/* GKrellM | Copyright (C) 1999-2007 Bill Wilson | | Author: Bill Wilson billw@gkrellm.net | Latest versions might be found at: http://gkrellm.net | | | GKrellM is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify it | under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by | the Free Software Foundation, either version 3 of the License, or | (at your option) any later version. | | GKrellM is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, but WITHOUT | ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of MERCHANTABILITY | or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the GNU General Public | License for more details. | | You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License | along with this program. If not, see http://www.gnu.org/licenses/ */ #include "gkrellm.h" #include "gkrellm-private.h" static GList *panel_list; GList * gkrellm_get_panel_list(void) { return panel_list; } void gkrellm_panel_configure_add_height(GkrellmPanel *p, gint h) { if (!p) return; p->h_configure += h; } void gkrellm_panel_configure_set_height(GkrellmPanel *p, gint h) { if (!p) return; p->h_configure = h; } gint gkrellm_panel_configure_get_height(GkrellmPanel *p) { if (!p) return 0; return p->h_configure; } static void setup_panel_style(GkrellmPanel *p, GkrellmStyle *style) { GkrellmLabel *lbl = p->label; p->style = style; if (!style) return; lbl->position = style->label_position; p->transparency = style->transparency; p->scroll_text_cache_off = style->scroll_text_cache_off; _GK.any_transparency |= p->transparency; if (!p->textstyle) { p->textstyle = gkrellm_textstyle_new0(); p->textstyle->internal = TRUE; } if (p->textstyle->internal) { *(p->textstyle) = style->label_tsA; p->textstyle->internal = TRUE; p->textstyle->font = *(style->label_tsA.font_seed); } } void gkrellm_panel_label_get_position(GkrellmStyle *style, gint *x_position, gint *y_off) { if (!style) return; if (x_position) *x_position = style->label_position; if (y_off) *y_off = style->label_yoff; } /* Calculate panel height required for given border, label height, | krell heights, and decal heights. Also calculate label extents | and load all this info into a GkrellmLabel structure. | After panel height is calculated, calling routine may want to adjust | krell or decal y offsets for centering. */ void gkrellm_panel_configure(GkrellmPanel *p, gchar *string, GkrellmStyle *style) { GList *list; GkrellmKrell *k; GkrellmDecal *d; GkrellmLabel *lbl; GkrellmTextstyle *ts = NULL; gint y, h_panel, h, baseline; gint top_margin = 0, bottom_margin = 0; if (!p) return; p->style = style; lbl = p->label; lbl->position = GKRELLM_LABEL_CENTER; setup_panel_style(p, style); gkrellm_get_top_bottom_margins(style, &top_margin, &bottom_margin); ts = p->textstyle; if (string) { if (g_utf8_validate(string, -1, NULL)) gkrellm_dup_string(&lbl->string, string); else lbl->string = g_locale_to_utf8(string, -1, NULL, NULL, NULL); } else gkrellm_dup_string(&lbl->string, string); if (lbl->string && ts && lbl->position >= 0) gkrellm_text_extents(ts->font, string, strlen(string), &lbl->width, &lbl->height, &baseline, NULL); else { lbl->width = 0; lbl->height = 0; baseline = 0; } if (style && style->label_yoff > 0) h_panel = style->label_yoff + bottom_margin; else h_panel = top_margin + bottom_margin; h_panel += lbl->height + (ts ? ts->effect : 0); /* If krell_yoff is -1, then in gkrellm_create_krell() k->y0 was put | at the top margin. If krell_yoff is < -1, then here I will bottom | justify the krell (so must go through krell list twice). | GkrellmDecals are assumed to fit inside of margins (unless they are | overlays). Caller must subtract off bottom_margin if this is not so. */ for (list = p->decal_list; list; list = list->next) { d = (GkrellmDecal *) list->data; if (d->flags & DF_OVERLAY_PIXMAPS) continue; h = d->y + d->h + bottom_margin; if (h > h_panel) h_panel = h; } for (list = p->krell_list; list; list = list->next) { k = (GkrellmKrell *) list->data; if (k->y0 == -2) /* Will bottom justify */ y = 0; else if (k->y0 == -3) /* Will bottom margin justify */ y = top_margin; else y = k->y0; h = y + k->h_frame; if (k->flags & KRELL_FLAG_BOTTOM_MARGIN) h += bottom_margin; if (h > h_panel) h_panel = h; } for (list = p->krell_list; list; list = list->next) { k = (GkrellmKrell *) list->data; if (k->y0 < 0) { k->y0 = h_panel - k->h_frame; /* Bottom justify */ if (k->flags & KRELL_FLAG_BOTTOM_MARGIN) /* or y0 == -3 */ k->y0 -= bottom_margin; } } if (h_panel <= 0) h_panel = 1; if (style && style->label_yoff > 0) lbl->y_panel = style->label_yoff - (baseline - lbl->height); else lbl->y_panel = top_margin - (baseline - lbl->height); p->h_configure = h_panel; } static void draw_panel_label(GkrellmPanel *p, gboolean to_bg) { GkrellmLabel *lbl = p->label; GkrellmTextstyle *ts = p->textstyle; GkrellmMargin *m; gchar *s; gint xdst; if ( lbl && ts && ((s = lbl->string) != NULL) && lbl->position >= 0 ) { m = gkrellm_get_style_margins(p->style); lbl->width = gkrellm_gdk_string_width(ts->font, s) + ts->effect; xdst = gkrellm_label_x_position(lbl->position, p->w, lbl->width, m->left); lbl->x_panel = xdst; gkrellm_draw_string(p->pixmap, ts, xdst, lbl->y_panel, s); if (to_bg) gkrellm_draw_string(p->bg_pixmap, ts, xdst, lbl->y_panel, s); } } static void draw_panel(GkrellmPanel *p, gint to_screen) { if (!gkrellm_winop_draw_rootpixmap_onto_transparent_panel(p)) gdk_draw_drawable(p->bg_pixmap, _GK.draw1_GC, p->bg_clean_pixmap, 0, 0, 0, 0, p->w, p->h); gdk_draw_drawable(p->pixmap, _GK.draw1_GC, p->bg_pixmap, 0, 0, 0, 0, p->w, p->h); draw_panel_label(p, TRUE); gdk_draw_drawable(p->bg_text_layer_pixmap, _GK.draw1_GC, p->bg_pixmap, 0, 0, 0, 0, p->w, p->h); if (p->drawing_area->window && to_screen) { gdk_draw_drawable(p->drawing_area->window, _GK.draw1_GC, p->pixmap, 0, 0, 0, 0, p->w, p->h); gkrellm_draw_panel_layers_force(p); } } void gkrellm_panel_label_on_top_of_decals(GkrellmPanel *p, gboolean mode) { if (p) p->label_on_top_of_decals = mode; } void gkrellm_draw_panel_label(GkrellmPanel *p) { if (p) draw_panel(p, TRUE); } void gkrellm_panel_destroy(GkrellmPanel *p) { if (!p) return; gkrellm_reset_panel_alerts(p); gkrellm_destroy_krell_list(p); gkrellm_destroy_decal_list(p); /* Also