQueryHandle); if (st != ERROR_SUCCESS) win32_warning(PDHDLL, st, "Closing PDH query handle failed"); pdhQueryHandle = NULL; gkrellm_sys_cpu_cleanup(); gkrellm_sys_disk_cleanup(); gkrellm_sys_net_cleanup(); gkrellm_sys_proc_cleanup(); gkrellm_sys_mem_cleanup(); gkrellm_debug(DEBUG_SYSDEP, "Closing Winsock\n"); i = WSACleanup(); if (i != 0) g_warning("Stopping Winsock failed, error %d\n", i); } // only need to collect pdhQueryHandle data once for all those monitors that use it static void win32_read_proc_stat(void) { static gint s_data_read_tick = -1; PDH_STATUS st; if (pdhQueryHandle == NULL) return; if (s_data_read_tick == gkrellm_get_timer_ticks()) // One read per tick return; s_data_read_tick = gkrellm_get_timer_ticks(); gkrellm_debug(DEBUG_SYSDEP, "Collecting PDH query data\n"); st = PdhCollectQueryData(pdhQueryHandle); if (st != ERROR_SUCCESS) win32_warning(PDHDLL, st, "Failed to collect PDH query data"); } /* ===================================================================== */ /* Sensor interface */ /* ===================================================================== */ #define MBM_INTERFACE 1 /* MotherBoardMonitor 5 */ #define SF_INTERFACE 2 /* SpeedFan */ #define CT_INTERFACE 3 /* CoreTemp */ static HANDLE gkrellm_sys_sensors_open_shm_helper(const wchar_t *shm_name, const gchar *app_name) { HANDLE hData = NULL; gboolean ret; GError *err = NULL; // Try to open shm-file and return if successful hData = OpenFileMappingW(FILE_MAP_READ, FALSE, shm_name); if (hData != 0) return hData; // shm-file could not be opened, try to start sensor-app ret = g_spawn_command_line_async(app_name, &err); if (!ret && err) { g_warning("Could not start sensor-app %s: %s\n", app_name, err->message); g_error_free(err); } else { gkrellm_debug(DEBUG_SYSDEP, "Started sensor-app %s, waiting for it to initialize\n", app_name); // 5 second wait to allow sensor-app init g_usleep(5 * G_USEC_PER_SEC); // Retry open of shm-file hData = OpenFileMappingW(FILE_MAP_READ, FALSE, shm_name); } return hData; } // --------------------------------------------------------------------------- // Interface to work with shared memory for MBM5 // // Copyright 2001 A@majland.org // Alteration for use in Visual C by Chris Zahrt techn0@iastate.edu // // Version : 0.1 // Date : 02-27-2002 // MBM : version 5.1 // // Author : - Anders@Majland.org (author of original c code) // http://www.majland.org/sw/mbmcaf // - Chris Zahrt techn0@iastate.edu (visual c alterations) // http://techn0.dhs.org/programming/vcmbmsm.html // // Licence : Cardware. (Send me a note/email if you find it usefull.) // Basically you may use it as you see fit as long as the origin // of the code remains clear // // History : // 0.1 02-27-2002 conversion of 0.3 borland to this version // // Update for MBM 5.1.9 by Bill Nalen bill@nalens.com // --------------------------------------------------------------------------- #define BusType char #define SMBType char #define SensorType char #define stUnknown (char)(0) #define stTemperature (char)(1) #define stVoltage (char)(2) #define stFan (char)(3) //#define stMhz (char)(4) //#define stPercentage (char)(5) typedef struct _MBMSharedIndex { SensorType iType; // type of sensor int Count; // number of sensor for that type } MBMSharedIndex; typedef struct _MBMSharedSensor { SensorType ssType; // type of sensor unsigned char ssName[12]; // name of sensor char sspadding1[3]; // padding of 3 byte double ssCurrent; // current value double ssLow; // lowest readout double ssHigh; // highest readout long ssCount; // total number of readout char sspadding2[4]; // padding of 4 byte long double ssTotal; // total amout of all readouts char sspadding3[6]; // padding of 6 byte double ssAlarm1; // temp & fan: high alarm; voltage: % off; double ssAlarm2; // temp: low alarm } MBMSharedSensor; typedef struct _MBMSharedInfo { short siSMB_Base; // SMBus base address BusType siSMB_Type; // SMBus/Isa bus used to access chip SMBType siSMB_Code; // SMBus sub type, Intel, AMD or ALi char siSMB_Addr; // Address of sensor chip on SMBus unsigned char siSMB_Name[41]; // Nice name for SMBus short siISA_Base; // ISA base address of sensor chip on ISA int siChipType; // Chip nr, connects with Chipinfo.ini char siVoltageSubType; // Subvoltage option selected } MBMSharedInfo; typedef struct _MBMSharedData { double sdVersion; // version number (example: 51090) MBMSharedIndex sdIndex[10]; // Sensor index MBMSharedSensor sdSensor[100]; // sensor info MBMSharedInfo sdInfo; // misc. info unsigned char sdStart[41]; // start time unsigned char sdCurrent[41]; // current time unsigned char sdPath[256]; // MBM path } MBMSharedData; static const wchar_t* MBM_SHM_NAME = L"$M$B$M$5$S$D$"; static const gchar* MBM_EXE_NAME = "MBM5.exe"; static SensorType gkrellm_sensor_type_to_mbm(gint type) { if (type == SENSOR_TEMPERATURE) return stTemperature; if (type == SENSOR_VOLTAGE) return stVoltage; if (type == SENSOR_FAN) return stFan; return stUnknown; } static gboolean gkrellm_sys_sensors_mbm_get_value(gint sensor_id, gint sensor_type, gfloat *value) { HANDLE hData; MBMSharedData *pData; MBMSharedSensor *pSensor; gboolean ret = FALSE; SensorType st = gkrellm_sensor_type_to_mbm(sensor_type); if (st == stUnknown || sensor_id < 0 || sensor_id > 99) return FALSE; // id out of range hData = OpenFileMappingW(FILE_MAP_READ, FALSE, MBM_SHM_NAME); if (hData == 0) return FALSE; pData = (MBMSharedData *)MapViewOfFile(hData, FILE_MAP_READ, 0, 0, 0); if (pData != NULL) { gkrellm_debug(DEBUG_SYSDEP, "Fetching sensor value %d from MBM\n", sensor_id); pSensor = &(pData->sdSensor[sensor_id]); if (pSensor->ssType == st) { *value = pSensor->ssCurrent; ret = TRUE; } UnmapViewOfFile(pData); } CloseHandle(hData); return ret; } static gboolean gkrellm_sys_sensors_mbm_init(void) { HANDLE hData; MBMSharedData *pData; MBMSharedSensor *pSensor; gboolean ret = FALSE; gint i, sensorCount, tempCount, voltCount, fanCount; gchar *id_name; hData = gkrellm_sys_sensors_open_shm_helper(MBM_SHM_NAME, MBM_EXE_NAME); if (hData == 0) return FALSE; pData = (MBMSharedData *)MapViewOfFile(hData, FILE_MAP_READ, 0, 0, 0); if (pData != NULL) { ret = TRUE; // MBM available, return TRUE sensorCount = 0; for (i = 0; i < 9; i++) sensorCount += pData->sdIndex[i].Count; tempCount = 0; voltCount = 0; fanCount = 0; for (i = 0; i < sensorCount; i++) { pSensor = &(pData->sdSensor[i]); switch (pSensor->ssType) { case stTemperature: id_name = g_strdup_printf("mbm-temp-%d", tempCount); gkrellm_sensors_add_sensor(SENSOR_TEMPERATURE, /*sensor_path*/NULL, /*id_name*/id_name, /*id*/i, /*iodev*/0, /*inter*/MBM_INTERFACE, /*factor*/1, /*offset*/0, /*vref*/NULL, /*default_label*/pSensor->ssName); g_free(id_name); ++tempCount; break; case stVoltage: id_name = g_strdup_printf("mbm-volt-%d", voltCount); gkrellm_sensors_add_sensor(SENSOR_VOLTAGE, /*sensor_path*/NULL, /*id_name*/id_name, /*id*/i, /*iodev*/0, /*inter*/MBM_INTERFACE, /*factor*/1, /*offset*/0, /*vref*/NULL, /*default_label*/pSensor->ssName); g_free(id_name); ++voltCount; break; case stFan: id_name = g_strdup_printf("mbm-fan-%d", fanCount); gkrellm_sensors_add_sensor(SENSOR_FAN, /*sensor_path*/NULL, /*id_name*/id_name, /*id*/i, /*iodev*/0, /*inter*/MBM_INTERFACE, /*factor*/1, /*offset*/0, /*vref*/NULL, /*default_label*/pSensor->ssName); g_free(id_name); fanCount++; break; } /* switch() */ } /* for() */ UnmapViewOfFile(pData); } CloseHandle(hData); return ret; } /* ======================================================================== */ // SpeedFan // Strucure of the shared block #pragma pack(push, 1) typedef struct _SFSharedMemory { unsigned short int version; unsigned short int flags; signed int MemSize; HANDLE handle; unsigned short int NumTemps; unsigned short int NumFans; unsigned short int NumVolts; signed int temps[32]; signed int fans[32]; signed int volts[32]; } SFSharedMemory; #pragma pack(pop) static const wchar_t* SPEEDFAN_SHM_NAME = L"SFSharedMemory_ALM"; static const gchar* SPEEDFAN_EXE_NAME = "speedfan.exe"; static gboolean gkrellm_sys_sensors_sf_get_value(gint sensor_id, gint sensor_type, gfloat *value) { HANDLE hData; SFSharedMemory *pData; gboolean ret = FALSE; if (sensor_id < 0 || sensor_id > 31) return FALSE; // id out of range hData = OpenFileMappingW(FILE_MAP_READ, FALSE, SPEEDFAN_SHM_NAME); if (hData == 0) return FALSE; pData = (SFSharedMemory *)MapViewOfFile(hData, FILE_MAP_READ, 0, 0, 0); if (pData != NULL) { gkrellm_debug(DEBUG_SYSDEP, "Fetching sensor value %d from SpeedFan\n", sensor_id); switch(sensor_type) { case SENSOR_TEMPERATURE: if (sensor_id < pData->NumTemps) { *value = pData->temps[sensor_id] / 100.0; ret = TRUE; } break; case SENSOR_VOLTAGE: if (sensor_id < pData->NumVolts) { *value = pData->volts[sensor_id] / 100.0; ret = TRUE; } break; case SENSOR_FAN: if (sensor_id < pData->NumFans) { *value = pData->fans[sensor_id]; ret = TRUE; } break; } UnmapViewOfFile(pData); } CloseHandle(hData); return ret; } static gboolean gkrellm_sys_sensors_sf_init(void) { HANDLE hData; SFSharedMemory *pData; gboolean ret = FALSE; gint i; gchar *id_name; gchar *default_label; hData = gkrellm_sys_sensors_open_shm_helper(SPEEDFAN_SHM_NAME, SPEEDFAN_EXE_NAME); if (hData == 0) return FALSE; pData = (SFSharedMemory *)MapViewOfFile(hData, FILE_MAP_READ, 0, 0, 0); if (pData != NULL) { ret = TRUE; // Mark SpeedFan as available for (i = 0; i < pData->NumTemps; i++) { id_name = g_strdup_printf("speedfan-temp-%d", i); default_label = g_strdup_printf("Temp %d", i+1); gkrellm_sensors_add_sensor(SENSOR_TEMPERATURE, /*sensor_path*/NULL, /*id_name*/id_name, /*id*/i, /*iodev*/0, /*inter*/SF_INTERFACE, /*factor*/1, /*offset*/0, /*vref*/NULL, /*default_label*/default_label); g_free(id_name); g_free(default_label); } for (i = 0; i < pData->NumVolts; i++) { id_name = g_strdup_printf("speedfan-volt-%d", i); default_label = g_strdup_printf("Voltage %d", i+1); gkrellm_sensors_add_sensor(SENSOR_VOLTAGE, /*sensor_path*/NULL, /*id_name*/id_name, /*id*/i, /*iodev*/0, /*inter*/SF_INTERFACE, /*factor*/1, /*offset*/0, /*vref*/NULL, /*default_label*/default_label); g_free(id_name); g_free(default_label); } for (i = 0; i < pData->NumFans; i++) { id_name = g_strdup_printf("speedfan-fan-%d", i); default_label = g_strdup_printf("Fan %d", i+1); gkrellm_sensors_add_sensor(SENSOR_FAN, /*sensor_path*/NULL, /*id_name*/id_name, /*id*/i, /*iodev*/0, /*inter*/SF_INTERFACE, /*factor*/1, /*offset*/0, /*vref*/NULL, /*default_label*/default_label); g_free(id_name); g_free(default_label); } UnmapViewOfFile(pData); } CloseHandle(hData); return ret; } /* ======================================================================== */ // CoreTemp /** * ucFahrenheit and ucDeltaToTjMax represent boolean values. 0 = false, 1 = true. * If ucFahrenheit is set, the temperature is reported in Fahrenheit. * If ucDeltaToTjMax is set, the temperature reported respresents the distance * from TjMax. * * Information and struct taken from * http://www.alcpu.com/CoreTemp/developers.html **/ typedef struct _CORE_TEMP_SHARED_DATA { unsigned int uiLoad[256]; unsigned int uiTjMax[128]; unsigned int uiCoreCnt; unsigned int uiCPUCnt; float fTemp[256]; float fVID; float fCPUSpeed; float fFSBSpeed; float fMultipier; char sCPUName[100]; unsigned char ucFahrenheit; unsigned char ucDeltaToTjMax; } CORE_TEMP_SHARED_DATA; static const wchar_t* CORE_TEMP_SHM_NAME = L"CoreTempMappingObject"; static const gchar* CORE_TEMP_EXE_NAME = "CoreTemp.exe"; static gboolean gkrellm_sys_sensors_ct_get_temp(guint core_index, guint cpu_index, gfloat *temp) { HANDLE hData; CORE_TEMP_SHARED_DATA *pData; gboolean ret = FALSE; guint temp_index; if (core_index < 0 || core_index > 255 || cpu_index < 0 || cpu_index > 127) return FALSE; // core or cpu index out of range hData = OpenFileMappingW(FILE_MAP_READ, FALSE, CORE_TEMP_SHM_NAME); if (hData == 0) return FALSE; pData = (CORE_TEMP_SHARED_DATA *)MapViewOfFile(hData, FILE_MAP_READ, 0, 0, 0); if (pData != NULL) { gkrellm_debug(DEBUG_SYSDEP, "Fetching temp for core %d, cpu %d from CoreTemp\n", core_index, cpu_index); // 'core index' + ( 'cpu index' * 'number of cores per cpu' ) temp_index = core_index + (cpu_index * pData->uiCoreCnt); // make absolute value from delta if (pData->ucDeltaToTjMax == '\1') *temp = pData->uiTjMax[cpu_index] - pData->fTemp[temp_index]; else *temp = pData->fTemp[temp_index]; // Convert Fahrenheit to Celsius if (pData->ucFahrenheit == '\1') *temp = (*temp - 32) * 5 / 9; UnmapViewOfFile(pData); } CloseHandle(hData); return ret; } static gboolean gkrellm_sys_sensors_ct_init(void) { HANDLE