If unchecked, issues can not be assigned to users having this role. git-svn-id: http://redmine.rubyforge.org/svn/trunk@649 e93f8b46-1217-0410-a6f0-8f06a7374b81
41 lines
1.9 KiB
41 lines
1.9 KiB
<h2><%=l(:label_issue)%> #<%= @issue.id %>: <%=h @issue.subject %></h2>
<%= error_messages_for 'issue' %>
<% labelled_tabular_form_for(:issue, @issue, :url => {:action => 'change_status', :id => @issue}, :html => {:multipart => true}) do |f| %>
<%= hidden_field_tag 'confirm', 1 %>
<%= hidden_field_tag 'new_status_id', @new_status.id %>
<%= f.hidden_field :lock_version %>
<div class="box">
<div class="splitcontentleft">
<p><label><%=l(:label_issue_status_new)%></label> <%= @new_status.name %></p>
<p><%= f.select :assigned_to_id, (@issue.assignable_users.collect {|m| [m.name, m.id]}), :include_blank => true %></p>
<p><%= f.select :done_ratio, ((0..10).to_a.collect {|r| ["#{r*10} %", r*10] }) %></p>
<p><%= f.select :fixed_version_id, (@project.versions.sort.collect {|v| [v.name, v.id]}), { :include_blank => true } %></p>
<div class="splitcontentright">
<% if authorize_for('timelog', 'edit') %>
<% fields_for :time_entry, @time_entry, { :builder => TabularFormBuilder, :lang => current_language} do |time_entry| %>
<p><%= time_entry.text_field :hours, :size => 6, :label => :label_spent_time %> <%= l(:field_hours) %></p>
<p><%= time_entry.text_field :comments, :size => 40 %></p>
<p><%= time_entry.select :activity_id, (@activities.collect {|p| [p.name, p.id]}) %></p>
<% end %>
<% end %>
<div class="clear"></div>
<p><label for="notes"><%= l(:field_notes) %></label>
<%= text_area_tag 'notes', @notes, :cols => 60, :rows => 10, :class => 'wiki-edit' %></p>
<% if authorize_for('issues', 'add_attachment') %>
<p id="attachments_p"><label><%=l(:label_attachment_new)%>
<%= image_to_function "add.png", "addFileField();return false" %></label>
<%= file_field_tag 'attachments[]', :size => 30 %> <em>(<%= l(:label_max_size) %>: <%= number_to_human_size(Setting.attachment_max_size.to_i.kilobytes) %>)</em></p>
<% end %>
<%= submit_tag l(:button_save) %>
<% end %>