destroys buttons */ if (p->button_list || p->button_signals_connected) fprintf(stderr, "gkrellm_destroy_panel: button_list=%p connected=%d\n", p->button_list, p->button_signals_connected); if (p->label) { if (p->label->string) g_free(p->label->string); g_free(p->label); } if (p->layout) g_object_unref(G_OBJECT(p->layout)); if (p->textstyle && p->textstyle->internal) g_free(p->textstyle); if (p->pixmap) g_object_unref(G_OBJECT(p->pixmap)); if (p->bg_pixmap) g_object_unref(G_OBJECT(p->bg_pixmap)); if (p->bg_text_layer_pixmap) g_object_unref(G_OBJECT(p->bg_text_layer_pixmap)); if (p->bg_clean_pixmap) g_object_unref(G_OBJECT(p->bg_clean_pixmap)); if (p->bg_mask) g_object_unref(G_OBJECT(p->bg_mask)); if (p->hbox) gtk_widget_destroy(p->hbox); panel_list = g_list_remove(panel_list, p); if (p->shown) gkrellm_monitor_height_adjust(- p->h); g_free(p); gkrellm_pack_side_frames(); } void gkrellm_panel_bg_piximage_override(GkrellmPanel *p, GkrellmPiximage *bg_piximage) { if (!p || !bg_piximage) return; p->bg_piximage = bg_piximage; p->bg_piximage_override = TRUE; } void gkrellm_panel_keep_lists(GkrellmPanel *p, gboolean keep) { if (p) p->keep_lists = keep; } #if 0 static gboolean cb_panel_map_event(GtkWidget *widget, GdkEvent *event, GkrellmPanel *p) { gdk_window_get_position(p->drawing_area->window, NULL, &p->y_mapped); if (_GK.frame_left_panel_overlap > 0 || _GK.frame_right_panel_overlap > 0) _GK.need_frame_packing = TRUE; return FALSE; } #endif static gboolean cb_panel_size_allocate(GtkWidget *widget, GtkAllocation *size, GkrellmPanel *p) { gdk_window_get_position(p->drawing_area->window, NULL, &p->y_mapped); if (_GK.frame_left_panel_overlap > 0 || _GK.frame_right_panel_overlap > 0) _GK.need_frame_packing = TRUE; return FALSE; } void gkrellm_panel_create(GtkWidget *vbox, GkrellmMonitor *mon, GkrellmPanel *p) { GtkWidget *hbox; GkrellmPiximage piximage; GtkWidget *top_win = gkrellm_get_top_window(); if (!vbox || !mon || !p) return; p->monitor = (gpointer) mon; if (!p->style) /* gkrellm_panel_configure() may not have been called. */ setup_panel_style(p, mon->privat->panel_style); if (!p->bg_piximage_override) { if (mon->privat->style_type == CHART_PANEL_TYPE) p->bg_piximage = gkrellm_bg_panel_piximage(mon->privat->style_id); else p->bg_piximage = gkrellm_bg_meter_piximage(mon->privat->style_id); } p->bg_piximage_override = FALSE; /* If not being called from rebuild or after a panel destroy, then panel | still has a height that must be accounted for. */ if (p->h && p->shown) gkrellm_monitor_height_adjust(- p->h); p->h = p->h_configure; p->w = _GK.chart_width; if (p->hbox == NULL) { hbox = gtk_hbox_new(FALSE, 0); gtk_container_add (GTK_CONTAINER(vbox), hbox); p->hbox = hbox; p->drawing_area = gtk_drawing_area_new(); p->layout = gtk_widget_create_pango_layout(top_win, NULL); gtk_widget_set_events (p->drawing_area, GDK_EXPOSURE_MASK | GDK_LEAVE_NOTIFY_MASK | GDK_ENTER_NOTIFY_MASK | GDK_BUTTON_RELEASE_MASK | GDK_BUTTON_PRESS_MASK | GDK_POINTER_MOTION_MASK); gtk_box_pack_start(GTK_BOX(p->hbox), p->drawing_area, FALSE, FALSE, 