hData; CORE_TEMP_SHARED_DATA *pData; gboolean ret = FALSE; guint uiCpu; guint uiCore; gchar *id_name; gchar *default_label; hData = gkrellm_sys_sensors_open_shm_helper(CORE_TEMP_SHM_NAME, CORE_TEMP_EXE_NAME); if (hData == 0) return FALSE; pData = (CORE_TEMP_SHARED_DATA *)MapViewOfFile(hData, FILE_MAP_READ, 0, 0, 0); if (pData != NULL) { ret = TRUE; // Mark CoreTemp as available for (uiCpu = 0; uiCpu < pData->uiCPUCnt; uiCpu++) { for (uiCore = 0; uiCore < pData->uiCoreCnt; uiCore++) { id_name = g_strdup_printf("coretemp-cpu%u-core%u", uiCpu, uiCore); if (pData->uiCPUCnt == 1) default_label = g_strdup_printf("CPU Core %u", uiCore+1); else default_label = g_strdup_printf("CPU %u, Core %u", uiCpu+1, uiCore+1); gkrellm_sensors_add_sensor(SENSOR_TEMPERATURE, /*sensor_path*/NULL, /*id_name*/id_name, /*id*/uiCore, /*iodev*/uiCpu, /*inter*/CT_INTERFACE, /*factor*/1, /*offset*/0, /*vref*/NULL, /*default_label*/default_label); g_free(id_name); g_free(default_label); } } UnmapViewOfFile(pData); } CloseHandle(hData); return ret; } /* ======================================================================== */ gboolean gkrellm_sys_sensors_get_voltage(gchar *device_name, gint id, gint iodev, gint inter, gfloat *volt) { if (inter == MBM_INTERFACE) return gkrellm_sys_sensors_mbm_get_value(id, SENSOR_VOLTAGE, volt); if (inter == SF_INTERFACE) return gkrellm_sys_sensors_sf_get_value(id, SENSOR_VOLTAGE, volt); return FALSE; } gboolean gkrellm_sys_sensors_get_fan(gchar *device_name, gint id, gint iodev, gint inter, gfloat *fan) { if (inter == MBM_INTERFACE) return gkrellm_sys_sensors_mbm_get_value(id, SENSOR_FAN, fan); if (inter == SF_INTERFACE) return gkrellm_sys_sensors_sf_get_value(id, SENSOR_FAN, fan); return FALSE; } gboolean gkrellm_sys_sensors_get_temperature(gchar *device_name, gint id, gint iodev, gint inter, gfloat *temp) { if (inter == MBM_INTERFACE) return gkrellm_sys_sensors_mbm_get_value(id, SENSOR_TEMPERATURE, temp); if (inter == SF_INTERFACE) return gkrellm_sys_sensors_sf_get_value(id, SENSOR_TEMPERATURE, temp); if (inter == CT_INTERFACE) return gkrellm_sys_sensors_ct_get_temp((guint)id, (guint)iodev, temp); return FALSE; } gboolean gkrellm_sys_sensors_init(void) { gboolean init_ok = FALSE; gkrellm_debug(DEBUG_SYSDEP, "INIT sensors\n"); init_ok |= gkrellm_sys_sensors_sf_init(); init_ok |= gkrellm_sys_sensors_ct_init(); init_ok |= gkrellm_sys_sensors_mbm_init(); // returns true if at least one sensors interface has been found return init_ok; } /* ===================================================================== */ /* CPU monitor interface */ /* ===================================================================== */ typedef struct _GK_CPU { PDH_HCOUNTER total_pdh_counter; PDH_HCOUNTER sys_pdh_counter; gulong user; gulong sys; gulong idle; } GK_CPU; static GPtrArray *s_cpu_ptr_array = NULL; void gkrellm_sys_cpu_read_data(void) { PDH_FMT_COUNTERVALUE tot; PDH_FMT_COUNTERVALUE sys; gint i; GK_CPU *cpu; if (pdhQueryHandle == NULL) return; win32_read_proc_stat(); // eventually fetch new pdh data gkrellm_debug(DEBUG_SYSDEP, "Reading cpu data for %d CPUs\n", s_cpu_ptr_array->len); for (i = 0; i < s_cpu_ptr_array->len; i++) { cpu = (GK_CPU *)g_ptr_array_index(s_cpu_ptr_array, i); if (!get_formatted_counter_value(cpu->total_pdh_counter, "cpu total time", PDH_FMT_LONG, &tot)) return; if (!get_formatted_counter_value(cpu->sys_pdh_counter, "cpu system time", PDH_FMT_LONG, &sys)) return; // user time = (total time - system time) cpu->user += (tot.longValue - sys.longValue); cpu->sys += sys.longValue; // idle time = 100% - total time - system time cpu->idle += (100 - tot.longValue - sys.longValue); gkrellm_cpu_assign_data(i, cpu->user, 0 /*nice*/, cpu->sys, cpu->idle); } } static void gkrellm_sys_cpu_add_cb(wchar_t *name, PDH_HCOUNTER *total, PDH_HCOUNTER *sys) { GK_CPU *cpu; gkrellm_debug(DEBUG_SYSDEP, "Adding CPU '%ls'\n", name); cpu = g_new0(GK_CPU, 1); cpu->total_pdh_counter = *total; cpu->sys_pdh_counter = *sys; g_ptr_array_add(s_cpu_ptr_array, cpu); } gboolean gkrellm_sys_cpu_init(void) { gkrellm_debug(DEBUG_SYSDEP, "INIT CPU Monitoring\n"); s_cpu_ptr_array = g_ptr_array_new(); gkrellm_cpu_nice_time_unsupported(); add_counter_list( 238 // object_index , 6 // counter_index1, cpu time , 144 // counter_index2, system time , gkrellm_sys_cpu_add_cb); gkrellm_debug(DEBUG_SYSDEP, "Found %i CPUs for monitoring.\n", s_cpu_ptr_array->len); gkrellm_cpu_set_number_of_cpus(s_cpu_ptr_array->len); return (s_cpu_ptr_array->len == 0 ? FALSE : TRUE); } static void gkrellm_sys_cpu_cleanup(void) { guint i; if (!s_cpu_ptr_array) return; gkrellm_debug(DEBUG_SYSDEP, "Freeing counters for %u cpu(s)\n", s_cpu_ptr_array->len); for (i = 0; i < s_cpu_ptr_array->len; i++) g_free(g_ptr_array_index(s_cpu_ptr_array, i)); g_ptr_array_free(s_cpu_ptr_array, TRUE); s_cpu_ptr_array = NULL; } /* ===================================================================== */ /* Net monitor interface */ /* ===================================================================== */ typedef struct _GK_NET { PDH_HCOUNTER recv_pdh_counter; PDH_HCOUNTER send_pdh_counter; gchar *name; gulong recv; gulong send; } GK_NET; static GPtrArray *s_net_ptr_array = NULL; static GK_NET * gk_net_new() { return g_new0(GK_NET, 1); } static void gk_net_free(GK_NET *net) { g_free(net->name); g_free(net); } void gkrellm_sys_net_read_data(void) { gint i; GK_NET *net; PDH_FMT_COUNTERVALUE recvVal; PDH_FMT_COUNTERVALUE sendVal; if (pdhQueryHandle == NULL) return; win32_read_proc_stat(); gkrellm_debug(DEBUG_SYSDEP, "Reading net data for %d network devices\n", s_net_ptr_array->len); for (i = 0; i < s_net_ptr_array->len; i++) { net = (GK_NET *)g_ptr_array_index(s_net_ptr_array, i); if (!get_formatted_counter_value(net->recv_pdh_counter, "net recv", PDH_FMT_LONG, &recvVal)) continue; if (!get_formatted_counter_value(net->send_pdh_counter, "net send", PDH_FMT_LONG, &sendVal)) continue; net->recv += recvVal.longValue / _GK.update_HZ; net->send += sendVal.longValue / _GK.update_HZ; gkrellm_net_assign_data(net->name, net->recv, net->send); } } void gkrellm_sys_net_check_routes(void) { //TODO: Implement if possible, detects enable/disable of network-interfaces } gboolean gkrellm_sys_net_isdn_online(void) { return FALSE; //TODO: Implement if possible } static void gkrellm_sys_net_add_cb(wchar_t *name, PDH_HCOUNTER *recv, PDH_HCOUNTER *send) { GK_NET *net; guint i; gchar unique = '0'; GK_NET *other_net; net = gk_net_new(); net->name = clean_dev_name(name); for (i = 0; i < s_net_ptr_array->len; i++) { other_net = (GK_NET *)(g_ptr_array_index(s_net_ptr_array, i)); while (strncmp(net->name, other_net->name, MAX_DEV_NAME) == 0) { gkrellm_debug(DEBUG_SYSDEP, "net names '%s' and '%s' conflict, renaming new one\n", net->name, other_net->name); net->name[strlen(net->name) - 1] = unique++; break; } } net->recv_pdh_counter = *recv; net->send_pdh_counter = *send; gkrellm_debug(DEBUG_SYSDEP, "Adding network interface %s\n", net->name); // TODO: determine network type gkrellm_net_add_timer_type_ppp(net->name); g_ptr_array_add(s_net_ptr_array, net); } gboolean gkrellm_sys_net_init(void) { gkrellm_debug(DEBUG_SYSDEP, "INIT network monitoring\n"); s_net_ptr_array = g_ptr_array_new(); add_counter_list( 510 // object_index , 264 // counter_index1 , 506 // counter_index2 , gkrellm_sys_net_add_cb); gkrellm_debug(DEBUG_SYSDEP, "Found %i network adapters for monitoring.\n", s_net_ptr_array->len); return (s_net_ptr_array->len == 0 ? FALSE : TRUE); } static void gkrellm_sys_net_cleanup(void) { guint i; if (!s_net_ptr_array) return; gkrellm_debug(DEBUG_SYSDEP, "Freeing counters for %u network adapter(s)\n", s_net_ptr_array->len); for (i = 0; i < s_net_ptr_array->len; i++) gk_net_free((GK_NET *)g_ptr_array_index(s_net_ptr_array, i)); g_ptr_array_free(s_net_ptr_array, TRUE); } /* ===================================================================== */ /* Disk monitor interface */ /* ===================================================================== */ typedef struct _GK_DISK { PDH_HCOUNTER read_pdh_counter; PDH_HCOUNTER write_pdh_counter; gchar *name; gulong read; gulong write; } GK_DISK; static GPtrArray *s_disk_ptr_array = NULL; static GK_DISK * gk_disk_new() { return g_new0(GK_DISK, 1); } static void gk_disk_free(GK_DISK *disk) { g_free(disk->name); g_free(disk); } gchar *gkrellm_sys_disk_name_from_device(gint device_number, gint unit_number, gint *order) { static gchar name[37]; GK_DISK *disk; disk = g_ptr_array_index(s_disk_ptr_array, device_number); snprintf(name, sizeof(name), "Disk%s", disk->name); *order = device_number; return name; } gint gkrellm_sys_disk_order_from_name(gchar *name) { return 0; // Disk by name not implemented in Windows } void gkrellm_sys_disk_read_data(void) { guint i; GK_DISK *disk; PDH_FMT_COUNTERVALUE readVal; PDH_FMT_COUNTERVALUE writeVal; if (pdhQueryHandle == NULL) return; win32_read_proc_stat(); gkrellm_debug(DEBUG_SYSDEP, "Reading disk data\n"); for (i = 0; i < s_disk_ptr_array->len; i++) { disk = g_ptr_array_index(s_disk_ptr_array, i); if (!get_formatted_counter_value(disk->read_pdh_counter, "disk read", PDH_FMT_DOUBLE, &readVal)) continue; if (!get_formatted_counter_value(disk->write_pdh_counter, "disk write", PDH_FMT_DOUBLE, &writeVal)) continue; disk->read += readVal.doubleValue / _GK.update_HZ; disk->write += writeVal.doubleValue / _GK.update_HZ; gkrellm_disk_assign_data_by_device(i, 0, disk->read, disk->write, FALSE); } } static void gkrellm_sys_disk_add_cb(wchar_t *name, PDH_HCOUNTER *read, PDH_HCOUNTER *write) { GK_DISK *disk; GK_DISK *other_disk; guint i; gchar unique = '0'; disk = gk_disk_new(); disk->name = clean_dev_name(name); for (i = 0; i < s_disk_ptr_array->len; i++) { other_disk = (GK_DISK *)(g_ptr_array_index(s_disk_ptr_array, i)); while (strncmp(disk->name, other_disk->name, MAX_DEV_NAME) == 0) { gkrellm_debug(DEBUG_SYSDEP, "disk names '%s' and '%s' conflict, renaming new one\n", disk->name, other_disk->name); disk->name[strlen(disk->name) - 1] = unique++; break; } } disk->read_pdh_counter = *read; disk->write_pdh_counter = *write; gkrellm_debug(DEBUG_SYSDEP, "Adding disk %s\n", disk->name); g_ptr_array_add(s_disk_ptr_array, disk); } gboolean gkrellm_sys_disk_init(void) { gkrellm_debug(DEBUG_SYSDEP, "INIT disk monitoring\n"); s_disk_ptr_array = g_ptr_array_new(); add_counter_list( 234 // object_index , 220 // counter_index1 , 222 // counter_index2 , gkrellm_sys_disk_add_cb); gkrellm_debug(DEBUG_SYSDEP, "Found %i disk(s) for monitoring.\n", s_disk_ptr_array->len); return (s_disk_ptr_array->len == 0 ? FALSE : TRUE); } static void gkrellm_sys_disk_cleanup(void) { guint i; if (!s_disk_ptr_array) return; gkrellm_debug(DEBUG_SYSDEP, "Freeing counters for %u disk(s)\n", s_disk_ptr_array->len); for (i = 0; i < s_disk_ptr_array->len; i++) gk_disk_free(g_ptr_array_index(s_disk_ptr_array, i)); g_ptr_array_free(s_disk_ptr_array, TRUE); } /* ===================================================================== */ /* Proc monitor interface */ /* ===================================================================== */ // Counters for proc monitor interface static PDH_HCOUNTER processCounter = NULL; static PDH_HCOUNTER waitQueueCounter = NULL; // Library handle for secur32.dll, lib is loaded at runtime static HANDLE hSecur32 = NULL; // Function pointers to various functions from secur32.dll static pfLsaEnumerateLogonSessions pfLELS = NULL; static pfLsaFreeReturnBuffer pfLFRB = NULL; static pfLsaGetLogonSessionData pfLGLSD = NULL; #if 0 // We need to subtract 1 on Win2k, the "idle process" seems to be counted // as waiting on win2k (not on winxp though) // TODO: check on vista, win2k3, win2k8 etc. static long proc_load_correction_val = 0; #endif void gkrellm_sys_proc_read_data(void) { static gulong last_num_processes = 0; static gfloat fload = 0; PDH_FMT_COUNTERVALUE value; LONG num_processes; LONG num_forks = 0; LONG num_waiting; gfloat a; if (pdhQueryHandle == NULL) return; win32_read_proc_stat(); gkrellm_debug(DEBUG_SYSDEP, "Reading proc data\n"); if (!get_formatted_counter_value(processCounter, "process count", PDH_FMT_LONG, &value)) return; num_processes = value.longValue; if ((last_num_processes) > 0 && (last_num_processes < num_processes)) num_forks = num_processes - last_num_processes; last_num_processes = num_processes; if (!get_formatted_counter_value(waitQueueCounter, "wait queue size", PDH_FMT_LONG, &value)) return; #if 0 num_waiting = (value.longValue + proc_load_correction_val); #else num_waiting = value.longValue; #endif //fload - is the system load average, an exponential moving average over a //period of a minute of n_running. It measures how heavily a system is //loaded with processes or threads competing for cpu time slices. // //All the unix OSs have a system call for getting the load average. But if //you don't and can get a n_running number, you can calculate fload. An //exponential moving average (ema) is done like: // // a = 2 / (period + 1) // ema = ema + a * (new_value - ema) // // See also // http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Load_(computing) a = 2.0 / ((_GK.update_HZ * 60.) + 1.); fload += a * (num_waiting - fload); if (fload < 0) fload = 0; gkrellm_debug(DEBUG_SYSDEP, "num_forks %ld; num_waiting %ld; a %f; fload %f\n", num_forks, num_waiting, a, fload); gkrellm_proc_assign_data(num_processes, 0 /*n_running*/, num_forks /*n_forks*/, fload); } void gkrellm_sys_proc_read_users(void) { gint i; // Number of interactive users gint n_users = 0; // Return value for Lsa functions NTSTATUS ntstatus; // Arguments for LsaEnumerateLogonSessions() ULONG numSessions = 0; PLUID pSessions = NULL; // Argument for LsaGetLogonSessionData() SECURITY_LOGON_SESSION_DATA *pSessionData; wchar_t acc_name[256]; wchar_t acc_dom[256]; DWORD dwSize; SID_NAME_USE sid_type; /* Silently fail if secur32.dll is missing functions that we use */ if ((pfLELS == NULL) || (pfLFRB == NULL) || (pfLGLSD == NULL)) return; gkrellm_debug(DEBUG_SYSDEP, "Getting number of logged in users\n"); ntstatus = pfLELS(&numSessions, &pSessions); if (NT_SUCCESS(ntstatus)) { gkrellm_debug(DEBUG_SYSDEP, "Found %lu user-sessions\n", numSessions); for (i = 0; i < (int)numSessions; i++) { //gkrellm_debug(DEBUG_SYSDEP, "Fetching session-data for session %d\n", i); pSessionData = NULL; ntstatus = pfLGLSD(&pSessions[i], &pSessionData); if (NT_SUCCESS(ntstatus) && (pSessionData != NULL)) { if ((SECURITY_LOGON_TYPE)pSessionData->LogonType == Interactive && (pSessionData->UserName.Buffer != NULL)) { gkrellm_debug(DEBUG_SYSDEP, "Interactive User %d; '%ls'\n", i, pSessionData->UserName.Buffer); dwSize = 256; if (LookupAccountSidW(NULL, pSessionData->Sid, acc_name, &dwSize, acc_dom, &dwSize, &sid_type)) { if (sid_type == 1) { n_users++; } else { gkrellm_debug(DEBUG_SYSDEP, "SID type %d is not a normal account\n", (int)sid_type); } } else { win32_warning(NTDLL, GetLastError(), "Looking up user account id failed"); } } } else { win32_warning(NTDLL, ntstatus, "Could not get session-data for session %d", i); } // Free session-data provided by OS, even if function returned // an error before pfLFRB(pSessionData); } } else { win32_warning(NTDLL, ntstatus, "Could not enumerate user-sessions\n"); } // Free LUID list provided by OS, even if function returned an error before pfLFRB(pSessions); gkrellm_proc_assign_users(n_users); } gboolean gkrellm_sys_proc_init(void) { wchar_t system_name[PDH_MAX_COUNTER_NAME]; wchar_t counter_name[PDH_MAX_COUNTER_NAME]; wchar_t counter_path[128+128+3]; #if 0 OSVERSIONINFOEXW vi; #endif gkrellm_debug(DEBUG_SYSDEP, "INIT process monitoring\n"); if (pdhQueryHandle == NULL) return FALSE; // Fetch prefix for both counter paths ("System" index is 2) if (!lookup_perfname(2, system_name, ARR_SZ(system_name))) return FALSE; // Add counter for number of processes (index is 248) if (!lookup_perfname(248, counter_name, 128)) return FALSE; _snwprintf(counter_path, ARR_SZ(counter_path), L"\\%ls\\%ls", system_name, counter_name); if (!add_counter(counter_path, &processCounter)) return FALSE; // --- Add counter for waiting queue size (index is 44) if (!lookup_perfname(44, counter_name, 128)) return FALSE; _snwprintf(counter_path, ARR_SZ(counter_path), L"\\%ls\\%ls", system_name, counter_name); if (!add_counter(counter_path, &waitQueueCounter)) return FALSE; // Dynamically load secur32.dll and lookup functions. // Needed to determine number of logged in users hSecur32 = LoadLibraryW(L"secur32.dll"); if (hSecur32 != NULL) { gkrellm_debug(DEBUG_SYSDEP, "Loaded secur32.dll\n"); pfLELS = (pfLsaEnumerateLogonSessions)GetProcAddress(hSecur32, "LsaEnumerateLogonSessions"); if (pfLELS == NULL) { g_warning("Could not get address for " \ "LsaEnumerateLogonSessions() in secur32.dll\n"); } pfLFRB = (pfLsaFreeReturnBuffer)GetProcAddress(hSecur32, "LsaFreeReturnBuffer"); if (pfLFRB == NULL) { g_warning("Could not get address for " \ "LsaFreeReturnBuffer() in secur32.dll\n"); } pfLGLSD = (pfLsaGetLogonSessionData)GetProcAddress(hSecur32, "LsaGetLogonSessionData"); if (pfLGLSD == NULL) { g_warning("Could not get address for " \ "LsaGetLogonSessionData() in secur32.dll\n"); } } else { win32_warning(NULL, GetLastError(), "Could not load secur32.dll, number of logged in " \ "users will not be detected\n"); } // Determine OS for proper load-average computation // (wait-queue value on win2k is off by one) #if 0 memset(&vi, 0, sizeof(OSVERSIONINFOEXW)); vi.dwOSVersionInfoSize = sizeof(OSVERSIONINFOEXW); if (GetVersionExW((OSVERSIONINFOW *)(&vi))) { gkrellm_debug(DEBUG_SYSDEP, "major %ld; minor %ld\n", vi.dwMajorVersion, vi.dwMinorVersion); if ((vi.dwMajorVersion == 5) && (vi.dwMinorVersion == 0)) proc_load_correction_val = -1; } #endif return TRUE; } static void gkrellm_sys_proc_cleanup(void) { // Unload secur32.dll and invalidate function pointers pfLELS = NULL; pfLFRB = NULL; pfLGLSD = NULL; if (hSecur32 != NULL) FreeLibrary(hSecur32); hSecur32 = NULL; } /* ===================================================================== */ /* Memory/Swap monitor interface */ /* ===================================================================== */ typedef struct _PERFORMANCE_INFORMATION { DWORD cb; SIZE_T CommitTotal; SIZE_T CommitLimit; SIZE_T CommitPeak; SIZE_T PhysicalTotal; SIZE_T PhysicalAvailable; SIZE_T SystemCache; SIZE_T KernelTotal; SIZE_T KernelPaged; SIZE_T KernelNonpaged; SIZE_T PageSize; DWORD HandleCount; DWORD ProcessCount; DWORD ThreadCount; } PERFORMANCE_INFORMATION; typedef BOOL (WINAPI *pfGetPerformanceInfo)(PERFORMANCE_INFORMATION *, DWORD); static HINSTANCE psapi_instance = NULL; static pfGetPerformanceInfo pGPI = NULL; static DWORD page_size = 1; void gkrellm_sys_mem_read_data(void) { gkrellm_debug(DEBUG_SYSDEP, "Checking memory utilization\n"); guint64 total = 0; guint64 used = 0; guint64 