/* GKrellM | Copyright (C) 1999-2010 Bill Wilson | | Author: Bill Wilson billw@gkrellm.net | Latest versions might be found at: http://gkrellm.net | | | GKrellM is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify it | under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by | the Free Software Foundation, either version 3 of the License, or | (at your option) any later version. | | GKrellM is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, but WITHOUT | ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of MERCHANTABILITY | or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the GNU General Public | License for more details. | | You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License | along with this program. If not, see http://www.gnu.org/licenses/ | | | Additional permission under GNU GPL version 3 section 7 | | If you modify this program, or any covered work, by linking or | combining it with the OpenSSL project's OpenSSL library (or a | modified version of that library), containing parts covered by | the terms of the OpenSSL or SSLeay licenses, you are granted | additional permission to convey the resulting work. | Corresponding Source for a non-source form of such a combination | shall include the source code for the parts of OpenSSL used as well | as that of the covered work. */ #include "gkrellm.h" #include "gkrellm-private.h" #include "gkrellm-sysdeps.h" #include #define BAT_CONFIG_KEYWORD "battery" typedef enum { BATTERYDISPLAY_PERCENT, BATTERYDISPLAY_TIME, BATTERYDISPLAY_RATE, BATTERYDISPLAY_EOM /* end of modes */ } BatteryDisplayMode; typedef struct { gint id; GkrellmPanel *panel; GkrellmKrell *krell; GkrellmDecal *power_decal; GkrellmDecal *time_decal; GkrellmAlert *alert; gboolean enabled; BatteryDisplayMode display_mode; gfloat charge_rate; /* % / min */ gboolean present, on_line, charging; gint percent; gint time_left; /* In minutes, -1 if minutes unavail */ } Battery; static GList *battery_list; static GkrellmMonitor *mon_battery; static GtkWidget *battery_vbox; static Battery *composite_battery, *launch_battery; static gboolean enable_composite, enable_each, enable_estimate; static gint poll_interval = 5, full_cap_fallback = 5000; static GkrellmLauncher launch; static GkrellmAlert *bat_alert; /* One alert dupped for each battery */ static gint style_id; static gboolean alert_units_percent, alert_units_need_estimate_mode; static void (*read_battery_data)(); static void create_battery_panel(Battery *bat, gboolean first_create); static gint n_batteries; static Battery * battery_nth(gint n, gboolean create) { Battery *bat; if (n > 10) return NULL; if (n < 0) { if (!composite_battery && create) { bat = g_new0(Battery, 1); battery_list = g_list_prepend(battery_list, bat); bat->id = GKRELLM_BATTERY_COMPOSITE_ID; /* -1 */ composite_battery = bat; gkrellm_alert_dup(&bat->alert, bat_alert); } return composite_battery; } if (composite_battery) ++n; while ( (bat = (Battery *) g_list_nth_data(battery_list, n)) == NULL && create ) { bat = g_new0(Battery, 1); battery_list = g_list_append(battery_list, bat); bat->id = n_batteries++; gkrellm_alert_dup(&bat->alert, bat_alert); } return bat; } /* Themers need to be able to see the battery monitor. */ static void read_battery_demo(void) { gboolean on_line, charging; gint percent, time_left; static gint bump = 60; if (bump <= 5) bump = 60; bump -= 5; on_line = bump > 45; if (on_line) { charging = TRUE; time_left = 200 + (60 - bump) * 20; percent = time_left / 5; } else { charging = FALSE; time_left = bump; percent = 1 + bump; } gkrellm_battery_assign_data(0, TRUE, on_line, charging, percent, time_left); } static gboolean setup_battery_interface(void) { if (!read_battery_data && !