2011-05-30 19:01:11 +04:00
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2011-05-30 19:01:11 +04:00
2011-05-27 10:19:37 +04:00
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2011-05-30 19:01:11 +04:00
2011-05-27 10:19:37 +04:00
К о е -кто из комментаторов распалялся по поводу того, что, дескать,
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всё уже давно написано, читайте книжки
\begin_inset Quotes erd
2011-05-30 19:01:11 +04:00
. Я ещё раз уточню свою позицию по этому поводу: время тыкания людей в пудовые талмуды и дурно написанные маны прошло. Документация, как и программы, должны быть повёрнуты к пользователю лицом, а не задницей. Специализированные методические пособия типа этого помогут людям начать разбираться с предметом, подталкивая к изучению книг и делая кривую обучения более пологой. Н о это лирика и я не буду на ней задерживаться.
2011-05-27 10:19:37 +04:00
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2011-05-30 19:01:11 +04:00
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2011-05-30 19:01:11 +04:00
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2011-05-27 10:19:37 +04:00
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2011-05-30 19:01:11 +04:00
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2011-05-30 19:01:11 +04:00
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2011-05-27 10:19:37 +04:00
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2011-05-30 19:01:11 +04:00
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2011-05-30 19:01:11 +04:00
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2011-05-27 10:19:37 +04:00
An optional table caption ...
A long table
2011-05-30 19:01:11 +04:00
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2011-05-30 19:01:11 +04:00
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2011-05-27 10:19:37 +04:00
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2011-05-27 10:19:37 +04:00
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2011-05-30 19:01:11 +04:00
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2011-05-27 10:19:37 +04:00
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2011-05-30 19:01:11 +04:00
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2011-05-30 19:01:11 +04:00
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2011-05-30 19:01:11 +04:00
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2011-05-27 10:19:37 +04:00
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2011-05-30 19:01:11 +04:00
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2011-05-27 10:19:37 +04:00
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2011-05-27 10:19:37 +04:00
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2011-05-27 10:19:37 +04:00
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2011-05-30 19:01:11 +04:00
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2011-05-27 10:19:37 +04:00
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2011-05-30 19:01:11 +04:00
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2011-05-27 10:19:37 +04:00
2011-05-30 19:01:11 +04:00
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2011-05-27 10:19:37 +04:00
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2011-05-30 19:01:11 +04:00
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2011-05-27 10:19:37 +04:00
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2011-05-30 19:01:11 +04:00
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2011-05-27 10:19:37 +04:00
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2011-05-30 19:01:11 +04:00
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2011-05-30 19:01:11 +04:00
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2011-05-27 10:19:37 +04:00
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2011-05-30 19:01:11 +04:00
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2011-05-27 10:19:37 +04:00
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2011-05-30 19:01:11 +04:00
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2011-05-27 10:19:37 +04:00
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2011-05-30 19:01:11 +04:00
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2011-05-27 10:19:37 +04:00
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2011-05-30 19:01:11 +04:00
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2011-05-27 10:19:37 +04:00
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2011-05-30 19:01:11 +04:00
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2011-05-27 10:19:37 +04:00
env{longtable} columns are specified& in the
2011-05-30 19:01:11 +04:00
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2011-05-27 10:19:37 +04:00
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2011-05-30 19:01:11 +04:00
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2011-05-27 10:19:37 +04:00
%~ same way as in the
env{tabular}& environment.
2011-05-30 19:01:11 +04:00
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2011-05-27 10:19:37 +04:00
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2011-05-30 19:01:11 +04:00
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2011-05-27 10:19:37 +04:00
%~ ...
2011-05-30 19:01:11 +04:00
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2011-05-27 10:19:37 +04:00
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2011-05-30 19:01:11 +04:00
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2011-05-27 10:19:37 +04:00
multicolumn{2}{||c||}{This is a ...}
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2011-05-30 19:01:11 +04:00
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2011-05-27 10:19:37 +04:00
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2011-05-30 19:01:11 +04:00
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2011-05-27 10:19:37 +04:00
%~ ...
2011-05-30 19:01:11 +04:00
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2011-05-27 10:19:37 +04:00
Some lines may take...
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2011-05-30 19:01:11 +04:00
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2011-05-27 10:19:37 +04:00
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2011-05-30 19:01:11 +04:00
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2011-05-27 10:19:37 +04:00
2011-05-30 19:01:11 +04:00
This last column is a ‘ ‘ p’ ’ column...
2011-05-27 10:19:37 +04:00
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2011-05-30 19:01:11 +04:00
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2011-05-27 10:19:37 +04:00
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2011-05-30 19:01:11 +04:00
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2011-05-27 10:19:37 +04:00
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2011-05-30 19:01:11 +04:00
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2011-05-27 10:19:37 +04:00
Lots of lines
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2011-05-30 19:01:11 +04:00
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2011-05-27 10:19:37 +04:00
like this.
2011-05-30 19:01:11 +04:00
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2011-05-27 10:19:37 +04:00
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2011-05-30 19:01:11 +04:00
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2011-05-27 10:19:37 +04:00
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2011-05-30 19:01:11 +04:00
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2011-05-27 10:19:37 +04:00
%~ ...
2011-05-30 19:01:11 +04:00
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2011-05-27 10:19:37 +04:00
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2011-05-30 19:01:11 +04:00
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2011-05-27 10:19:37 +04:00
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2011-05-30 19:01:11 +04:00
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2011-05-27 10:19:37 +04:00
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2011-05-30 19:01:11 +04:00
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2011-05-27 10:19:37 +04:00
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2011-05-30 19:01:11 +04:00
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2011-05-27 10:19:37 +04:00
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2011-05-30 19:01:11 +04:00
\begin_layout Standard
2011-05-27 10:19:37 +04:00
2011-05-30 19:01:11 +04:00
<row topline="true">
2011-05-27 10:19:37 +04:00
<cell alignment="none" valignment="top" topline="true" usebox="none">
\begin_inset Text
2011-05-30 19:01:11 +04:00
\begin_layout Standard
2011-05-27 10:19:37 +04:00
Lots of lines
<cell alignment="none" valignment="top" topline="true" usebox="none">
\begin_inset Text
2011-05-30 19:01:11 +04:00
\begin_layout Standard
2011-05-27 10:19:37 +04:00
like this.
<cell alignment="none" valignment="top" usebox="none">
\begin_inset Text
2011-05-30 19:01:11 +04:00
\begin_layout Standard
2011-05-27 10:19:37 +04:00
\begin_inset ERT
status collapsed
2011-05-30 19:01:11 +04:00
\begin_layout Standard
2011-05-27 10:19:37 +04:00
%~ ...
2011-05-30 19:01:11 +04:00
\begin_layout Standard
2011-05-27 10:19:37 +04:00
<cell alignment="none" valignment="top" usebox="none">
\begin_inset Text