2011-04-07 14:30:45 +04:00

28 lines
1.0 KiB
Executable File

# siteget - Use wget to retrieve a website
if [ "$#" -ne "1" ]
echo "$(basename ${0}) <URL>"
echo ""
echo "Get a website or book on the web using wget. It's a one-liner, but"
echo "it uses a lot of options, so I put it in a script. Takes one option,"
echo "a top-level URL."
exit 1
# --mirror gives infinite recursion, follows links ...
# --convert-links converts links for local viewing
# --no-verbose is a relatively quiet (but not silent) mode
# --no-parent won't traverse up the tree - don't know how this combines with
# "page-requisites," but I hope the latter wins ... (seems to work well)
# --page-requisites get images (inline OR external) for local viewing
# --user-agent sets a user agent string because some sites send empty pages if
# they don't like wget, so I use the string for what I'll be viewing with
cd /home/kolan/websites
wget --mirror --convert-links --no-verbose --no-parent --page-requisites \
--user-agent="Mozilla/5.0 (compatible; Konqueror/3.0.0/10; Linux)" ${1}