avail = 0; guint64 cache = 0; if (pGPI) { PERFORMANCE_INFORMATION pi; // See http://msdn.microsoft.com/en-us/library/ms684824(VS.85).aspx // for the confusing description of PERFORMANCE_INFORMATION // // total = PhysicalTotal // used = PhysicalTotal - PhysicalAvailable // NOTE: (avail value is not exactly correct but we can't know better) // avail = PhysicalAvailable - SystemCache // cache = SystemCache if (pGPI(&pi, sizeof(PERFORMANCE_INFORMATION))) { total = pi.PhysicalTotal * pi.PageSize; used = (pi.PhysicalTotal - pi.PhysicalAvailable) * pi.PageSize; avail = (pi.PhysicalAvailable - pi.SystemCache) * pi.PageSize; cache = pi.SystemCache * pi.PageSize; } } else { MEMORYSTATUSEX ms; ms.dwLength = sizeof(ms); if (GlobalMemoryStatusEx(&ms)) { total = ms.ullTotalPhys; used = ms.ullTotalPhys - ms.ullAvailPhys; avail = ms.ullAvailPhys; } } gkrellm_mem_assign_data(total, used, avail, 0, 0, cache); } void gkrellm_sys_swap_read_data(void) { guint64 swapTotal = 0; guint64 swapUsed = 0; NTSTATUS ntstatus; ULONG szBuf = 3*sizeof(SYSTEM_PAGEFILE_INFORMATION); SYSTEM_PAGEFILE_INFORMATION *pInfo; LPVOID pBuf = NULL; gkrellm_debug(DEBUG_SYSDEP, "Checking swap utilization\n"); // it is difficult to determine beforehand which size of the // buffer will be enough to retrieve all information, so we // start with a minimal buffer and increase its size until we get // the information successfully do { pBuf = g_malloc(szBuf); ntstatus = ZwQuerySystemInformation(SystemPagefileInformation, pBuf, szBuf, NULL); if (ntstatus == STATUS_INFO_LENGTH_MISMATCH) { // Buffer was too small, double its size and try again g_free(pBuf); szBuf *= 2; } else if (!NT_SUCCESS(ntstatus)) { win32_warning(NTDLL, ntstatus, "Could not determine swap usage"); g_free(pBuf); // Some other error occured, give up return; } } while (ntstatus == STATUS_INFO_LENGTH_MISMATCH); if (pBuf != NULL) { // iterate over information for all pagefiles pInfo = (SYSTEM_PAGEFILE_INFORMATION *)pBuf; for (;;) { swapTotal += pInfo->CurrentSize * page_size; swapUsed += pInfo->TotalUsed * page_size; if (pInfo->NextEntryOffset == 0) break; // end of list // get pointer to next struct pInfo = (SYSTEM_PAGEFILE_INFORMATION *)((BYTE *)pInfo + pInfo->NextEntryOffset); } g_free(pBuf); // TODO: calculate swapin/swapout values gkrellm_swap_assign_data(swapTotal, swapUsed, 0, 0); } } gboolean gkrellm_sys_mem_init(void) { SYSTEM_INFO si; gkrellm_debug(DEBUG_SYSDEP, "INIT memory monitoring\n"); GetSystemInfo(&si); page_size = si.dwPageSize; psapi_instance = LoadLibraryW(L"PSAPI.DLL"); if (psapi_instance) { pGPI = GetProcAddress(psapi_instance, "GetPerformanceInfo"); if (pGPI == NULL) { gkrellm_debug(DEBUG_SYSDEP, "No GetPerformanceInfo() in " \ "PSAPI.DLL, cache-memory will stay at 0!\n"); } } else { win32_warning(NULL, GetLastError(), "Could not load PSAPI.DLL"); } return TRUE; } static void gkrellm_sys_mem_cleanup(void) { pGPI = NULL; if (psapi_instance) FreeLibrary(psapi_instance); psapi_instance = NULL; } /* ===================================================================== */ /* Battery monitor interface */ /* ===================================================================== */ void gkrellm_sys_battery_read_data(void) { gboolean available, on_line, charging; gint percent, time_left; SYSTEM_POWER_STATUS power; gkrellm_debug(DEBUG_SYSDEP, "Checking battery state\n"); GetSystemPowerStatus(&power); if ( (power.BatteryFlag & BATTERY_FLAG_NO_BATTERY) == BATTERY_FLAG_NO_BATTERY || (power.BatteryFlag & BATTERY_FLAG_UNKNOWN) == BATTERY_FLAG_UNKNOWN ) { available = FALSE; } else { available = TRUE; } on_line = ((power.ACLineStatus & AC_LINE_ONLINE) == AC_LINE_ONLINE) ? TRUE : FALSE; charging = ((power.BatteryFlag & BATTERY_FLAG_CHARGING) == BATTERY_FLAG_CHARGING) ? TRUE : FALSE; time_left = power.BatteryLifeTime; percent = power.BatteryLifePercent; gkrellm_battery_assign_data(0, available, on_line, charging, percent, time_left); } gboolean gkrellm_sys_battery_init() { gkrellm_debug(DEBUG_SYSDEP, "INIT battery monitoring\n"); return TRUE; } /* ===================================================================== */ /* FS monitor interfaces */ /* ===================================================================== */ gboolean gkrellm_sys_fs_fstab_modified(void) { return FALSE; } static void eject_win32_cdrom(gchar *device) { HANDLE hFile; BOOL err; char device_path[MAX_PATH]; DWORD numBytes; if (!device || *device == '\0') return; // FIXME: This assumes device names like "D:" snprintf(device_path, MAX_PATH, "\\\\.\\%c:", device[0]); hFile = CreateFileA(device_path, GENERIC_READ, FILE_SHARE_READ | FILE_SHARE_WRITE, 0, OPEN_EXISTING, 0, NULL); if (hFile != 0 && hFile != INVALID_HANDLE_VALUE) { // this should be safe for non-removable drives err = DeviceIoControl(hFile, FSCTL_DISMOUNT_VOLUME, NULL, 0, NULL, 0, &numBytes, NULL); if (!err) { err = DeviceIoControl(hFile, IOCTL_STORAGE_EJECT_MEDIA, NULL, 0, NULL, 0, &numBytes, NULL); } CloseHandle(hFile); } } gboolean gkrellm_sys_fs_init(void) { gkrellm_debug(DEBUG_SYSDEP, "INIT filesystem monitoring\n"); gkrellm_fs_mounting_unsupported(); gkrellm_fs_setup_eject(NULL, NULL, eject_win32_cdrom, NULL); return TRUE; } void gkrellm_sys_fs_get_fsusage(gpointer fs, gchar *dir) { BOOL err = 0; ULARGE_INTEGER availToCaller; ULARGE_INTEGER totalBytes; ULARGE_INTEGER freeBytes; gunichar2 *w_dir = NULL; if (!dir || *dir == '\0') return; gkrellm_debug(DEBUG_SYSDEP, "Checking fs usage for %s\n", dir); w_dir = g_utf8_to_utf16(dir, -1, NULL, NULL, NULL); if (!w_dir) return; err = GetDiskFreeSpaceExW(w_dir, &availToCaller, &totalBytes, &freeBytes); if (err != 0) { // fs, blocks, avail, free, size gkrellm_fs_assign_fsusage_data(fs , EnlargedUnsignedDivide(totalBytes, 1024, 0) /* total */ , EnlargedUnsignedDivide(availToCaller, 1024, 0) /* free to caller */ , EnlargedUnsignedDivide(freeBytes, 1024, 0) /* free */ , 1024 /* block size */ ); } else { /* This may happen on cd/dvd drives, ignore error silently */ } g_free(w_dir); } void gkrellm_sys_fs_get_mounts_list(void) { wchar_t drive_list[4*26]; wchar_t *drive; gchar *drive_utf8; DWORD ret; DWORD sz; UINT drive_type; gkrellm_debug(DEBUG_SYSDEP, "Getting list of mounted drives\n"); drive_list[0] = '\0'; sz = ARR_SZ(drive_list) - sizeof(drive_list[0]); ret = GetLogicalDriveStringsW(sz, drive_list); if (ret == 0 || ret > sz) { win32_warning(NULL, GetLastError(), "Failed enumerating mounted drives"); return; } for (drive = drive_list; (*drive) != '\0'; drive += wcslen(drive) + 1) { drive_type = GetDriveTypeW(drive); if ( (drive_type == DRIVE_REMOVABLE) && (!wcsncmp(drive, L"A:\\", 3) || !wcsncmp(drive, L"B:\\", 3))) continue; gkrellm_debug(DEBUG_SYSDEP, "Found mounted drive '%ls' of type %u\n", drive, drive_type); drive_utf8 = g_utf16_to_utf8(drive, -1, NULL, NULL, NULL); gkrellm_fs_add_to_mounts_list(drive_utf8, drive_utf8, (drive_type == DRIVE_REMOTE ? "smbfs" : "")); g_free(drive_utf8); } } void gkrellm_sys_fs_get_fstab_list(void) { wchar_t drive_list[4*26]; wchar_t *drive; gchar *drive_utf8; DWORD ret; DWORD sz; UINT drive_type; gkrellm_debug(DEBUG_SYSDEP, "Getting list of drives in fstab\n"); drive_list[0] = '\0'; sz = ARR_SZ(drive_list) - sizeof(drive_list[0]); ret = GetLogicalDriveStringsW(sz, drive_list); if (ret == 0 || ret > sz) { win32_warning(NULL, GetLastError(), "Failed enumerating fstab drives"); return; } for (drive = drive_list; (*drive) != '\0'; drive += wcslen(drive) + 1) { drive_type = GetDriveTypeW(drive); if ( (drive_type == DRIVE_REMOVABLE) && (!wcsncmp(drive, L"A:\\", 3) || !wcsncmp(drive, L"B:\\", 3))) continue; gkrellm_debug(DEBUG_SYSDEP, "Found fstab drive '%ls' of type %u\n", drive, drive_type); drive_utf8 = g_utf16_to_utf8(drive, -1, NULL, NULL, NULL); gkrellm_fs_add_to_fstab_list(drive_utf8, drive_utf8, (drive_type == DRIVE_REMOTE ? "smbfs" : ""), ""); g_free(drive_utf8); } } /* ===================================================================== */ /* INET monitor interfaces */ /* ===================================================================== */ gboolean gkrellm_sys_inet_init(void) { gkrellm_debug(DEBUG_SYSDEP, "INIT inet port monitoring\n"); return TRUE; } void gkrellm_sys_inet_read_tcp_data(void) { // TODO: Make use of GetTcp6Table() by loading it at runtime // (only available on vista and newer) PMIB_TCPTABLE pTcpTable = NULL; DWORD dwTableSize = 0; DWORD dwStatus; MIB_TCPROW *tcprow; ActiveTCP tcp; DWORD i; gkrellm_debug(DEBUG_SYSDEP, "Fetching list of TCP connections\n"); // Make an initial call to GetTcpTable to // get the necessary size into the dwSize variable dwStatus = GetTcpTable(NULL, &dwTableSize, FALSE); if ((dwStatus == ERROR_INSUFFICIENT_BUFFER) && (dwTableSize > 0)) { pTcpTable = (MIB_TCPTABLE *)g_malloc(dwTableSize); // Make a second call to GetTcpTable to get // the actual data we require dwStatus = GetTcpTable(pTcpTable, &dwTableSize, FALSE); if (dwStatus == NO_ERROR) { for (i = 0; i < pTcpTable->dwNumEntries; i++) { tcprow = &pTcpTable->table[i]; // Skip connections that are not fully established if (tcprow->dwState != MIB_TCP_STATE_ESTAB) continue; tcp.family = AF_INET; tcp.local_port = htons(tcprow->dwLocalPort); tcp.remote_addr.s_addr = tcprow->dwRemoteAddr; #if defined(INET6) tcp.in6_addr = 0; #endif tcp.remote_port = htons(tcprow->dwRemotePort); tcp.is_udp = FALSE; gkrellm_inet_log_tcp_port_data(&tcp); } } else { win32_warning(NULL, dwStatus, "Could not fetch list of TCP connections"); } g_free(pTcpTable); } else { win32_warning(NULL, dwStatus, "Could not fetch list of TCP connections"); } } /* ===================================================================== */ /* Uptime monitor interface */ /* ===================================================================== */ static PDH_HCOUNTER uptimeCounter = NULL; time_t gkrellm_sys_uptime_read_uptime(void) { PDH_FMT_COUNTERVALUE val; if (pdhQueryHandle == NULL) return (time_t)0; win32_read_proc_stat(); gkrellm_debug(DEBUG_SYSDEP, "Reading system uptime\n"); if (!get_formatted_counter_value(uptimeCounter, "uptime", PDH_FMT_LONG, &val)) return (time_t)0; return (time_t)val.longValue; } gboolean gkrellm_sys_uptime_init(void) { wchar_t system_name[PDH_MAX_COUNTER_NAME]; wchar_t uptime_name[PDH_MAX_COUNTER_NAME]; wchar_t counter_path[PDH_MAX_COUNTER_PATH]; gkrellm_debug(DEBUG_SYSDEP, "INIT uptime monitoring\n"); if (pdhQueryHandle == NULL) return FALSE; // Fetch prefix for counter ("System" index is 2) if (!lookup_perfname(2, system_name, ARR_SZ(system_name))) return FALSE; // Fetch name for uptime ("Uptime" index is 674) if (!lookup_perfname(674, uptime_name, ARR_SZ(uptime_name))) return FALSE; _snwprintf(counter_path, ARR_SZ(counter_path), L"\\%ls\\%ls", system_name, uptime_name); if (!add_counter(counter_path, &uptimeCounter)) return FALSE; return TRUE; } /* ===================================================================== */ /* System name interface */ /* ===================================================================== */ typedef void (WINAPI *PGetNativeSystemInfo)(SYSTEM_INFO *); gchar *gkrellm_sys_get_system_name(void) { static gboolean have_sys_name; static gchar sysname[32]; OSVERSIONINFOEXW vi; SYSTEM_INFO si; PGetNativeSystemInfo pGNSI; if (have_sys_name) return sysname; gkrellm_debug(DEBUG_SYSDEP, "Retrieving system name\n"); // Default value for sysname g_strlcpy(sysname, "Unknown", sizeof(sysname)); // Query version info memset(&vi, 0, sizeof(OSVERSIONINFOEXW)); vi.dwOSVersionInfoSize = sizeof(OSVERSIONINFOEXW); if (!GetVersionExW((OSVERSIONINFOW *)(&vi))) return sysname; // We actually only support decoding NT-based version info if (vi.dwPlatformId != VER_PLATFORM_WIN32_NT) return sysname; // Try to call native version first, as this allows detecting // 64bit hosts from within a 32bit process. pGNSI = (PGetNativeSystemInfo)GetProcAddress( GetModuleHandleW(L"kernel32.dll"), "GetNativeSystemInfo"); if (pGNSI != NULL) pGNSI(&si); else GetSystemInfo(&si); if (vi.dwMajorVersion == 6 && vi.dwMinorVersion == 0) { // Windows 6.0 aka Vista or Server 2008 if (vi.wProductType == VER_NT_WORKSTATION) g_strlcpy(sysname, "Windows Vista", sizeof(sysname)); else g_strlcpy(sysname, "Windows Server 2008", sizeof(sysname)); } else if (vi.dwMajorVersion == 5) { // Windows 5.x aka 2000, XP, Server 2003 if (vi.dwMinorVersion == 0) { if (vi.wProductType == VER_NT_WORKSTATION) g_strlcpy(sysname, "Windows 2000 Professional", sizeof(sysname)); else g_strlcpy(sysname, "Windows 2000 Server", sizeof(sysname)); } else if (vi.dwMinorVersion == 1) { if (vi.wSuiteMask & VER_SUITE_PERSONAL) g_strlcpy(sysname, "Windows XP Home Edition", sizeof(sysname)); else g_strlcpy(sysname, "Windows XP Professional", sizeof(sysname)); } else if (vi.dwMinorVersion == 2) { if (GetSystemMetrics(SM_SERVERR2)) g_strlcpy(sysname, "Windows Server 2003 R2", sizeof(sysname)); else if (vi.wSuiteMask == VER_SUITE_STORAGE_SERVER) g_strlcpy(sysname, "Windows Storage Server 2003", sizeof(sysname)); else if ( vi.wProductType == VER_NT_WORKSTATION && si.wProcessorArchitecture == PROCESSOR_ARCHITECTURE_AMD64) g_strlcpy(sysname, "Windows XP Professional x64", sizeof(sysname)); else g_strlcpy(sysname, "Windows Server 2003", sizeof(sysname)); } } return sysname; } /* ===================================================================== */ /* Misc functions */ /* ===================================================================== */ /* * Copyright (c) 1983, 1990, 1993 * The Regents of the University of California. All rights reserved. * * Redistribution and use in source and binary forms, with or without * modification, are permitted provided that the following conditions * are met: * 1. Redistributions of source code must retain the above copyright * notice, this list of conditions and the following disclaimer. * 2. Redistributions in binary form must reproduce the above copyright * notice, this list of conditions and the following disclaimer in the * documentation and/or other materials provided with the distribution. * 3. All advertising materials mentioning features or use of this software * must display the following acknowledgement: * This product includes software developed by the University of * California, Berkeley and its contributors. * 4. Neither the name of the University nor the names of its contributors * may be used to endorse or promote products derived from this software * without specific prior written permission. * * THIS SOFTWARE IS PROVIDED BY THE REGENTS AND CONTRIBUTORS ``AS IS'' AND * ANY EXPRESS OR IMPLIED WARRANTIES, INCLUDING, BUT NOT LIMITED TO, THE * IMPLIED WARRANTIES OF MERCHANTABILITY AND FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE * ARE DISCLAIMED. IN NO EVENT SHALL THE REGENTS OR CONTRIBUTORS BE LIABLE * FOR ANY DIRECT, INDIRECT, INCIDENTAL, SPECIAL, EXEMPLARY, OR CONSEQUENTIAL * DAMAGES (INCLUDING, BUT NOT LIMITED TO, PROCUREMENT OF SUBSTITUTE GOODS * OR SERVICES; LOSS OF USE, DATA, OR PROFITS; OR BUSINESS INTERRUPTION) * HOWEVER CAUSED AND ON ANY THEORY OF LIABILITY, WHETHER IN CONTRACT, STRICT * LIABILITY, OR TORT (INCLUDING NEGLIGENCE OR OTHERWISE) ARISING IN ANY WAY * OUT OF THE USE OF THIS SOFTWARE, EVEN IF ADVISED OF THE POSSIBILITY OF * SUCH DAMAGE. */ /* * Portions Copyright (c) 1993 by Digital Equipment Corporation. * * Permission to use, copy, modify, and distribute this software for any * purpose with or without fee is hereby granted, provided that the above * copyright notice and this permission notice appear in all copies, and that * the name of Digital Equipment Corporation not be used in advertising or * publicity pertaining to distribution of the document or software without * specific, written prior permission. * * THE SOFTWARE IS PROVIDED "AS IS" AND DIGITAL EQUIPMENT CORP. DISCLAIMS ALL * WARRANTIES WITH REGARD TO THIS SOFTWARE, INCLUDING ALL IMPLIED WARRANTIES * OF MERCHANTABILITY AND FITNESS. IN NO EVENT SHALL DIGITAL EQUIPMENT * CORPORATION BE LIABLE FOR ANY SPECIAL, DIRECT, INDIRECT, OR CONSEQUENTIAL * DAMAGES OR ANY DAMAGES WHATSOEVER RESULTING FROM LOSS OF USE, DATA OR * PROFITS, WHETHER IN AN ACTION OF CONTRACT, NEGLIGENCE OR OTHER TORTIOUS * ACTION, ARISING OUT OF OR IN CONNECTION WITH THE USE OR PERFORMANCE OF THIS * SOFTWARE. */ /* * Portions Copyright (c) 1996-1999 by Internet Software Consortium. * * Permission to use, copy, modify, and distribute this software for any * purpose with or without fee is hereby granted, provided that the above * copyright notice and this permission notice appear in all copies. * * THE SOFTWARE IS PROVIDED "AS IS" AND INTERNET SOFTWARE CONSORTIUM DISCLAIMS * ALL WARRANTIES WITH REGARD TO THIS SOFTWARE INCLUDING ALL IMPLIED WARRANTIES * OF MERCHANTABILITY AND FITNESS. IN NO EVENT SHALL INTERNET SOFTWARE * CONSORTIUM BE LIABLE FOR ANY SPECIAL, DIRECT, INDIRECT, OR CONSEQUENTIAL * DAMAGES OR ANY DAMAGES WHATSOEVER RESULTING FROM LOSS OF USE, DATA OR * PROFITS, WHETHER IN AN ACTION OF CONTRACT, NEGLIGENCE OR OTHER TORTIOUS * ACTION, ARISING OUT OF OR IN CONNECTION WITH THE USE OR PERFORMANCE OF THIS * SOFTWARE. */ /* BeOS doesn't yet have it's own inet_aton and Bind won't be ported * until R5, so this is from a Bind 8 distribution. It's currently untested. */ int inet_aton(const char *cp, struct in_addr *addr) { u_long val; int base, n; char c; short parts[4]; short *pp = parts; int digit; c = *cp; for (;;) { /* * Collect number up to ``.''. * Values are specified as for C: * 0x=hex, 0=octal, isdigit=decimal. */ if (!isdigit(c)) return (0); val = 0; base = 10; digit = 0; if (c == '0') { c = *++cp; if (c == 'x' || c == 'X') base = 16, c = *++cp; else { base = 8; digit = 1 ; } } for (;;) { if (isascii(c) && isdigit(c)) { if (base == 8 && (c == '8' || c == '9')) return (0); val = (val * base) + (c - '0'); c = *++cp; digit = 1; } else if (base == 16 && isascii(c) && isxdigit(c)) { val = (val << 4) | (c + 10 - (islower(c) ? 'a' : 'A')); c = *++cp; digit = 1; } else break; } if (c == '.') { /* * Internet format: * a.b.c.d * a.b.c (with c treated as 16 bits) * a.b (with b treated as 24 bits) */ if (pp >= parts + 3 || val > 0xff) return (0); *pp++ = val; c = *++cp; } else break; } /* * Check for trailing characters. */ if (c != '\0' && (!isascii(c) || !isspace(c))) return (0); /* * Did we get a valid digit? */ if (!digit) return (0); /* * Concoct the address according to * the number of parts specified. */ n = pp - parts + 1; switch (n) { case 1: /* a -- 32 bits */ break; case 2: /* a.b -- 8.24 bits */ if (val > 0xffffff) return (0); val |= parts[0] << 24; break; case 3: /* a.b.c -- 8.8.16 bits */ if (val > 0xffff) return (0); val |= (parts[0] << 24) | (parts[1] << 16); break; case 4: /* a.b.c.d -- bits */ if (val > 0xff) return (0); val |= (parts[0] << 24) | (parts[1] << 16) | (parts[2] << 8); break; } if (addr != NULL) addr->s_addr = htonl(val); return (1); }