_GK.client_mode && gkrellm_sys_battery_init()) read_battery_data = gkrellm_sys_battery_read_data; if (_GK.demo) read_battery_data = read_battery_demo; return read_battery_data ? TRUE : FALSE; } void gkrellm_battery_client_divert(void (*read_func)()) { read_battery_data = read_func; } void gkrellm_battery_assign_data(gint n, gboolean present, gboolean on_line, gboolean charging, gint percent, gint time_left) { Battery *bat; bat = battery_nth(n, TRUE); if (!bat) return; bat->present = present; bat->on_line = on_line; bat->charging = charging; bat->percent = percent; bat->time_left = time_left; } /* Help out some laptops with Linux ACPI bugs */ gint gkrellm_battery_full_cap_fallback(void) { return full_cap_fallback; } /* -------------------------------------------------------------- */ /* estimate (guess-timate?) battery time remaining, based on the rate of discharge (and conversely the time to charge based on the rate of charge). - some BIOS' only provide battery levels, not any estimate of the time remaining Battery charge/discharge characteristics (or, why dc/dt doesn't really work) - the charge/discharge curves of most battery types tend to be very non- linear (http://www.google.com/search?q=battery+charge+discharge+curve) - on discharge, most battery types will initially fall somewhat rapidly from 100 percent, then flatten out and stay somewhat linear until suddenly "dropping out" when nearly depleted (approx. 10-20% capacity). For practical purposes we can consider this point to be the end of the discharge curve. This is simple enough to model via a fixed capacity offset to cut out just at the knee of this curve, and allows us to reasonably approximate the rest of the curve by a linear function and simple dc/dt calculation. - with regard to charging, however, it's not quite so easy. With a constant voltage charger, the battery capacity rises exponentially (charging current decreases as battery terminal voltage rises). The final stages of charging are very gradual, with a relatively long period at "almost but not quite 100%". Unfortunately a linear extrapolation at the beginning of an exponential curve will be a poor approximation to the true expected time to charge, tending to be significantly undervalued. Using an exponential model to estimate time to approx. 90-95% (2.5 * exp. time constant) seems to give a more reasonable fit. That said, the poor relative resolution at higher charge values makes estimating the exponential time constant difficult towards the end of the charge cycle (the curve's very nearly flat). So, I've settled on a mixed model - for c < ~70 I use an exponential model, and switch to linear above that (or if the charge rate seems to have otherwise "flatlined"). Empirically, this method seems to give reasonable results [1] - certainly much better than seeing "0:50:00 to full" for a good half an hour (i.e. as happens with apmd, which uses a linear model for both charging + discharging). Note that a constant-current charger should be pretty well linear all the way along the charge curve, which means the linear rate extrapolation should work well in this case. The user can choose which model they wish to use via estimate_model. [1] I logged my Compaq Armada M300's capacity (via /proc/apm) over one complete discharge/charge cycle (machine was idle the whole time). The discharge curve was linear to approx. 14% when the BIOS alerted of impending doom; upon plugging in the external power supply the capacity rose exponentially to 100%, with a time constant of approx. 0.8 hr (i.e. approx. 2+ hrs to full charge). Linear rate of change calculation: - in an ideal, continuous world, estimated time to 0(100) would simply be the remaining capacity divided by the charge rate ttl = c / dc(t)/dt - alas, the reported battery capacity is bound to integer values thus c(t) is a discontinuous function. i.e. has fairly large steps. And of course then dc/dt is undefined at the discontinuities. - to avoid this issue the rate of charge is determined by the deltas from the start of the last state change (charge/discharge cycle) (time T) ttl(t) = c(t) / ((C - c(t)) / (T - t)) C = charge at time T Furthermore, the rate changes are windowed and filtered to mitigate c(t) transients (e.g. at the start of discharge) and smooth over discontinuities (and fudge for battery characteristics, ref. above). */ #define BAT_SLEEP_DETECT 300 /* interval of >300s => must have slept */ #define BAT_DISCHARGE_TRANSIENT 10 /* ignore first 10% of discharge cycle */ #define BAT_EMPTY_CAPACITY 12 /* when is the battery "flat"? */ #define BAT_RATECHANGE_WINDOW 90 /* allow rate changes after 90s */ #define BAT_CHARGE_MODEL_LIMIT 60 /* linear charge model cutover point */ #define BAT_RATE_SMOOTHING 0.3 /* rate smoothing weight */ /* #define BAT_ESTIMATE_DEBUG */ /* user-provided nominal battery runtimes, hrs (used to determine initial | discharge, stable, charge rate (%/min)) */ static gfloat estimate_runtime[2] = {0}; static gint estimate_model[2] = {0}; static gboolean reset_estimate; static void estimate_battery_time_left(Battery *bat) { /* ?0 = at time 0 (state change); ?1 = at last "sample" (rate change) */ static time_t t0 = -1, t1; static gint p0, p1; static gint c0; static gfloat rate = 0; static time_t dt; static gint dp; time_t t = time(NULL); /* 1 charging; 0 power on and stable; -1 discharging */ gint charging = bat->charging ? 1 : (bat->on_line ? 0 : -1); #ifdef BAT_ESTIMATE_DEBUG fprintf(stderr, "%ld bc?=%d ac?=%d (%+d) bp=%d\t", t, bat->charging, bat->on_line, charging, bat->percent); #endif if ( reset_estimate || t0 < 0 || c0 != charging || (t - t1) > BAT_SLEEP_DETECT ) { /* init, state change, or sleep/hibernation */ reset_estimate = FALSE; c0 = charging; t0 = t1 = t; if (charging < 0 && (bat->percent > 100 - BAT_DISCHARGE_TRANSIENT)) p0 = p1 = 100 - BAT_DISCHARGE_TRANSIENT; else p0 = p1 = bat->percent; dp = dt = 0; rate = 0.0; /* convert runtime (hrs) to signed rate (%/min) */ if (charging < 0) rate = -100 / (estimate_runtime[0] * 60); else if (charging > 0) rate = 100 / (estimate_runtime[1] * 60); #ifdef BAT_ESTIMATE_DEBUG fprintf(stderr, "[r = %.3f]\t", rate); #endif } else { time_t dt1 = t - t1; /* delta since last rate change */ gint dp1 = bat->percent - p1; /* time for a rate change? */ if ( dt1 > BAT_RATECHANGE_WINDOW && ((charging > 0 && dp1 >= 0) || (charging < 0 && dp1 <= 0)) ) { dt = t - t0; /* since state change */ dp = bat->percent - p0; if (dp1 == 0) /* flatlining (dp/dt = 0) */ rate = (1 - BAT_RATE_SMOOTHING/4) * rate; else rate = BAT_RATE_SMOOTHING * ((gdouble) dp / (gdouble) (dt/60)) + (1 - BAT_RATE_SMOOTHING) * rate; #ifdef BAT_ESTIMATE_DEBUG fprintf(stderr, "%d [dp = %+d dt = %.2f rate = %.3f]\t", (gint) dp1, dp, (gdouble) dt / 60, rate); #endif t1 = t; p1 = bat->percent; } } if (charging && rate != 0.0) /* (dis)charging */ { gfloat eta; gint p = charging > 0 ? 100 - bat->percent : bat->percent - BAT_EMPTY_CAPACITY; if ( charging > 0 && estimate_model[1] && bat->percent < BAT_CHARGE_MODEL_LIMIT && dp > 0 ) /* charging, use exponential: eta =~ 2.5 * time-constant (~=92%) */ eta = -2.5 * dt/60 / (log(1 - (gdouble)dp/(gdouble)(p+dp))); else eta = abs((gdouble)p / rate); /* use linear */ #ifdef BAT_ESTIMATE_DEBUG fprintf(stderr, "eta = %.2f\t", eta); #endif /* round off to nearest 5 mins */ bat->time_left = (gint)((eta > 0 ? eta + 2.5: 0) / 5) * 5; bat->charge_rate = rate; } else { bat->time_left = INT_MAX; /* inf */ bat->charge_rate = 0.0; } #ifdef BAT_ESTIMATE_DEBUG fprintf(stderr, "\n"); #endif } static void draw_time_left_decal(Battery *bat, gboolean force) { GkrellmDecal *d; gchar buf[16]; gint x, w, t; int battery_display_mode = bat->display_mode; static BatteryDisplayMode last_mode = BATTERYDISPLAY_EOM; if (!bat->panel) return; if (bat->time_left == -1) battery_display_mode = BATTERYDISPLAY_PERCENT; if (last_mode != battery_display_mode) force = TRUE; last_mode = bat->display_mode; switch (battery_display_mode) { case BATTERYDISPLAY_TIME: t = bat->time_left; if (t == INT_MAX || t == INT_MIN) snprintf(buf, sizeof(buf), "--"); else snprintf(buf, sizeof(buf), "%2d:%02d", t / 60, t % 60); break; case BATTERYDISPLAY_RATE: /* t is used by draw_decal_text() to see if a refresh is reqd */ t = (gint) (bat->charge_rate * 100.0); snprintf(buf, sizeof(buf), "%0.1f%%/m", bat->charge_rate); break; case BATTERYDISPLAY_PERCENT: default: t = bat->percent; if (t == -1) /* APM battery flags should cause hide... but */ snprintf(buf, sizeof(buf), "no bat"); else snprintf(buf, sizeof(buf), "%d%%", t); break; } d = bat->time_decal; w = gkrellm_gdk_string_width(d->text_style.font, buf); x = (d->w - w) / 2; if (x < 0) x = 0; d->x_off = x; gkrellm_draw_decal_text(bat->panel, d, buf, force ? -1 : t); } static void update_battery_panel(Battery *bat) { GkrellmPanel *p = bat->panel; if (!p) return; if (!bat->present) { /* Battery can be removed while running */ gkrellm_panel_hide(p); return; } gkrellm_panel_show(p); if (bat->time_left > 0 && bat->charging) bat->charge_rate = (gfloat) (100 - bat->percent) / (gfloat) bat->time_left; else bat->charge_rate = 0.0; if (enable_estimate) estimate_battery_time_left(bat); if (bat->on_line) { gkrellm_reset_alert(bat->alert); gkrellm_freeze_alert(bat->alert); gkrellm_draw_decal_pixmap(p, bat->power_decal, D_MISC_AC); } else { if ( (bat == composite_battery && enable_composite) || (bat != composite_battery && enable_each) ) { gkrellm_thaw_alert(bat->alert); gkrellm_check_alert(bat->alert, alert_units_percent ? bat->percent : bat->time_left); } gkrellm_draw_decal_pixmap(p, bat->power_decal, D_MISC_BATTERY); } draw_time_left_decal(bat, FALSE); gkrellm_update_krell(p, bat->krell, bat->percent); gkrellm_draw_panel_layers(p); } static void update_battery(void) { GList *list; Battery *bat; static gint seconds = 0; if (!enable_each && !enable_composite) return; if (GK.second_tick) { if (seconds == 0) { for (list = battery_list; list; list = list->next) ((Battery *) list->data)->present = FALSE; (*read_battery_data)(); for (list = battery_list; list; list = list->next) { bat = (Battery *) list->data; if (!bat->panel) create_battery_panel(bat, TRUE); if (bat->enabled) update_battery_panel(bat); } } seconds = (seconds + 1) % poll_interval; } } static gboolean cb_expose_event(GtkWidget *widget, GdkEventExpose *ev, GkrellmPanel *p) { gdk_draw_drawable(gtk_widget_get_window(widget), gtk_widget_get_style(widget)->fg_gc[gtk_widget_get_state(widget)], p->pixmap, ev->area.x, ev->area.y, ev->area.x, ev->area.y, ev->area.width, ev->area.height); return FALSE; } static gboolean cb_panel_enter(GtkWidget *w, GdkEventButton *ev, Battery *bat) { gkrellm_decal_on_top_layer(bat->time_decal, TRUE); gkrellm_draw_panel_layers(bat->panel); return FALSE; } static gboolean cb_panel_leave(GtkWidget *w, GdkEventButton *ev, Battery *bat) { gkrellm_decal_on_top_layer(bat->time_decal, FALSE); gkrellm_draw_panel_layers(bat->panel); return FALSE; } static gboolean cb_panel_press(GtkWidget *widget, GdkEventButton *ev, Battery *bat) { GkrellmDecal *d; static gboolean time_unavailable_warned; d = launch.decal; if (ev->button == 3) gkrellm_open_config_window(mon_battery); else if ( ev->button == 2 || (ev->button == 1 && !d) || (ev->button == 1 && d && ev->x < d->x) ) { if (bat->time_left == -1 && bat->present) { if (!time_unavailable_warned) gkrellm_message_dialog(_("GKrellM Battery"), _("Battery times are unavailable. You\n" "could select the Estimated Time option.")); time_unavailable_warned = TRUE; bat->display_mode = BATTERYDISPLAY_PERCENT; } else { bat->display_mode++; if (bat->display_mode == BATTERYDISPLAY_EOM) bat->display_mode = 0; draw_time_left_decal(bat, TRUE); gkrellm_draw_panel_layers(bat->panel); gkrellm_config_modified(); } } return FALSE; } static void create_battery_panel(Battery *bat, gboolean first_create) { GkrellmPanel *p; GkrellmStyle *style; GkrellmMargin *m; gint x, w; if (!bat->panel) bat->panel = gkrellm_panel_new0(); p = bat->panel; style = gkrellm_meter_style(style_id); m = gkrellm_get_style_margins(style); bat->power_decal = gkrellm_create_decal_pixmap(p, gkrellm_decal_misc_pixmap(), gkrellm_decal_misc_mask(), N_MISC_DECALS, style, m->left, -1); x = bat->power_decal->x + bat->power_decal->w + 2; w = gkrellm_chart_width() - x - m->right; bat->time_decal = gkrellm_create_decal_text(p, "8/%", gkrellm_meter_textstyle(style_id), style, x, -1, w); bat->krell = gkrellm_create_krell(p, gkrellm_krell_meter_piximage(style_id), style); gkrellm_monotonic_krell_values(bat->krell, FALSE); gkrellm_set_krell_full_scale(bat->krell, 100, 1); gkrellm_panel_configure(p, NULL, style); gkrellm_panel_create(battery_vbox, mon_battery, p); /* Center the decals with respect to each other. */ if (bat->power_decal->h > bat->time_decal->h) bat->time_decal->y += (bat->power_decal->h - bat->time_decal->h) / 2; else bat->power_decal->y += (bat->time_decal->h - bat->power_decal->h) / 2; if (first_create) { g_signal_connect(G_OBJECT(p->drawing_area), "expose_event", G_CALLBACK(cb_expose_event), p); g_signal_connect(G_OBJECT(p->drawing_area), "button_press_event", G_CALLBACK(cb_panel_press), bat); g_signal_connect(G_OBJECT(p->drawing_area), "enter_notify_event", G_CALLBACK(cb_panel_enter), bat); g_signal_connect(G_OBJECT(p->drawing_area), "leave_notify_event", G_CALLBACK(cb_panel_leave), bat); } gkrellm_setup_decal_launcher(p, &launch, bat->time_decal); if ( (bat == composite_battery && enable_composite) || (bat->id == 0 && composite_battery && !enable_composite) || (bat->id == 0 && !composite_battery) ) launch_battery = bat; if (bat == composite_battery) bat->enabled = enable_composite; else bat->enabled = enable_each; if (bat->enabled) update_battery_panel(bat); else gkrellm_panel_hide(p); } static void spacer_visibility(void) { GList *list; Battery *bat; gboolean enabled = FALSE; for (list = battery_list; list; list = list->next) { bat = (Battery *) list->data; enabled |= bat->enabled; } if (enabled) gkrellm_spacers_show(mon_battery); else gkrellm_spacers_hide(mon_battery); } static void create_battery(GtkWidget *vbox, gint first_create) { GList *list; Battery *bat; battery_vbox = vbox; if (_GK.demo) enable_each = TRUE; for (list = battery_list; list; list = list->next) { bat = (Battery *) list->data; create_battery_panel(bat, first_create); } spacer_visibility(); } /* Expand alert command substitution variables: | $H - hostname $n - battery id | $t - time left $p - percent | $o - online (boolean) $c - charging (boolean) */ static void cb_command_process(GkrellmAlert *alert, gchar *src, gchar *buf, gint size, Battery *bat) { gchar c, *s; gint len, value; if (!buf || size < 1) return; --size; *buf = '\0'; if (!src) return; for (s = src; *s != '\0' && size > 0; ++s) { len = 1; if (*s == '$' && *(s + 1) != '\0') { value = -1; if ((c = *(s + 1)) == 'H') len = snprintf(buf, size, "%s", gkrellm_sys_get_host_name()); else if (c == 'n' && bat != composite_battery) value = bat->id; else if (c == 't') value = bat->time_left; else if (c == 'p') value = bat->percent; else if (c == 'o') value = bat->on_line; else if (c == 'c') value = bat->charging; else len = 0; if (value >= 0) len = snprintf(buf, size, "%d", value); ++s; } else *buf = *s; size -= len; buf += len; } *buf = '\0'; } static void cb_battery_alert_trigger(GkrellmAlert *alert, Battery *bat) { GkrellmAlertdecal *ad; GkrellmDecal *d; alert->panel = bat->panel; ad = &alert->ad; d = bat->time_decal; ad->x = d->x + 1; ad->y = d->y - 2; ad->w = d->w - 1; ad->h = d->h + 4; gkrellm_render_default_alert_decal(alert); } static void dup_battery_alert(void) { GList *list; Battery *bat; for (list = battery_list; list; list = list->next) { bat = (Battery *) list->data; gkrellm_alert_dup(&bat->alert, bat_alert); gkrellm_alert_trigger_connect(bat->alert, cb_battery_alert_trigger, bat); gkrellm_alert_command_process_connect(bat->alert, cb_command_process, bat); } } /* If the OS reports battery times, alerts will always have minutes units. | If the OS does not report battery times the initial alert create will | have minutes units if the estimate time option is enabled and it will | have battery percent level units if estimate time option is off. Alert | creates from load config will have units in effect at last save config. */ static void create_alert(void) { Battery *bat; if (!battery_list) return; bat = (Battery *) battery_list->data; if (!bat_alert) { alert_units_need_estimate_mode = FALSE; if ( alert_units_percent || (bat->time_left == -1 && !enable_estimate) ) { if (bat->time_left == -1) alert_units_percent = TRUE; bat_alert = gkrellm_alert_create(NULL, _("Battery"), _("Battery Percent Limits"), FALSE, TRUE, TRUE, 99, 0, 1, 10, 0); } else { bat_alert = gkrellm_alert_create(NULL, _("Battery"), _("Battery Minutes Remaining Limits"), FALSE, TRUE, TRUE, 500, 0, 1, 10, 0); if (bat->time_left == -1) alert_units_need_estimate_mode = TRUE; } } gkrellm_alert_config_connect(bat_alert, dup_battery_alert, NULL); /* This alert is a master to be dupped and is itself never checked */ } static void save_battery_config(FILE *f) { GList *list; Battery *bat; fprintf(f, "%s enable %d\n", BAT_CONFIG_KEYWORD, enable_each); fprintf(f, "%s enable_composite %d\n", BAT_CONFIG_KEYWORD, enable_composite); fprintf(f, "%s estimate_time %d\n", BAT_CONFIG_KEYWORD, enable_estimate); /* 2.1.15: scale saved float values to avoid decimal points in the config. */ fprintf(f, "%s estimate_time_discharge %.0f\n", BAT_CONFIG_KEYWORD, estimate_runtime[0] * GKRELLM_FLOAT_FACTOR); fprintf(f, "%s estimate_time_charge %.0f\n", BAT_CONFIG_KEYWORD, estimate_runtime[1] * GKRELLM_FLOAT_FACTOR); fprintf(f, "%s estimate_time_charge_model %d\n", BAT_CONFIG_KEYWORD, estimate_model[1]); fprintf(f, "%s full_cap_fallback %d\n", BAT_CONFIG_KEYWORD, full_cap_fallback); if (!