0); gtk_widget_show(p->drawing_area); gtk_widget_show(hbox); p->shown = TRUE; gtk_widget_realize(hbox); gtk_widget_realize(p->drawing_area); panel_list = g_list_append(panel_list, p); p->y_mapped = -1; g_signal_connect(G_OBJECT (p->drawing_area), "size_allocate", G_CALLBACK(cb_panel_size_allocate), p); } gtk_widget_set_size_request(p->drawing_area, p->w, p->h); if (_GK.frame_left_panel_overlap > 0 || _GK.frame_right_panel_overlap > 0) { piximage.pixbuf = gdk_pixbuf_new_subpixbuf(p->bg_piximage->pixbuf, _GK.frame_left_panel_overlap, 0, gdk_pixbuf_get_width(p->bg_piximage->pixbuf) - _GK.frame_left_panel_overlap - _GK.frame_right_panel_overlap, gdk_pixbuf_get_height(p->bg_piximage->pixbuf)); piximage.border = p->bg_piximage->border; gkrellm_border_adjust(&piximage.border, -_GK.frame_left_panel_overlap, -_GK.frame_right_panel_overlap, 0, 0); // gkrellm_scale_piximage_to_pixmap(&piximage, &p->bg_clean_pixmap, // &p->bg_mask, p->w, p->h); gkrellm_scale_theme_background(&piximage, &p->bg_clean_pixmap, &p->bg_mask, p->w, p->h); g_object_unref(G_OBJECT(piximage.pixbuf)); } else gkrellm_scale_theme_background(p->bg_piximage, &p->bg_clean_pixmap, &p->bg_mask, p->w, p->h); // gkrellm_scale_piximage_to_pixmap(p->bg_piximage, &p->bg_clean_pixmap, // &p->bg_mask, p->w, p->h); if (p->bg_text_layer_pixmap) g_object_unref(G_OBJECT(p->bg_text_layer_pixmap)); p->bg_text_layer_pixmap = gdk_pixmap_new(top_win->window, p->w, p->h, -1); if (p->bg_pixmap) g_object_unref(G_OBJECT(p->bg_pixmap)); p->bg_pixmap = gdk_pixmap_new(top_win->window, p->w, p->h, -1); if (p->pixmap) g_object_unref(G_OBJECT(p->pixmap)); p->pixmap = gdk_pixmap_new(top_win->window, p->w, p->h, -1); if (p->shown) { gkrellm_monitor_height_adjust(p->h); gkrellm_pack_side_frames(); } p->need_decal_overlap_check = TRUE; draw_panel(p, FALSE); gkrellm_panel_button_signals_connect(p); } void gkrellm_panel_hide(GkrellmPanel *p) { if (!p || !p->shown) return; gtk_widget_hide(p->hbox); p->shown = FALSE; gkrellm_monitor_height_adjust(- p->h); gkrellm_pack_side_frames(); } void gkrellm_panel_show(GkrellmPanel *p) { if (!p || p->shown) return; gtk_widget_show(p->hbox); p->shown = TRUE; gkrellm_monitor_height_adjust(p->h); gkrellm_pack_side_frames(); } gboolean gkrellm_is_panel_visible(GkrellmPanel *p) { if (!p) return FALSE; return p->shown; } gboolean gkrellm_panel_enable_visibility(GkrellmPanel *p, gboolean new_vis, gboolean *current_vis) { gboolean changed = FALSE; if (new_vis && ! *current_vis) { gkrellm_panel_show(p); *current_vis = TRUE; changed = TRUE; } if (!new_vis && *current_vis) { gkrellm_panel_hide(p); *current_vis = FALSE; changed = TRUE; } return changed; } /* Called from rebuild. All panels must be cleaned out of things | that will be recreated in the create() routines. GKrellM <= 1.0.x | left it up to plugins to destroy decal/krell lists. Now this is | enforced, but grandfather out the plugins have not upgraded to using | the new gkrellm_panel_create() functions. */ void gkrellm_panel_cleanup(void) { GList *list, *list1; GkrellmPanel *p; for (list = panel_list; list; list = list->next) { p = (GkrellmPanel *) list->data; if (!p->keep_lists) { gkrellm_destroy_krell_list(p); gkrellm_destroy_decal_list(p); /* Also destroys buttons */ if (p->krell_list || p->decal_list || p->button_list) fprintf(stderr, "GKrellM: gkrellm_panel_cleanup krell=%p decal=%p button=%p\n", p->krell_list, p->decal_list, p->button_list); } else { for (list1 = p->decal_list; list1; list1 = list1->next) ((GkrellmDecal *) list1->data)->value = -1; for (list1 = p->krell_list; list1; list1 = list1->next) ((GkrellmKrell *) list1->data)->x_position = -1; } p->h = 0; p->h_configure = 0; p->style = NULL; } } /* Check text_list decals for overlap of other decals and set flag to force | drawing in the push function instead of the normal text pixmap layer */ static void panel_decal_check_text_overlap(GkrellmDecal *d, GList *decal_list) { GList *list; GkrellmDecal *dcheck; if (!d || (d->state == DS_INVISIBLE)) return; for (list = decal_list; list; list = list->next) { dcheck = (GkrellmDecal *) list->data; if (dcheck->state == DS_INVISIBLE) continue; if ( d->x + d->w > dcheck->x && d->x < dcheck->x + dcheck->w && d->y + d->h > dcheck->y && d->y < dcheck->y + dcheck->h ) { /* text_list decals need push if overlapping any other decal. */ if (d->text_list) d->flags |= DF_TEXT_OVERLAPS; if (dcheck->text_list) dcheck->flags |= DF_TEXT_OVERLAPS; } } } /* Do the Pango text rendering. If called when pixmap is bg_text_layer, | it is a background draw. But if called from push_decal_pixmaps() it is | considered a push operation because it is being done whenever any panel | decals or krells are modified. In this case, Pango does the pixel pushing | instead of gkrellm as was done in pre 2.2.0. */ static void panel_draw_decal_text_list(GdkPixmap *pixmap, GkrellmDecal *d) { PangoLayout *layout; GdkRectangle rect; GList *list; GkrellmText *tx; GkrellmTextstyle *ts; gchar *s; gint x, y; layout = gtk_widget_create_pango_layout(gkrellm_get_top_window(), NULL); rect.x = d->x; rect.y = d->y; rect.width = d->w; rect.height = d->h; gdk_gc_set_clip_rectangle(_GK.text_GC, &rect); for (list = d->text_list; list; list = list->next) { tx = (GkrellmText *) list->data; if (!*tx->text) continue; ts = &tx->text_style; pango_layout_set_font_description(layout, ts->font); x = tx->x_off; y = tx->y_off; if (d->flags & DF_SCROLL_TEXT_DIVERTED) { if (d->flags & DF_SCROLL_TEXT_CENTER) pango_layout_set_alignment(layout, PANGO_ALIGN_CENTER); if (d->flags & DF_SCROLL_TEXT_H_LOOP) { x %= d->scroll_width; if (x > 0) x -= d->scroll_width; s = g_strconcat(tx->text, tx->text, NULL); if (d->flags & DF_TEXT_USE_MARKUP) pango_layout_set_markup(layout, s, strlen(s)); else pango_layout_set_text(layout, s, strlen(s)); g_free(s); } else if (d->flags & DF_SCROLL_TEXT_V_LOOP) { y %= d->scroll_height + d->y_ink; if (y > 0) y -= d->scroll_height + d->y_ink; s = g_strconcat(tx->text, "\n", tx->text, NULL); if (d->flags & DF_TEXT_USE_MARKUP) pango_layout_set_markup(layout, s, strlen(s)); else pango_layout_set_text(layout, s, strlen(s)); g_free(s); } else { if (d->flags & DF_TEXT_USE_MARKUP) pango_layout_set_markup(layout, tx->text,strlen(tx->text)); else