public static int main (string[] args) { try { // Custom location: string settings_dir = Path.get_dirname (args[0]); SettingsSchemaSource sss = new SettingsSchemaSource.from_directory (settings_dir, null, false); SettingsSchema schema = sss.lookup ("org.example.glib-settings-schema-source", false); if (sss.lookup == null) { stdout.printf ("ID not found."); return 0; } Settings settings = new Settings.full (schema, null, null); // Default location: (XDG_DATA_DIRS) // Settings settings = new Settings ("org.example.glib-settings-schema-source"); // Output: ``Hello, earthlings`` string greeting = settings.get_string ("greeting"); stdout.printf ("%s\n", greeting); // Output: ``99`` int bottles = settings.get_int ("bottles-of-beer"); stdout.printf ("%d\n", bottles); // Output: ``false`` bool lighting = settings.get_boolean ("lighting"); stdout.printf ("%s\n", lighting.to_string ()); // Change notification for any key in the schema settings.changed.connect ((key) => { print ("Key '%s' changed\n", key); }); // Change notification for a single key settings.changed["greeting"].connect (() => { print ("New greeting: %s\n", settings.get_string ("greeting")); }); // Setting keys // Output: // ``Key 'bottles-of-beer' changed`` // ``Key 'lighting' changed`` // ``Key 'greeting' changed`` // ``New greeting: hello, world`` settings.set_int ("bottles-of-beer", bottles - 1); settings.set_boolean ("lighting", !lighting); settings.set_string ("greeting", "hello, world"); stdout.puts ("\nPlease start 'dconf-editor' and edit keys in /org/example/my-app/\n"); new MainLoop ().run (); } catch (Error e) { stdout.printf ("Error: %s\n", e.message); } return 0; }