_GK.client_mode) fprintf(f, "%s poll_interval %d\n", BAT_CONFIG_KEYWORD, poll_interval); if (launch.command) fprintf(f, "%s launch1 %s\n", BAT_CONFIG_KEYWORD, launch.command); if (launch.tooltip_comment) fprintf(f, "%s tooltip_comment %s\n", BAT_CONFIG_KEYWORD, launch.tooltip_comment); fprintf(f, "%s alert_units_percent %d\n", BAT_CONFIG_KEYWORD, alert_units_percent); for (list = battery_list; list; list = list->next) { bat = (Battery *) list->data; if (bat == composite_battery) /* Don't 2.1.16 backwards break */ fprintf(f, "%s display_mode_composite %d %d\n", BAT_CONFIG_KEYWORD, bat->display_mode, bat->id); else fprintf(f, "%s display_mode %d %d\n", BAT_CONFIG_KEYWORD, bat->display_mode, bat->id); } gkrellm_save_alertconfig(f, bat_alert, BAT_CONFIG_KEYWORD, NULL); } static void load_battery_config(gchar *arg) { Battery *bat; gint display_mode, n = 0; gchar config[32], item[CFG_BUFSIZE], name[CFG_BUFSIZE], item1[CFG_BUFSIZE]; if (sscanf(arg, "%31s %[^\n]", config, item) == 2) { if (!strcmp(config, "enable")) sscanf(item, "%d", &enable_each); if (!strcmp(config, "enable_composite")) sscanf(item, "%d", &enable_composite); else if (!strcmp(config, "estimate_time")) sscanf(item, "%d", &enable_estimate); else if (!strcmp(config, "estimate_time_discharge")) { sscanf(item, "%f", &estimate_runtime[0]); estimate_runtime[0] /= _GK.float_factor; } else if (!strcmp(config, "estimate_time_charge")) { sscanf(item, "%f", &estimate_runtime[1]); estimate_runtime[1] /= _GK.float_factor; } else if (!strcmp(config, "estimate_time_charge_model")) sscanf(item, "%d", &estimate_model[1]); else if (!strcmp(config, "full_cap_fallback")) sscanf(item, "%d", &full_cap_fallback); else if (!strcmp(config, "poll_interval")) sscanf(item, "%d", &poll_interval); else if (!strcmp(config, "launch1")) launch.command = g_strdup(item); else if (!strcmp(config, "tooltip_comment")) launch.tooltip_comment = g_strdup(item); else if (!strncmp(config, "display_mode", 12)) { sscanf(item, "%d %d", &display_mode, &n); if ((bat = battery_nth(n, FALSE)) != NULL) bat->display_mode = display_mode; } else if (!strcmp(config, "alert_units_percent")) sscanf(item, "%d", &alert_units_percent); else if (!strcmp(config, GKRELLM_ALERTCONFIG_KEYWORD)) { if (!strncmp(item, "BAT", 3)) /* Config compat musical chairs */ sscanf(item, "%32s %[^\n]", name, item1); else strcpy(item1, item); create_alert(); gkrellm_load_alertconfig(&bat_alert, item1); dup_battery_alert(); } } } static GtkWidget *launch_entry, *tooltip_entry; static GtkWidget *estimate_runtime_spin_button[2], *estimate_model_button[2]; static void update_battery_panels(void) { GList *list; Battery *bat; for (list = battery_list; list; list = list->next) { bat = (Battery *) list->data; if (bat->enabled) update_battery_panel(bat); } } static void cb_set_alert(GtkWidget *button, Battery *bat) { create_alert(); gkrellm_alert_config_window(&bat_alert); } static void alert_units_percent_cb(GtkToggleButton *button, gpointer data) { GList *list; Battery *bat; alert_units_percent = button->active; if (bat_alert) { for (list = battery_list; list; list = list->next) { bat = (Battery *) list->data; gkrellm_reset_alert(bat->alert); gkrellm_alert_destroy(&bat->alert); } gkrellm_alert_destroy(&bat_alert); gkrellm_config_message_dialog(_("GKrellM Battery"), _("The Battery alert units are changed\n" "and the alert must be reconfigured.")); } } static void cb_enable_estimate(GtkToggleButton *button, GtkWidget *box) { GList *list; Battery *bat; gboolean enable; enable = button->active; gtk_widget_set_sensitive(box, enable); if (enable_estimate != enable) { /* If alert units need estimated time mode