pango_layout_set_text(layout, tx->text, strlen(tx->text)); } } else { if (d->flags & DF_TEXT_USE_MARKUP) pango_layout_set_markup(layout, tx->text, strlen(tx->text)); else pango_layout_set_text(layout, tx->text, strlen(tx->text)); } x += d->x; y += d->y; if (ts->effect) { gdk_gc_set_foreground(_GK.text_GC, &ts->shadow_color); gdk_draw_layout_with_colors(pixmap, _GK.text_GC, x + 1, y + 1, layout, &ts->shadow_color, NULL); } gdk_gc_set_foreground(_GK.text_GC, &ts->color); gdk_draw_layout(pixmap, _GK.text_GC, x, y, layout); } gdk_gc_set_clip_rectangle(_GK.text_GC, NULL); g_object_unref(layout); } /* Draw text decals on a cache text layer to avoid high overhead Pango | drawing of them each time gkrellm_draw_panel_layers() is called. | May draw here if a text decal was found to not overlap any other decal | and if it's not flagged to be drawn on the top layer. | The text layer is then used as the background for push decal and krell | draws. */ static void panel_draw_decal_text_layer(GkrellmPanel *p) { GList *list; GkrellmDecal *d; for (list = p->decal_list; list; list = list->next) { d = (GkrellmDecal *) list->data; if ( !d->modified || !d->text_list || (d->flags & DF_TOP_LAYER) || (d->flags & DF_TEXT_OVERLAPS) ) continue; if (d->state != DS_INVISIBLE) { if (d->flags & DF_MOVED) { gdk_draw_drawable(p->bg_text_layer_pixmap, _GK.draw1_GC, p->bg_pixmap, d->x_old, d->y_old, d->x_old, d->y_old, d->w, d->h); d->flags &= ~DF_MOVED; } else gdk_draw_drawable(p->bg_text_layer_pixmap, _GK.draw1_GC, p->bg_pixmap, d->x, d->y, d->x, d->y, d->w, d->h); panel_draw_decal_text_list(p->bg_text_layer_pixmap, d); } p->modified = TRUE; } } /* Push decal pixmaps through their stencils onto a Panel expose pixmap */ static gboolean push_decal_pixmaps(GkrellmPanel *p, gboolean top_layer) { GList *list; GkrellmDecal *d; gint x, y, w, h; gboolean on_top, is_non_overlapping_text_decal; gboolean restore_gc = FALSE, do_top_layer = FALSE; if (!p) return FALSE; for (list = p->decal_list; list; list = list->next) { d = (GkrellmDecal *) list->data; on_top = (d->flags & DF_TOP_LAYER); is_non_overlapping_text_decal = (d->text_list && !(d->flags & DF_TEXT_OVERLAPS)); if (on_top && !top_layer) do_top_layer = TRUE; if ( d->state != DS_VISIBLE || (top_layer && !on_top) || (!top_layer && (on_top || is_non_overlapping_text_decal)) ) continue; if (d->text_list) panel_draw_decal_text_list(p->pixmap, d); else if (d->scroll_text) { x = d->x_off; y = d->y_off; gdk_draw_drawable(p->pixmap, _GK.draw1_GC, d->pixmap, -x, -y, d->x, d->y, d->w, d->h); if (d->flags & DF_SCROLL_TEXT_H_LOOP) { x %= d->scroll_width; if (x > 0) { gdk_draw_drawable(p->pixmap, _GK.draw1_GC, d->pixmap, d->scroll_width - x, -y, d->x, d->y, x, d->h); } else if ( x <= 0 && (w = d->scroll_width + x) < d->w ) { gdk_draw_drawable(p->pixmap, _GK.draw1_GC, d->pixmap, 0, -y, d->x + w, d->y, d->w - w, d->h); } } if (d->flags & DF_SCROLL_TEXT_V_LOOP) { y %= d->scroll_height + d->y_ink; if (y > 0) gdk_draw_drawable(p->pixmap, _GK.draw1_GC, d->pixmap, -x, d->scroll_height + d->y_ink - y, d->x, d->y, d->w, y); else if ( y <= 0 && (h = d->scroll_height + d->y_ink + y) < d->h ) gdk_draw_drawable(p->pixmap, _GK.draw1_GC, d->pixmap, -x, 0, d->x, d->y + h, d->w, d->h - h); } } else { gdk_gc_set_clip_mask(_GK.draw3_GC, d->stencil); gdk_gc_set_clip_origin(_GK.draw3_GC, d->x, d->y); gdk_draw_drawable(p->pixmap, _GK.draw3_GC, d->pixmap, 0, d->y_src, d->x, d->y, d->w, d->h); restore_gc = TRUE; } } if (restore_gc) { gdk_gc_set_clip_mask(_GK.draw3_GC, NULL); gdk_gc_set_clip_origin(_GK.draw3_GC, 0, 0); } return do_top_layer; } /* Push krell pixmaps through their stencils onto a Panel expose pixmap */ static void push_krell_pixmaps(GkrellmPanel *p) { GList *list; GkrellmKrell *k; GkrellmDrawrec *dr; gboolean restore_clip_mask = FALSE, restore_clip_origin = FALSE; if (!p) return; for (list = p->krell_list; list; list = list->next) { k = (GkrellmKrell *) list->data; gdk_gc_set_clip_mask(_GK.text_GC, k->stencil); if (k->y0 != 0 || restore_clip_origin) { gdk_gc_set_clip_origin(_GK.text_GC, 0, k->y0); restore_clip_origin = TRUE; } dr = &k->draw; gdk_draw_drawable(p->pixmap, _GK.text_GC, k->pixmap, dr->x_src, dr->y_src, dr->x_dst, dr->y_dst, dr->w, dr->h); restore_clip_mask = TRUE; } if (restore_clip_mask) gdk_gc_set_clip_mask(_GK.text_GC, NULL); if (restore_clip_origin) gdk_gc_set_clip_origin(_GK.text_GC, 0, 0); } void gkrellm_draw_panel_layers(GkrellmPanel *p) { GList *list; GkrellmKrell *k; GkrellmDecal *d; gboolean do_top_layer_decals; if (!p || !p->drawing_area) return; if (p->need_decal_overlap_check) { gdk_draw_drawable(p->bg_text_layer_pixmap, _GK.draw1_GC, p->bg_pixmap, 0, 0, 0, 0, p->w, p->h); for (list = p->decal_list; list; list = list->next) { d = (GkrellmDecal *) list->data; if (!(d->flags & DF_SCROLL_TEXT_DIVERTED)) d->flags &= ~DF_TEXT_OVERLAPS; d->modified = TRUE; } for (list = p->decal_list; list; list = list->next) { d = (GkrellmDecal *) list->data; panel_decal_check_text_overlap(d, list->next); } } p->need_decal_overlap_check = FALSE; panel_draw_decal_text_layer(p); for (list = p->decal_list; list; list = list->next) { d = (GkrellmDecal *) list->data; if (d->modified) { d->modified = FALSE; p->modified = TRUE; } } for (list = p->krell_list; list; list = list->next) { k = (GkrellmKrell *) list->data; if (k->modified) { k->modified = FALSE; p->modified = TRUE; } } /* For each layer, push new layer image onto the expose pixmap. */ if (p->modified) { gdk_draw_drawable(p->pixmap, _GK.draw1_GC, p->bg_text_layer_pixmap, 0, 0, 0, 0, p->w, p->h); do_top_layer_decals = push_decal_pixmaps(p, FALSE); if (p->label_on_top_of_decals) draw_panel_label(p, FALSE); push_krell_pixmaps(p); if (do_top_layer_decals) push_decal_pixmaps(p, TRUE); if (p->drawing_area->window) gdk_draw_drawable(p->drawing_area->window, _GK.draw1_GC, p->pixmap, 0, 0, 0, 0, p->w, p->h); } p->modified = FALSE; } void gkrellm_draw_panel_layers_force(GkrellmPanel *p) { GList *list; if (!p) return; for (list = p->decal_list; list; list = list->next) ((GkrellmDecal *) list->data)->modified = TRUE; for (list = p->krell_list; list; list = list->next) ((GkrellmKrell *) list->data)->modified = TRUE; gkrellm_draw_panel_layers(p); }