and estimation switches off, | destroy the alert because the alert units can now only be percent. */ for (list = battery_list; list; list = list->next) { bat = (Battery *) list->data; if (bat->alert && (!enable && alert_units_need_estimate_mode)) gkrellm_alert_destroy(&bat->alert); } if ( bat_alert && (!enable && alert_units_need_estimate_mode) && !alert_units_percent ) { gkrellm_alert_destroy(&bat_alert); gkrellm_config_message_dialog(_("GKrellM Battery"), _("The Battery alert units are changed\n" "and the alert must be reconfigured.")); } } enable_estimate = enable; update_battery_panels(); } static void cb_runtime(GtkWidget *entry, gpointer data) { gint i = GPOINTER_TO_INT(data) - 1; estimate_runtime[i] = gtk_spin_button_get_value( GTK_SPIN_BUTTON(estimate_runtime_spin_button[i])); reset_estimate = TRUE; update_battery_panels(); } static void cb_enable(GtkToggleButton *button, gpointer data) { GList *list; Battery *bat; gint which = GPOINTER_TO_INT(data); if (which == 0) enable_composite = enable_each = button->active; else if (which == 1) enable_each = button->active; else if (which == 2) enable_composite = button->active; for (list = battery_list; list; list = list->next) { bat = (Battery *) list->data; if (bat == composite_battery) bat->enabled = enable_composite; else bat->enabled = enable_each; if (bat->enabled) { gkrellm_panel_show(bat->panel); update_battery_panel(bat); } else { gkrellm_reset_alert(bat->alert); gkrellm_panel_hide(bat->panel); } } if (composite_battery) { gkrellm_remove_launcher(&launch); if (composite_battery->enabled) { gkrellm_setup_decal_launcher(composite_battery->panel, &launch, composite_battery->time_decal); launch_battery = composite_battery; } else { bat = battery_nth(0, FALSE); if (bat && bat->enabled) { gkrellm_setup_decal_launcher(bat->panel, &launch, bat->time_decal); launch_battery = bat; } } } spacer_visibility(); } static void cb_estimate_model(GtkWidget *entry, gpointer data) { gint i = GPOINTER_TO_INT(data); estimate_model[i] = GTK_TOGGLE_BUTTON(estimate_model_button[i])->active; reset_estimate = TRUE; update_battery_panels(); } static void cb_poll_interval(GtkWidget *entry, GtkSpinButton *spin) { poll_interval = gtk_spin_button_get_value_as_int(spin); } static void cb_launch_entry(GtkWidget *widget, gpointer data) { if (!launch_battery) return; gkrellm_apply_launcher(&launch_entry, &tooltip_entry, launch_battery->panel, &launch, gkrellm_launch_button_cb); } static gchar *battery_info_text[] = { N_("Setup\n"), N_("Display Estimated Time\n"), N_("If battery times are not reported by the BIOS or if the reported times\n" "are inaccurate, select this option to display a battery time remaining or\n" "time to charge which is calculated based on the current battery percentage\n" "level, user supplied total battery times, and a linear extrapolation model.\n"), "\n", N_("Total Battery Times\n"), N_("Enter the typical total run time and total charge time in hours for your\n" "battery.\n"), "\n", N_("Exponential Charge Model\n"), /* xgettext:no-c-format */ N_("For some charging systems battery capacity rises exponentially, which\n" "means the simple linear model will grossly underestimate the time to 100%.\n" "Select the exponential model for more accuracy in this case.\n"), "\n", "", N_("Alerts"), "\n", N_("Substitution variables may be used in alert commands.\n"), N_("\t$p battery percent level.\n"), N_("\t$t battery time left.\n"), N_("\t$n battery number.\n"), N_("\t$o online state (boolean).\n"), N_("\t$c charging state (boolean).\n"), "\n", N_("Mouse Button Actions:\n"), N_("\tLeft "), N_(" click on the charging state decal to toggle the display mode\n" "\t\tbetween a minutes, percentage, or charging rate display.\n"), N_("\tMiddle "), N_(" clicking anywhere on the Battery panel also toggles the display mode.\n") }; static void create_battery_tab(GtkWidget *tab_vbox) { GtkWidget *tabs, *table, *vbox, *vbox1, *vbox2, *hbox, *hbox2, *text; Battery *bat; gint i; tabs = gtk_notebook_new(); gtk_notebook_set_tab_pos(GTK_NOTEBOOK(tabs), GTK_POS_TOP); gtk_box_pack_start(GTK_BOX(tab_vbox), tabs, TRUE, TRUE, 0); /* -- Setup tab */ vbox = gkrellm_gtk_notebook_page(tabs, _("Options")); vbox = gkrellm_gtk_framed_vbox(vbox, NULL, 2, TRUE, 10, 6); if (composite_battery && n_batteries > 0) { vbox1 = gkrellm_gtk_category_vbox(vbox, _("Enable"), 2, 2, TRUE); gkrellm_gtk_check_button_connected(vbox1, NULL, enable_composite, FALSE, FALSE, 0, cb_enable, GINT_TO_POINTER(2), _("Composite Battery")); gkrellm_gtk_check_button_connected(vbox1, NULL, enable_each, FALSE, FALSE, 0, cb_enable, GINT_TO_POINTER(1), _("Real Batteries")); } else gkrellm_gtk_check_button_connected(vbox, NULL, enable_each, FALSE, FALSE, 10, cb_enable, GINT_TO_POINTER(0), _("Enable Battery")); vbox2 = gtk_vbox_new(FALSE, 0); gtk_box_pack_start(GTK_BOX(vbox), vbox2, FALSE, FALSE, 0); vbox1 = gtk_vbox_new(FALSE, 0); gkrellm_gtk_check_button_connected(vbox2, NULL, enable_estimate, FALSE, FALSE, 2, cb_enable_estimate, vbox1, _("Display estimated time remaining and time to charge")); gtk_widget_set_sensitive(vbox1, enable_estimate ? TRUE : FALSE); gtk_box_pack_start(GTK_BOX(vbox2), vbox1, FALSE, FALSE, 0); vbox1 = gkrellm_gtk_category_vbox(vbox1, NULL, 0, 0, TRUE); gkrellm_gtk_spin_button(vbox1, &estimate_runtime_spin_button[0], estimate_runtime[0], 0.1, 24, 0.1, 1.0, 1, 55, cb_runtime, GINT_TO_POINTER(1), FALSE, _("Total battery run time in hours")); gkrellm_gtk_spin_button(vbox1, &estimate_runtime_spin_button[1], estimate_runtime[1], 0.1, 24, 0.1, 1.0, 1, 55, cb_runtime, GINT_TO_POINTER(2), FALSE, _("Total battery charge time in hours")); gkrellm_gtk_check_button_connected(vbox1, &estimate_model_button[1], estimate_model[1], FALSE, FALSE, 0, cb_estimate_model, GINT_TO_POINTER(1), _("Exponential charge model")); if (!_GK.client_mode) { hbox2 = gtk_hbox_new(FALSE, 0); gkrellm_gtk_spin_button(hbox2, NULL, (gfloat) poll_interval, 1, 3600, 1, 10, 0, 55, cb_poll_interval, NULL, FALSE, _("Seconds between updates")); gtk_box_pack_end(GTK_BOX(vbox), hbox2, FALSE, FALSE, 6); } vbox = gkrellm_gtk_framed_notebook_page(tabs, _("Setup")); vbox1 = gkrellm_gtk_category_vbox(vbox, _("Launch Commands"), 4, 0, TRUE); table = gkrellm_gtk_launcher_table_new(vbox1, 1); gkrellm_gtk_config_launcher(table, 0, &launch_entry, &tooltip_entry, _("Battery"), &launch); g_signal_connect(G_OBJECT(launch_entry), "changed", G_CALLBACK(cb_launch_entry), NULL); g_signal_connect(G_OBJECT(tooltip_entry), "changed", G_CALLBACK(cb_launch_entry), NULL); hbox = gtk_hbox_new(FALSE, 0); gtk_box_pack_end(GTK_BOX(vbox), hbox, FALSE, FALSE, 8); gkrellm_gtk_alert_button(hbox, NULL, FALSE, FALSE, 4, TRUE, cb_set_alert, NULL); if (battery_list) { bat = (Battery *) battery_list->data; if (bat && bat->time_left >= 0) /* No choice if no battery times */ gkrellm_gtk_check_button_connected(hbox, NULL, alert_units_percent, FALSE, FALSE, 16, alert_units_percent_cb, NULL, _("Alerts check for percent capacity remaining.")); } /* --Info tab */ vbox = gkrellm_gtk_framed_notebook_page(tabs, _("Info")); text = gkrellm_gtk_scrolled_text_view(vbox, NULL, GTK_POLICY_AUTOMATIC, GTK_POLICY_AUTOMATIC); for (i = 0; i < sizeof(battery_info_text)/sizeof(gchar *); ++i) gkrellm_gtk_text_view_append(text, _(battery_info_text[i])); } static GkrellmMonitor monitor_battery = { N_("Battery"), /* Name, for config tab. */ MON_BATTERY, /* Id, 0 if a plugin */ create_battery, /* The create function */ update_battery, /* The update function */ create_battery_tab, /* The config tab create function */ NULL, /* Apply the config function */ save_battery_config, /* Save user conifg */ load_battery_config, /* Load user config */ BAT_CONFIG_KEYWORD, /* config keyword */ NULL, /* Undef 2 */ NULL, /* Undef 1 */ NULL, /* Undef 0 */ 0, /* insert_before_id - place plugin before this mon */ NULL, /* Handle if a plugin, filled in by GKrellM */ NULL /* path if a plugin, filled in by GKrellM */ }; GkrellmMonitor * gkrellm_init_battery_monitor(void) { estimate_runtime[0] = 1.5; /* 1.5 hour battery */ estimate_runtime[1] = 3.0; /* 3 hour recharge */ if (_GK.client_mode) poll_interval = 1; monitor_battery.name=_(monitor_battery.name); style_id = gkrellm_add_meter_style(&monitor_battery, BATTERY_STYLE_NAME); mon_battery = &monitor_battery; if (setup_battery_interface()) { (*read_battery_data)(); return &monitor_battery; } return NULL; }